Hamlet: William Shakespeare Mikee Charlene M. Suede

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Hamlet Mikee Charlene M. Suede.

William Shakespeare
Synopsis Reaction

Hamlet prince of Denmark, learns that his uncle This is a Shakespearean tragedy with all
Claudius and hi unfaithful mother Gertrude were important characters getting killed, some of
responsible for the death of his father, the king. them because of past sins. Hamlet possesses a
Unashamed and conscienceless, they reign as new noble nature, but doesn’t have the strength and
king and queen of Denmark. will of a hero. The uncle is a cruel, heartless
One night the ghost of his father appears before throne usurper. Worse is Hamlet’s mother is
Hamlet and tells him to avenge his murder. Hamlet involved in killing his father just to gain power.
promises. He casts aside his love for Ophelia, There is retribution for the guilty; and pity for
daughter of Polonius, lord chamberlain, so he can the innocents killed.
devote himself to revenge. He pretends madness, While I’m reading the story of Hamlet, I
treats Ophelia rudely, and even upbraids his mother feel so pity for him. He was not given a chance
the queen. Thinking his uncle Claudius is listening to experience how happy to be with your family
behind a curtain, Hamlet stubs him but kills the and love ones. He didn’t experience the tender
palace chamberlain instead. care of a mother, the love of a father, and also
The king plan to destroy Hamlet and sends the the sweetness of having a relationship.
latter on a mission to England. At sea, pirates
But still, do you know why this story
capture the prince and send him back to Denmark.
became so interesting for me? It is because it
Hamlet learns that Ophelia has drowned herself in
didn’t just focus in one theme. "Hamlet" is a
grief and bitterness over his father’s death. Her
great play with so many different themes that
brother Laertes, to avenge his father’s death, duels
can be contrasted with one another.  So, it lends
with Hamlet using a poisoned sword furnished by
itself well to a balanced contradiction of themes.
The different ideas are revenge vs. forgiveness,
During the duel, Hamlet mortally wounds
action vs. indecision, loyalty vs. infidelity,
Laertes, and then he also stabs his uncle the king to
friendship vs. hatred, lastly life vs. death. This is
death. Laertes kills Hamlet before expiring.
also one of my reasons why I choose this book
Horrified, Queen Gertrude drinks from a poisoned
as my book report.
cup intended for Hamlet and she also dies.
Submitted by: Submitted to
Mikee Charlene M. Suede. Ms. Aguirre.

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