TAIPEI 2010 17 December - 22 December: Day Time Activity Cost

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17 December – 22 December

Day Time Activity Details Cost

17 December 0805 – 1610 Flight SG – HK – TP S$666
1610 – 1830 To TS Hotel Freego (direct) - On the left after exiting airport entrance, or, Freego: NT 280 (2-way)
KuoKuang (buy at left of customs exit, transfer at Taipei Main Station using MRT to
Ximen MRT or cab) [Appendix 1] KuoKuang: NT130, <NT100 for cab
1830 – 1900 Rest
1900 – 2300 士林夜市 Jiantan Station 剑潭捷运站 > Exit 2
士林豪大大鸡排,刀削面, 猪肝汤,大头龙鸡蛋蚵仔煎(Booth 200),高 雄 肉丸,士林老字
号大饼包小饼(Booth 501),升记士林大香肠 (Booth 308),蕃茄沾姜汁,东山鸭头,青蛙下
蛋,忠诚号生炒花枝 (Booth 440),红油抄手等,生炒花枝羹,士林十全排骨 (Booth
2300 Take cab
18 December 0900 – 0930 Breakfast @ JSP @ JSP Burger Joint outside TS Hotel
@ 85 Degrees Café opposite TS Hotel, next to convenience store & Fei Tian
Saturday Steamboat (coffee good)
[Appendix 2]
1030 - 1230 Shopping @ East 1) Pacific Sogo Dept Store 太平洋百貨公司 = Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 中孝复兴捷
运站 > Exit 4
2) StayReal 旗舰店 Mayday – Ashin 阿信的店 = Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 中孝敦
化捷运站 > Exit 2 > 1st street turn left

3) Food St 美食街 = Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 中 孝 敦 化 捷 运 站 > Exit 2 > Walk

To 2nd Traffic Light > Cross The Road >Turn Left On Yanji St 延吉街

4) Hello Kitty Sweets 餐厅 = Zhongxiao Fuxing Metro Station 忠 孝 复 兴 捷 运 站 >

Exit 3 > Walk straight & cross the road > Walk straight again & before crossing the
road > Turn right & you’ll see Minamoto Kichoan > Walk straight

5) East Metro Underground Mall 东区地下街(Close @ 2200hrs) = Zhongxiao

Fuxing Metro Station 忠孝复兴捷运站 > Towards Exit 3 / Exit 4, = Zhongxiao
Dunhua Metro Station 忠 孝 敦 化 捷 运 站 > Towards Exit 6 or Exit8

6) Breeze Center 微风广场 = Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 中孝复兴捷运站 > Exit 5

1230 – 1400 Lunch @ Ding Tai Ding Tai Feng 鼎泰丰 = Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 中孝敦化捷运站 > Exit 3 > Will
17 December – 22 December

Feng see a Watsons > Walk straight to the next traffic light, and diagonally across on
your right, can see a shopping mall "ATT" > Should be able to spot the red Ding Tai
Feng signboard. It's located behind this mall

Dessert @ Jacky Jacky Wu's Desert Shop (The Sweet Dynasty)吴宗宪的店(糖潮)

Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 中孝敦化捷运站 > Exit 4 OR
Wu Tang Chao Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 忠孝复兴捷运站 > Exit 5
1400 – 1900 Dan Shui 1. Bangkok Bag Shop(Naraya)曼谷包包店(Naraya) = Danshui Station 淡水捷运站 >
Same street as NT50

2. Danshui Old Street 淡水老街(Close @ 2200hrs) = Danshui Station 淡水捷运站 >

Turn left > Will See Starbucks[Try 百叶温洲大馄饨 which Jay always go and eat

3. NT50 Bag Shop NT50 竣驊包包店 (Close On Mon) = Danshui Station 淡水捷运站
> Turn left > First shop on the left when enter to Danshui Old Street along 新建成饼
店 & Gongming Street 公明街

4. Fisherman's Wharf 渔人码头- NT100 [2 ways] (Close @ 2200hrs) =

Danshui Station 淡水捷运站 > Along the river, you can buy the ferry ticket
[(Produced easycard & get discount or transfer bus Red 26 from interchange
(Directions on where to board the bus, are given at the station) (To buy Fish
Cracker from Ti Hu Master Shop)]. Go at sunset.

Buy Ah Po Tie Dan (阿婆鐵蛋)

Eat Yam pastry (香酥芋頭) - 淡水夜市
小卷,淡水鱼丸(可口鱼丸才是老店),糯米肠 (半屏店), 阿婆的酸梅汤,珍珠奶茶(五十岚
许义鱼酥(味香鱼丸店), 阿婆铁蛋, 黑店排骨饭, 沪尾豆花, 碳烤臭豆腐, 烤鱿鱼
八里 (take cruise)- Buy Song Ji (宋記) Salted Egg/ Century Egg

京采餅舖奶油酥餅。台北縣淡水鎮中正路 133 號。京采餅舖奶

油酥餅位於台北縣淡水鎮, 鄰近京采餅舖奶油酥餅的景點有原
英商嘉士洋行倉庫 、紅樹林展示館、淡水河岸景觀步道、淡
水老街、20 淡大宮燈大道、漫畫博物館、馬偕醫館、淡水紅
17 December – 22 December

