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To: Miss Enger

From: Jake Voigt, JV

Subject: Self and Group Assessment

Date: 12/8/2021


I am writing to inform you of my assessment of myself and of our group. I will give an overview
of how our group worked together, a percentage of the grade each group member earned, an
explanation of why they deserve the grades they earned and also suggestions for things I can
work on to be a better group member.

Part 1

For unit three I felt our group worked extremely well together and I felt our teamwork was a
bright spot in for us group. We were always willing to help each other with the required work
and we always worked well together. Another thing our group did well was to accomplish our
tasks ahead of time so we didn’t have to rush to meet a deadline. This was helpful for all of us
because all of our schedules are busy with work and school, and not having to worry about
getting things done at the last minute was a big help to all of us.

For this unit the only thing I believe we could have done better was to get together when we
completed the usability test. It would’ve been nice to have us all present during the tests so we
could all observe the results and to have more suggestions for improving the set of instructions.
One person has a hard time looking at things from many different viewpoints and our
instructions are meant for a large audience so having more than one viewpoint would’ve been

Part 2

Percent Contribution to Total

Group Member Grade
Project (out of 100%)
Jake 95/100% A B C D F
Josh 100/100% A B C D F
Carl 100/100% A B C D F

Part 3

For myself I believe I contributed 95% of what I could’ve done. The reason I gave myself this is
because I was unable to make it to class the last Friday of this unit. Even though I told my
partners to email me with what I could do to help they were able to complete the unit without
sending any part of it for me to work on. I felt bad that I wasn’t able to help with the last part of
the project but I do feel I was a big part of completing the project. I was the member who was
assigned leader of the group and through the course of the unit I was the one who brought the
recipes to choose from, I created the rough draft of the recipe, I found volunteers to complete the
usability test at my apartment, I completed the progress report and I also completed a large part
of the usability test report. Also I always made sure we got stuff done ahead of schedule, and that
we were always productive with our time.


I believe Josh earned a 100% of the possible grade that he could have for this unit. Josh was a
large part of putting this project together and making it look nice. Josh has a talent for making
objects appealing and this was a huge help to our group in the final steps of our project. Josh was
also a big help putting the pictures together in the recipe and formatting them all to make them
look good. Our group benefited greatly from having Josh as a part of it and I believe his work
was a large part in why our project was a success. He was responsible for putting the final recipe
together and also was a big help with the usability test report.


In this project I think Carl was the person responsible for making sure we met all of our
requirements. I believe he earned 100% of the possible grade because overall he was a great help
in completing this project. Carl was the member of our group who was constantly looking at the
requirements and what was expected for the project and if we were missing anything he would
make sure that it was added. Carl was responsible for the getting the transmittal letter done and
also for helping with the usability test report. Carl was always the one who knew what had to be
included and made our work much easier because we didn’t have to keep going back and looking
at the requirements for our project.

Part 4

When working in a group I feel my strengths are being able to lead a group and to accomplish
the specific goal. I usually am able to read a set of requirements and come up with an idea of
what the finished project to look like in order for it to include all of the required material. I am
also able to lead a group because I know what needs to get done to accomplish a task and always
try to put the largest work load on myself while making sure everyone stays busy.
My weakness when working with a group is my lack of communication sometimes. Since I have
an idea in my head of what the finished project should be I don’t always explain exactly what it
is we need to accomplish. This happens because in my thinking I already know what it is we
need to get done and don’t remember to explain it fully. This was not a problem in our group
because we were all very good at communicating with each other and we all knew what we
wanted the finished product to look like before we even started working on it.

Some things I can do to be more helpful in a group is to work on better communication with my
group members and making sure before we even start a task we all know what the finished
product should look like. I also can work on checking in with group members during the project
to make sure everything is going smoothly. By making sure all of my group members are
working towards the same goal we are working much more efficiently. Overall our group
worked very well together and I was happy with our final instructions.

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