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Longlist of Future Candidate Projects for Indonesia

# Sector Project Name Project Description Executing Agency Project Cost Note

Transportation North Java Corridor Flyover Construction of the new flyover in Directorate General ¥ 9,267 million Location: West Java, Central
Project Java of Regional Java, Banten
1 (DGRI), Ministry of
Settlement and
Local Bridge Replacement Replacement and construction of Directorate General Location:
and New Construction ‎Project bridges in Sumatra, Kalimantan, of Regional ¥ 15,339.2 million Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi
Sulawesi Infrastructure
2 (DGRI), Ministry of
Settlement and
Mahkota II (Mahakam Kota Construction of the bridge Directorate General US$ 26.5 million Location: East Kalimantan
II) Bridge Project of Urban and Rural
3 (DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and
Semplak By Pass Project Construction of By Pass Directorate General US$ 6million Location: West Java
of Urban and Rural
(DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and

Kediri Bridge Project Construction of the bridge Directorate General US$ 3.87 million Location: East Java
of Urban and Rural
(DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and

Rantauan Keliling Ilir Bridge Construction of the bridge Directorate General US$ 3.33 million Location: South Kalimantan
Project of Urban and Rural
6 (DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and
Enggano Flyover Project Construction of the flyover Directorate General US$ 9.5 million Location: Jakarta
of Urban and Rural
7 (DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and

Kalibanteng Traffic Construction of the flyover Directorate General US$ 5 million Location: East Java
Improvement Project interchange of Urban and Rural
8 (DGURD), Ministry of
Settlement and
Railway Double Tracking on Construction of the second track Directorate General ¥ 9,493 million Location: Central Java
Java Southline (II) beside the existing track of Kutoarjo- of Land (USD 93 million)
Yogyakarta railway line Communications
9 (DGLC), Ministry of
Longlist of Future Candidate Projects for Indonesia

# Sector Project Name Project Description Executing Agency Project Cost Note

Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit Construction of substructure and Directorate General USD 493.73 million Location: Jakarta
System (I) superstructure for Mass Rapid Transit of Land
10 System Communications
(DGLC), Ministry of
Maritime Telecommunication To improvement and modernize the Directorate General US$ 41.87 million Location: the whole country
System Development (IV) maritime telecommunication system of Sea
in order to secure the safety of life Communications
11 and property at sea and effective sea (DGSC), Ministry of
transportation and other maritime Communications
Tanjung Priok Port Improvement of navigational Directorate General US$ 136.57 million Location: Jakarta
Rehabilitation Project condition by deepening and widening of Sea
of the channel and the relocation of Communications
12 the existing breakwater and (DGSC), Ministry of
improvement related road and Communications
development of automobile terminal

Water Komeiring Irrigation Project To utilize irrigation water developed DG of Water Yen 15,856.92 Location : South Sumatra
Resources Stage II, Phase 2 by Stage I and Stage II Phase 1 Resources, Ministry million
of Settlement and
13 Regional

Lower Solo River Construction of barrage and river DG of Water Yen 22,580.30 Location : Central Java, East
Improvement Project (II) improvement for flood control Resources, Ministry million Java
14 of Settlement and

Gilirang Irrigation Project To supply to other rice deficit DG of Water Yen 7,333.79 Location : South Sulawesi
province; to rise incomes and living Resources, Ministry million
15 standard of farmers: to mitigate of Settlement and
inundation damage through flood Regional
control by construction of dam Infrastructure
Integrated Sediment Disaster Volcanic Disaster Management; DG of Water Yen 5,935.40 Location : Yogyakarta
Mitigation Management of Riverbed Stabilization in the lower Kali Resources, Ministry million
Mount Merapi and Kali Progo Progo: Sustainable Sand Mining of Settlement and
River Management; Regional Development Regional
through Sediment Disaster Control. Infrastructure

Kali Garang Flood Control and To mitigate flood damages along the DG.of Water Yen 9,288.2 million Location: Central Java
Semarang Urban Drainage West Floodway/Garang River Resources, Ministry
17 System Improvement of Settlement and
East Jakarta Flood Control To prevent the eastern part of DG.of Water Yen 68,456 million Location: Jakarta
Project Jakarta City from floods by means of Resources, Ministry
18 construction of the Eastern Banjir of Settlement and
Canal (EBC) Regional
Padang Area Flood Control To increase the development DG.of Water Yen 11,693 million Location: West Sumatra
Project ( III) potential of flood control of Padang Resources, Ministry
19 of Settlement and
Lower Asahan Flood Control To mitigate vast and frequent flood DG.of Water Rp. 96,600 million Location: North Sumatra
damages Resources ,Ministry
20 of Settlement and
Banel Water Management Irrigation, Water Supply, and Flood DG.of Water Rp. 61,000 million Location: Bali
Project Control Resources ,Ministry
21 of Settlement and
Mujur Water Management Irrigation, Water Supply, and Flood DG.of Water Rp. 240,000 million Location: East Nusa Tenggara
Project Control Resources,Ministry of
22 Settlement and
Longlist of Future Candidate Projects for Indonesia

