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Being green is not about that people are conscious and aware about the is a
challenge for them to protect the environment and save the planet earth from future disasters.
In today’s business world, realize that they have to develop a powerful conscience and green
sense of responsibility in order to meet the needs and wants of people.

Now a day’s business world is about efficiency, power consumption and applying green policies
and practices for making smart business decision making. Now a day Green Human Resource
Management will play an important role in every industry to resolve environmental related issues
by adopting green HR policies, practices and providing training and awareness programs among
employees. This make changes in organizational climate and culture and also it reduces waste
management, pollution, reduction in carbon footprints etc. It leads to maximum utilization of
resources by employees, increases level of awareness among employees about energy
conservation, reduction in carbon emission, and also it will inspire and encourage them to use
eco-friendly products.

In human resource management, the green policies are developed to preserve their resource for
future enlargement of the company along with society too. Companies now become conscious
that they build up a prevailing social conscience and green sense of dependability
where corporate social accountability is not just a brand building tool to have, but it has
become a crucial tool to business. The HR functions develop into the driver of
environment sustainability within the organization by aligning its practices and policies
with sustainability goals reflecting an eco-focus.

The HR strategy must reproduce and inspire the ambitions of HR team and other
employees, aligning with the company strategies, standards and culture, distribute
sustainable proceeds to investors, address customer needs, identify and respond to
emerging social trends, respond to governmental and rigid expectations and manipulate
the public policy agenda. Green HR is the use of HR policies to give confidence the
sustainable use of resources within business organizations and more generally promotes
the source of environmental sustainability.

❏ Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)

Green HRM involves undertaking environment friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater

effectiveness, lower cost and better employee engagement and retention in turn. The green
human resource management comprises of many functions in the human resource
department of an organization. It helps to reduction of paper usage and the implementation
of green human resource policies such as planning, recruiting, selecting, managing
employees and the employee relations. It makes the environment green in the workplace. All
the activities involved in the green human resource management enhance the value of the
employees and the company.

Today the need for green human resource management is important for all over the world.
The ecological consciousness of each human drives the living style and environment. The
general employees are interested in green human resource management because of its
important and need in the current workplace.

Our personal and professional lifestyle is affected due to many consequences. The corporate
world is the most significant in enhancing the environment issues and the corporate has to
give solution to this hazards. Every organization has an impact over environment through
their operations, services and products as it is in frequent interaction with employees,
shareholders, suppliers and customers.

Organizations are now becoming aware of the environmental sustainability and this reason
why many organizations have started integrating environmental management with other
managerial function which also includes human resource management.

Human resource department is supposed to use green practices so as to aid to environmental

sustainability. Green HRM practices are becoming popular with this era of environmental
sustainability. Green HR is nothing but the use of HRM policies in such a way that it leads in
promoting the use of resources in a sustainable manner.

The green HRM is very wider & it has obtained different meaning for different people,
Green HRM as environment- friendly HR initiatives leading to better efficiencies, lesser cost and
heightened employee engagement levels. It involves undertaking environment friendly
initiatives resulting in greater efficiency, lower costs, and better employee engagement and
retention which Filling, Car sharing, Job sharing, Teleconferencing, Online training, Flexible
working hours and Tele- commuting”.

Green HR as using every employee touch point to espouse sustainable practices and raise
employee level of awareness.

There are many authors who have contributed in the field of HRM depicted that the success of
strategic tools and innovation widely depends upon the quality of human resource of any
organization. IN green HRM every employee is made aware of what green HR practices actually
are and they are motivated to follow green HR practices. There is a need for adopting a proactive
approach towards environmental management. Many companies around the world have started
adopting green HR practices. It helps in reducing the carbon footprint by adopting several factors
such as video conferencing, less printing of paper, interviews etc. There are many HR
professionals who are helping companies to adopt green policies through online sharing of data,
online sharing of training or learning material, encouraging employees to turn off monitor when
they are not using it, use of minimum lighting, more use of LED etc.

Green HR not only save environment from getting degraded but also help in safeguarding the
health and well- being of workers. Researchers have opined that organizations have to pay
attention to social and environmental factors along with economical and financial factors in order
to sustain and survive the organizations essentially need to balance the industrial growth and
ensuring that the environment where one lives is well preserved and promoted.

Green HRM is the concept which promotes sustainable practices through increasing employees’
awareness and commitments on sustainability. It involves adopting and implementing
environment-friendly HR initiatives, in order to achieve greater efficiencies, and better employee
engagement, which in turn, help organizations to reduce employee carbon footprints. Green
human resources refer to using every employee touch point / interface to promote sustainable
practices and increase employee awareness and commitments on the issues of sustainability. It
involves undertaking environment-friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater efficiencies, lower
costs and better employee engagement and retention which in turn, help organizations to reduce
employee carbon footprints by the likes of electronic filing, car sharing, job-sharing,
teleconferencing and virtual interviews, recycling, telecommuting, online training, energy-
efficient office spaces etc.

The HR function will become the driver of environmental sustainability within the organization
by aligning its practices and policies with sustainability goals reflecting an eco-focus. It involves
undertaking environment- friendly HR initiatives resulting in: 1) greater efficiencies, and 2)
lower costs and better employee engagement and retention. Green management initiatives
become an important factor in forward thinking business houses around the world. Green HR
initiatives help companies find alternative ways to cut cost without losing their top talent;
furloughs, part time work, etc.

