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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII , Central Visayas

Cebu Province
District of Consolacion
Senior High School
FINAL EXAMINATION IN Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Name:______________________________ Year & Section:____________________

I. Multiple Choices:
Direction. Choose the best answer from the given options. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided. Strictly NO ERASURE.
______1. Which of the following is not a factor in determining an individual’s ethical development?
a. Experiences b. religion c. culture d. social audit
______2. Many people rationalize unethical acts at work because they_____.
a. feel pressured on their jobs to meet performance goals
b. Know they can always get away with it
c. have no personal or moral values
d. are fundamentally unethical
______3. Arwan decides not to cheat on his exam because he fears he will be caught and receive no credit if he is
caught. Arwan is in the _____ stage of his ethical development.
a. postconventional
b. preconventional
c. traditional
d. conventional
______4. During a meeting with government regulators .Nicole voluntarily points out potential problem with a new product
her company is testing. Nicole has shown _____.
a. honesty b. loyalty c. truthfulness d. integrity
______5. Daiche takes responsibility for an error made by his assistant on a project. Daichi has shown _____.
a. loyalty b. honesty c. integrity d. truthfulness
______6. A company removes a profitable product from the market because it may dangerous . This company is
a. ethical behavior b. green marketing c. conflict of interest d. contago
______7. When target Inc. donates 5 percent of its federally taxable income to non-profit groups, the company is
highlighting its ______.
a. social responsibility b. code of conduct c. social audit d. altruism
______8. The _____ of a coffee-growing company usually include its employees, customers, suppliers, and the
community members where the company is located.
a. social responsibility b. corporate philantrophy c. social audit d. stakeholders.
______9. Reprocessing used materials so that they can be reused is known as ______.
a. rotation b. reinvigoration c. recycling d. ecology.
_____10. A strategy that promotes environmentally friendly products and production methods is called ______.
a. consumerism b. recycling c. ethical awareness d. green marketing
_____11. Rene’s boss has offered him a raise if Rene agrees to spend the night with her. This is an example of _____.
a. red tape b. sexual harassment c. nepotism d. whistle-blowing.
_____12. In today’s business environment, who can make the difference in ethical expectations and behavior.
a. everyone b. no one c. only top –level managers d. only the CEO
_____13. What does the term “ green washing” mean?
a. To wash clothes “green” meaning respecting environment by using eco-labeled soap.
b. Scientist trying to convince the world of Climate Change.
c. Governments hiding knowledge about environment.
d. Companies using environmental and social initiatives as a marketing tool to have a better brand image among
_____14. What does CSR stand for?
a. Companies’ Social Responsibility
b. Common Sense Responsibility
c. Corporate Social Revolution
d. Corporate Social Responsibility
_____15. Which of the following would NOT be considered an external stakeholder?
a. regulators b. employees c. customers d. investors
_____16. How should a businessperson deal with a conflict of interest?
a. Ignore it b. Send an email to the superior c. Disclose it or avoid it d. Report it only to close friends.
_____17. ______ requires that firms in the private sector provide procedures for anonymous reporting of accusations of
a. Americans with Disabilities Act
b. Sarbanes- Oxley Act
c. Consumer Rights Act
d. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
____18. Online simulation training such as the Ethics Challenge can help to improve ethical ______.
a. awareness b. reasoning c. leadership d. action
____19. Nearly everyone knows that cigarettes are harmful to smokers. Why do cigarette companies continue to make
a. Some people are addicted to cigarettes, a legal product, and find it very difficult to quit.
b. The government subsidizes cigarette manufacturing because it is an important industry
c. Television is a very successful medium for cigarette advertising
d. The DOH’s warning label exempts cigarette manufacturers from any responsibility.
____20. ____ are those groups, individuals, and organizations that are directly affected by the practice of an organization
and have a stake in its performance?
a. Agents b. Entities c. Investors d. stakeholders

II . TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE OR FALSE on the space provided before each number.
_____ 21. Social and ethical issues are a bigger concern in smaller companies than larger companies.
_____ 22. Social responsibility is a concept that pertains only to small businesses.
_____ 23. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires companies that have a code of ethics to publish them.
_____ 24. Fundamentally, a business is responsible for customers , employees, investors and the community
_____ 25. Businesses must find a balance between doing what is right and doing what is profitable.
_____ 26. Technology has helped decrease the amount of unethical behavior exhibited by businesses.
_____ 27. Some employees rationalize questionable or unethical behavior by saying “Every one does it.”
_____ 28. Successful managers are often able to discover that there is a clear-cut answer between what is
right and what is wrong.
_____ 29. A code of conduct is a formal document that must be printed.
_____ 30. Helping employees stop smoking is an example of a social responsibility revolving around public
III. Matching Type : On the line provided before each item number, write the letter (of the match on the
right hand column) corresponding to the correct definition.

_____31. UN PRME a. an increase in the amount of heat trapped in the

earth’s atmosphere due to an increase in the levels
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
_____32. Responsible Management Education b. the effect of a human activity on a natural
_____33. Humanistic management c. ability to manage the resource base such that the
quality of life we ensure ourselves does not
jeopardize that of future generations.
_____34. Environmental impact d. Business education that includes values of
corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility
and sustainability.
_____35. Ecological footprint e. A global initiative with the mission to inspire and
champion good business education, research and
though leadership.
_____36. Renewal resource f. a non-living finite resource that once exhausted
cannot be made again.
_____37. Greenhouse effect g. a balance between the level of production and use
of a resource that can be maintained indefinitely.
_____38. Non-renewable resources H. an approach to management theory based on the
idea of human needs and human values
_____39. Sustainable yield i. a living resource that can be produced again.
_____40. Sustainability j. The amount of land necessary to produce and
maintain enough food and water, shelter , energy
and waste for an organism.

A. Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME)
41. __________________
43. ___________________
44. ___________________
45. ___________________
B. Who are the Stakeholders.
46. ___________________
47. ___________________
48. ___________________
49. ___________________


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