3rd Interview On Sabarimala

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1. Does Sabarimala arise doubt over Kerala's 100% literacy claims?

 No , Sabarimala does not arise doubt over Kerala’s 100% literacy

claims. One , this is not any one of those gender inequality issues
we come across in our daily lives. This right here is a question of
belief. And second , Law and religion have their place. They are
mutually exclusive because Reason and Faith cannot mix.

2. For what reason do you think that a custom of Sabarimala temple be


 Sabarimala is not a question of gender, it’s not a question of

culture, it’s not a question of fashion, it’s not a question of
misogyny. It’s a question of certain traditions which has it’s
origins. There is a very important and urgent need for Indian
Judiciary to get educated on Hindu cosmology. Because if they are
going to pass judgement on issue concerning temples and various
Hindu practises, they should understand a lot more than they seem
to at the present time. Each form each deity has a distinct
personality, a distinct life style, a distinct set of habits , what they
like and how they want to be approached . It’s a male deity , it
could be a female form . There are many male forms , there are
many female forms and each has it’s own character , it’s own
persona and it’s own prescribed method for a person to have
darshan. So I feel there is no reason for which a custom of
Sabarimala temple be nullified.

3) What are your views on the sabarimala temple issue?

 I am from the second school of thoughts. I want to follow the

prevailing customs before the Supreme Court verdict, what we
practiced from our childhood and I support the view of Hon Justice
Indu Malhotra, one of the five judges who proclaimed the verdict
has considered the case with a different view from other honorable
judges. Her views are matching with the millions of Ayyappa
devotees. As per the Judge, the petitioners were not subscribing to
the faith. She maintained that essential religions practice is for the
religious community to decide. She felt that unless it was not a
social evil like Sati, it is not mandatory for the court to intervene
and may be kept outside the ken of courts. She also mentioned that
the ban of women in Sabarimala between the age of 10 and 50 was
because of the nature and faith followed of the diety, not social

4. Political leaders today are in the race of proving themselves to be a

greater and truer Hindus than their rivals. So do you think this is the new rat
race in Indian politics that has recently started?

 Yes political leader wants to take advantage of this issue are are
seeing it as a potential vote bank for the next elections and are
actively participating in public instigation. I still don't understand
how they expect us to digest the bullshit they feed us in the name
of press conferences where they try convincing that they are all in
it for the welfare of the people.

5. Why do we need to remove taboo surrounding menstruation in India?

How is sabarimala verdict by the supreme court going too change the social
attitudes about menstrual cycles in India?

 Although I want to follow the prevailing customs before the

Supreme Court verdict but at the same time also feel that our
society need to remove taboo surrounding menstruation in India.
There are some ignorant idiots who claim that a woman who
bleeds every month to give birth is considered impure by male
chauvinists. Because she bleeds, she is impure. Such taboos about
menstruation present in many societies impact on girls’ and
women's emotional state, mentality and lifestyle and most
importantly, health. Large numbers of girls in many less
economically developed countries drop out of school when they
begin menstruating. So such attitudes about menstrual cycles needs
to be changed.

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