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Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur I Tlp. (022) 2513257 Bandung 40198

TH. PELAJARAN 2019-2020

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX .............. Nama : .................................................

1. You’re not having an early lunch today, __________?

a. Are You ? c. Is She
b. Aren’t You d. Isn’t She

2. Elisabeth usually gets the bus to college, __________?

a. Doesn’t She ? c. Did She?
b. Does She ? d. Didn’t She?

Prophet Muhammad

We know him as Muhammad. His full name is Muhammad bin Abdullah. Muhammas was born in Mecca on
570 Masehi, it is known as Year of The Elephant. His father’s name is Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib and his
mother is Aminah binti Wahab.
Muhammad spent his childhood in Bani Sa’ad Village. Prophet Muhammad has many mukjizat. Mukjizat is a
miracle. Prophet Muhammad is called Al-Amin. Prophet Muhammad married to Khadijah when he is 25 years
Prophet Muhammad is very handsome. He has a beautiful eyes. His hair is black. His height is ideal. Everyone
loves to see him.
I love prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Prophet Muhammad died when he is 63 years old in
Madina, on 632 M. In Islamic calendar, it is 13 Rabiul Awwal on 11 Hijriyyah.

3. What kind of this text?

a. Report c. Narrative
b. Descriptive d. Procedure
4. What is the function of paragraph 1?
a. Orientation c. Identification
b. Description d. Aim
5. What is the function of paragraph 2?
a. Orientation c. Identification
b. Description d. Aim
6. Where was Prophet Muhammad born ?
a. Medinah c. Yatsrib
b. Mecca d. Aim

Chicken Soup
Ingredients: Step :
Rinse the chicken.
3 pound, whole fried chicken Place the chicken in a bowl and add vegetables,
6 to 8 cups of water and enough water to cover them. Put the bowl
1 diced garlic clove into an oven and boil over medium-high heat.
1 cup of sliced onion Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered for 90
1 cup of sliced celery minutes. Remove the chicken from the heat.
½ cup of sliced carrots Serve the steaming hot chicken, garnished with
2 cup of chopped leeks parsley, salt and ground black pepper
3 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley
Freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of salt
7. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe about the chicken soup c. To show how to make the chicken soup
b. To explain what the chicken soup is d. To entertain the readers about the chicken soup
8. What do we do first after rinsing the chicken ?
a. Put the bowl into an oven c. Reduce heat to low and simmer
b. Place the chicken in a bowl d. Add vegetable and enough water
9. . “…, and enough water to cover them.”(line 2)What does the word “them” refer to ?
a. Chicken and bowl
b. Vegetables and bowl
c. Vegetables and chicken
d. Bowl, chicken, and vegetabes
10. What Is the synonym word for Heat?
a. Cold c. Hot
b. Cool d. Steam
11. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to ask somebody to do something
b. to warn somebody not to do something
c. to advise somebody not to do something
d. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous
12. What does the text mean?
a. the truck is big
b. the truck brings fluild gas
c. other vehicles should run faster than the truck
d. other vehicles should be far enough from the truck
13. What does the notice means?
a.You cannot return the borrowed books it the library is closed
b.The library return service is available after hours only
c.You should put the books here if you return them after the closing time
d.You can borrow books from this counter even if the library is closed
14. Where do you usually find the cautions above?
a.At the stationary
b.At the bus station
c.At a petrol station
d.At a police station
15. What does the text mean?
a. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here
b. We have to add chemical materials on food
c. We can put chemicals in the store room
d. We can only put food in the unit
16. What does the notice on the right mean?
a. Do not throw rubbish in the room
b. Do not destroy everything in the room
c. Do not sleep in the room
d. Do not speak in the room
16. What does it mean?
a. The dustbin in the place where students can throw the rubbish
b. The rubbish in the dustbin must be thrown away everyday
c. Students should throw the rubbish into the dustbin
d. Students may not have rubbish in the school
17. What does the text mean?
a. We must be careful to open the cover of the radio
b. It is hazardous to open the body of electrical appliance
c. It is forbidden to open the cover of the radio
d. Electrical shock will make us experienced
18. The caution above means...
a. We must keep the place silent
b. We must keep the place clean
c. We enter the place
d. We may read aloud

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled in Teberu Lombok, who had a beautiful daughter called Puteri
Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princes and kings from other kingdom around Teberu wished that she would
be their wife. Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were Prince Bumbang, Prince
Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria Loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince
wanted to win the hearth of Puteri Mandalika.
Her father, the king of Teberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he chose one prince
instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war against his kingdom. All the princes
were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his daughter to make her own choice. But Puteri
Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the dangerous risk that her kingdom and people would get, if
she chose either one of the princes.
After several days of serious thinking, Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to
announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Teberu the next day in the beach. Early next
morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across
the shore. Everybody was looking at Puteri Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.
Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then in a loud and
clear voice, Puteri Mandalika Said, ”Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and especially the people
of Teberu Kingdom. Today I would like to announce that I will not give myself to any one of the princes, but
rather to all people of Teberu and my own kingdom.” Then Puteri Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the
top of a hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be found and people
believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “nyale”. .

