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Art Files Printing Instructions for Service Provider

Date: 11/30/2017 02:22 PM

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Collection Log

! Joy of - Warning - One or more linked files/fonts has errors.

! Images - Warning - One or more linked image files has errors.
X Zee Institute of Creative Art.png - Error - The linked image file cannot be found.
X zima.jpg - Error - The linked image file cannot be found.
√ Fonts
√ Muro-Regular
√ AvenirNext-Regular
√ DIN-Medium
√ DIN-Bold
√ DIN-Regular
√ Harrington
√ MyriadPro-Regular

√ Joy of; type: Illustrator Document; size: 3.2 MB copied successfully.

√ Avenir Next.ttc; type: Font File; size: 4.9 MB copied successfully.
√ DINBd___ 7.ttf; type: Font File; size: 92 KB copied successfully.
√ DINRg___.ttf; type: Font File; size: 119 KB copied successfully.
√ FF_DIN_Medium.otf; type: Font File; size: 27 KB copied successfully.
√ GROBOLD.ttf; type: Font File; size: 24 KB copied successfully.
√ Harrington; type: Font File; size: 69 KB copied successfully.
√ MuroRegular.otf; type: Font File; size: 52 KB copied successfully.
√ MyriadPro-Regular_1.otf; type: Font File; size: 99 KB copied successfully.

√ OK | ! Warning | X Error

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