DesignStudio ReleaseNotes R18.86

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Release R18 AMR

Design Studio (DS)

Release Notes

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Release Highlights ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Enhancements........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Upgrade to Eclipse Neon version .................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Dependency merge into DS Package ............................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Import Core Models........................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4 ESON Deployment support in DS Packager via tRun ................................................. 8
2.1.5 Import for Composite Screen ......................................................................................... 9
2.1.6 Data ESON Enhancements ........................................................................................... 11
2.1.7 Automatic Code Generation ........................................................................................ 14
2.1.8 Import of T24 Objects via CSV ..................................................................................... 14
2.1.9 Import of System Definition from T24 environment.................................................. 19
2.1.10 Local Ref Application Introspection .......................................................................... 22
2.1.11 Refresh of Application fields in Enquiry/Version designer ..................................... 24
2.2 Defects .................................................................................................................................. 25
2.2.1 Custom Field selection in Enquiry Designer .............................................................. 25
2.2.2 Handle obsolete records for COS, TAB, Menu etc. during Import ........................... 25
2.2.3 L3 stream projects unable to refer to the domain models projects............................ 25
3. Changes incorporated in R18.1 AMR................................................................................... 25
3.1 DS R18.2 ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 DS R18.3 ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 DS R18.4 ............................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 DS R18.5 ............................................................................................................................... 28
3.5 DS R18.6 ............................................................................................................................... 29
3.6 DS R18.7 ............................................................................................................................... 29
3.7 DS R18.8 ............................................................................................................................... 29
3.8 DS R18.9 ............................................................................................................................... 30
3.9 DS R18.30 ............................................................................................................................. 30
3.10 DS R18.35 ........................................................................................................................... 30

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

© 2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

3.11 DS R18.37 ........................................................................................................................... 30

3.12 DS R18.39 ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.13 DS R18.42 ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.14 DS R18.45 ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.15 DS R18.49 ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.16 DS R18.59 ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.17 DS R18.65 ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.18 DS R18.66 ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.19 DS R18.75 ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.20 DS R18.78 ........................................................................................................................... 33
3.21 DS R18.86 ........................................................................................................................... 33
4. Migration ................................................................................................................................ 33

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

1. Introduction
The Design Studio (DS) Workbench application is an integrated graphical environment that
enables business and IT professionals to design elements for T24 Model Bank. The application
provides his own "designers" using editors and text-based tools for developing elements called:

Design Studio is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for realizing T24 design time
tasks. It provides import and edition of resources (local ref, versions, enquiries...). All items
edited in DS intend to be packaged and deployed on T24 runtime environment

2. Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of any new DS components or features and advice regarding
any components which have been replaced, deprecated or modified.

DS version is R18 AMR

2.1 Enhancements
2.1.1 Upgrade to Eclipse Neon version
Design studio runtime is upgraded to eclipse NEON (4.6.2) version. Any customised
plugins added to Design Studio in this release must be now compatible with Neon
version of eclipse. It is advised to create a new workspace rather than using the old
workspace (created using old version of Design Studio).

2.1.2 Dependency merge into DS Package

To enable merge of any dependency (for example IF bundle) into DS Package,
Design Studio has created a new feature. Using this feature one will be able to
create a single package for both T24 models and IF models. Design studio provides
4 merge options.
 repackage
The dependent package contents inside the package folder (i.e.
R17_IF_XYZ_1_JAVA_1.0) will be included into the DS package (inside the package

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

folder, R17_FT_Modelbank_1_JAVA_17.0). Items at the root of the dependent

package will be ignored
 mergeToRoot
The dependent package contents (inside the package folder) will be included into
the DS package (inside the package folder). Items at the root of the dependent
package will be ignored
 mergeToPackage
The dependent project contents will be included into the DS package (inside the
package folder).
 include
The dependent project jar will be included into the DS package (at the root of the

DS Packaging is achieved by configuring POM of packager

- adding project dependency

- configure merge option

For a mergeOption as repackage, the expected DS Package output is as shown


Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

2.1.3 Import Core Models

Design Studio now offers Introspection of T24 Core Models based on release
Import is based on DSL.MODEL.SOURCE.LIST.ALL.enquiry availability in T24.

This ensures all core models are available. Later during upgrade we can select only
upgrade version to update the core models.