There is a growing need for strategic Green HRM – the integration of environmental
management into HRM. HR professionals indicated that encouraging employees to be more
environmentally friendly in the workplace was the top practice for their organizations. This
means that organizations are encouraging their employees to perform activities such as making
double-sided photocopies, powering down computers after a few minutes of inactivity, using
energy-efficient bulbs for desk lamps, ensuring blinds are lowered in the summer to conserve
energy, donating . This section deals with the emergence of Green HRM by describing the
history of Green Movement, Corporate Social Responsibility and evolution of Human Resource
Management. The future of Green HRM appears promising for all the stakeholders of HRM. The
employers and practitioners can establish the usefulness of linking employee involvement and
contribution in environmental management programmes to improved organizational
environmental performance, like with a specific focus on waste management recycling, creating
green products.

Unions and employees can help Employers to adopt Green HRM policies and practices that help
safeguard and enhance worker health and well-being. The academicians can contribute by
carrying further research in this area revealing additional data that can build a knowledge base on
Green Management in general.
 In specific terms, the paper attempts to address the following interrelated questions:

1) What is green HRM?

2) Why is HRM green ?
3) Why is Green HRM important ?
4) How to implement Green HRM ?
5) What are the green HRM requirements?
6) How to make HRM functions green?


Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is the combination of environmental

management and human resource management (HRM) practices. It helps organizations to
uncover alternative way to reduce the cost without losing their experienced workers.

Green HRM involves the application of HRM policies to encourage the sustainable use of
resources within companies and to promote the cause of environmentalism. It refers to using
every employee to support sustainable practices and increase employee awareness and
commitments on the issue of sustainability. Environment-friendly HR initiatives leading to better
efficiencies, less cost and heightened employee engagement levels.

Typical green activities are performed to travel requirements through video recruiting or the use
of online and video interviews. It involves undertaking environment-friendly HR initiatives
resulting in greater efficiencies, lower costs and better employee engagement and retention,
which in turn, help organizations to reduce employee carbon footprints by the likes of electronic
filing, car-sharing, job-sharing, teleconferencing, and virtual interviews, recycling,
telecommuting, online training, energy-efficient office spaces, etc.

Green HR initiatives help companies find alternative ways to cut costs without losing their top
talent. Focus on Green HRM as a strategic initiative promotes sustainable business practices.
Therefore, developing a new organizational culture through GHRM practices becomes a
manager’s concern. Developing a green culture can affect employee behaviour and introduce
certain values that build an internal culture. Green behaviour is assumed to be instrumental in the
implementation of the green HRM culture and adopting formal environmental strategies.


Green HR is the use of HRM policies such a way to promote sustainable use of resources in
business organizations to make eco friendly and promote environmental economical
sustainability practices to keep healthier environment by increasing employee awareness and
commitments on the issues of sustainability.

The HR function can become the driver of environmental sustainability within the
organization by aligning its practices and policies with sustainability goals representing eco
friendly which can contribute to organizational goals. It involves undertaking environment-
friendly HR initiatives resulting in:

1) Greater efficiencies with motivation , and

2) Lower costs and better employee engagement and retention. Green management initiatives
can be an important factor in forward thinking business organizations around the world. Green
HR initiatives help companies find alternative ways to cut cost without losing their talent &
important resources etc.

Now a days, there is a growing need for strategic Green HRM – the integration of environmental
management into HRM in the perspective of the question of environment pollution in the world.
HR professionals can indicate that encouraging employees to be more environmentally friendly
in the workplace is the top practice for their organizations.

This means organizations can encourage their employees to perform activities such as early
morning office time, making double-sided photocopies, powering down computers after a few
minutes of inactivity, using energy efficient bulbs can be the top environmentally responsible
practices in initial stage of Green HR.

Nowadays companies are implementing EMS (Environmental Management System) a strategic

tool, to gain competitive advantage. This system provides better control of firm’s environmental
impacts. It includes commitment, policy, planning, implementation, measurement and
evaluation, review and improvement of HR systems that fit with organization’s culture and long-
term goals.
Improved employee morale, stronger public image, increased consumer/ customer confidence,
employee loyalty and brand recognition, position as an employer of choice, increased workforce
productivity, efficiency, motivation and employee retention are few of the many advantages and
benefits an organization can have by implementing and developing such Green HRM techniques.


Understanding about why green is (mentioned above) indicates the importance of

green HRM. If reiterated in another form, greening is essential for the following:

1) To avoid or minimize global warming.

2) To avoid or minimize natural disasters such as acid rains, red rains, tsunamis,
flooding, hurricanes, droughts etc owing to informal, harmful and greedy usage of
natural resources for production and consumption.
3) To avoid or minimize health diseases owing to pollution.
4) To avoid or minimize harms to animals and other natural creatures.
5) To ensure appropriate balance of relationships among plants, animals, people, and
their environment.
6) To ensure survival of humans and business organizations for a prolonged period of


HRM may contribute to environmental management in companies if they:

1. recruit and select people committed to the environment;
2. train and evaluate employees’ performance based on environmental Criteria;
3. implement ways of rewarding individual and collective environmental
performance is remunerated and non-remunerated ways;
4. stimulate continuous education in environmental management; 5.treat
environmental aspects as values of corporate culture; and
6. promote interaction between teams to deal with environmental problems and
strive for continuous improvement of environmental The implementation of rigorous
recruitment and selection of employees, performance-based appraisal system,
training programs aimed at green management initiatives have basic importance to
fostering environmental innovations.
Green responsibilities can be used by environmentally responsible employers to attract
talent that fits and contributes to achieving the organization’s environmental goals.

 What are the green HRM requirements ?

In order to achieve organizational environmental goals or greening, green human resource
requirements need to be identified. What are the green human resource requirements for greening
or corporate environmental management?

There are four categories of green human resource requirements, i.e. green competencies, green
attitude, green behaviours and green results. Though these major types of green human
requirements are related they can be distinctly treated. Figure 3 shows these requirements and
relevant dimensions. Employee is required to possess a sufficient amount of knowledge and
skills in respect of greening and without this knowledge and skills (competencies) it is not
possible for the employee to become a green employee Green HR requirements (needed to
achieve environmental objectives)

 How to make HRM functions green ?

