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 HUMANISM- Build/whole
Subcategories of teachers’ movement  BEHAVIORISM- change/ environment
 THRUST- proceeding without assessing  Pavlov/ Classical Conditioning
 DANGLING- hanging activity by giving another (environment)
 TRUNCATION- leaves activity  Skinner/ Operant Conditioning
 FLIP- FLOP-returns to a left activity while (reinforcement)
currently doing an activity  Bandura/ Model (social learning)
 STIMULUS BOUND- distracted  Thorndike/ readiness, exercise, effect
 OVERDWELLING- overtime in one topic (constructivism)
 OVERLAPPING- multi tasking results negatively  IDEALISM- thoughts, mind
 ESSENTIALISM- basic needs

 PERRENIALISM- none changing/ constant/  GARDNER- multiple intelligence
forever  BINET- IQ
 RATIONALISM- reason  JUNG – psychological
 COGNITIVISM- mental process  ERICKSON- Psychosocial
 REALISM- senses  WATSON- behaviorism
 EXISTENTIALISM- choice  CONFUCIUS- education for all/ golden rule
 CONSTRUCTIVISM- experience/ create  PEZTALLOZI- realia
 concrete  DEWEY- learning by doing
 reflective  KOHLERS- insight learning
 abstract  KOLBERG- moral development
 experimental  FREUD- psychosexual
 PRAGMATISM- use, apply, practice  SHELDON- Physiological
 PROGRESSIVISM- self development  BOWLBYS- social attachment theory
 UTILITARIANISM- greater good for greater
 SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION- society  HEDONISM- pleasure principle
 HEDOISM- pleasure  DOUBLE EFFECT- sacrifice for the good or bad
 FORMAL COOPERATION- cooperation with will
 LESSER EVIL- choose the less one from two bad
 PRE HISPANIC- survival/ conformity things
 SPANISH- Christianity/religious  MATERIAL COOPERATION- cooperation without
 AMERICAN- public education/ democratic will
ideas and way of life/ soldier FREUDS PSYCHOSEXUAL
 COMMONWEALTH- moral character,  ORAL(0-1)-
efficiency, nationalism  ANAL(1-15)
 JAPANESE progress, TVL livelihood  PHALLIC(preschool)
 LATENCY(school age)
 PAVLOV- Classical Conditioning o ODEPIUS- son to mom
 SKINNER- Operant Conditioning (reward/ o ELECTRA- daughter to dad
 BANDURA- Social Learning
 THORNDIKE- connectionism 1. TRUST VS. MISTRUSS (0-12m)
 LOCKE- tabula rasa/ blank sheet 2. AUTONOMY VS SHAME/DOUBT (1-3yrs)
 FREIRE- banking concept 3. INITIATIVE VS GUILT ( 3-6yrs)
 FROBEL- Father of kindergarten 4. INDUSTRY VS INFERIORITY ( 6-12yrs)
 MONTESSORI- real life in kindergarten 5. IDENTITY VS ROLE CONFUSION ( 12-18yrs)
 VYGOTSKY- ZPD, zone proximal development/ 6. INTIMACY VS ISOLATION (early 20’s and 40’s)
more knowledgeable other, scaffolding 7. GENERATIVITY VS STAGNATION ( 40’s mid 60’s)
 AUSEBEL- meaningful learning 8. INTEGRETY VS DESPAIR ( mid 60’s- death)
 SENSORY(0-2)- sense 8980- Early childhood
 PRE- OPERATIONAL (2-7)- imagination 10912- CPD
 CONCRETE(7-11)- 6713- Code of ethics
 FORMAL (11----) 9262- violence against women and child
OTHER TERMS 7877- anti sexual harassment of 1995
 RED FLAG- ineffective strategies 1425-teaching life of rizal
 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE- assign homework for 7277- magna carta of disabled person
students 7160- local government code
 COOPERATIVE CLUSTER- SPED chair arrangement 6728- gov’t assistance to students and teachers in
 BLOG- journal writing using internet private
 VILLAGE INTERVIEW- form of direct learning 6713- code of conduct of gov’t and employees
experiences 6655- free secondary education
 BASIC SIGHT WORDS- 1st step in Godells reading 6014- students loan fund
skills ladder 8190- granting priority to residents of barangay/
 HORMONAL CHANGES- truest of adolescence municipality(during ranking)
 TOLERANCE- ability to know without being 1265- compulsory daily flag ceremony
frustrated by ambiguous ideas 10354- responsible parenthood and reproductive
 FEASEBILITY STUDY- research for a direct health act
entrepreneur going to small business 10157- kindergarten
 STANDARD DEVIATION- most stable measure of PPST (Philippine Professional Standards For
variability Teachers)
 COMENIUS- the great didactic is an educational NCBTS( National Competency based teacher
classic Standards)
 EMILE- educational classic associated with nature BESRA(Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda)
 DIRECTION- DEMONSTRATION- DRILL- BEAM( Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao)
IMMITATION- techniques to develop sensory motor STRIVE( Strengthening Implementation of Basic
learning Education in Selected Provinces in Visayas)
 THEORY OF TOLMAN- purposive behaviourism TEEP- (Third Elementary education project)
 THEORY OF CHARLES JUDD- theory of PBL( project based learning)
generalization IRI ( Informal reading inventory)
 SELF-ACTUALIZATION- highest level of hierarchy MDGs(Millennium development goals)
 RITALIN- drugs used for children with ADHD DRTA(directed reading thinking activity)
 WITHITNESS- “eye behind her head” TESDA(Technical education and skills development
 BIMODAL- two modes authority)
 PROTAGORAS- famous sophist “man is measure of CPD(continuing professional development)
all things” AQRF( ASEAN Qualification reference framework)
 SOCRATES- “knowledge is virtue and all virtues are PAFTE(Philippine association
based on knowledge”
 MARTIN LUTHER- father of reformation
 JOHN FRIEDRICH HERBART- herbatian method of
teaching= preparation, presentation, association,
generalization, and application
 MARIA MONTESSORI- child-centered curriculum,
daily life.
PD 1006- PBET
7836- LET
9293- Act amending some portion of RA7836
4670- Magna Carta for public Teachers
10533- K-12
9155- DepEd (Basic Education)
7722- CHED
7796- TESDA
7784- Center of excellence and teachers education
10627- Anti Bullying Act
1. Positively skewed- most scores are low
2. Main purpose of pre test and post test- measure
effectiveness of structure
3. NOT matching type- description is homogeneous
4. NOT projective personality test- Interview
5. reality test in biology- parallel test, split test, same
test twice
6. 85% accuracy, 82% attain- did not meet the set
standards 3%
7. increase the difficulty of multiple choice- option
8. most important of educational reform-
implementing a better curriculum students
9. teacher genuine concern- confer progress, guide
students, validate if goals are met
10. habits and reasons are equally- Aristotle
11. comprehension and retention- SQ3R
12. prepared environment- Thorndike
13. blooms taxonomy highest- critical evaluation
14. rational in using tech.- motivational, instructional,
teachers productivity
15. rules and behaviour in using computer- ethical
internet policy
16. multiple grades- different materials to cater
different levels
17. having relationship to students- continue
relationship exercise professional discretion
18. NOT early childhood- reason and see relationship
19. compare and contrast- Venn diagram

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