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characteristics, Your personal
atmosphere impression / opinion

Historical The culture and people

details in the place

When describing
places you may want
Pre Writing
Practice 1 (a)

Describe your school

How to


Name of scenery
the town school

Practice 1(b)

Rearrange the following sentences in the correct sequence.

a. It used to be a small town but it has developed over the past few years.

b. It is quiet and peaceful.

c. Fruits are plentiful and cheap during the fruit season.

d. Segamat is located in Johor.

e. One can get to Segamat by road.

f. Orchards are found everywhere in the district.

g. Segamat is famous for its durian.

h. There are new modern buildings and shop houses too.

i. Another mode of transport to Segamat is by train.

j. Many people often stop to buy these fresh fruits.

Practice 1 (c) Adjectives

Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.

peaceful modern famous

beautiful cheap
1. Segamat has a ____________________ scenery.

2. It is _________________________ for its durian.

3. The fruits are ______________________ .

4. We can enjoy a ____________________ holiday in Segamat.

5. The air is ____________________ and clean.

6. There are a few ________________________ buildings in Segamat.

Practice 1 (d)

Paragraph 1 : Introduction. Give the location

In Johor near Gemas - near Negeri Sembilan border

Paragraph 2: Give description of Segamat

Segamat town – small before but now more developed- more

roads, modern buildings, housing areas, shop houses

Paragraph 3: How to get there.

Mode of transport to Segamat – road, rail

Paragraph 4: What you can get during the fruit season

Attraction-plenty of cheap fruits – durians,mangosteens,rambutans

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Why Segamat is a good place to visit

Good choice for holidays- quiet, fresh air, local fruits- cheap,

Practice 2

A Popular Place I Have Visited


introduction tourist attraction food

location Penang Hill

historical beaches plentiful


Butterfly Farm
Practice 2 (a)

A Popular Tourist Spot That I Have Visited

Rearrange the words in the boxes below to form correct sentences

1. for a holiday my
choice It is


2. island It small a is


3. one Penang of Asia is

bridge longest The in the


4. beautiful the island I of a

whole can view is get


5 can place relax where I is a It


6. blue swimming trees go and can

I under water sit the in

7. a farm is butterfly There


8. the is South East Asia temple largest in It


9. taste This Penang place

laksa the to is


10. food varieties enjoy there of are to


Practice 2 (b)

Fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in Exercise 1 to

complete the story.
A Popular Tourist Spot That I Have Visited

Penang is also known as “The Pearl of the Orient”,

------- It was founded by Sir Francis Light. (2)
_______________________________________ It is linked to the mainland by
the Penang bridge. (3)

One of the pleasant places to visit is the Penang Hill. From there, (4)
_____________________________ I can enjoy the cool weather and peaceful
environment (5)__________________________________________________

The sandy beaches are beautiful. Visitors can choose to stay in the
chalets or hotels. (6) _____________________________________________.
There are also many other interesting places to visit. (7)
___________________________________. It has 5000 multi-coloured

Another interesting place to visit is the Kek Lok Si. (8)


Finally, Penang has many kinds of food.


There is no other place in Malaysia where you can find food that is cheap,
plentiful and delicious!

Besides beautiful tourist attractions to go to, (10)


Practice 3

Describe about the scene at A Night Market

When it


People A NIGHT

Sound Types of
Practice 3 (a)

Imagine that you are at the Night Market. Find words that describe the following.

What you see


2 3

What you hear

Practice 3 (b)

Underline the correct answer.

A Night Market

A night market is made up of many (stalls, shops). These stalls are

usually (open, closed) at about seven o’clock and closed at 10 o’clock at night.
It is a very (busy, quiet) and noisy place.
There are many things (sold, bought) at the night market. There are stalls
selling drinks, cakes, food, clothes, shoes and almost everything else. There
are many kinds of food such as satay, fried chicken, noodles and chapatti.
We can find all kinds of people here - old, young, rich and poor. They like
to shop here because the goods are (expensive, cheap). We can hear the
sound of babies crying and laughter, too.. Some sellers are (shouting, laughing)
and calling for customers.
Dogs and cats are running in and out looking for food. By ten o’clock this
place is already (noisy, quiet). Sellers pack up their things to go home.

Practice 4

Describe a place of interest

Location of Taman Negara What you can find at Taman Negara

---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------

Activities at Taman Negara Animals found at Taman Negara

---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------

Practice 4 (a)

Below is a picture of a waterfall in Taman Negara. Imagine that you are at the
waterfall. Write down the words that describe what you see, hear and touch.