In order to make sure that the organization gets right employee green inputs and right employee
green performance of job, it is indispensable that HRM functions are adapted or modified to be
green. Traditionally there are 18 functions of HRM including job design, job analysis, human
resource planning, recruitment, selection, hiring, induction, performance evaluation, training and
development, career management, pay management, incentives management,welfare
management, management of employee movements, discipline management, health and safety
management, grievance management and labour relations. Making a HRM function green
involves inclusion of policies, procedures, and practices which ensure right employee green
inputs and right employee green performance of job. Ideally it is possible to make each function
green. An attempt is made to show how to make some major HRM functions green in this paper.


 Ramachandran defines Green HRM as the integration of environmental management into

Human resources management.
 Anjana Nath defines Green HR as environment-friendly HR initiatives leading to better
efficiencies, less cost and heightened employee engagement levels.
 According to Gill Mandip (2012) the focus on civilizing the operational efficiencies
combined with up-gradation of technology have led ITC to be the only company in the
world, of its size and variety, to achieve the milestone of being carbon positive, water
positive and achieving almost 100% solid waste recycling. The Three Leaves rating awarded
by Centre for Science and Environment, Green Tech Environment Excellence award,
Golden Peacock award and Solid Waste Recycling Positive, Excellent Water Efficient Unit
awards to name a few are testimonies to these efforts and achievement. The future of Green
HRM appears promising for all the
stakeholders of HRM. The employers and practitioners can establish the usefulness of
linking employee involvement and contribution in environmental management programmes
to improved organizational environmental performance, like with a specific focus on waste
management recycling,
creating green products. Unions and employees can help Employers to adopt Green HRM
policies and practices that help safeguard and enhance worker health and well-being. The
academicians can contribute by carrying further research in this area revealing additional
data that can build a knowledge base on Green Management in general.
 Aravamudha (2012) said Green HRM involves addressing the company carbon footprint by
cutting down on usage of papers, reducing un-wanted travel.


Green HRM (GHRM) is an emerging topic in the current scenario. The Green movement
across the world gave birth to Green HRM. Green HRM is becoming a popular issue in the
present world for many reasons such as excess consumption of natural resources and raw
materials by different commercial organizations and industries. Natural resources of the earth
are in terrible pressure. Scientist and environmentalist are warning about the issue of ecological
imbalance and the bio-diversity of these alarming situations. At present, issues like carbon
credits, global warming, and pollution resulting from high profile industrial accidents and the
changes in the climate are discussed with high importance. These issues may result in
earthquakes, frequent floods and vanishing of certain species and animals. The exploitations of
natural resources globally has led to serious issues like global warming, depletion of ozone
layers and increase of CFC and C02 in the atmosphere. The result is melting of ice/snow near
the poles and the increase in the seawater levels. Exploitations of natural resources had also
affected the flora and fauna, results in reducing the forest animals, disturbing the food chains
and the ecosystems. As a result, world environmentalist started discussing ecological issues
globally”. So far, very little research has been conducted on this topic even in the advanced
Human resource play very important role in managing employee from entry to exit. Now the
corporates are focusing on. greening the business, so the Human resource department has the
additional responsibility of go green along with HR policies. The future of Green HRM appears
promising for all the stakeholders of HRM, be it the employer, employee, practitioner, or
academician. We propose that Green HRM has substantial scope for research in the management
field but lacks behind in practice within academic scenario; hence, there is a need to bridge the
gap between professional Green HRM practices and studies in research and teaching
environmental management. The present study also proposes future researchers to fill the gap in
the existing literature by conducting empirical studies such as Green HRM practices in the
manufacturing or service organizations (particularly the organizations that are

polluting environment), Comparing Green HRM practices between developed and developing
countries, Green

perceptions, awareness, attitudes of employer and employees, barriers in the green HRM
implementation etc. There are a number of reasons for companies to adopt Green HRM practices
within the organization that will not only benefit the organization but also give advantages to the
employees. To be ecological, economical and practical at the same time is possible through by
adopting Green Practices. Here are some environmentally-friendly initiatives/solutions that
are expected to make organizations stay green:
1. Green Printing
2. Green Manufacturing
3. Job sharing (sharing a full-time job between two employees)
4. Teleconferencing, Video conferencing and virtual interviews
5. Recycling
6. Telecommuting
7. Online Training
8. Energy efficient office spaces
9. Green Payroll
10. Car Pooling
13. Flexi-Work 14. e-filing
15. Free bicycles for workers to come to work instead of driving.
16. Buying computers from companies which are using recycled components in one form or
17. Buying stuff from local vendors (again reducing the CO2 contribution of anything
transported too far).
18. Some companies go to the extreme to use the total amount of printed pages by an
employee during his/her performance review.
19. There is even recycled (certified) office furniture