 Select File  Import Design studio  Import T24 Core Models

 Click Next. Will be taken Release id selection screen as shown below

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Select any Release say 201707 (For first time, user must select all). Click Next

 Select the folder Core as shown below

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Click Finish.

On successful import core folder will contain the T24 core models introspected. It is
recommended to have a Core folder inside XXXX-models project and select the same.

2.1.4 ESON Deployment support in DS Packager via tRun

DS Packager Installer deployment via tRun now supports Data ESON files as well.
A new ESON serialization was added to support tRun to deploy Data ESON. No additional
configuration is needed. Prepare the DS Package using the packager launch file as before and
install using the tRun commands into T24 environment.
The User must be set in DS.PARAMETER.SYSTEM, the same user will be used to registred in
audit fields to have stored/updated in data records

To configure this feature we must make change is pom.xml of XXXX-packager project as

shown below
Add a new parameter named "packageEsonAsCsv" and set it true

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

DS Packager will have Data ESON packaged as shown below.

2.1.5 Import for Composite Screen

Design Studio provides Introspection of T24 Composite Screen.
Ensure T24 environment is up and running. T24 server project is configured for

 Click File Import Design Studio to get the import screen as shown below

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Click on Import T24 Composite Screens , next wizard will display the COS
records from T24 environment as shown below

 Select the COS records needed and the folder structure. Click next to get the
folder selection screen as shown below

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Click Finish. The introspection summary is displayed as shown below

2.1.6 Data ESON Enhancements

To improve the user experience with Data ESON some additional improvements
were added as mentioned below Cancel ESON deployment

Design Studio provides an option to cancel an ongoing deployment for Data ESON.
During the deployment we get a dialog which updates the progress of data record
deployment. To stop the deployment, we must just click “Cancel”, which stops any further
deployment of Data ESON files.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR Launch icon for Data ESON import

To ease the import operation of a data record Design studio has introduced a new tool bar
icon which will directly take USER to the folder selection page of Import Data Record
operation. Reload Data ESON

Design Studio provides an option to re import an existing data record to get the latest
content from T24 environment. This enables user to update existing Data ESON files in a
single right click option.

The Reload operation can be performed on a single file, multiple files, on a folder and also on

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR Application selection and folder selection in Data ESON import

Design Studio has improved the Data ESON import experience by remembering the
application name and folder selected in last data import operation. Validation based on Application attributes

Validation check has been introduced on Data ESON records to notify users if they are any
errors with respect to application attributes to which records belong.
Following three validations has been added.
1. Max length check on the field value

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

2. ENUM fields check on the value assigned

3. Required/Mandatory field check.
Below screen shot depicts the error message displayed when above conditions fail.

2.1.7 Automatic Code Generation

Design Studio provides an option for user to set the generation automatically.
This can achieved by enabling the preference in IDE as shown below.

With this feature, if the T24 server is running and DS T24 server is active, after
modification file saving using SAVE button or CTRL+S will generate and deploy
automatically without user using CTRL+G.

2.1.8 Import of T24 Objects via CSV

The idea is to generalize the import of Data ESON via csv file to all T24 models
 Composite Screens
 Context Enquiries

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Data (Eson)
 Enquiries
 Local Fields Definition (LT)
 Localref Application (LRT)
 Main Menus
 Menus
 Versions
 Tabbed Screens
 TABLE.NAME : table name
 ID : id of the record
 CO.CODE : optional company code
 DESTINATION : optional destination workspace relative :i.e. mybank-
models/retail, mybank-data-code/Source/Data/Public Import Option

The Import option is named as “Bulk Import T24 Objects” CSV file selection page

The CSV File selection has a title “Bulk Import T24 objects” and description and a new
checkbox that allow the bulk import as data ESON records only (i.e. a version will be
imported as a .data.eson instead of a .version)
Error message is displayed if the selected CSV file is invalid.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR Model destination folder

The models folder selection page will be displayed if the CSV contains models import.
If there is no models to import in CSV or if the models have a destination folder or if the
“Import models as data ESON only” checkbox is checked, then this step will be skipped. Data records destination folder

The data records folder selection page will be displayed if the CSV contains data import.
If there is no data records to import in CSV or if the data records have a destination folder,
then this step will be skipped. Import progress Report

