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Aim of the study

How work environment of a health worker affects mental-emotional health and identify strategies
to cope with their distress.

The sample only included professionals working in one local hospital making the study invalid for
representation of a whole country an cannot be generalized.

Research Problem
What are the effects of healthcare workers’ job environment their mental health?

Used coping strategies for stressful events questionnaires, stratified random sampling

Mental health of the participant can be affected by their work environment. Positive assessments,
quitting and seeking social support are factors that affects participant’s over-all health. Gender is
also a factor for females where found out to have lesser physical distress in comparison with males.

Positive assessments, quitting and seeking social support are factors that affects participant’s over-
all health. Gender is also a factor for females where found out to have lesser physical distress in
comparison with males.
The prolonged exposure to stress may trigger negative effects in an individual affecting overall
health and quality of living.

Health workers should be subjected for time for relaxations and be provided with stress
management strategies.

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