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The government encourages foreign companies to establish business and open many jobs to Filipino
worker even abroad. At present globalization is more effective in the Philippines, it helps to improve
the local and foreign companies, the culture, the education, and the development of the economy.
The major consequences of globalization have been: the transmogrification of traditional religions
and belief systems; the beginning of the disintegration of the traditional social fabrics and shared
norms by consumerism, cyber-culture, newfangled religions and changing work ethics and work
rhythms; the fast spreading. Globalization has also a big part in the improvement of local and social
culture in the Philippines. It also connects relationship in other countries through investments and
some business opportunities. Globalization affects the international market and enhances economic
growth. Culture, The culture of the Philippines comprises a blend of traditional Filipino and Spanish
Catholic traditions, with influences from America and other parts of Asia. ... Filipinos are also
hospitable people who love to have a good time. This often includes getting together to sing, dance,
and eat. Economic Globalization is something that has been with the human race ever since the world
has begun. From local to global, we could attribute this to the result of human innovation and
technological progress. Globalization from the word global means spreading throughout the world, in
other words spreading world-wide. The aims of having a ‘globalized community’ is to have
interdependence of the entire world and its people from each other with concern for the rest of the
world at the expense of national self-development and self-interests.


- Transnational flows of people, financial resources, goods, information and culture have
recently been increasing in a drastic way and have profoundly transformed the world
(Ritzer and Malone, 2001). This phenomenon has been labeled globalization. As a result, a
great deal of debate and discussion, even controversy (Bird and Stevens, 2003) has taken
place about globalization in various disciplines from different angles. In fact, there seems to
be a controversy in regards to globalization and the contradictory meanings associated with
it. This controversy refers, among others, to either “a dominant logic of globalization”
which postulates that there is a single cause for globalization or to a “phenomenon with a
complex set of causes” which argues that there are various causes for globalization (Beck,
2000). In corollary, research has not been successful in grasping the globalization
phenomenon in its entirety. Globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon that
encompasses not only economic components but also cultural, ideological, political and
similar other facets (Prasad and Prasad, 2006). Consequently, globalization has been
addressed from the points of view of economics, social sciences, politics and international
relations and has been subject to endless debates in various disciplines. Nonetheless,
globalization effects are rarely addressed as a determinant that impacts societies and their
cultures. More precisely, the interaction between globalization and culture still remains
under-researched (Prasad and Prasad, 2007) and the current globalization debate in this
respect is relatively recent (Acosta and Gonzalez, 2010). Along the same lines, the
literature has not been able to stress whether concepts such as Americanization and
Macdonalization are synonymous with globalization (Latouche, 1996). In an increasingly
borderless world impacted by a globalization of economies, the preservation of cultural
diversity feeds contrary and controversial reactions. For instance, Cowen (2002) contends
that while changes and potential losses imposed by globalization on local and traditional
cultures, including those extending to cultural differences, may be damaging and
destructive, they may also lead towards new prospective opportunities. Given the above
context, it is argued that globalization brings about diverse trends, namely cultural
differentiation, cultural convergence and cultural hybridization (Pieterse, 1996) and each
trend does not preclude the other as cultural homogeneity and heterogeneity are
complementary (Cowen, 2002). The purpose of the following chapter is to provide a lens
view of the interactions between globalization and culture as the latter positions itself on
the spectrum of a theoretical perspective. To look into the interactions between
globalization and culture, a literature review of relevant theoretical contributions has been
conducted followed up with a discussion on their main insights. To do so, the key concepts
of culture and globalization will be introduced. The following sections will present and
discuss the three scenarios of the interaction between globalization and culture, namely
heterogenization, homogenization and hybridization. We posit that these scenarios and
theoretical perspectives associated with them are capturing the broad contours of the
current debate on globalization and culture, despite some overlapping insights among the
different viewpoints. We conclude that they are of use and interest for both researchers
and practitioners as the subject still remains under-researched across disciplines.