As the import can take some time, the use will be able to cancel the import. The cancellation
will be applied as soon as the current model/data record import is finished.
Import report will be displayed as shown below

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR Import Logic

As The following mapping of table names will be used to replace a data record import by a
DSL model import:
 VERSION  Import T24 Versions
 ENQUIRY  Import T24 Enquiries
 EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN  Import T24 Composite Screens
 EB.TABBED.SCREEN  Import T24 Tabbed Screens
 HELPTEXT.MAINMENU  Import T24 Main Menu
 HELPTEXT.MENU  Import T24 Menu
 CONTEXT.ENQUIRY  Import T24 Context Enquiries
 LOCAL.TABLE  Import T24 Local Field Definition (LT)
 LOCAL.REF.TABLE  Import T24 Localref Application (LRT)
Note: if the user select “Import as data ESON record only”, this mapping will be ignored. Launch icon added in tool bar

To ease the access for user, quick launch icon was introduced in tool bar. Additional features

 Record ID is sufficient for Enquiry and Version, and there is no need of additional
information anymore.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 A sample CSV file is available in the data-tool template project (File > New… >
Project… > Design Studio Template Projects > data-tool)

 Progress monitor added for import operation

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 Bulk Import option made available in server view

 Short cut key for import

Import operation “Bulk Import T24 Objects” can be executed now using a shortcut key
“Ctrl + I”.

2.1.9 Import of System Definition from T24 environment

Design Studio now provides feature to create sysdef.xml for a given T24
User can introspect System Definition using the import option “Import T24 System
Import option can be accessed via File Import Import T24 System Definition.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

Also the same is made available in Server view of Design Studio.

On Selecting “Import T24 System Definition” server selection page in case of multiple
servers available as shown below. Select a server and click next.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

Folder Selection wizard is displayed .Select the folder in which System definition has to be
imported in XML format.

On Click of Finish import happens and import report dialog is displayed

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

On successful import we can see the SystemDefinition.xml in the selected folder

2.1.10 Local Ref Application Introspection

During the import of local ref applications (LRT records) from T24 server, it is
expected to have the field definitions introspected first. If field definitions are
missing then introspection of local ref application fails with an error of missing field.
This has been modified now not to raise any error instead introspect those missing
field definitions, updating LocalFieldsDefinition.domain, before local ref application
import silently from T24 server as shown below.

Below screen shot shows DS projects with LocalFieldsDefinition.domain containing

only one field definition.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

Now let us import a local ref application X_CUSTOMER as shown below

Now you will see LocalFieldsDefinitions.domain has fields added and X_CUSTOMER.domain
imported successfully.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

2.1.11 Refresh of Application fields in Enquiry/Version designer

In Version or Enquiry designer we have option to select fields from application on
which version or enquiry is based. Post update on application (like addition or
deletion of fields), unless the version or enquiry is reopened, application fields are
not refreshed.

To overcome this drawback, Design Studio now performs auto refresh to update the
list of fields from application without reopen of version.

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

2.2 Defects
2.2.1 Custom Field selection in Enquiry Designer
Issue: Only one field was allowed to select in Enquiry designer. User must redo same
action to add multiple fields.
Fix: Design Studio now offers to select multiple custom fields in an enquiry designer in
single click.

2.2.2 Handle obsolete records for COS, TAB, Menu etc. during Import
Issue: The import list contained even obsolete records entry. User selected this and
expected this to be imported. But the record was not imported
Fix: Design studio now skips the obsolete records (i.e. which are marked as OB in
PDC) during introspection of COS, TAB, Menu, Main Menu and Context Enquiries.
The import list provided to the USER for selection of records contains only valid
Record Ids.

2.2.3 L3 stream projects unable to refer to the domain models projects.

Issue: Using DS R18.35, while creating the L3 stream independent project, the
classpath file doesn’t contain the reference to the domain-models projects by
default. This leads to error in data ESON records imported.
Fix: Classpath file has been modified to include the dependency as default entry to
make sure data ESON record import works fine without any additional configuration.

