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Presented to:

Senior High School Department

Andres Bonifacio, College, College Park, Dipolog City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

Practical Research 1

Benitez, Ma. Renjaye Gayle

Jarmin, Marc Jude

Muñoz, Jason Jay

Palalon, Krisha Mae

Paragoso, Jazztine Eve

Pasia, Leiah Mae

Perez, Breanna

Ponce, MCXL

Recentes, Naiza Mae

Zozobrado, Denzel Gwen


January 2020

Chapter 1


This section presents the topic of the study. This chapter includes the

background of the study, statement of the problem and the theoretical and

conceptual framework. It also incorporates the significance of the study, its scope

and limitations and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Online gaming is the act of playing over a computer network, particularly

the Internet (Ray, 2006). With the onset of technological advancements, Internet,

mobile phones and computers had been present in the lives of young individuals

living in the 21st century. As programmers began to tinker with technology, online

computer games had risen and impacted the lives of these individuals. In the

past years after the advent of these online games, research studies suggested

both the negative and positive aspects of these phenomena. Several studies

regarding the online gaming addiction and its potential negative effects to the

sociability, behavior and education of young people had resurfaced. Because of

these, the impression of the social concept of online gaming has been

unfavorable. On the other hand, despite the massive studies about addiction

regarding online games, there are actually benefits of online gaming and these

are proven by research studies. Granic et al., (2014) imposed the benefits of

online gaming in terms of cognitive, emotional, motivational and social aspects.

Online gaming has been proven to improve physical aspect in terms of faster

reaction time and hand-eye coordination (Chandra et al., 2015). Playing online

games help gamers accumulate better problem-solving skills, analysis and

strategies since these concepts are related in playing for gamers’ outmost priority

is to win.
In the recent years, the concept of online gaming has evolved and

entered the competitive scene. Global competitions are held internationally to

showcase gamers playing skills and this has become something to look forward

to especially by gamers or the gaming community. Specifically, the Philippines

had adapted to these situation and made official teams that are competing

globally. Several parts of the country had also implemented online gaming

competitions. Online gamers are scattered across the country and the city of

Dipolog is not an exemption. Within the vicinity of Dipolog, there were even

gamers who competed in tournaments inside and outside of their hometown.

The researchers in the Philippines had explored the idea of online

gaming. Majority of the local studies had explored the effects and impacts of

playing online games to the academic performance and sociability of young

individuals. Because of this situation and the imposed benefits of online gaming,

the researchers want to explore the positive side of online gaming in terms of

mental aspects by knowing the perception of competitive gamers in Dipolog City.

Statement of the Problem

As a whole, the study’s aim is to know and describe the perception of

competitive gamers towards mental benefits of online gaming.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the perception of competitive gamers towards the benefits of

online gaming as a mode of mental improvement in terms of:

1.1. Cognitive Aspect

a. Critical Thinking

b. Creative Thinking

1.2. Emotional Aspect

a. Mood Management

1.3. Motivational Aspect

a. Self-Determination

2. What is the perception of competitive gamers towards online gaming as a

mode of improvement in the psychomotor domain in terms of:

2.1. Reaction Time

2.2. Hand-Eye Coordination

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Study paradigm showing the description of the perception of students

as narrated by the students.

The main objective of this study is to know and describe the perception of

competitive gamers in Andres Bonifacio College. The study paradigm shows the

process on how the researchers gather the descriptions of the perception of

these gamers. The competitive gamers will be asked about their perception of

online gaming benefits in terms of the cognitive, emotional and motivational

aspects and as a mode of improvement in the psychomotor domain in terms of

reaction time and hand-eye coordination. From the narration of the competitive

gamers, the researchers will now have a description of the perception of

competitive gamers.
Theoretical Framework

This study will be guided by the Game Theory, which is a theoretical

framework proposed by John von Neumann, John Nash and Oskar Morgenstern.

This theory, which often called the science of strategy, is utilized for conceiving

situations among competing players. It suggests the optimal decision-making of

independent and competing actors in a strategic setting. (Hayes, 2019)

This study will also be anchored with the learning theories called

Behaviorism and Cognitivism. Behaviorism states that all behaviors are

learned through interaction with the environment or the external stimulus-

response principle. A change in the behavior elicits learning. This theory is

learning through repetition. It is proposed by John Watson and Burrhus and

Frederic Skinner. Cognitivism, on the other hand, is the response to behaviorism

and focuses on internal processing of information. In this theory, the learners are

active participants in the learning process. The theory entails mental activity as

acquisition of knowledge and addresses the issues of how information is

received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind (Ertmer & Newby, 2013).