I can

see hear touch

1.-------------------------- 1.----------------------------- 1.----------------------------------

2.-------------------------- 2----------------------------- 2.----------------------------------

3.-------------------------- 3.--------------------------- 3.----------------------------------

4.-------------------------- 4.----------------------------- 4.----------------------------------

5.-------------------------- 5.----------------------------- 5.----------------------------------

Practice 4 (b)

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

interesting activity relax different picnic caves

large oldest sound insect wild waterfalls


Taman Negara

Taman Negara is a…………………………… jungle in Malaysia. It is in

Pahang. It is the………………………jungle in Malaysia. People who love

adventure will visit this place.

There are many…………………………… in Taman Negara. You can walk

inside the cave. There are many …………………………… too. The water is

cool. and clear. We can hear the sound of the waterfalls from afar.

Fishing is another ………………………….. here. There are beautiful and

colourful fish in the river.We can also find a nice place to …………………….

and have a…………………………with our family and friends.

You can also listen to the sounds made by……………………………..and

…………………………….In the evening you can enjoy bird watching as they fly

back to their nests. Animals like monkeys, tigers and snakes live in the middle

of the jungle. You can also find…………………………kinds of insects in many

colours and sizes This is an …………………………………place to visit.

Practice 5

You spent your weekend at a beach resort. Describe the place.

Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the box

two swimming blue white colourful

sandy exciting beautiful dream

Pulau Perhentian

Pulau Perhentian is in Trengganu. It consists of (1)……………………..

islands: Pulau Perhentian Besar and Pulau Perhentian Kecil. A trip to this (2)

……………………island is interesting and (3)………………………………………

We can go boating, fishing and (4)………………………….It is

surrounded by ( 5)…………………………………,. ( 6)……………………………

beaches and (7) ……………………………waters. Pulau Perhentian is famous

for its (8) …………………………………fish in the marine park.

Pulau Perhentian has many exciting (9)………………………… for the

visitors. It is a magical world and place that we will want to visit for our (10)
………………………. holiday.

Practice 5 (a)

A. Read the text below and underline all the past tense form of the verbs

How I Spent My Holidays

During the last holidays, my family and I went to Port Dickson. We left
early in the morning and arrived just before noon. We stayed at a beautiful
beach resort.
In the evening, we went down to the beach to have a swim. The water
was warm. At night, we had a barbecue dinner by the pool. It was fun sitting
and eating under the stars.
B. Write down the past tense of the following verbs.

1. come - ---------------------------------------------------

2. go- ------------------------------------------------------

3 spend- ---------------------------------------------------

4 swim - ----------------------------------------------------

5 has - -----------------------------------------------------

6 stay - ------------------------------------------------------

7. enjoy - ----------------------------------------------------

8. check - ----------------------------------------------------

9. eat - --------------------------------------------------------

10. play - ----------------------------------------------------

Practice 5 (b)

Write an essay on how you spent your weekend. Use the following notes.

 How did you get there?

 Who did you go with?
 What did you do there?
 Would you like to go there again?

A Weekend At Pulau Pangkor

Paragraph 1: Introduction – Who, What, Where

-last weekend - family and I - to Pulau Pangkor

-stayed - beautiful chalet

Paragraph 2 : Describe the beach

White, sandy beaches- beautiful view - blue water- coconut palms
Paragraph 3: What did you do?
Swam - blue water, walked - beach, played beach ball, fishing
At night - barbecue, enjoyed eating – grilled chicken, fish, prawns

Paragraph 4: Conclusion- Would you like to go there again?

Next day - checked out – went home- tired but happy – enjoyed-
come again - next time.

Practice 6

Rearrange the paragraphs to form a story.

My House

Paragraph ( a )

There are many fans in my house. They keep the air in the house cool. There
are also many pieces of furniture in it. All these things make my house a very
nice place to live in .I like my house very much.

Paragraph ( b )
There is an open space in front of my house. There are some flower plants in
it .There is also a small piece of land at the back of my house. Here my
mother has planted some vegetables such as chillies and tomatoes.

Paragraph ( c )
My house is not very big. It is also not very small. About ten people can live in

Paragraph (d )
It is a double storey house. It is made of bricks and tiles .There are four
rooms in it. Three rooms are upstairs and one downstairs .The kitchen is near
the bathroom downstairs. The sitting room and the dining room are not very

Practice 6 (a): Rearranging Sentences

Arrange the sentences in the correct order.

Luqman and his family went to Bagan Lalang Beach Resort during the holidays.