3. Changes incorporated in R18.1 AMR


Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 DS-14218: T24Adapters Version update for R18 (#5577)

 DS-14217: DS - BCR Version update for 18.0.0(#5576)
 DS-14216: DS - BCR Version update for 18.0.0 (#5575)
 DS-14199: Removing - UTP Tested references from 201804
 DS-14211: BCR Edge Gen Version update for 201804.4 (#5563)
 DS-14207: Version incremented on version properties file (#5557)
 DS-14197: Update T24 component version to the latest release version for 201804
 DS-14193: Activity : add activity features in DS by default (#5551)
 DS-14189: Restore isLocalApplication class annotation for L3 API (#5544)
 DS-13996: set in .ini file
 DS-14185: DS - T24Adapters Version update for 201804.2 (#5537)
 DS-14179: Add com.temenos.irf artifacts in t24-binaries
 DS-14184: DS - BCR Version update for 201804.2 (#5536)
 DS-13928: replacing eclipse repo with maven.temenosgroup repo
 DS-13869: jenkins publish.manually should include publish-docs
 DS-14016: EDP Tooling Doc: to create an EAR with versioning and dependencies
 DS-14108: DITA Docs: Building L3 API in Design Studio IDE (#5508)
 DS-14150: PW Designer - Upgrade to EEF 2.0 that is compatible with Sirius 5.1
 DS-14153: PW Designer P1M1: PWD creation Validation rule updates
 DS-13787: Application Import - Create a Wizard to import application by name
 DS-14170: DS Merger Set-up-Workspace and Cartridge Changes with increased
 DS-14130: Enquiry designer - Conversion in Properties Tab need to have provision for
moving UP and Down
 DS-14135: Install API Designer-UI Dependent plugins in DST24CoreAPI (#5482)
 DS-14113: DS Packager: PackageEsonAsCsv feature broken- Unable to package any
data ESON record inside Eson folder
 DS-14102: Template Creation Wizard : should manage different versions (#5481)
 DS-14117: DS - T24Adapters Version update for 201804(#5466)
 DS-14115: DS - BCR Version update for 201804(#5464)
 DS-14016: EDP - DS Tooling to create an EAR with versioning and dependencies
 DS-14099: Remove json model extension registration
 DS-14084: PW Designer P1M1 - Disable PWD related bundles from DS Product
 DS-13936: PW Designer P1M1 - pwd dsl validator & validation checks
 DS-13952: PW Designer P1M1 - Packaging of PWD files
 DS-13996: set in .ini file
 DS-14059: Unable to do code generation for Menus (#5413)
 DS-14077: Ignore test cases for AFW PIT Failure
 DS-13801: Upgrade Eclipse Sirius to version 5.1.0
 DS-14073: AFW Primary - Disable failing AFW Primary DS-PAT tests
 DS-14069: Packager - Line Ending should not change for TAFJ Packager (#5419)
 DS-14024: ESON validation does not take into account feature switch
 DS-14065: Remove UXP, API-templates from RCPTT tests in DS (#5416)
 DS-14031: Support Enquiry Design for type RR
 DS-13966: Merging EDGE Delta Maven Repo with t24-binaries
 DS-14055: Unable to add field to an enquiry using EDS
 DS-13805: Upgrade DS Eclipse to Neon 3
 DS-14045: Packager has line ending issue for TAFC in Unix area
 DS-12436: Number Of Decimal and Column Width field values cannot be removed
from the properties tab once set for an enquiry field
 DS-13939: PW Designer P1M1 - Bulk Import using CSV should also support pwd
 DS-14048: Design Time and Run Time further changes (#5394)
 DS-13904: DS-Segregation - Installed plugins are not resolving in the EDS startup
 DS-14008: Data ESON Enhancements - Custom Proposal Provider for Enum types
 DS-13992: RTC-2077799 - DataFramework cartridge to use Data Mapper

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 DS-14001: ESON Deployer Default DesignStudioInstaller Service to be used for all

apps (#5338)
 DS-14043: DS Release: Add DryRun parameter to skip deploy
 DS-13925: Macrodef.xml needs Minor changes
 DS-14003: Update Release Notes in DS User guide for 201801, 201802, 201803
 DS-13934: PW Designer P1M1 - Plugin Projects Creation
 DS-13704: Data ESON Enhancements - Consistent IDE and DS Package Installation
 DS-13976: Removal of "should-be-changed" drilldown type from drilldown type list