19. The first paragraph is called ……

a. orientation b. complication c. resolution d. identification
20. Why was it hard for the princess to choose one of the princes?
a. She loved all the princes.
b. All the princes were handsome.
c. All the princes were powerful.
d. She was afraid of the dangerous risk.
21. “Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined phrase can be replaced by …..
a. intend b. admit c. promise d. propose

Once upon a time there was a girl name Cindrella. She lived with her bad step-mother and two step-
sisters. She had to do all the household chores.
One day the king invited all the ladies in the kingdom to go to a ball (pesta dansa) in the palace. He
wanted to find the Crown Prince a wife.
The step sisters went to the ball that night with their mother. Cindrella was left alone. She cried because
she actually wanted to go to the ball, too.
Just then a fairy godmother came. With her magic wand, she gave Cindrella a coach (kereta), two horses
and footmen. She also gave Cindrella a lovely dress to wear the ball and a pair of glass slippers. She told
Cindrella to come home before midnight.
At the ball, Cindrella danced all night with the Prince. The Prince fell in love with her. At midnight,
Cindrella ran home. Unfortunately, one of her slippers slipped off at the door. She did not have time to put it
back on. The Prince was sad as he could not find Cindrella again that night.
The next day, the Prince and his men brought along the glass slipper. They went all over the Kingdom
to search for the owner.
After searching for along time, finally, they came to Cindrella’s house. The slipper fit her. The prince
was very happy to find Cindrella again. They got married and lived ever after.

22. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To tell us how to write a story
b. To inform what happened in the past
c. To give a description of a beautiful girl
d. To entertain readers with an actual, or vicarious experience
23. What was there at the palace one day?
a. A game
c. A birthday party
e. Glass slippers
b. A ball
24. Why did the king hold the event at his palace?
a. To celebrate his birthday
d. To entertain his people
b. To celebrate his wedding
e. To find his crown prince a wife
25. How was the end of the story?
a. The prince married Cindrella.
d. The king gave the kingdom to Cindrella.
b. Cindrella was killed by her step mother .
e. Cindrella was betrayed by the king.
26. “She also gave Cindrella a lovely dress….” (Paragraph 4). The underlined word has the same meaning with
a. boring b. Polite c. Pretty d. honest

Dear Fernando,
May everyday in Sydney full of happiness, reward and success. To get scholarship abroad is not easy
but you could achieve it.
We proud of you, dear
Mom & Dad

27. What does Fernando achieve?

a. A holiday in Sydney. c. A scholarship in Sydney.
b. A travelling time abroad. d. A reward abroad.
28. Based on the text we can conclude that Fernando….
a. comes from Sydney c. gets some rewards
b. is smart student d. stays with his parents a broad
29. “… could achieve it.” What does it refer to?
a. Scholarship b. Abroad c. Reward d. Happiness
The head of this regency, Mr. Harjono, is going to visit our school tomorrow, Tuesday, 21 st June 2011 at about 10 a.m.
All students should wear the new batik uniforms and gather in the school hall at 9.30 to do the welcoming ceremony.
The teaching learning process before and after the ceremony is done as usual.
Please be informed

30. What is the announcement about?

a. The new batik uniforms. c. The program of the school.
b. The school ceremony. d. The visit of the head of the regency.
31. Which one the students should not do according to the text?
a. studying in class before and after the ceremony. c. doing a welcoming speech.
b. gathering in school hall at 9.30 a.m. d. wearing batik uniforms.
32. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To announce welcoming ceremony. c. To invite Mr. Harjono

b. To describe new Batik uniform d. To send message to Mr. Indrawan

Beach Clean Up

Yesterday, Andi’s class had an excursion to Sigandu Beach. They left the school at six thirty. They brought
brooms, big plastic bags, and other cleaning gadgets. They wore wide hats and gloves to protect their body
form the sun.
They arrived at the beach after a thirty- minute driving. The beach was so dirty. Garbage was everywhere. It
was not beautiful at all. They watched sadly at the dirty beach.
Mrs. Fatimah told them to get off the bus and start their program right away. She showed them how to pick up
the garbage and put it into the plastic bags. They did cleaning up immediately. They picked up plastic, cans, dry
leaves, unused sandals and put them into the plastic bags they brought. Then, they brought the garbage into the
dumping ground.
They were very happy to the beach clean.
33. When did the students arrive at the beach?
a. At 6.30 a.m b. At 6.30 p.m c. At 7 a.m d. At 7 p.m
34. What made the students sad?
a. The strong sun. c. The distance of the beach.
b. The heavy garbage. d. The condition of the beach.
35. “Garbage was everywhere.” (paragraph 2)
Which is not the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Rubbish b. Sewage c. Trash d. Dustbin
36. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell about Andi’s experience of having a beach clean up.
b. To let the readers know about the condition of Sigandu Beach.
c. To explain the readers about the beauty of Sigandu Beach.
d. To give the readers direction to reach the beach.
For questions 37 to 40, complete the text with appropriate words

I have two bantams chikens at home. They are funny. They have....... (37) legs and small bodies. Their
feathers are brown. I keep ...... (38) in a bamboo coop in the backyard. Every morning I ..... (39) them and
clean coop. Now, the hen is hacthing. I ...... (40) them all.

37. ......
a. Short b. Long c. Big d. Weird
38. .......
a. It b. Him c. Her d. Them
39. .......
a. Fed b. feed c. feeds d. am feeding
40. .......
a. Take b. Hate c. love d. leave
Playing Hide-and-Seek at Night

When I was a kid, I used to play hide-and-seek with friends. We used to play in the yard
behind my house. The yard was a perfect place because it was surrounded by dense banana trees.

We usually played until late at night. One night, when I was trying to find a place to hide
among the banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I used to take a bath at the river, but never
at night! In the dark, everything seemed different. I couldn't think clearly, I felt something tickling
my feet. 1 was struggling to go out, but my feet were trapped in the mud.

Thank God, a friend finally came and helped me. He, then called others, and I was saved.

1. Where did the writer and his friends used to play hide-and-seek?
2. Based on the writer, what made the yard as the perfect place to play hide-and-seek?
3. Why did the writer feel scared when he fell into the river?
4. What made the writer feel difficult to go out of the river?
5. Who did help the writer when he fell into the river?

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