Appendix e

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Appendix E

Good and Scates Validation Form

Instruction: Use the criteria develop for evaluating the survey questionnaire by Carter V. Good
and Douglas B. Scates in rating the attached questionnaire.

Rating: 5- excellent 4- very good 3- good 2- fair 1-poor

Area Criteria Ratings

1 The questionnaire is short enough that the respondent respect it and it

would not drain much precious time.
2 The questionnaire is interesting and has a fair appeal such that the
respondent will be induced to respond to it and accomplish it fully.
3 The questionnaire can obtain some depth to responses and avoid
superficial letter.
4 The item/questions and their alternative responses are neither too
suggestive nor stimulating.
5 The questionnaire can elect responses, which are definite but not
mechanically forced.
6 Questions/item are stated in such way that the response will not be
embarrassing to the person/s concerned.
7 Question/item are formed in a manner to avoid suspicion on the part on the
responds concern hidden response in the questionnaire.
8 The questionnaire is not too arrow nor restricted nor limited in philosophy.

9 The responses to the questionnaire when taken as a whole could answer the
basic purpose which is the questionnaire is designed and therefore
considered valid.

Juror’s Signature over Printed Name

February, 2020

Dear, ma’am/sir,

Good day!

We, the ABM 12- Drucker, are currently enrolled in 3 I’s ( Investigation, Inquiry, and
Immersion) and we are currently working on our research entitled “ Gaming Expenditures of
Online Gamer to Grade 11 Students under Humanities and Social Science of Bacolod City
National High School”. The primary objective of this study is to determine the expenditures of
online gamer to the grade 11 HUMSS students who are enrolled in BCNHS-SHS.

In line with this, we would like to request your expertise to establish the content and
face validity of our research instrument which include 10-item test about the study.

We are hoping for your positive response regarding to this request. Thank you very
much for your continued support.

Respectfully yours,


Group leader, Bacolod City National High School



Research Adviser
Gaming Expenditures of Online Gamer to Grade 11 Students under
Humanities and Social Science of BCNHS

Name: (optional) Sex:

Instruction: put an (x) against the statement that is most applicable to you using 4-point scale
being provided (4)- always, (3)- often, (2)- sometimes, (1)- never.

of Questions
4 3 2 1

1 I spend money in playing mobile legend.

2 I expend money to purchase an item in mobile legend.

3 I spend 2-4 hours playing games

4 I play mobile legend everyday.

5 I use my cellphone in playing online games (mobile


6 I play mobile legend while walking.

7 I play mobile legend during class hours.

8 I sleep late at night playing online games (mobile legend).

9 I invite friends in playing online games (mobile legend).

10 I exchange load through diamonds.

Research Questions:

1. What is the level of influence of playing mobile legend to the academic performance of the


2. What is the academic performance of grade 11 in playing mobile legend?

3. Is there significant relationship between playing online games (mobile legend) to the academic

performance of grade 11 students?

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