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Website Review for Contract Review Philippines

This site is certainly appealing because the layout is so simple which makes it easy for an
average person with no technical background to flawlessly navigate. The background pictures
used make the design more professional in approach which is very fitting for the site’s purpose
which is contract review. These pictures include two persons talking – one showing a file from a
tablet while the other one is discussing, showing a lawyer-client relationship in the course of
reviewing a contract. The rest of the pictures include a gavel and weighing scale which project a
symbol of justice and the legal profession. These pictures are shown in the background while
scrolling down to the bottom of the website page. The idea of keeping a monochrome
foreground and background on the page is quite outstanding. It makes the website not too
entertaining nor extravagant for what is being advertised is a legal service by a lawyer or law
firm and not some sort of merchandises or commodities by a merchant.

Upon landing on the website page, the section showing the number of visitors will
automatically capture the audience’s attention because it is placed right in the middle of the
screen with a font size bigger than that used for the Business name. The webpage shows that
the same was copyrighted in 2019 but as of March 2, 2020, the total number of visitors counted
was only at 53. For some, this may be an indication that the business is not yet established nor
is reliable enough to trust their service.

Equally important to notice are the actual contents of the webpage. Time and time again,
lawyers are reminded that the practice of law is a profession and not a business; lawyers should
not advertise their talents as merchants advertise their wares. This is on the theory that a
lawyer’s best advertisement is a well-merited reputation for professional capacity and fidelity to
trust based on his character and conduct. In the Philippines, Filipino lawyers are only allowed to
announce their services by publication in reputable law lists or use of simple professional cards.

Rules 2.03 and 3.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility read:

Rule 2.03 - A lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any act designed primarily to solicit legal
Rule 3.01 - A lawyer shall not use or permit the use of any false, fraudulent, misleading,
deceptive, undignified, self-laudatory or unfair statement or claim regarding his qualifications or
legal services.
Nonetheless, the solicitation of legal business is not altogether proscribed. Solicitation is
allowed if made in a manner compatible with the dignity of the legal profession which means
that it must be done in a modest and decorous manner. Publication in a reputable law lists, in a
manner consistent with the standards of conduct imposed by the Canon, of brief biological and
informative data is likewise allowable.
On the webpage, one section provides the summary of the legal service offered, it reads:
“Contract Review Philippines is our lawyers’ initiative to meet the legal service needs of local
and foreign entrepreneurs doing business in the Philippines; in the most convenient channel –
online. We provide our clients with professional legal opinion prior to execution of their
contract. “
It further says:
“Contract Review Philippines helps with the rational analysis of contracts which is vital
to business deals. Having your agreements reviewed by a legal professional mitigates the risks
& possible losses in the future.”
After proper observance of said display, it can be said that the same adheres to the allowed kind
of solicitation in the legal profession. The page does not present any self-laudatory claims
regarding its qualifications nor legal services. It simply provides the kind of legal service it offers
to the public which is in particular, the contract review via online. The same is true with their
tagline “Reaching out has never been this easy. Connect to your lawyer today.” The enticement
presented is not too extravagant to warrant a violation of the aforementioned rules.
However, the above observation may not at all apply to the other parts of the website. One of
the three links placed below the tagline is Contract Review tab which routes the audience to
another section of the web page. In said section, it says, “ We want all of our clients to
experience an impressive level of professionalism when working with Contract Review
Philippines. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easy  and stress-free.”
(Underscoring supplied)
The use of said words apparently violate Rule 3.01 that lawyers should not make self-laudatory
statements or claims regarding its qualifications or legal services. This violation is committed in
giving assurance to the audience that they will experience impressive level of professionalism or
that their lives will be made easy and stress-free when the same may not be true.
Another violation is shown under the Process Made Easy Tab. This section summarizes the flow
of transaction. It begins with the client uploading the document to be reviewed, followed by the
quotation of service fee with proof of payment to be submitted, and then the actual review by
the lawyer.
Canon 14 of the Code provides that a lawyer shall not refuse his services to the needy. This must
be read in conjunction to Rule 2.01 which states that a lawyer shall not reject, except for valid
reasons, the cause of the defenseless or the oppressed. Destitute clients subject to any sort of
contract may wish to have the same reviewed. To bluntly require a proof of payment before
agreeing to render legal service is considerably harsh.
In sum, the design is very consistent throughout all of the pages- clean and easy to read.
However, the presentation of advertisement is not entirely allowed by the rules found in the
Code of Professional Responsibility specifically Rules 2.01, 2.03, 3.01, and Canon 14.

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