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Orani National High School


March 6, 2019
8-STE Stargazers

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students should be able to attain at least 75% level
of proficiency to:
1. Identify the general characteristics of Phylum Mollusca.
2. Distinguish the different mollusks as to their classes.
3. provide some economic importance of mollusks.
A. Topic: Living Things and Their Environment
Subtopic: Biodiversity
Lesson: Phylum Mollusca

B. Concepts:

Phylum Mollusca

Mollusks are soft bodied

invertebrates with most of
them covered by shell.

Class Gastropoda
Class Bivalvia Class Cephalopoda
Also called the univalves.It
They have two shells. Also called as “head-footed”
has only one shell.Secretes
Burrowers in muds and mollusk.Their feet or arms
mucous like fluid that makes
soil.Bilaterally have evolved into
the movement
symmetrical.They have an tentacles.Each tentacles
easier.Different habitat;
adductor muscle that have suction cups that are
some live in seas other on
serves as their foot. also called suckers.They can
land.Undergo a process
called torsion. camouflage through the use
of chromatophores

C. Materials:
Pictures of different kinds of mollusks, cartolina, pentel pen, scotch tape, laptop, and projector

D. Values:
Appreciate the economic importance of mollusks.

E. Skills:
Describing and identifying

F. References:
Science Learner’s Module for Grade 8 pp. 252-253
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking of attendance
4. Passing of Assignment

B. Developmental Activities


1. Review

Before we start our new lesson let us first have a

short review about our last topic.

So I have here a box and a worm. I will give this box

to this group and you will continuously pass the box
to your classmate. And the same for this worm you
will continuously pass this worm to your classmate
and when the music stopped. The one whose holding
the box will pick a question inside of it and the one
whose holding the worm will answer the question is
that clear class? Yes,Sir

In what phylum do segmented worms belong?

Sir, Phylum Annelida.

What is the characteristic of segmented worms?

Sir, They have segments or repeated body parts.

What are the three examples of annelids?

Sir, earthworms, sandworms and leeches

What are the organ system does segmented worms

have? Sir, Nervous, circulatory, digestive and excretory

What do you call a blood sucking annelid?


Very good! With that, let us give them an applause

2. Motivational Activity
It seems that you really enjoyed studying the worms.
Now I do believe that you will enjoy more our next
lesson. Are you excited now class?
Yes, Sir
So class when I’m was still a child I don’t want to
become a teacher. I simply want to become a
Pokémon trainer but I forgot this dream because I
don’t have Pokémon but I see a hope because base
on my radar there are 4 water type Pokémon in this
rooms and I need to catch them. So I need 4
Pokémon trainers in this room to help me catch this
Pokémon.(teacher will call some student to find
pictures of Pokémon)
(Students will find pokemons inside the room )

So thank you!we have here Malamar. Octillery

Cloyster and Omanyte. So now that I have these
Pokémon I’m now a true Pokémon trainer. And now
I can become a teacher again. So class what
organism do you think malamar is?
Sir ,Malamar is a Squid

Correct!How about Octillery? Sir, Octillery is an Octopus

Nice!How about Cloyster? Sir, Cloyster is an Oyster

And Omanyte?
Sir, Omanyte is an extinct animal called ammonites
So class in what phylum do you think this organisms
are classified? Sir they are under phylum Mollusca
Correct! So our topic for today is about Phylum Sir, our lesson objectives are:
Mollusca 1. Identify the general characteristics of Phylum
But before we start I want you to read our objectives Mollusca.
2. Distinguish the different mollusks as to their
3. Give the economic importance of mollusks.

3. Pre Activity

Before we discuss further about Phylum Mollusca, I

will give you an activity.

Every group will do a little scene and all the

information that you need are inside this envelopes.

1 Representative of Group 1 Kindly read your task The topic are the general characteristics of Phylum
Mollusca as well as the major parts of it .The scene
is President Duterte attend a press conference about
the phylum Mollusca. And some journalist will ask
some question about the general characteristic and
general parts to be answered by the president

Is that clear Group 1? Yes, Sir

1 Representative of Group 2 Kindly read your task

Group 2 Representatives must tell everything about
the first class of mollusk like a true TV broadcaster.
Some members will form a snail using their body
and other member act as a reporter to give
information about the snail

Is that clear group 2?


1 Representative of Group 3 Kindly read your task

Task is to tell everything about the 2nd class of
mollusk This time one of the member will act as
Boyet from the telenovela series of GMA. And he
will discuss about it. Other member of the group will
act as organism that represent 2nd class of mollusk.
Is that clear Group 3?

Yes, sir

1 Representative of Group 4.Kindly read your task

Task is to tell everything about the 3rd class of
Phylum Mollusca this time someone will act as
Kuya kim and give us trivia about the Cephalopods.
Other group members will act as a head and
tentacles to form an Octopus. Is that clear?

Is that clear Group 4.

. . Yes, Sir

(Rubrics for the activity)

I will give you 10 minutes to do the activity and

Afterwards you will present your activity make sure
to take down notes as the group presents Is that clear

Activity Proper Yes, Sir.