1900 – 2200 西門町 Put things back in hotel first
Ximen Metro Station 西门捷运站 > Exit 1 > Turn left

1. Fei Tian Steamboat 飞天麻辣火锅(NT330 - NT360)

2. Ya Rou Bian 鸭肉扁 Ximen Station 西 门 捷 运 站 > Exit 6 > Rainbow lobby >
Walk straight into the alley & walk to the end > Will see the signboard

3. Modern Toilet 便所餐厅(Close @ 2200hrs Ximen Station 西 门 捷 运 站 > Exit 6

-> There is a lane with lots of Tattoo shops near the Neoprint building (3 storeys
with colorful Neon lights in the heart of XMD) > Walk through the lane > Cross the
road at the end to a 7-11 store opposite a multi-storey carpark > The restaurant is
just in front of the two

4. Carrefour

5. Shopping

2230 Walk back to hotel

19 December 0830 – 0900 Breakfast Hotel Breakfast
1000 - 2000 野柳 From Taipei - Yehliu
Board a Kuo Kuang bus from Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal Counter 19 (Next to
Taipei Main Station) to Yehliu -- "Chin Shan Youth Activity Centre"青 山 青 年活动
中心 route, a distance of about 54km. Fare: NT102. Travel Time: About 1hr 20mins.

From Yehliu > Keelung
Walk to where you alighted previously & cross the road to the bus stop outside a
convenience store. Board a Keelung or Danshui bus to Keelung Railway Station, a
distance of about 14km. Fare: NT45. Travel Time: About 40~50mins.

From Keelung > Jiufen
From the staggered bus stop in front of Keelung Railway Station board a Keelung
bus to Jiufen a distance of about 14km (passing by Rueifang Railway Station). The
bus has LED sign display "Jinguashih"金 瓜 石 in English / Chinese without a
service number. Fare: NT45 (To Jiufen). Travel Time: About 40mins.

Note: There is no direct bus from Yehliu to Jinguashih or Jiufen


Board a railway train to Rueifang Railway Station 瑞 芳站 > Transfer to a

17 December – 22 December

Keelung bus outside the station.

After alighting from the train > Exit the station & walk to the front of the railway
station > The road in front of the station is Mingdeng Road Sec 3. If you are going
to Jioufen or Jinguashih 金 瓜 石, you would need to cross Mingdeng Road Sec 3 to
the bus stop just outside the shops & café > Take the Keelung bus heading to
"Jinguashih" for Jioufen. The bus will terminate at Jinguashih. Bus fare: NT22 (To
Jiufen/Jinguashih same bus fare). The bus journey uphill takes about 20mins (to

Alight at the Old street (Chishan Street) stop along the road bend > You can
see the 7-11 convenience store
[For return: Can take a Keelung Bus directly to Taipei > Stops at Raohe St Night
Market 绕河 夜市 or Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Stop (竽 圆 , 果 冻 from Ah Xing's
stall,Li Yi Bing Dian (李仪饼店) OR Li Gu Bing Dian (李鹄饼店)太阳饼,凤梨酥,
芋 头酥,
Mochi). Li Yi has opened a new outlet at Taipei Main Station Front Metro Mall]
和平島? Seafood lunch

九份, 十份 Famous 李儀餅店

吉隆廟口夜市 Take rail train to Keelung station. Take cab to Yeh Liu (~NT350)

Taipei Station 台 北火 车站 > Keelung Train Station 基隆火车站 (appox. 50mins) >
Turn right > Walk straight & you can see MacDonald > Turn right > First cross
junction turn left (Do Visit Lee-hu Pastry Shop (李鵠餅店) OR

Taipei Station 台 北火 车站 > Keelung Train Station 基隆火车站 (appox. 50mins) >
Turn right > Walk straight & you can see MacDonald > Walk the underpass > Walk
天妇罗(Stall 16),陈 氏泡 泡冰 (Stall 41), 营养三明治(Booth 58), 邢记鼎边锉(Booth
豆签羹(Booth 26), 奶油螃蟹(Booth 25-3), 油粿,芋粿(Booth 66),金兴蔴栳(Booth 62)
2100 – 2300 西門町 Back to hotel if tired

20 December 0830 – 0900 Breakfast

CKS Memorial Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station 中正纪念堂站 > Exit 5
See ceremonial march in
Long shan temple
Tang Dynasty Jacky Wu shop
Dessert Shop/
17 December – 22 December

Taipei 101 / Taipei Taipei City Hall Station
Taipei City Hall Metro Station 市政府 捷 运 站 > Exit 2 > Take shelter bus to
Metro Station Taipei 101 OR
East Zone Those that not unable to do on Day 2

Raohe Night
21 December Breakfast
Sun Moon Lake
Feng Jia Night market

22 December
17 December – 22 December

sun moon lake, dan shui + pali, yang ming shan, yeh liu, jiufen, wulai, wu fen
pu, rao he night market, Miramar, Ding tai feng, keelung miaokou night
market, ningxia night market

Appendix 1
17 December – 22 December
17 December – 22 December
17 December – 22 December
17 December – 22 December
17 December – 22 December

Appendix 2
17 December – 22 December

Appendix 3

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