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5 3-4 1-2
Organization/ The information is The information The organization
Neatness very well has some material are poorly
organized and organization with written and confusing
neatly written. random to the reader.
Content It communicates It communicates It communicates
relevant good information irrelevant information.
information. with unnecessary
Conventions All of the writing Most of the Most of the writing is
is done in writing is done in not done in complete
complete complete sentences. A lot of
sentences. Proper sentences. Some corrections are needed
grammar and corrections are in grammar and
punctuation. needed in spelling.
grammar and
Graphic Appropriate Most graphics go It included little
graphics that go well with the text graphics that go along
well with the text. but more were with the text.

5 3-4 1-2
Organization/ The information is The information The organization
Neatness very well has some material are poorly
organized and organization with written and confusing
neatly written. random to the reader.
Content It communicates It communicates It communicates
relevant good information irrelevant information.
information. with unnecessary
Conventions All of the writing Most of the Most of the writing is
is done in writing is done in not done in complete
complete complete sentences. A lot of
sentences. Proper sentences. Some corrections are needed
grammar and corrections are in grammar and
punctuation. needed in spelling.
grammar and
Graphic Appropriate Most graphics go It included little
graphics that go well with the text graphics that go along
well with the text. but more were with the text.
Social Studies Marine Reserves Label Map

5 3-4 1-2
Organization/ The information is The information The organization
Neatness very well has some material are poorly
organized and organization with written and confusing
neatly written. random to the reader.
Content 5 Marine Reserves 3-4 Marine 2 Marine Reserves
3 National Parks Reserves 2 National Parks and 2
and 3 Natural 2 National Parks Natural monuments
monuments were and 2 Natural were labelled correctly.
labelled correctly. monuments were
labelled correctly.
Conventions All of the writing Instructions were Instructions were not
is done following not correctly correctly followed. The
instructions. The followed. The map map was diffic
map was well was uncleared. (The key was not
understood. (The key was created at all or was
(Using key for the created but was not properly created).
map and different incomplete)
shapes for each
type place
labelled. )
Geographical The label was Most labels were Most labels were
Label correctly placed. placed correctly a incorrectly placed.
few were
Science Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixture Rubric

Pair/ Excellent Good- Average-Poor

Individual 5 3-4 1-2
Materials Were

Presentation of
the Preparation

Explanation of
Understanding of

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