- The Effect of Globalization on Philippine culture
Let me begin by sharing to you two of my friends. My first friend loves to eat. His favorite food
is McDonald's feed chickens And He always craves for that with lots of gravy . He really likes
McDonald s that he even looks like Ronald. Then, my other friend is more into music/she
spends a lot of time listening music in her 16GB Ipod. And her favorite singer is no less than
Justin Bieberon JBL she really loves JB that she would even scream each time B appears on
T.V Now, can you spot something common on both ofthem? It's the effects of the process di
globalization. This process has affected the way we communicate th a t we dress and we live
our lives. In short, globalization has transformed our culture our Filipino culture. Globalization
has become one of the most popular buzzword used by different people worldwide. So what is
globalization is the integration of the economic, political and cultural systems across the globe?
Or is the McDonaldization or perhaps Americanization of world culture and Stars dominance of
World affairs? Is globalization good or bad? These questions were invest rent answers from
Washington, Berlin, Tokyo, New Delhi, Beijing, Marw awe paces worldwide undeed, simple
answers to these questions, answeegom afferent walks of life in different countries would
agree on would be virtual each. But let us have a balanced and comprehensive definition of

- The Future of Globalization

This article considers the future of ‘globalization’, conceived here as
Processes promoting international interconnectedness. Three questions are examined. First, is
contemporary globalization unusual compared to past episodes such as 1850–1914? Then
there was rapid growth in trade, capital flows and migration comparable to or greater than
today. There was also a policy backlash and the widespread adoption of protectionist policies.
Second, are contemporary globalization processes under-mining national economies and thus
hollowing out states? On the contrary, the major states are reinforced in their role of
international actors. However, both the global economy and national governments
will face crucial challenges during this century, the chief of which is climate change. Such
changes will tend to foster conflict and thus rein-force the role of the state, but in a context
where governance at every level will be harder to achieve. Third, is economic globalization
likely to increase or decrease? Evidence about the effects of borders and the limits to trade
expansion are presented, which indicate that we could be close to the limits of feasible
globalization. Keywords: capital flows; climate change; conflict; globalization; governance
Before we consider the future of ‘globalization’ we must define its nature and outline its past.
This is a complex and contested concept. If we take growing international interconnectedness
— increasing flows of trade, investment and communications between nations — to be what
most people mean by the term, then ‘globalization’ has been happening for the past 50 years.
Moreover, new technologies — long distance jets, satellites, IT, fiber optic cables — have
made international travel, media and financial exchanges far easier, enabling dramatic
increases in traffic volumes. The key questions are threefold. First, are these economic and
social processes linking nations since 1945 unprecedented? Second, are these processes
developing at the expense of state and national governance, that is, are national economies
dissolving into a global marketplace and relations between states becoming secondary to more
complex interactions between a variety of economic, social and political agencies? Third, is
international economic. Cooperation and Conflict: Journal of the Nordic International Studies


- In conclusion, the impact of globalization on Philippine culture is a huge factor. We have
many differences but because of that we make different economic, political and cultural
systems across the globe. Every nation’s development concerns involve a global dimension.
The world is fast becoming one global village. People are citizens of the world as they are
of their own nation. No longer can a country turn inward and isolate itself, content to move
at its own pace without being in touch with the rest of the world. This global context
redefines nationalism and national interest which could lead to the loss of self-identity. But
in the other hand, any country pursuing growth and prosperity must discover that it must
do so within the global scheme of things. It must seek out areas of interaction and
cooperation, first with its closest neighbors, then within the region, and eventually with the
rest of the world… if it aims to get anywhere. Let us also thank the ASIAN for continuing
and building a strong organization. Despite all of these influences, the old Asian cultures of
Filipino have been retained and are clearly seen in their way of life, beliefs and customs.
Wherever you go, Filipino culture is very evident and has largely been appreciated and
even applauded in many parts of the world.

REFERENCES › articles - Philippines — History and Culture - iExplore
Copyright ©2002 NISA Sage Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi)

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