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Define community. Why community skill is important for surveyor?

A common definition of community emerged as a group of people with diverse characteristics

who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives, and engage in joint action in
geographical locations or settings.
Community skill is Important for surveyor?
Geomatics engineers serve society by collecting, monitoring, archiving, and maintaining diverse
spatial data infrastructures. Geomatics engineers utilize a wide range of technologically
advanced tools such as digital theodolite/distance meter total stations, Global Positioning
System (GPS) equipment, digital aerial imagery (both satellite and air-borne), and computer-
based geographic information systems (GIS). These tools enable the geomatics engineer to
gather, process, analyze, visualize and manage spatially related information to solve a wide range
of technical and societal problems.
Functions of a community:
1) Production, distribution, consumption:
Community provides means to make a living for its members (agric, industry, services)
2) Socialization
Through which norms & values are instilled (tradition, and formal education)
3) Social control
Means to enforce adherence to community values (group pressure or formal law)
4) Social participation (involvement)
Community fulfill the needs of companionship (neighborhood, public Place, religious institutions,
business etc)
5) Mutual Support
Enables cooperation among & between members

Define maslow’s ledder of human needs.

Communication is a process through which an information idea or opinion is transferred to more
number of person. If information is communicated to only one person, it will also be termed as
communication. Communication is a means of linking people to achieve a common purpose, by
transferring from one person  to the other. It includes not only transfer of information but also
transfer of understanding. The information has to be understood the same way as is intended by
the sender of.

Types of communication:.
Vertical communication:
Vertical communication is the communication where information or messages flows between or
among the subordinates and superiors of the organizational. So, vertical communication is the
communication where information or messages flows within the top level of the organizational
structure and bottom level of the organizational structure.
Horizontal communication:

Horizontal communication is essential for smooth functioning of organizational activities and for
interdepartmental coordination. This type of communication is especially important for larger
scale enterprise.

Diagonal communication:
Diagonal Communication is the communication held between different structures of a business
firm. It is the communication between the higher and lower sectors of a business firm. It is also
known as cross-functional communication.

What is training? Write the role of 4 c approaches in traning?

Training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge or fitness that relate
to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity,
productivity and performance .

The four C’s are:

 Critical thinking
 Creativity
 Collaboration
 Communication

Critical thinking is all about solving problems. Critical thinking empowers students to discover the truth
in assertions, especially when it comes to separating fact from opinion. With critical thinking, students
don’t just learn a set of facts or figures. Instead, they learn how to discover the facts and figures for

Creativity teaches students to think outside the box. Creativity allows students to embrace their
inner strengths from big-picture planning to meticulous organization.As a student learns about
their creativity, they also learn how to express it in healthy and productive ways.
Collaboration shows students how to work together to achieve a common goal. Collaboration is
important because whether students realize it or not, they’ll probably work with other people for the
rest of their lives.

Virtually every job requires someone to work with another person at some point, even if it’s for
something as simple as what to get for lunch.

Practicing collaboration and teamwork helps students understand how to address a problem,

pitch solutions, and decide the best course of action.

Communication lets students learn how to best convey their ideas .Communication is often taken for
granted in today’s society. After all, if you say something, that means you conveyed an idea, right?
With communication locked down, students can streamline their ideas and make a positive impression
on those around them.

List the resource of community and discuss of them?

Types of community:

Rural community: It is a natural phenomenon. It is present in every society of the world having
distinct culture and pattern of social life. It is actually a product of natural free will of the people
having extreme similarity in their objectives and ambitions of living. Agriculture is the main
identity and element. People of this community mostly have. Face to face 'interaction with high
degree of homogeneity in their identities. Basic urban facilities like school, hospital, market,
municipal office, police station etc. are usually missing in this community.

Urban community: It is the opposite of rural community. The urban people life styles are highly
impersonal with each other along high degree of complexity and heterogeneity in their living
style and identities. It is actually a product of rational choice. A complex division of labor with
specialization in their jobs is the identity of urban community. Modern civic facilities are usually

Define entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is
often initially a small business. ... Entrepreneurship has been described as the "capacity and
willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks to make
a profit.

7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
 Self-Motivation. One of the most important traits of entrepreneurs is self-
motivation. ...
 Understand What You Offer. As an entrepreneur, you need to know what you
offer, and how it fits into the market. ...
 Take Risks. ...
 Know How to Network. ...
 Basic Money Management Skills and Knowledge. ...
 Flexibility. ...
 Passion.
What is business? What are the importance of business?

Business is extremely important to a country's economy because businesses provide both

goods and services and jobs. ... Businesses are also the means by which many people get
their jobs. Businesses create job opportunities because they need people to produce and sell
their goods and services to consumer
Important of business
1) Utilizing natural resources
Every country has diverse natural resources. Business must be directed towards
proper and efficient utilization of resources. Business utilizes the resources like
water, minerals,   ores and so to achieve its own goals. But resources must be
utilized without exploitation.
2) Creation of utility:
Business creates place and time utility. It helps to satisfy the needs of human
beings. Financial utility is to be maximized.
3) Employment:
Business helps to provide job to people. It provides various types of managerial or technical
job. Many types of business houses like hotels, industries, and transport companies are
established for business which helps to solve the unemployment problem.
4) Revenue generation:
Business is the source of revenue generation. It pays taxes, royalties, fees, custom
duties, and other things which help to generate government revenue.
5) Earning foreign currency:
It is the source of earning foreign currency. Business can earn foreign currency
through exporting the goods and services.

