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Level of Customers Satisfaction of Surigao State College of

Technology Canteen

A Statistical Results and Conclusions

A Study Presented to
The Faculty of College of Engineering and Information

A Fulfilment of
The Requirements of the Subject
Statistics and Probabilities



JULY 2019

Background of the Study

Customer satisfaction plays an important role within a

business. Not only it is the leading indicator to measure

customer loyalty and identify unhappy customers, it is also

a key point of differentiation that helps to attract new

customers in competitive business environments. Therefore,

satisfaction is a person’s feeling of disappointments

resulting from comparing a products perceived performance

relation to his/her expectations. If the performance falls

short of expectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If the

performance matches the expectation customer is satisfied.

In response to the demand of the student as a customer

that is based on the product, price, location and service.

School food services have experienced many changes in the

recent years. The management styles, menu concept, payment

method and service styles are affected due to the response

of the demands. The success of any food and beverage

establishment lies in its ability to satisfy students by

providing a dining experience comprising of both tangible

and intangible elements and able to meet or exceed student’s

satisfaction. The satisfaction of the students about the

service they should receive from institutional food service

and today they are more sophisticated and are exposed at an

early age to variety of dining experience including

ambiance, cleanliness, taste of food, amount serving, and

variety of food, customer service and price. These factors

have influenced the attributes students use to evaluate

institutional food service.

This study will gather information and investigate on

the school canteen of Surigao State College of Technology,

the level of satisfaction as to product, price, location and

service that they are offering. The establishment and

operation of a school canteen is important. Therefore, the

SSCT Canteen management should offer quality food at

affordable prices. Thus, greater effort must be exerted in

its operation, either by the school administration or hired

entity who handles the operation.

Scope and Limitation

This study is about the Level of Customers Satisfaction

of Surigao State College of Technology Canteen. To know

their perceptions as to product, price, place and promotion.

It was also conducted in SSCT Canteen and there were 50

customers who were classified as young and adult. The study

was conducted within the month of July 2019.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the Level of Customers

Satisfaction of SSCT Canteen.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of;

1.1 Age Classification;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Monthly Allowance; and

1.4 Frequency of Visit;

2. What is the level of customers satisfaction of SSCT

Canteen in terms of;

2.1 Product

2.2 Price

2.3 Place

2.4 Services

3. Based on the finding, what proposed program to be

NAME (Optional): Sex:( )Male ( )Female
Age classification (Please Check):
( )Young customer (17 below) ( )Adult customer (18
Monthly Allowance:
( )Php 1,000-5,000( ) Php 5,001-10,000 ( ) Php 10,001
Frequency of Visit: (Please Check)
( ) 1-3 ( ) 4-7 ( ) 8-10 ( ) 11
Direction: Please indicate your answer on the space
provided for your perception on the level of satisfaction
as to product, price, place and promotion.
Please use the following descriptive criteria:
1 - ; 2- ; 3- ; and 4-
PRODUCT 1 2 3 4
1. Products are always new and fresh.
2. Products are of best quality.
3. Products are not common but unique.
4. Products are of many kinds thus providing
many choices to customers.
5. Products are the taste of all customers.
PRICE 1 2 3 4
1. Pricing is affordable.
2. Pricing is based on fixed price policy.
3. Pricing is based with better quality food.
4. Pricing is based on the product and not on
its taste.
5. Pricing is reasonable.
PLACE 1 2 3 4
1. Location is spacious and provides
2. The location is very strategic.
3. The establishment is fully ventilated.
4. Location is accessible to the public.
5. Location is wide and comfortable.
SERVIECS 1 2 3 4
1. The personnel and staff are professionally
trained thus courteous and efficient.
2. Provides quick and instant way of serving
3. Staffs are available for whatever
complaints and requests.
4. Safety and security are served and
5. Offers free-delivery services.

Statistical Tools Used

The following statistical tools will be used:

Frequency count and Percentage Distribution. These

tools were used to determine the profile of the


Mean and Standard Deviation. The tools were utilized to

determine the Level of Customers Satisfaction of SSCT

Canteen towards product, price, place, and promotion.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings

Table 1: Indicators of Products

Questions MEAN
Provision of products that are 2.07 Disagreeable

always new and fresh.

Products are of best quality. 2.35 Disagreeable
Products are not common but unique. 2.58 Agreeable
Products are of many kinds thus 1.65 Strongly

provide many choices to customers. Disagreeable

Products are the taste of all 2.40 Disagreeable

Weighted Mean 2.21 Disagreeable

As we can see the results, majority of the customers

are agreeable to the products of the Canteen that satisfy

the needs and demands of the customers. Customers want many

choices; they tend to believe that those choices have a good

quality that can satisfy their wants and needs and are

related to the choice of others. They may begin decision

processes by deciding to choose collectively.

Table 2: Indicators of Price


Pricing is affordable. 2.87 Agreeable
Pricing is based on fixed price 3.20 Agreeable

Pricing is based with better 2.16 Disagreeable

quality food.
Pricing is based on the product 2.90 Agreeable

and not on its taste.

Pricing is reasonable. 2.50 Agreeable
Weighted Mean 2.72 Agreeable

Most of the customers are disagree of the price whether

they are not satisfied or not fit on their budget. Pricing

should be responsibly being charge for the quality of

product or services. Customers believe that pricing should

be based on its taste and not on the establishment name.

Table 3: Indicators of Location


Location is spacious and 50 2.14 Disagreeable

provides convenience.
The location is very 50 2.62 Agreeable

The establishment is fully 50 2.69 Agreeable

Location is accessible to the 50 2.08 Disagreeable

Location is wide and 50 2.12 Disagreeable

Weighted Mean 50 2.33 Disagreeable

Table 3 shows different results from table 1, it shows

that the location of the canteen is poor and doesn’t satisfy

the customers. Mostly they strongly disagree and disagree

about the given questions in the table that has shown. The

customers determine the place is not crowded if the nature

of the business and the type of the product significantly

determine the most appropriate place for the business.

Table 4: Indicators of Services


The personnel and staff 50 3.26 Strongly

are professionally trained Agreeable

thus courteous and

Provides quick and instant 50 2.84 Agreeable

way of serving orders.

Staffs are available for 50 2.86 Agreeable

whatever complaints and

Safety and security are 50 2.62 Agreeable

served and observed.

Offers free-delivery 50 3.50 Strongly Agreeable

Weighted Mean 50 3.02 Agreeable

Table 4 shows that some of the customers are agreeable and

some are disagreeable whether they are satisfied and not

satisfied of the services at the canteen. The idea of

offering special price discounts is part of promotion which

can be advantage to the business to captivate the trust and

loyalty of customers.


This presents the summary of finding conclusions

summary of the study.


The researcher concluded that when it comes to the

products and services of the SSCT Canteen, the customer’s

needs has been satisfied. However, the price and location

don’t satisfy mostly of all customers.


It has been recommended that the said administration

should upgrade the location and fit the prices of the

products of the SSCT Canteen for it has seen that the

customers of the school mostly depends on the Canteen for

their needs. The canteen personnel and students should

add more variety of choices like bread and pastry

products. The canteen personnel must always inspect the

canteen facilities and make sure to clean it when it gets


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