Human’s mind is a mirror from which new knowledge and skills will be reflected.

This theory is about understanding and processing information one receives and

relates it to what is already known and stored within memory in order to improve

things (Kelly, 2012).

Significance of the Study

This proposed research study will be beneficial to the:

Future Researchers – This research study can serve as a guide or

foundation for the future generation of researchers who will decide to

investigate online gaming and other related topics. The research study

will serve as a foundation to impact on different aspects of gamers’ lives.

Competitive Gamers – The research study will aid in self-assessment

and realization of the competitive gamers’ skills and capabilities in playing

online games. Their perception can be a contribution to the existing body

of knowledge and will serve as a basis for future researchers to impact

online gaming to specific activities or aspects in daily life.

Parents – This study will help the parents of student gamers to be aware

of the benefits of playing online games as a mode of mental


Community – The research study will be able to provide information and

better understanding about the benefits of online as a mode of mental

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The purpose of this study is to know and describe the perception of

competitive gamers towards the benefits of online gaming in terms of mental

improvement. The study will be conducted within the vicinity of Andres Bonifacio

College. The subject or participants of the study will only be competitive gamers

who participated in official online gaming competitions with ages ranging from

thirteen to twenty-three and will not involve other participants who do not qualify

these criteria.

The research data will come from the interviews of the selected

competitive gamers on their perception towards online gaming mental benefits.

The study will discuss the perception of competitive gamers towards the

mental benefits of online gaming: (i) in terms of cognitive, emotional, and

motivational aspects, and (ii) as a mode of improvement of psychomotor domain

in terms of hand-eye coordination and reaction time.

The study will require at least 5 to 20 respondents who are competitive

gamers situated in Dipolog City.

The perception of the selected competitive gamer respondents towards

the topic does not generalize the perception of all the competitive gamers on

their views towards the mental benefits of online gaming.

Definition of Terms

Operational Definition of Terms

Competitive Gamers– pertains to gamers who plays online games and has

already participated in official online game competitions

Cognitive – pertains to critical thinking (logical reasoning, analysis, strategic

skills, problem-solving, decision-making, faster brain processing) and creative

thinking (creativeness, imagination or mental image)

Motivational– pertains only to the persistence and determination to win of the

competitive gamers

Emotional – pertains to mood management specifically creating positive feelings

of the competitive gamers

Mental – incorporates the above stated cognitive, motivational and emotional


Psychomotor – incorporates only the skills such as hand-eye coordination and

improved reaction time

Conceptual Definition of Terms

Perception – the way that someone thinks and feels about a company, product,

service, etc. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020)

Benefits – a good or helpful result or effect (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2020)

Online gaming –also called electronic game playing is the act of playing over a

computer network, particularly over the Internet (Ray, 2006)

Hand-eye coordination–the way that one’s hand and sight work together to be

able to do things that require speed and accuracy (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,


Reaction time – the time elapsing between the beginning of the application of a

stimulus and the beginning of an organisms’ reaction to it (Merriam-Webster

Dictionary, 2020)

Online games – a games which is or can be played over a computer network (in

later use especially the Internet); especially (in late use) a video game which

allows two or more players in different locations to participate simultaneously

(Lexico, 2020)
Chapter 2


This section includes the literature and studies from articles and previous

research papers and journals related to the study of student gamers’ perception

on the mental benefits of online gaming.


Gaming has been viewed in a rather unsophisticated way. Most see it as

a distraction and others see it as a great pass time. (Spencer,2019). There are a

majority of people though that sees gaming as a reason for shooting up schools

(Markey et al., 2019) that even the current US President suggested that video

games are influencing the youth to commit such acts. However, studies

conducted by Przybylski, Rigby, Deci, and Ryan (2014) disproved this by

conducting a test on whether or not if video games really do cause aggression.