1) Green Recruitment and Selection :In general, environment concerned companies have their
own environmental policy framework. In materializing the established environmental policies,
companies need environmentally oriented workforce. In creating environmental oriented
workforce, companies have two options: First is focusing on green recruitment. Second is
providing required environmental protection related awareness, education, training
and development to the existing workforce. The first option is more proactive and cost
effective than the second option. Hence, searching best green recruitment practices is
important to organizations. In the recruitment context, what some companies are doing is
that they integrate corporate environmental policy and strategies with the recruitment
policy of the company.
2) Green Training and Development: The Green Training and Development is a practice
that focuses on development of employee‘s skills, knowledge and attitudes. The Green
Training and Development educate employees about environmental management and
training should be given for the employees to educate also about energy, reduce waste,
and diffuse environmental awareness in the organization. This Green Training and
Development helps employees to provide opportunity to engage employees in
environmental problem solving. The green training embrace different methods of
conservation including waste management within an organization. Through this training
session, it develops the eco-friendly mangers so that employees under supervision can
contact them without any hesitation.
3) Green Health and Safety Management: The green health and safety management is
really beyond the scope of traditional health and safety management function of HRM. It
not only includes the traditional health and safety management but also some more
aspects of environmental management of an organization. That is why nowadays many
organizations are redesigning post of ―health and safety manager‖ as ―health, safety
and environmental manager. This includes a wider job scope when compared with
traditional post of health and safety manager in an organization. For example, it includes
biodiversity protection and community support initiatives etc. that include local
environment and people. The key role of green health and safety management is to ensure
a green workplace for all. Green workplace is defined as a workplace that is
environmentally sensitive, resource efficient and socially responsible. At present there
are companies where traditional health and safety function was extended to include
environmental management/protection. These companies have continually endowed to
create various environmental related initiatives to reduce employee stress and
occupational disease caused by hazardous work environment.


Green discipline management is a pre-requisite in corporate environmental management. In

ensuring green employee behaviour in the workplace, organizations may need green discipline
management practices to achieve the environmental management objectives and strategies of the
organization. In this context, some companies have realized discipline management as a tool to
self-regulate employees in environmental protection activities of the organization. Firms have
developed a clear set of rules and regulations which imposes/regulates employees to be
concerned with environmental protection in line with environmental policy of the organizations.
In such companies, if an employee violates environmental rules and regulations, disciplinary
actions (warning, fining, suspension, etc.) are taken against him/her.

❏ Green Performance Appraisal :

Green human resource management ensures that the environmental targets set by the

organizations are met. Performance management is an on-going process of communication

between supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year in support of
accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. Green performance management

includes the issues related to policies of the organization and environmental responsibilities.

Integration of environmental management into performance management system improves

the quality and value of environmental performances. It acts as a safeguard to protect

environmental management against any damage. Green performance management plays a

very important role in the effectiveness of green management work over passage of time

❏ Green Compensation and Reward Management :

Compensation and reward management should recognize contributions in green management.

Compensation packages should be customized to reward green skills acquisition and
achievements by employees (Deshwal, 2015). Monetary- based, non monetary based and
recognition- based rewards can be used for green achievements of employees. Monetary-based
rewards for contributions in environment management can be allocated in the forms of salary
increase, cash incentives and bonuses while non- monetary rewards may include sabbaticals,
special leave and gifts to employees and their family members. Recognition-based awards can
highlight green contributions of employees through wide publicity and public praise and
appreciation of green efforts by CEO or top management executives.
Green Employee Relations: Employee participation in Green initiatives increases the chances of
better green management as it aligns employees‘ goals, capabilities, motivations, and perceptions
with green management practices and systems. Involving employees in EM has been reported as
improving EM systems such as efficient resource usage reducing waste; and reducing pollution
from workplaces (Kitazawa and Sarkis, 2000). Several workers in their study concluded that
individual empowerment positively influences productivity and performance, and facilitates self-
control, individual thinking, and problem-solving skills. An important way in which employee
involvement and participation can be encouraged within the organization is to seek entrepreneurs
within the company who are socially or ecologically oriented known as eco-entrepreneurs
(Mandip, 2012). Eco-friendly ideas should be welcomed from all employees irrespective of their
designation which will encourage their interest in environmental issues and make best use of
applying their skills. The HR staff needs to pressurize the management to create a participative
work environment where the employees are free to put up their ideas on green issues since they
are the ones who in reality are responsible for implementing ethical corporate behavior in the
day-to-day life of the organization. This means the achievement of green outcomes will largely
depend on employees‘ willingness to collaborate, as often, the best ideas come from the
employees who work in that particular area.

❏ Green Job Design and Analysis :

In general, job descriptions can be used to specify a number of environmental protection

related task, duties and responsibilities. These days, some companies have incorporated

environmental and social tasks, duties and responsibilities as far as possible in each job in

order to protect the environment. In some companies, each job description includes at least

one duty related to environmental protection and also specifically includes environmental
responsibilities whenever and wherever applicable. Job descriptions and person (job)

specifications may include environmental, social, personal, and technical requirements of the

organizations as far as possible. For example, environmental protection duties should be

included, along with the allocation of environmental reporting roles and health and safety

tasks . In addition, some companies use teamwork and cross-functional teams as job design

techniques to successfully manage the environmental issues of the company. Nowadays many

companies have designed environmental concerned new jobs or positions in order to focus

exclusively on environmental management aspects of the organizations. From the perspective

of HRM, it is really a valuable initiation and practice to protect the environment. Moreover,

some companies have involved in designing their existing jobs in a more environmentally

friendly manner by incorporating environmental centered duties and responsibilities. These

are some of the best Green HRM practices which can figure out under the functions called

green job design and green job analysis.