 They left the resort with happy memories. Luqman’s father promised to
bring his family to the resort again in the future.-----------

 During the last school holidays, Luqman and his family went to Bagan
Lalang Beach Resort. They went there by car at ten o’clock in the
 At night, the family had their dinner at one of the seafood restaurants by
the sea. The seafood was really fresh and tasty. Luqman enjoyed the
chilli crabs and steamed fish very much.--------------------

 They reached the resort at noon and they quickly checked in. Everybody
was hungry so they had lunch at the hotel cafeteria.-------------------

 After a good swim in the sea, Luqman’s father rented bicycles for them to
cycle around the resort. They enjoyed the cool evening breeze and the
beautiful scenery.--------------------

 The next morning, after a light breakfast at the hotel, they decided to go
to the fish market at the jetty. Luqman’s mother bought some fish, squids
and prawns which were reasonably cheap.----------------------

Practice 7

Paragraph Writing

Note expansion

Using the notes below, write paragraphs of about 50 words each.


Night market- many people – variety of things –cheap – many types of food

Night markets are found all over Malaysia. They can be on Sunday, Monday
or any other day of the week.

There are many people at the night market. There are a variety of things sold
at the night market. Many of the things are cheap. There are also stalls selling
many types of food.
1. weekend - Rahim - friends – waterfall – relaxed – swam – splashed

2. water - brought guitar – sang songs – happy.

3. holidays – trip - Cameron Highlands – beautiful place – wonderful

experience – enjoyable – unforgettable

4. family – picnic by the sea – Tanjung Bidara – prepared food and drinks

helped mother

5. school holidays - members - English Language Society – visited –

Happy Old Folks’ Home

6. market – bought vegetables - fish – floor – wet – fell down –people –


Practice 7 (a)

Notes Expansion

Instruction: Write a composition on “A Visit To The Zoo”.


Paragraph 1

One Sunday – father said- taking us – zoo -family- excited–

heard news - fine morning – set out – car - enjoyed –
fresh – cool – morning air

Paragraph 2
entrance – father – bought- tickets – zoo – many animals -
monkeys – tigers –lions – elephants – birds - monkey –
peanuts – bananas –thrilled – peeling – bananas – eating -
took – photographs – animals.

Paragraph 3

tired – hungry – restaurant – ordered – food – drinks –

after eating – walked around – zoo -animals

Paragraph 4

time – home - left – zoo – three o’clock – afternoon

reached home – tired – happy - everyone – wonderful day

Descriptive words to describe a place

Word Meaning
ancient very old
charming very pleasing
crowded filled with people or things
fascinating very interesting
outstanding excellent
boring dull, not interesting
urban city or town

Other ways to say………

Nice Good Bad Happy

enjoyable excellent naughty cheerful
pleasurable outstanding wicked pleased
lovely wonderful terrible joyful
likeable fantastic unpleasant merry
Sad Big Pretty Scared
upset gaint beautiful frightened
unhappy large Cute afraid
miserable bulky lovely Fearful
gloomy huge attractive horrified

Task : Describe an outing with your friends at the waterfall.

Paragraph 1 - when the

activity / event
took place
- where the
activity / event
- who were the
people involved
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4

Activity 2
Match the paragraph

During the last holiday, my friends and I went to Bekok Resort Waterfall.
Bekok Resort Waterfall is a famous tourist spot in Johor. It was my first trip with
my friends.

That morning, Ali, Lim and Ravi were at the bus station before me.
We brought some food and drinks from home. We arrived there at about ten
o’clock in the morning. The place had a beautiful scenery. There were many
hills and forests around the waterfall. The sound of the water made me feel

We did many activities there. We hiked up the hills and swam at the
waterfall. The girls collected pebbles and we had an enjoyable picnic. Suddenly
it started to rain. We ran to find a safe shelter. Some of my friends tried to save
the food and their clothes.

After a few minutes, the rain stopped. We had a small barbecue near the
waterfalls. We rested for a while after eating. Before we went home, we hiked
up the hills. We found some unique flora such as the wild orchids. We picked
the flora for our Science garden in school. We went home in the evening. We
felt sad leaving the Bekok Resort Waterfall. While in the bus, my friends and I
planned to have another trip to the resort. Although it was tiring, it was a
memorable and fun trip.

Practice 5

You spent your weekend at a beach resort. Describe the place.

Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the box

two swimming blue white colourful

sandy exciting beautiful dream


Pulau Perhentian

Pulau Perhentian is in Trengganu. It consists of (1)……………………..

islands: Pulau Perhentian Besar and Pulau Perhentian Kecil. A trip to this (2)

……………………island is interesting and (3)………………………………………

We can go boating, fishing and (4)………………………….It is

surrounded by ( 5)…………………………………,. ( 6)……………………………

beaches and (7) ……………………………waters. Pulau Perhentian is famous

for its (8) …………………………………fish in the marine park.