# Sector Project Name Project Description Executing Agency Project Cost Note

Urgent Water Resources Water Supply and Flood Control DG.of Water Rp. 290,000 million Location: North Sulawesi
Infrastructure Development Resources,Ministry of
23 of Tondano River Basin Settlement and
River Improvement of Lower Flood Control and water Management DG.of Water Rp. 500,000 million Location: Gorontalo
Bone and Lower Bolango Resources,Ministry of
24 Rivers Settlement and
Jambu Aye Water Water Management of Siak River DG.of Water USD 402.08 million Location: Riau
Management Project Basin Resources,Ministry of
25 Settlement and
Fisheries The Jakarta Fishing Port To rehabilitate the quaywall structure DG of Capture USD 15 million Location: Jakarta
Rehabilitation Project for maintaining the function of the Fisheries, Ministry of
26 Port Marine Affairs and
Regional Urban Infrastructure Improvement of living environment DG. of Urban and US$ 30 million Location: South Sulawesi
Development Improvement of the City of through management of waste water. Rural Development
27 Makassar ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Jakarta Waste Water Disposal Improvement of living environment DG of Urban and US$ 145 million Location: Jakarta
Project (Stage I, Phase II) through management of solid waste Rural Development
28 water. ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Rural Urban Linkage Improvement of infrastructure to DG of Urban and US$ 300 million Location: Whole Country
Infrastructure Support for support local economic. Rural Development
29 Local Economic Development ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Sewerage System Improvement of living environment DG of Urban and US$ 100 million Location: North Sumatra
Improvement Project in the through management of Sewerage. Rural Development
30 City of Medan ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Drainage in the Metropolitan Improvement of living environment DG of Urban and US$ 50 million Location: South Sulawesi
City Makasar (E/S) through management of drainage Rural Development
31 system. ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Umbulan Water Supply To increase water supply coverage in DG of Urban and US$ 50 million Location: East Java
Project (E/S) the city of Surabaya, Malang, Rural Development
32 Pasuruan ,Ministry of
Settlement and
Upland Integrated Area To improve environmental capacity, DG of Regional USD 6 million Location: Java, Sulawesi,
Development with Specific economic growth, quality of life and Development, Kalimantan
33 in Karst Region education Ministry of Home
Rural Areas Infrastructure To reduce poverty through the basic DG of Regional USD 300 million Location: Sumatra,
Development Project (IV) infrastructure development in rural Development, DG of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, West
area Community Nusa Tenggara
Ministry of Home
Affairs and DG of
34 Urban and Rural
Ministry of
Settlement and
Longlist of Future Candidate Projects for Indonesia

# Sector Project Name Project Description Executing Agency Project Cost Note

Information Local Administration Capacity Establishment of e-government model State Ministry for USD48.61 million Location: Riau
Technology Building and Human in Indonesia in order to achieve good Communication and
Resources Development governance Information, BIDA
Project (Batam Industrial
35 Development
Authority) and
Batam Municipality

National Geo-Spatial Data Acquisition of National Geo-Spatial Bakosurtanal USD 100.4 million Location: Jakarta
infrastructure Development Data, production of National Geo-
Project Spatial data, and strengthening of the
GIS Data Center
Energy Tanjung Priok Combined To build Combined Cycle Gas PT. PLN (Persero) USD 455 million Location: Jakarta
Cycle Power Plant Project Thermal Power Plant having capacity
37 of 720MW

ERP Application to Support To build ERP (Enterprise Resource PT. PLN (Persero) USD 10 million Location: Java-Bali
Generation Project Planning) application and to achieve
38 effective and efficiency in power plant

Rehabilitation and Upgrading Rehabilitation and upgrading of boiler, PT. PLN (Persero) USD 72 million Location: West Java
of Suralaya Coal Fired Power turbine, generator and control
39 Plant Project instruments

Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation and upgrading of boiler, PT. PLN (Persero) USD 65 million Location: Central Java
Gasification of Semarang turbine, generator and control
40 Steam Power Plant Project instruments

Tanjung Perak Power Station To build complete Combined Cycle PT. PLN (Persero) USD 186 million Location: East Java
41 Repowering Project Gas Thermal Power Plant having
capacity of 332.4MW
Java-Bali Overhead To build OHL (Overhead PT. PLN (Persero) USD 319.81 million Location: East Java, Bali
Transmission Line Project Transmission Line) between Java and
Bali (the first stage) and 500 kV
upgrading from Paiton to Kapal Sub
Station (second stage).

42 Stage 1 (Inter USD 55.97 million

Stage 2 (In land 500 USD 222.3 million

Contingency USD 41.6 million

Parit Baru Coal Fired Thermal To build fired thermal power plant PT. PLN (Persero) USD 120 million Location: West Kalimantan
43 Power Project
Biomass Power Plant Project To develop steam power plant 1 x 30 PT. PLN (Persero) USD 52 million Location: East Kalimantan
MW by using empty bunch and coal
44 as fuel

Kramasan Power Station To install combined cycle power plant PT. PLN (Persero) USD 65 million Location: South Sumatra
Repowering and Extension of 82 MW in South Sumatra

Lahendong Geothermal To install 2 x 20 MW geothermal PT. PLN (Persero) USD 40 million Location: North Sulawesi
Power Plant Project. power plant nearby existing plant

・The projects mentioned in this list are possible candidates for ODA loans. The Government of Japan does not endorse the provision of ODA loans by any means.
・The information mentioned in this list is provisional as of October 2003 and subject to change.
・Project costs mentioned in this list are based on the estimation by the Government of Indonesia and subject to change.
・1 Rp. = USD 0.00012 (as of October 2003)

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