❏ Grievance and Discipline:

In general terms, grievance and discipline in firms encourages internal environmental breaches.
The need to raise grievances is seen in high risk operations (for their safety record), and in such
cases disciplinary procedures are attached to environmental rules and duties where
noncompliance occurs. Indeed,expert legal opinion is that some firms may eventually move to
ensure that environmental obligations are secured by including clauses in staff contracts to do so,
i.e. that environmentally unfriendly behavior may constitute a breach of contract and therefore
possible grounds for dismissal.
❏ Benefits of Adopting Green HRM Practices to Firms

Even though initially it may be difficult to initiate and implement the Green HRM
practices at the first level, it can fulfil the prime objectives of an organization such are
cost control, ensuring corporate social responsibility, talent acquisition and gaining
competitive advantage over the rivals through environment consciousness and
preservation of natural and ethical values. The usual reasons why a firm should adopt

❏ Green HRM practices are noted down below:

1. Preservation of natural environment: The elements of the environment which are not
created by human beings are called the elements of natural environment like trees,
forests, rivers, animals etc. Green HRM practices such as online advertising and
recruitment which uses less paper, creating less carbon emission on the office space,
training through electronic sources to reduce paper waste can keep the environment form
loss or negatively affected.
2. Ensure healthy working environment and raise employee morale: Making the corporate space
green with trees and plants, forbidding smoking on the office premises, using less paperwork
(which makes an employee hectic), providing natural fruits and vegetables on HR meetings- all
these can create a healthy and habitable working environment which in turn, can raise the speed
and morale of the workers.
3. Gain competitive advantage through ensuring corporate social responsibility (CSR): Corporate
social responsibility is now-a-days a part of company‘s core responsibilities which no company
can ignore. Therefore, a firm can gain competitive advantage over its rivals by ensuring green
management practices in a well-performed manner.
4. Save cost: Creating a sound working environment can reduce employee fatigue, absenteeism
and turnover. The result is reduced cost. Again using less paper and disseminating and recording
the information via online can reduce wastage and cost.
5. Increase company image: It is obvious that a company which has green management/HRM
practices will have a higher image than a company which has not.
6. Reduce intervention from the government and other law enforcing agencies: Adoption of
proper green management/HRM practices can reduce the chance of intervention by the
central/local govt. and other law enforcing agencies.
7. Develop eco-friendliness and environmental learning among the employees: Adoption of
Green HRM practices make the employees environment conscious and make them eco-friendly
which makes them a good corporate citizen in environmental perspective.
8. Stimulate innovation and growth: Green HRM practices encourages new innovative ideas and
practices that facilitates growth in quality and enhancement of methods and processes.

❏ New Role of HR manager as Environmental manager:

The environmental managers have to perform dual responsibility problem solver as well as the
supporter. HRs can effectively implement Greening practices through developing various
stages.To implement Environment Management System in the organization HR managers can
follow the practices like
1] To make the campus plastic free:Plastic free campus discourages employees to use plastic, it
reduces plastic waste. „Plastic free campus‟ is the policy which helps to improve the
2] Use own mugs:To reduce plastic waste, instead of using plastic cups, employees use their own
cups wash it and refill again when needed. Avoid plastic cups as it cannot be reuse or recycle.
3] Go paperless:Reduce use of paper. Communicate employees with the help of mails, websites.
Leave application, Notices, Memos etc.converted into digital form. It makes the information
easily accessible and easy to preserve data safely.
4] Green audit:Green audit is liability of Corporate Social Responsibility. It is use to improve
environmental performance of the organization. Annual Green audit help the campus to keep it
5] Energy audit:The main aim of the Energy audit is to reduce the consumption of energy and
give directions about saving of the energy. There are two ways to conserve energy, which are to
reduce consumption and save it. It provides a benchmark for energy consumption.
6] Carpooling, Car sharing:Many organizations are introducing this concept now day. It reduces
the traffic jam, air pollution and problem of parking. It is also reduced travel cost, stress of
driving and saves fuel.
7] Work from home:Work from home reduces energy and saves fuel. It provides freedom and
flexibility so women benefit a lot of this concept. This concept is emerging in this era. It
improves satisfaction level as employees can keep work life balance.
8] Use daylight;Optimum use of day light saves energy. Reflective surfaces give sufficient day
light. The skylight, translucent walls, light tubes,prisms, light reflector and shelves are some of
the ways to use day light efficiently.
9] Switch off ACs 30 min before leaving:Switch off ACs 30 minutes before leaving as it saves
10] Switch offs Computers:Switch off computers or keep it on sleep mode save energy.
11] No smoking Zone:To reduce air pollution making the campus No smoking zone is one of the
policy. Smoking affects second-hand smoke, so it is necessary to ban it. It is useful for
occupational health and safety.
12] No vehicle day:No vehicle day in a week saves fuel, reduce air pollution. It enhances
employees‟ health also HR managers can promote use of public transport.
13] Save water:Water can save by creating awareness, routine pipe checkups, prevent leakages.
Used water can retreated and use for toilets, sprinklers and go towards the waterless process.
14] Recycle:Recycle means conversion of waste material into useful material. Recycle of glass,
cups, metals, plastic manufacturing waste material can reduce waste.
15] Reuse:Reuse of industrial waste can do. Organizations can process on the waste, and it can
be reusable.

❏ Green HRM in India: Top 10 Indian Companies

Following are the Indian companies exhibiting green GRM practices in India.

Wipro Technologies : There was a time when the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board
indicted the IT solutions arm of Wipro Limited for dumping huge volumes of hazardous
electronic waste in illegal recycling units in Bangalore.They extended their green mission to
physical infrastructure and substitute CRT monitors with LCD monitors. The company also had
a green testing lab, practiced a Carbon Disclosure Project (to report the internal carbon
footprint), and reduced employee travel. Wipro was the first IT Company in India to launch eco-
friendly desktops and notebook computers that adhered to the RoHS (restriction of hazardous
substances) regulation specified by the European Union (EU).

Suzlon Energy: The Green Banking initiative- Suzlon Energy has become the first Indian bank
to take lead in harnessing wind energy by having a tie up with State Bank of India. The Suzlon
One Earth Campus, the corporate headquarter of Suzlon at Hadapsar, Pune, India is the most
energy efficient building built ever in India with insulated green roof, energy efficient – lighting
system, construction time,renewable energy based hot water system, reduced landscape and
building water requirement, recycle, reuse and recharge of water, waste management and waste
water treatment, health and energy of occupants, carpooling, zero waste management, green
education etc. are policies practiced by the companies.