They discovered that violent games do not cause aggression. However, what

they did find was that an increased difficulty of any hobby and failing to do it does

indeed invoke aggression. Going back to video games, this does not invoke

aggression but rather it is the difficulty that it was presented with it and it does not

only invoke aggression, it also invokes creative thoughts and processes. Simple

games such as Pac-Man are enough to invoke quick thinking capabilities and

decision making to the person playing the game. Wulandari and Harnadi (2014)

did a study on this and delighted with what they found. They discovered that

among the 10 people children, 8 had the top scores in the test after they played

the game Pac-Man. Wulandari and Harnadi’s study was reinforced with the paper

that Feng and Spence (2014) which basically states that gaming increases the
attentional capture and visual selective attention of a person while also

maintaining the memory of what each key press does.

According to Tumbokon (2018), video games can change the brain (C.

Shawn Green) and its functioning. The changing of brain’s structure in playing

video games is similar when one is learning different things (e.g reading, playing

piano and navigating using map). Neural circuits in building the brain were

fortified by the distinct combination of concentration and the efflux of

neurotransmitters like dopamine. Playing video games enhanced mental skills

such as problem solving ang logical skills, spatial skills, planning and resource

management, managing and shifting multiple objectives, quick thinking, fast

analysis, accuracy, situational awareness, reading and math skills, pattern

recognition, estimating skills, inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing,

mapping, memory and improved recognition of visual information (Tumbukon,

2018; Tom, n.d; Aggarwal, 2019).

According to QRIUS Nik (2018) Some believe that gaming or online

gaming causes harm to a gamers emotional health and mental health. However,

playing online games is beneficial to the cognitive ability of a gamer, including the

reflexes and hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skill. In addition, online

gaming is also beneficial to socialising. Online gaming is a interactive activity

wherein planning and collaborating is included. Through online gaming it can

improve self-esteem and build friendship.



Granic et al. (2014) studied a recent meta-analysis. This meta-

analysis conclude that the gains from cognitive skills resulting from

playing marketable action video games are equivalent to the results of

structured courses aimed at improving these same skills. Furthermore,

this meta-analysis stated that cognitive skills can be learned from video

games in as short period of time, and most importantly, these skills are

transferred to other cognitive activities outside the context of video

games. Granic et al. (2014) also studied another scholar’s speculation

that suggested video games have an effective way to develop problem-

solving skills in addition to cognitive skills. In reality, solving problems

seems to be essential to all types of video games, including games that

contain violence. Only two studies specifically evaluated the relationship

between playing video games and problem-solving skills, both described

problem-solving in analytical (e.g. taking time to collect data, analyzing

different options, formulating a strategy, and contemplating changing

strategies and/or before processing further). Lastly, there seems to be an

extra cognitive advantage associated with video games: increase

imagination. New evidence that playing any form of video game, whether

violent or not, stimulates the creative capabilities of children.Similarly,

Adachi and Willoughby (2013) also concluded that strategic video games

(e.g Splinter Cell, World of Warcraft) may enhance players' problem

solving skills since it involves gathering of information and formulating

battle or game strategies or plan to solve problems faced in the game.

Li et al., (2009) revealed that video game players exhibit

enhanced contrast sensitivity functioning, which is the detection ability to

incremental changes of grey shades and a vital block for vision than non-

action games players.

Closed-loop video games that are much more developed and

validated may give positive result to gamer's mental health, academic

performance and physical fitness. (Mishra et al, 2016)

In the research article of Bavelier (2014) summarizing research

studies about mental processes acquired or improved through video

games, also suggest that aside from vision, playing video games also

enhance visual attention or visual selective attention, the process of

selecting what stimuli should be entertained by neural proccessing and

filtration or the ability in selecting relevant tasks and selecting out

irrelevant tasks.

Strobach et al., (2012) imposed that action video gamers showed

increased performance in executive control skills on dual tasks compared

to non-gamers. Compared to puzzle games, AVGs can cause

improvements in dual-tasks and task switching.


Granic et al., (2014) stated that online video games use failure as

an inspirational tool to give opportunities. Behaviorist suggests that being

involved in online video games will teach and practice persistence to the
players. Moreover, the players are highly motivated to reach their goal

when they attain disappointment. The experience of failure is more likely

to be reacted by the players in a positive way rather than leading to anger

or frustrations. In conclusion, online video games develop a motivational

style that can be applied in education or work.