No Client defects

3.1 DS R18.2
POM version is 18.2

 DS-14393: DS - IRFX Version update for 18.0.2(#5711)
 DS-14357: CLONE 201804 - Remove Edge Source from DS SCM (#5678)
 DS-14353: CLONE 201804 - support new permitted value (Time Only) for attribute
widget_e of dict_entity (#5672)
 DS-14302: CLONE 201804 - UI - New exporter of EB.DICTIONARY
 DS-14311: R18-TWS raises T24error when OFS Subroutine Type Requests are posted
 DS-14300: SAST_AMR_2018_TWS_DEV_XML External Entity Injection, XML Entity
Expansion Injection & high severity jar
 DS-14275: Bulk Import of T24 Objects support for special characters (#5617)
 DS-14251: CLONE 201804 - Upgrade Maven plugin Version required for EDP Tooling
 DS-14220: Disable binaries check for different version at start-up (#5582)

- No client defects

3.2 DS R18.3
POM version is 18.3

 DS-14373: CLONE 201804 - ABN AMRO - All enquiries will have a field
 DS-14501: CLONE 201804 - Data ESON Deploy - Removing of MENU item not
deploying properly using new DesignStudioInstallerService
 DS-14382: CLONE 201804 - Version Editor - PromptText is missing in DS Version
Editor UI
 DS-14496: RTC-2527733 - PT_AMR_2018_TWS_DEV_External Entity Injection (XXE)
 DS-14196: POST Release Action for DS 201804
 DS-14473: Version Update for IRIS2 (#5767)
 DS-14445: TWS Handling Reverse function for optional ofs-function tags (#5727)
 DS-14402: CLONE 201804- Bulk T24 Object Import fails if we have same ID but
different Table name for data ESON
 DS-14281: DS API -Segregation Backports (#5625)

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 DS-14395: ds.6.release.ds.t24 post segregation release plan

 DS-14503: CLONE 201804 - PACS00681313 - RTC-2639114 - Enquiry Designer: First
Drilldown is removed when we set the second drill-down (to a screen)

3.3 DS R18.4
POM version is 18.4

 DS-14707: CLONE 201804 - Feature Switch to disable Business validation check on
 DS-14714: RTC-2723211 - Parse Issue from TWS (R18 stream)
 DS-14655: DS - IF Plugin Version update in R18 Branch
 DS-14637: CLONE 201804 - Failed to import enquiries with negative values defined in
CONVERSION field used with EXTRACT function.
 DS-14649: Unable to import the meta-dictionary to pms-models in Design Studio
 DS-14608: CLONE 201804 - Field that ends with more than one dot is not resolved in
Data ESON editor
 DS-14506: Packager Error log should provide data ESON name during run failure in
case of erroneous data ESON (#5811)
 DS-14571: RTC-2669734 - Large enquiry freezes DS when closing it
 DS-14562: IRIS Embedded server TAFC R18 issue
 DS-14562: IRISdataServer
 DS-14521: CLONE 201804 - LRT headless import not working
 DS-14516: CLONE 201804 - AFW DS-PIT Failure-Disabling PIT Junit case

 DS-14853: PACS00696307 - RTC-2782422 - TWS Success Indicator shows T24 error
when the enquiry response is in the double quotes format (R18)

3.4 DS R18.5
POM version is 18.5

 DS-14855: CLONE R18 - Deploying data ESON records from DS raising in-valid
application errors
 DS-14952: CLONE R18 - Fix unstable test for Localref Application Importer in Jenkins
 DS-14541: CLONE R18 - PIT-Junit tests getting skipped due to "COMPILATION
 DS-14917: Script update for -Update Template Projects to have R18 as the Released
version for DS 201804
 DS-14691: Update Template Projects to have R18 as the Released version for DS
 DS-14913: CLONE R18 - EDS TAP install new software is broken

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

 DS-14905: R18 - Disable presentation pane does not remove popup behaviour from
 DS-14856: CLONE R18 - EDS/DS Performance - takes more time in completing the
DATA ESON validations with large number of files
 DS-14867: CLONE R18 - Defaulting field value of associated version displays the
presentation details in main version.