ITC Limited : ITC Ltd Sustainable Initiatives at ITC Green Products are Premium Business
Paper. For the first time in India ITC has launched an environment friendly multipurpose paper
Paperkraft Premium Business Paper‘, for office and home use using a new technology 'Ozone
Treated Elemental Chlorine Free Technology' replacing Elemental Chlorine which was
conventionally used in thebleaching process during paper manufacture.ITC's Green Leaf
Threshing plant in Chirala is the first in India and among the first 10 units in the world to bag the
Social Accountability (SA 8000) certification.

HCL Technologies : HCL Technologies initiated the following practices:-Go Green‖- a multi-
layered corporate program running campaigns to initiate individual action towards
environmental issues. It has designed and developed a comprehensive Green Edge sustainability
framework that caters to the specific needs of manufacturing industries. They are active members
of India Council for Sustainable Development. First company in India to launch an Antimony
and Beryllium Free laptop. The company extends its take-back service to customers for
disposing off their equipment through HCL Green Bag Campaign, and recycling collected E-
waste in an environment-friendly manner.

Tata Consultancy Services : TCS has been spotted 11th under Newsweek‘s annual rankings of
the World‘s Greenest Companies‖ with a Green Score of 80.4 globally. Its 16 facilities do
composting, some have bio-digesters turning waste into kitchen fuel.

Oil and Natural Gas Company (ONGC): ONGC has been ranked 39th among the world's 105
largest listed companies in ‘transparency in corporate reporting' by Transparency International
making it the most transparent company in India. Project of Landscaping, designing of garden
and greening of area in the campus of Jollygrant Airport, Dehradun is started. ONGC has many
such initiatives towards Green HRM. Another one is Vadodara Movement with Indian Express.

Idea Cellular Idea Cellular initiated the following practices:- Use Mobile, Save Paper‘ campaign
Green Pledge campaign was initiated by Idea at various Indian cities, where thousands came
forward and pledged to save paper and trees.

IndusInd Bank Following practices have been initiated by IndusInd Bank:- The bank is running
ATMs on solar power and has pioneered an eco-savvy change in the Indian banking sector. The
bank is planning for more such initiatives in addressing the challenges of climatechange.

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) :TNPL has installed its own power
generating facility to make it 100% self- sufficient through the installation of 61.18 MW Power
Generating equipment, viz. TG Sets, installed at the paper mill site. The surplus power generated
is being exported to the State Grid. TNPL also generates green power through the 18 MW wind
farm installed at Devarkulam and Perungudi of Tirunelveli district. The entire power generated
at the wind farm is being exported to the State Grid. The innovative bio – methanation project:
This project contributes to the sustainable development in terms of generating in-house
renewable energy and reducing green – house gases.
Tata Metaliks Limited :Tata Metaliks Limited initiated the following practices:- Every day is
Environment Day According to the company‘s policy, working on Saturdays at the corporate
office is discouraged. Lights are also switched off during the day with the entire office
depending on sunlight.

The HR role
In terms of environmental concern, HR managers have different idea and approaches, these
can be categorised into a number of various roles that the human resource manager may take-
up in EPF, each enlightening their own possible beginning and future directions, which are
detail.A key role for HR is to create willingness in the employees towards the implementation
of green HRM practices . Many HR staff and work organisations are recognising the human
resource factors involved in EPF , For example, numbers of organisation in UK more
effectively use their Green HRM, work-life and environment performance desk space by
encouraging employees to work from home (if feasible), save travel time, energy and fuel by
introducing online meetings and encourage their employees for the use of public transport and
carpooling.While the green concept has been a significant research topic for more than
decades,barely any research has been conducted that focuses specifically on green HRM,
work-life and EPF.

❏ Literature Review on Green HRM Practices

There are functions of HRM which are generally considered as traditional and there can be a

variety of green practices under each function. The following section presents summaries of

the existing and certain new green HRM practices under each function of green HRM.
Authors Practices

Wehrmeyer, 1996; Renwick et al, 1) Incorporating a number of environmental

2008 and 2013 protection related tasks, duties
and responsibilities in each job and put into effect.

2) Including environmental, social, personal, and

Crosbie and Knight, 1995; technical requirements of
Wehrmeyer, 1996; North, 1997; the organizations in job descriptions and person (job)
Revill, 2000 specifications as
far as possible and put into effect.

3) Using teamwork and cross-functional teams as job

May and Flannery, 1995; Florida, design techniques to
1996; Clement, 1997; Palmer and successfully manage the environmental issues of the
Andrews, 1997; Beard and Rees, 2000; company
Griffiths and Petrick, 2001; Daily and
Huang, 2001; Govindarajulu and
Daily, 2004; Jabbour, Santos, and
Nagano, 2010
4) Including environmental dimension as a duty in
Opatha, 2013 job description.

5) Including green competencies as a special

Opatha, 2013 component in job specification.

a) Designing and implementing new jobs and

positions in order to focus
exclusively on environmental management aspects of
the organizations.

❏ Green human resource planning

At present, some companies engage in forecasting number of employees and types of employees,

needed to implement corporate environmental management initiatives/programs/activities (e.g.

ISO 14001, cleaner production, responsible care etc.). These are good practices some leading

companies have adopted to manage their environmental issues. The corporate environmental

management initiatives demand some new job positions and specific set of skills. Green human
resource planning gets required in this context. In addition these companies engage in deciding

strategies to meet the forecasted demand for environmental works (e.g. appointing

consultants/experts to perform energy or environmental audits) and sometimes they are

outsourcing. As far as existing literature is concerned, it did not clearly specify the practices

under the function of green human resource planning. However, based on the observations of the

industries and organisations, it is possible to identify certain green human resource planning


Practices: Green human resource planning

1) Engaging in forecasting number of employees and types of employees, needed to

implement the corporate environmental management initiatives/programs/activities (e.g. ISO
14001, cleaner production, responsible care etc).
2) Engaging in deciding strategies to meet the forecasted demand for environmental works
(e.g. appointing consultants/experts to perform energy or environmental audit etc).