Appraisal – The finding out of information about problems, needs, and potential in a village. It
is the first stage in any project.
Participatory – Means that people are involved in the process – a “bottom-up” approach that
requires good communication skills and attitude of project staff.
Rural – The techniques can be used in any situation, urban or rural, with both literate and
illiterate people.
SWAT analysis
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis) is a framework for identifying
and analyzing the internal and external factors that can have an impact on the viability of a project,
product, place or person.
SWOT analysis is most commonly used by business entities, but it is also used by nonprofit
organizations and, to a lesser degree, individuals for personal assessment. Additionally, it can be used
to assess initiatives, products or projects.
Elements of a SWOT analysis

As its name states, a SWOT analysis examines four elements:

Strengths: Internal attributes and resources that support a successful outcome.

Weaknesses: Internal attributes and resources that work against a successful outcome.

Opportunities: External factors that the entity can capitalize on or use to its advantage.

Threats: External factors that could jeopardize the entity's success.

Write down any 5 sources of idea generation for business?

1. Interests and hobbies

A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing during your leisure-time and is one of
the primary sources of business ideas
2. Customer surveys
You can conduct such a survey, whether formally or informally, through
questionnaires, interviews or observation as you list the sources of business
ideas that work best for you
3. Brainstorming and dreams
Brainstorming is a method of problem-solving and qualifies as one of the seven
sources of business ideas since every company focuses on offering solutions to
the problems facing the customers

. 4. Personal experience and talents

Most of the ideas and opportunities for successful businesses are a result of the
experiences in the place of work.
5. Trade fairs and exhibitions
Trade fairs and exhibitions are among the top sources of developing business ideas.
They are usually advertised on the Internet, radio, and newspapers, and by attending
such events regularly, you will discover new services and products
Introduce the user group and define the brainstorming
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a
specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
In other words, brainstorming is a situation where a group of people meet to generate new ideas and
solutions around a specific domain of interest by removing inhibitions. People are able to think more
freely and they suggest as many spontaneous new ideas as possible. All the ideas are noted down
without criticism and after the brainstorming session the ideas are evaluated.
Marketing is the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or
services. The key word in this marketing definition is "process"; marketing involves researching,
promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services. It's a huge topic, which is why
there are tomes written on marketing, and why you can take a four-year marketing degree. But
essentially marketing involves everything you do to get your potential customers and your
product or service together.
Recruitment and Selection:
Recruitment is a process of identifying, screening, short listing and hiring potential resource for
filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It is a core function of Human Resource

Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a vacant
job position in an organization. In others words, selection can also be explained as the process of
interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a specific job and
then choosing the suitable candidate for the position.
Meaning of organization:
A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective
goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the
different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and
authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are
affected by their environment.
Organization is formulated
 Choose the state in which you want to incorporate. This will usually be the state where
your company has its headquarters or where it conducts most of its business. Some
people prefer to incorporate in states that impose few regulations or no corporate income
 Decide whom you want as officers. Although many states require at least two or three parties
to form a corporation, they need not all be shareholders. You may want to ask friends or family
members to serve as the initial officers. If you remain the sole shareholder, you alone will control
the corporation's activities.
Rule and regulation of government for establishing small business ?
1) Licenses and Permits: How You Operate
2) Employment Law: How You Treat Employees
3) Taxes: How Much You Pay
4) Environmental Regulation: What You do to the Planet
5) Advertising and Marketing: How You Communicate With
What is a meeting agenda?

An effective meeting agenda is simply a document that lists the order each item that will be discussed
during the meeting. The agenda is given out to all meeting participants prior to the meeting. This agenda
should be provided several days in advance.

The minimum timeframe before the meeting would be 24 hours in advance. This gives attendees an
opportunity to plan and prepare for the meeting.

Effective agendas are developed and shared with others by the meeting facilitator.

This facilitator is usually a chairperson with input and feedback from attendees. Any team member can
be given this responsibility. If you have a meeting to discuss online safety procedures -- then the head
of the IT department or an outside security consultant would be the better choice for a facilitator.

You may also wish to include these five items on your meeting


 Location and date.

 Start and end time of the meeting.
 Attendees.
 Time allocated to each topic.
 Names of participants will be leading each topic discussion.

Reasoning for the need of an agenda in meetings.

An agenda ensures that meetings are productive and successful. It's achieved by accomplishing
the following:

 Reduces wasted time and resources. An agenda guides the meeting -- meaning that
only the important topics are discussed and not irrelevant discussions. It also ensures that
they start and end on time so that attendees aren’t stuck in an unproductive meeting and
can go back to work.

 Allows others to speak. If you’ve invited a guest speaker or ask a team member to
provide an update -- the agenda gives them a chance to prepare. It also informs them
when they’ll be going to speak.
 Encourages participation. When your team knows what to expect walking into a
meeting they’ll feel more comfortable participating. They’ve had time to think about the
issues they want to address. As a result, they feel more valued -- which can help improve
loyalty and productivity.

 An effective meeting agenda insures important topics are covered. Only the most
important topics are discussed and you can reduce the number of meetings within your
organization. Instead of a weekly status meeting you can cover that through email. Your
project management system handles the rest of your team business. You save meetings
for either the beginning or end of the month.

Simply put, meetings without an agenda are disorganized and serious time-wasters. Your agenda
lets everyone in attendance know what’s going to be discussed. All teams will know how long
they'll be tied up. The meeting will be short, concise, and productive.


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or

professional activities. ... The term business also refers to the organized efforts and activities of
individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit.


The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve

defined objectives. ... Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating
corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's
resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy.

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