Pulau Perhentian has many exciting (9)………………………… for the

visitors. It is a magical world and place that we will want to visit for our (10)
………………………. holiday.
Practice 5 (a)

C. Read the text below and underline all the past tense form of the verbs

How I Spent My Holidays

During the last holidays, my family and I went to Port Dickson. We left
early in the morning and arrived just before noon. We stayed at a beautiful
beach resort.
In the evening, we went down to the beach to have a swim. The water
was warm. At night, we had a barbecue dinner by the pool. It was fun sitting
and eating under the stars.

D. Write down the past tense of the following verbs.

1. come - ---------------------------------------------------

2. go- ------------------------------------------------------

3 spend- ---------------------------------------------------

4 swim - ----------------------------------------------------

5 has - -----------------------------------------------------

6 stay - ------------------------------------------------------

7. enjoy - ----------------------------------------------------

8. check - ----------------------------------------------------

9. eat - --------------------------------------------------------

10. play - ----------------------------------------------------

Practice 5 (b)

Write an essay on how you spent your weekend. Use the following notes.

 How did you get there?

 Who did you go with?
 What did you do there?
 Would you like to go there again?

A Weekend At Pulau Pangkor

Paragraph 1: Introduction – Who, What, Where

-last weekend - family and I - to Pulau Pangkor

-stayed - beautiful chalet

Paragraph 2 : Describe the beach

White, sandy beaches- beautiful view - blue water- coconut palms

Paragraph 3: What did you do?

Swam - blue water, walked - beach, played beach ball, fishing
At night - barbecue, enjoyed eating – grilled chicken, fish, prawns

Paragraph 4: Conclusion- Would you like to go there again?

Next day - checked out – went home- tired but happy – enjoyed-
come again - next time.
Practice 6

Rearrange the paragraphs to form a story.

My House

Paragraph ( a )

There are many fans in my house. They keep the air in the house cool. There
are also many pieces of furniture in it. All these things make my house a very
nice place to live in .I like my house very much.

Paragraph ( b )
There is an open space in front of my house. There are some flower plants in
it .There is also a small piece of land at the back of my house. Here my
mother has planted some vegetables such as chillies and tomatoes.

Paragraph ( c )
My house is not very big. It is also not very small. About ten people can live in

Paragraph (d )
It is a double storey house. It is made of bricks and tiles .There are four
rooms in it. Three rooms are upstairs and one downstairs .The kitchen is near
the bathroom downstairs. The sitting room and the dining room are not very
Practice 6 (a): Rearranging Sentences

Arrange the sentences in the correct order.

Luqman and his family went to Bagan Lalang Beach Resort during the holidays.

 They left the resort with happy memories. Luqman’s father promised to
bring his family to the resort again in the future.-----------

 During the last school holidays, Luqman and his family went to Bagan
Lalang Beach Resort. They went there by car at ten o’clock in the

 At night, the family had their dinner at one of the seafood restaurants by
the sea. The seafood was really fresh and tasty. Luqman enjoyed the
chilli crabs and steamed fish very much.--------------------

 They reached the resort at noon and they quickly checked in. Everybody
was hungry so they had lunch at the hotel cafeteria.-------------------

 After a good swim in the sea, Luqman’s father rented bicycles for them to
cycle around the resort. They enjoyed the cool evening breeze and the
beautiful scenery.--------------------

 The next morning, after a light breakfast at the hotel, they decided to go
to the fish market at the jetty. Luqman’s mother bought some fish, squids
and prawns which were reasonably cheap.----------------------
Practice 7

Paragraph Writing

Note expansion

Using the notes below, write paragraphs of about 50 words each.


Night market- many people – variety of things –cheap – many types of food

Night markets are found all over Malaysia. They can be on Sunday, Monday
or any other day of the week.

There are many people at the night market. There are a variety of things sold
at the night market. Many of the things are cheap. There are also stalls selling
many types of food.

7. weekend - Rahim - friends – waterfall – relaxed – swam – splashed

8. water - brought guitar – sang songs – happy.

9. holidays – trip - Cameron Highlands – beautiful place – wonderful

experience – enjoyable – unforgettable

10. family – picnic by the sea – Tanjung Bidara – prepared food and drinks

helped mother

11. school holidays - members - English Language Society – visited –

Happy Old Folks’ Home

12. market – bought vegetables - fish – floor – wet – fell down –people –


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