❏ Green recruitment

In general, environment concerned companies have their own environmental policy

framework. In materializing the established environmental policies, companies need

environmentally oriented workforce. In creating environmental oriented workforce,

companies have two options: First is focusing on green recruitment. Second is providing

required environmental protection related awareness, education, training and development to

the existing workforce. The first option is more proactive and cost effective than the second

option. Hence, searching best green recruitment practices is important to organizations. In the

recruitment context, what some companies are doing is that they integrate corporate

environmental policy and strategies with the recruitment policy of the company.
Authors Practices

Clarke, 2006; Wehrmeyer, A) Indicating or making transparent about

1996; Oates, 1996 organisation‟s environmental
performance (past and current) when
communicating recruitment messages.

CIPD, 2007; Renwick et al, B)Becoming a green employer or green

2008; Jackson et al, 2011; employer of choice
Phillips, 2007; Stringer, 2009;
Renwick et al, 2013
C) Including environmental criteria in the
Opatha, 2013 recruitment messages.

Opatha, 2013 D)Communicating the employer‟s concern

about greening through recruitment efforts.
a) Reflecting environmental policy and
strategies of the organisation in its
recruitment policy.
b) Expressing certain environmental values
(e.g. be a part of the green team of
ABC.. or we are a socially and
environmentally responsible employer) in the
job advertisements of the company.
c) Expressing the preference of the
organisation to recruit candidates who have
competency and attitudes to participate in
corporate environmental
management initiatives too in the recruitment

❏ Green selection

In the selection context, when making selection for the job vacancies some companies

consider candidates‟ environmental concern and interest as selection criteria. When

interviewing candidates or evaluating them for selection, environmental-related questions are

asked by those companies (Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Wehrmeyer, 1996; North, 1997;

Revill, 2000). Really, these are some of the good green selection practices any organisation

can adopt to select environmental friendly people in addition to the normal selection criteria

relating to the specific duties of the job being concerned. Table 4 shows a list of the existing
HRM practices under the green selection.

Authors Practices

Renwick et al, 2008; Renwick 1 Considering candidates‟ environmental

et al, 2013 concern and interest as selection

Crosbie and Knight, 1995; 2 When interviewing candidates or evaluating

Wehrmeyer, 1996; North, them for selection, to ask
1997; Revill, 2000 environment-related questions.

Opatha, 2013 3 Selecting applicants who are sufficiently

aware of greening to fill job vacancies.

Opatha, 2013 4 Selecting applicants who have been

engaging in greening as consumers under their
private life domain.

❏ Green induction

Induction for new employees seems to be needed to ensure they understand and approach

their corporate environmental culture in a serious way (Wehrmeyer, 1996). Companies can

adopt two approaches in respect of green induction. They are general green induction and job

specific green induction. Some companies practice general green induction. After selecting

the candidates for the posts, these companies provide necessary basic information about the

corporate environmental management policy, system and practices. In some instances, certain

organizations do specific green induction as well to their new recruits. They induct new

employees about environmental orientation programs specific to their jobs.

Authors Practices

Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Wehrmeyer, 1 Providing general green induction

1996; North, 1997; Revill, 2000; Renwick
et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013; Opatha,

Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Wehrmeyer, 2 Providing job specific green induction
1996; North, 1997; Revill, 2000; Renwick
et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013; Opatha,
3 Making new employees familiar with
Opatha, 2013 greening efforts of the organization and
encourage them to engage in green
interpersonal citizenship behaviour.

Opatha, 2013 4 Developing induction programs showing

green citizenship

❏ Green performance evaluation

Measuring employee green performance of job is one of the key functions in green HRM.

Without this practice any organisation cannot ensure the realistic environmental performance

(firm level) in long term basis. Evaluation of green performance of employee must be done

separately or at least as a part of the performance evaluation system of the organisation. The
nmeasurement criteria of employee green performance of job must be carefully aligned with

the organization‟s criteria of environmental performance.

Authors Practices

Wells et al, 1993; Carpenter, 1994; 1 Establishing environmental management

Schwalm,1994; Milliman and Clair,1996 information system
(EMIS) and environmental audits.

Wehrmeyer, 1996 2 Incorporating corporate environmental

management objectives and
targets with the performance evaluation
system of the organisation.
Milliman and Clair, 1996; Renwick et al, 3 Installing corporate-wide environmental
2008; Renwick et al, 2013Renwick et al, 2008; performance standards.
Renwick et al, 2013;

Opatha, 2013 4 Integrating green criteria in appraisals or

evaluating employee‟s job
performance according to green-related

Opatha, 2013 5 Including a separate component for progress

on greening in the performance feedback

Renwick et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013 6 Setting green targets, goals and

❏ Green training and development

Environmental related education, training and development are key areas of green HRM in
anorganisation. Without proper education, training and development, materializing targeted
environmental performance of a firm is very difficult to achieve. Therefore, it seems thatcertain
companies have actually realized the importance of green education, training anddevelopment in
their organizational setting.Nowadays, some companies seriously analyze and identify
environmental training needs ofemployees in order to make them more environmental concerned
workforce. Really, these aregood practices and also needed to implement corporate
environmental management initiatives.Based on environmental training needs analysis of the
workforce, these companies conductserious and systematic education, training and development
programs which are given to theemployees for the purpose of providing needed knowledge,
skills and attitudes for goodenvironmental management.