You may now start doing the activity

(The teacher will guide the students while doing the


Post Activity (Students will do the activity.)

Time is up! Group 1 one present your work

(Group 1 will present their task)

An applause for group 1
Very good group 1! Based on the activity done by
group 1, what are the general characteristics of
Phylum Mollusca? Give at least one
Sir, Mollusk are soft body animals

Correct! Another one?

Sir, Mollusk are invertebrates

Correct! If they are invertebrates meaning?

They don’t have Backbone
Correct! Another characteristic?
Sir Most of them have shells
Correct so If they have soft body and have a hard
shell what do you think is the function of the shell?
Sir the shell is their defense mechanism for the
Exactly! So create a sentence using the general
characteristic of mollusk
Sir, Mollusks are soft bodied invertebrates with most
of them covered by shell.

Very Good! Now what are the general parts of

mollusk based on the activity of group 1?
Sir, foot, mantle, visceral mass

Good! What do you think is the function of the foot?

Sir, foot is use for locomotion,

Correct! Locomotion means?

Sir, Movement
Exactly how about the function of the mantle?
mantle is responsible to produce the shell of the

And the visceral mass?

And visceral mass contain their internal organs.

Any questions about the main characteristics of

mollusk and its general parts? None, Sir

Ok. Now let us proceed to the different classification

of mollusk, May I call group 2 to introduce the first
class of mollusk. (Group 2 will present their task)

Nice group 2! Now, let us proceed to the second

class of Mollusk.
Group 3 kindly present your task. (Group 3 will present their task)

So Class let us now compare the characteristics of

Gastropod and Bivalves

First is their shell how many shells does a Gastropod

have? Sir, They only have 1 shell
Correct! they have only one that is why they are also
known as univalves
How about the bivalves how many shell do they
have? Sir, They have 2 shells

Correct How about the mode of locomotion for

univalves? Sir, Univalves moves using their foot they also
secretes mucous like fluid that makes the movement

Correct how about Bivalves,

Sir, they move using their adductor muscle that
helps them bury to the soil or muds.
Okay are you familiar with the adductor muscle?
No sir

Okay for example in tahong the adductor muscle is

the part of the tahong that connects the body to the
shell that leaves scars when we try to get it is that

Clear class?

How about their habitat? For Gastropods? Some lives in seas others on land.

Correct! And for Bivalves? In the mud and sand, and attached to seawalls and

Correct! Another characteristics of univalve is they

undergo the process called torsion wherein their
internal organs rotate 180 degrees and as a result
their anus will be at the top of its mouth at the end of
the process. It occurs as part of their development.

Can you give sample of mollusk under Class

Gastropoda? Sir, Snail


Sir, conch
What else?


Another one?



How about examples of Bivalves?

Correct! Sir, Clams

Another example?

Very good! Sir, mussels


What else?

Sir, oysters


Any question for the Gastropods and Bivalves? None Sir.

Now, the last but not the least the third class of (Group 4 will do their activity about the third class
Mollusk to be presented by group 4. of Mollusk.)

Good job! Group 4.

Class, based on their activity, what is the third
classification of Mollusk? Class Cephalopods

What are the characteristics of Class Cephalopoda?

Give just one example
Also called as “head-footed” mollusk.
Correct! They are the class of mollusks which have
foot incorporated into their head.
Another Characteristic?

Their feet or arms have evolved into tentacles.

Their feet evolved into tentacles with suckers, hooks
or adhesive structure and they are adapted to
Another Characteristic?
Chromatophores, are pigment containing cell in the They can camouflage through the use of
deeper layers of the skin of animals that helps them chromatophores
to camouflage.
Is that clear class?

Now, can you give me examples of Cephalopods

given by group 4? Yes sir

Very good!

SQUID Sir, Squid

Another example of cephalopods?


Sir, octopus

(Score will be given to each group)

An applause for every one


Some Mollusk can be a source of food.

Some Mollusk can be used as decoration

Some mollusks can be made as jewelry None, Sir

Very Good! Any question Class?

None Sir,

To briefly sum up our lesson for today you may
complete the ff. sentence
I learned that ________________ Yes, Sir.
I discovered that _________________
I appreciate that __________________

I. Identification
Supply the
1. Phylum Chordate: vertebrates
Phylum Mollusca: ____________

2. Phylum Annelida: Segmented Body

Phylum Mollusca: ______________
II. Matching type
Distinguish the following organisms as to what class of mollusks they belong.
1. Cuttlefish A.Gastropods
2. Conch B. Bivalves
3. Mussels C.Cephalopods
4. Octopus
5. Oysters
III. Enumeration
Enumerate three economic importance of mollusk.
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________

1. Describe Echinoderms?
2. Give example organisms that belong to Phylum Echinodermata.


Topic: Phylum Mollusca

John-Paolo B. De Leon
Student Teacher

Mrs.Olga S.Medina
Critic Teacher

Mrs.Loreta S. Manabat
Department Head

Mrs. Loreta Michelle W. Bamba

School Principal

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