 DS-14946: PACS00710249 - RTC-2830989 – Sinopac code change to handle calloff

3.5 DS R18.6
POM version is 18.6

 DS-14978: CLONE R18 - Data ESON - IllegalArgumentException: while importing data
ESON records with field @ID
 DS-14975: CLONE R18 - Dita Documentation: Application Import by Name feature in
 DS-14925: CLONE R18 - Issues in Version Designer Improvements done under DS-
 DS-14990: CLONE R18 - PACS00713128 - RTC-2847891 - Language code available in
DS for Hebrew language has to be updated with the latest ISO code

3.6 DS R18.7
POM version is 18.7

No internal commits
 DS-15040: PACS00716485 - RTC-2869539 - Handling OFS response in TWS for a new
attribute 'RESP.WITHOUT.HDR'

3.7 DS R18.8
POM version is 18.8

 DS-15123:TWS is reading the incorrect response from JMS Queue
 DS-15095:TWS R18 Security issues

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

No client defects

3.8 DS R18.9
POM version is 18.9

 DS Version Upgrade
No client defects

3.9 DS R18.30
POM version is 18.30

 DS Version Upgrade
 DS-15269: Update the IRIS2 generator to 1.0.22 for R18
 DS-15265: CLONE R18 - Check for -SNAPSHOT in contributor m2repos
 DS-15050: CLONE R18 - Version Designer: Domain reference unresolved for a newly
created versions
 DS-15268: CLONE R18: PACS00754608: RTC-3122274: Unable to load t24-binaries
into nexus repository under Release policy.

3.10 DS R18.35
POM version is 18.35

 DS-15282: CLONE R18 - Inconsistent junit tests execution
 DS Version Upgrade
 DSF-1021: CLONE R18 - OpenBank/ABN - templates with dependencies

3.11 DS R18.37
POM version is 18.37

 DS Version Upgrade


Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

No client defects

3.12 DS R18.39
POM version is 18.39

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

3.13 DS R18.42
POM version is 18.42

 DS Version Upgrade

 DSF-1174: PACS00769128 - RTC-3220886 - CLONE R18 - In DS R18.35, L3 stream
projects unable to refer to the core models projects.

3.14 DS R18.45
POM version is 18.45

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

3.15 DS R18.49
POM version is 18.49

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

3.16 DS R18.59
POM version is 18.59

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

3.17 DS R18.65
POM version is 18.65

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

3.18 DS R18.66
POM version is 18.65

 DS Version Upgrade

No client defects

3.19 DS R18.75
POM version is 18.75

 DS Version Upgrade

 DS-15432: PACS00802587 – RTC-3451766 -IF join definition issue

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

3.20 DS R18.78
POM version is 18.78

 DS Version Upgrade

 DS-15444: Jar version decrement to support WS_security in Jboss EAP 7.0 and above

3.21 DS R18.86
POM version is 18.86

 DS Version Upgrade
 DS-15474: CLONE:R18 P2.oams Migration

 DS-15499: R18 TWS Cluster Support using ClusterConnector

4. Migration
Update DS T24-binaries
POM referencing old t24-binaries versions must be updated to the new version: 18.86

Source code / continuous integration

 Upload the t24-binaries to Nexus (or their maven repository)
 Update all the relevant POMs (see POMs migration guide below)

POM migration upgrade guide

To update to the latest version all POMs must be updated to version 18.86

Sample projects to be updated:

- xxxx-models\pom.xml
- xxxx-models-gen\pom.xml
- xxxx-packager\pom.xml
- xxxx-packager\module\pom.xml
- xxxx-data-code\pom.xml
- xxxx-iris\pom.xml

Design Studio Release Notes R18 AMR

- xxxx-iris-parent\pom.xml
- xxxx-embedded-server-tafj\pom.xml

Migration path is described below: replace NEW_VERSION by 18.86

Original POM New POM

<groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId> <groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId>
<artifactId>t24-core</artifactId> <artifactId>t24-core</artifactId>
<version>OLD_VERSION</version> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>

<groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId> <groupId>com.temenos.maven</groupId>
<artifactId>t24-core-tafj</artifactId> <artifactId>t24-core-tafj</artifactId>
<version> OLD_VERSION</version> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>

If you reference any other internal t24-binairies

artefact then you also need to update it
<groupId>xxx.yyy.zzz</groupId> <artifactId>aaa-bbb</artifactId>
<artifactId>aaa-bbb</artifactId> <version>NEW_VERSION</version>
<version> OLD_VERSION</version>


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