Authors Practices

Cook and Seith, 1992 1 Providing environmental training to the

organizational members (employees
and managers) to develop required skills and

Renwick et al, 2008 2 Providing training to learn or adapt

Renwick et al, 2013 environmental friendly best practices (e.g.
Jackson et al, 2011 reducing long-distance business travel and

North, 1997 3 Providing environmental awareness training

to create „environmental
awareness‟ among the workforce.

North, 1997 4 Providing environmental education to the


Renwick et al, 2008 5 Providing training to the staff to produce

Renwick et al, 2013 green analysis of workspace.

Renwick et al, 2008 6 Applying of job rotation to train green

Renwick et al, 2013 managers of the future.

Opatha, 2013 7 Imparting right knowledge and skills about

greening (to each employee
through a training program exclusively
designed for greening).
Opatha, 2013
8 Conducting training needs analyses to
identify green training needs of


❏ Green reward management

Green reward management is another key function of green HRM. The sustainability
oforganisation‟s environmental performance is highly dependent on the green
rewardmanagement practices of the organisations. To motivate managers and non-
managerialemployees on corporate environmental management initiatives, green reward
management has significant contributions. Organizations can practice it in two ways such as
financial and non-financial. In some companies employees are financially (e.g. incentives,
bonuses, cash) rewarded for their good environmental performance. In some other companies,
employees are non-financially rewarded (awards/special recognitions/honors/prizes) for their
good environmental performance.

Authors Practices
Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Renwick 1 Rewarding employee environmental
et al, 2008 and 2013 performance (good/excellent and

Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Renwick 2 Financially rewarding for employee good
et al, 2008 and 2013; Opatha, 2013 environmental performance.

Whitenight, 1992; Bhushan, and 3 Non-financially rewarding for employee

Mackenzie, 1994; Renwick et al, good environmental
2008 and 2013; Opatha, 2013 performance.

Bhushan and Mackenzie,1994 4 Team excellence awards for better

environmental performance.

Bhushan and Mackenzie,1994 5 Introducing rewards for innovative

environmental initiative/performance.

Woods, 1993 6 Communicating employee 6 Communicating employee environmental

environmental excellence. excellence.

Berry and Randinelli, 1999; Jackson 7 Providing incentives to encourage

et al, 2011 environmentally friendly activities and
behaviours (e.g. recycling and waste

Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013 8 Rewarding for green skills acquisition.

❏ Green health and safety management

The green health and safety management is really beyond the scope of traditional health and
safety management function of HRM. It really includes the traditional health and
safetymanagement and some more aspects of environmental management of an organisation.
That is why nowadays many organizations are redesigning post of „health and safety manager‟
as health, safety and environmental manager‟. This post includes a wider job scope when
compared with traditional post of health and safety manager in an organisation. For example,it
includes biodiversity protection and community support initiatives etc. The key role ofgreen
health and safety management is to ensure a green workplace for all. Green workplace is defined
as a workplace that is environmentally sensitive, resource efficient and socially responsible
(SHRM, 2009). At present there are companies where traditional health and safety function was
extended to include environmental management/protection. Thesecompanies have continually
endowed to create various environmental related initiatives to reduce employee stress and
occupational disease caused by hazardous work environment.

Authors Practices

Ditz et al, 1995; SHRM, 2009 1) Ensuring green workplace for all.

2) Creating various environmental related

initiatives to reduce employee stress
and occupational disease caused by hazardous
work environment.

3) Creating and implementing strategies (e.g.

green factory/green zone) to
maintain a conducive environment to prevent
various health problems/ in order
to improve health and safety of employees.

❏ Green employee discipline management

Wehrmeyer (1996) stated explicitly that green discipline management is a pre-requisite in

corporate environmental management. In ensuring green employee behaviour in the workplace,
organizations may need green discipline management practices to achieve the environmental
management objectives and strategies of the organisation. In this context, some companies have
realized „discipline management‟ as a tool to self- regulate employees in environmental
protection activities of the organisation. These companies have developed a clear set of rules and
regulations which imposes/regulates employees to be concerned with environmental protection
in line with environmental policy of the organisations. In such companies, if an employee
violates environmental rules and regulations, disciplinary actions (warning, fining, suspension,
etc.) are taken against him/her.

Authors Practices

Renwick et al, 2008 1 Setting penalties for noncompliance on

targets in environmental management.

Renwick et al, 2008 2 Setting penalties or dismissal for

environmental management breaches.
Opatha, 2013 3 Formulating and publishing rules of conduct
relating to greening.

Opatha, 2013 4 Developing a progressive disciplinary

system to punish employees who violate the
rules of green conduct.

❏ Green employee relations

The evolution of green HRM has penetrated into the employee relations and union management
activities of the organisation. In green HRM, employee relations and union support (in a
unionized workforce context) are critical in implementing corporate environmental management
initiatives and programs. Some companies have strategies (joint consultations, gain sharing,
recognizing union as a key stakeholder in environmental management) to get the expected
support of trade unions for corporate environmental management initiatives. Really it a good
practice to increase firm‟s environmental performance.

Authors Practices

Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013 1 Providing opportunities to the employee to

involve and participate in green suggestion

Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013 2 Introducing green whistle-blowing and help-

Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013 3 Providing training to the union

representatives in environmental management.


Based on this review, it is possible to conclude that by understanding and increasing the scope
and depth of green HRM practices, organizations can improve their environmental performance
in a more sustainable manner than before. The green HRM practices are more powerful tools in
making organisations and their operations green. The green performance, green behaviours,
green attitude, and green competencies of human resources can be shaped and reshaped through
adaptation of green HRM practices. Hence, we suggest that organisations be required to give
more priority to make each function of HRM green.

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