Engel et al. (2014) stated that gaming can be one of the most

efficient and effective way to create positive feelings for children and

youth. Several studies have demonstrated a causal connection among

playing favorite video games and enhancing mood or increasing positive

emotions. It was also proposed by another study that in the sense of

playing video games, one of the most powerful positive emotional

experiences was evoked. Another positive emotions explained by players

is flow or transportation in which they are immersed in a fundamentally

rewarding activity that provokes a high sense of control while conveying a

loss of self-consciousness at the same time. It continuously to a host of

positive results to adults, including high school commitment and

accomplishment, higher self esteem and less-anxiety. Moreover, other

studies indicate that people consciously turn to those games to regain

their emotions. Positive moods and playing games can be co-occurring

and players report that positive emotions were a conscious motivation for

them before play. Lastly, it is important to investigate the degree to which

video games are used to make them feeling better and to what extent the
use of games is turned into an evasive strategy which results in more

negative effects. Games are not only generating positive feelings but also

a number of negatives are triggered by video games including irritation,

rage, fear, and sadness. Anxiety and anger will be possibly complicate re-

evaluation techniques.

According to Velez (2015), competitive online gaming increases

pro-social behaviour caused by reciprocity expectations. Cooperative

gaming or inter-group situations helps gamers in terms behaviour



Chandra et al. (2015) analyzed how AVG (action video games)

training affects performance of participants.Improvement of cognitive

abilities by playing AVG were pointed out in the psychological

assessments used in this study and supported the hypothesis of the study

that AVG training incite improvement in reaction time, processing speed

and reduces stress levels. The effects of the AVG training instigated

progressive attainment of psychomotor domain skills such as hand eye

coordination implied by the faster reaction time after

training.Improvements in processing speed, better hand eye coordination,

faster reaction time and were evidences of cognitive abilities and

performance increase after AVG training based on the evaluated results

of psychological assessment.
Chen et al. (2016) conducted a study for the issue of

Psychological Science on July 2016 that studies whether video games

improve hand-eye coordination. The researchers trained both gamers and

non-gamers to play non-action video games and action video games for 5

or 10 hours. As a result, gamers show improvements in action video

games and non-action video games, while non-gamers did not improve in

non-action video games. In conclusion, playing video games improve

hand-eye coordination and enhances responsiveness or reacting faster.

Bavelier et al. (2009) gathered action video gamers and non-

gamers to participate in the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) to

measure impulsivity in order to assess whether video games have a

negative impact on sustainable attention. The study resulted in action

gamers reacted faster but not impulsive than the non-gamers. To sum it

up, action video games do not lead to issues with sustained attention than

in other cases, as resulted in the TOVA.

Chapter III


This chapter incorporates the methodologies that will be followed in

gathering organized data of the research study such as the research design,

participants, sampling method, instruments used, data collection, data analysis,

ethical considerations, and limitations of the study. This section will discuss the

distinct adoption of methods that will be used in the study.

Research Design

The study employs a descriptive type of qualitative approach using a

phenomenology research design. Phenomenological research design coincide

the study for it deals with the perception and thoughts of the competitive gamers

on order to provide in-depth knowledge about a particular phenomenon. Since,

the purpose of the study is to know and describe the perception of the

competitive gamers, the descriptive method will be used since it answers “what”

research questions instead of “why” questions (Bhat, n.d) and it is characterized

simply as an endeavor to determine, describe or identify things or phenomena or

its aspects (Dudovskiy, n.d). With this method, the perception of the participants

will be accurately depicted in the study.

By using the phenomenological research design, preconceived

assumptions and biases about the phenomenon will be set aside as the research

design permits the researchers to explore into the perceptions, perspectives and

feelings of the participants who have actually experienced and are involved in the

phenomenon or situation of interest.


Based on the research design, which is phenomenology, the sample size

will range between 5-25 participants. The study will require 5-20 respondents

under the institution of Andres Bonifacio College. The participants must be highly

experienced and knowledgeable in regard to the situation of interest, and must

share their perception, perspectives, feelings and experiences. The study will be

using homogenous, criterion and chain sampling in selecting the required

participants for the researchers have set criteria and qualifications for the

respondents relevant to the study. The subject or participants of the study will

only be competitive gamers who participated in official online gaming

competitions with ages ranging from thirteen to twenty-three and will not involve

other participants who do not qualify these criteria. The primary data gathering

method that will be utilized in the study will be one-on-one interview in order to

determine and understand the perceptions of the competitive gamers towards the

mental benefits of online gaming.

This research study will be conducted in the vicinity of Andres Bonifacio

College, College Park, Dipolog City, specifically, a room in the High School

Department building of Andres Bonifacio College designed by the researchers for

inquiry to emphasize privacy and confidentiality .

Sampling Method

The researchers will use criterion sampling and homogenous sampling to

determine the participants of the study in which, specifically, competitive gamers

who participated in official online gaming competitions with ages ranging from

thirteen to twenty-three under the institution of Andres Bonifacio College. In order

to reach the number of participants required, chain sampling method will then be
utilized. A sum of 20 participants under the institution of Andres Bonifacio

College who are qualified will be selected for the study.

Instruments Used

The research employs the qualitative research methodology. Instrument

that will be used is one on one semi-structured interview. By the use of the three

sampling methods, the researchers will be able to determine the participants to

be interviewed. By using semi-structured interview, the guide questions will be

able to help researchers gather a more elaborate data for it can be answered

with each participant’s distinct perspective and perception which will trigger a

longer conversation for further inquiry and understanding and a chance to amplify

significant information. The interview guide questions will contain questions

regarding the competitive gamers’ perception towards mental benefits of online

gaming. All interviews are going to be recorded and backed up in order to obtain

data. Confidentiality will be practiced by the researchers once the data is


Data Collection

The one on one interview is a useful method for data collection to

thoroughly obtain the perception, perspectives and feelings of the participants

regarding a particular phenomenon for in-depth data gathering. The process of

conducting an interview must emphasize respect and tactfulness to the role of

the interviewer and the relationship between the interviewer and interviewee.

The process that will be observed for the data collection will be as follows:

1. The researchers will send a letter to the Director/Administrator of the

School and Mrs. Angie V. Atenta, the Principal of Senior High School,
informing intention to conduct a research on competitive gamers under

the institution of Andres Bonifacio College as study participants.

2. The researchers will select participants based on the three sampling

methods in order to determine the qualified participants. Then ask their

permission and give a consent form if they are willing to be participants to

the study. Once the participants approve to the consent, they will be given

the authority to choose the proceeding time of the interview with respect

to the researchers allotted time for data collection.

3. The respondents will then be informed of the location of the place in

which the interview will be conducted: in the vicinity of Andres Bonifacio

College, College Park, Dipolog City, specifically, a room in the High

School Department building of Andres Bonifacio College designed by the

researchers for inquiry to emphasize privacy, confidentiality and


4. Interviews will be conducted based on the semi-structured questions

prepared for the interview guide. The interview will be comprising

questions which are related to the participants’ perception towards the

mental benefits of online gaming. However, participants were allowed the

freedom to talk about their perceptions in a way in which they are

comfortable and they will be given a chance to elaborate relevant

information if they opt to. The researchers will observe tactfulness and

assure privacy and confidentiality to the participants.

Data Analysis

In analyzing the interview data, the researchers will use the thematic

content analysis approach. This analysis method is composed of five steps,

which are: transcription, checking and editing, analysis interpretation,

generalization and validation.

Step 1: Transcription

The researchers will listen to all the recorded audio and will make notes

on the participants’ answers. Two recording devices will be used in order for the

information to be backed up.

Step 2: Checking and Editing

The transcribed data will be arranged into meaningful units. This will be

attained by thorough re-reading and reviewing of data and other related

information will be categorized into themes.

Moreover, the less relevant portions of the data gathered could be

excluded depending on its coherence to the questions asked. Typographic errors

will also be checked.

Step 3: Analysis and Interpretation

The researchers will use the data gathered to interpret into different

themes. These themes will be examined through psychological meaning. This

can be possible through researchers’ understanding of the themes.

Through re-reading the data, the researchers will interpret, categorize,

and code the data to inductively develop a thematic analysis. Psychological

interpretation will be used as facts.

Step 4: Generalization

The researchers will summarize the themes into different paragraphs.

The paragraphs will then be organized based on their significance and

chronological order.

The differences and similarities between the interviews will be identified,

allowing typologies to develop.

Step 5: Validation

The researchers will go back from step one to step four to re0check the

transcripts. The data collected will undergo data cleansing to ensure its validity.

The central theme will then be obtained.

Ethical Considerations

As this study utilizes human participation and information about

perceptions of the competitive gamers towards the mental benefits of online

gaming, anonymity and autonomy of the participants are necessary. Safety is

different aspects of the participants must be observed with tact by the

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