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Problem .

(Making of Interactive Math Notebook on Test of Hypothesis)

Step 1. Identify the given


Step 2. State the null and

alternative hypothesis.

Step 3. Determine the

appropriate test to
be used. Compute
the test value.

Step 4. Find the critical value

in an appropriate table.

Step 5. Decide whether to

accept or not the
null hypothesis.
Lecture Notes:
Problem: The scores of students in the Creative Writing/Filipino are normally
distributed with a mean of 25 and the standard deviation is 5. If you were
randomly selected to take the test, what is the probability that your score
is between 30 to 39?

Step 1: Identify the given information.

Given: μ=25, σ =5 Scores: x 1=30, x 2=40

Step 2: Find the Z value using, z=
30−25 5
For Z1 z= = =1 A = 0.3413
5 5
39−25 14
For Z2 z= = =2.8 A = 0.4981
5 5
Step 3: Use Z-table to find the area that corresponds to Z.

Step 4. Compute the area bounded by the z-scores under the curve
Drawing the area with the Standard Normal Curve

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Area bounded by Z = 1 to Z = 2.8 is A= 0.4981-0.3413 = 0.1568

Step 5. Express the result using probability notation of the computed proportion of the
required area under the normal curve.
The probability that my score in the test would be between 30 to 39 is 15.68%.
P(30<x<39) = 15.68%
Answer to QUIZ:

(Enhance the Critical and Creative Thinking Skills HOT’s)

In a 1/2 cw, solve the problem:

Problem: In a Basic Education Exit Assessment Test conducted in Irineo L. Santiago

NHS for graduating Senior High School students, the mean was found to be 62 and the
standard deviation was 10. The scores also approximate the normal distribution. Make a
Normal Curve Presentation.

1. What is the minimum score that belongs to the 10%?

2. What are the two extremes scores outside of which 5% of the group are
expected to fall?
3. Estimate the range of scores that will include in the middle of 50% of the
4. Estimate the range of scores that will include in the middle of the 95% of the


Given: μ=62
σ =10

Draw a Normal Curve and convert the Standard Normal Curve with Raw Scores
Label the mean and the three standard deviation from the mean.

32 42 52 62 72 82 92

1. What is the minimum score that belongs to the 10%?

Area under the curve = 0.5 – 0.1 = 0.4

Using Z-table Z = 1.28
Raw Score = 62 - 1.28 (10)
Raw Score = 49.2
32 42 49 52 62 72 82 92

Answer: The minimum score(x) of the 10% =P( x ≤39)

2. What are the two extremes scores outside of which 5% of the group are
expected to fall?

A(extreme scores outside)= =.025
A(inside) = 0.5 -0.025 =. 475
Find the Z-score using Z-table:
Z=± 0.1.96
` Raw Scores=62± ( 1.96 ) 10
Raw Scores=42 , 82

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
32 42 52 62 72 82 92

The extreme outside scores of 5 %=¿ P( x ≤ 42, x ≥ 82)

3. Estimate the range of scores that will include in the middle of 50% of the

Find the Z-score using Z-table:
Z=± 0.67
` Raw Score=62± ( 0.67 ) 10
Raw Score=55 ,69

32 42 52 55 62 69 72 82 92

Answer: The range of score 50 %=P(55< x < x 69)

4. Estimate the range of scores that will include in the middle of the 95% of the

A= =.475
Find the Z-score using Z-table:
Raw Score=62± ( 1.96 ) 10
Raw Score=42 , 82


32 42 52 62 72 82 92

Answer: The range of score 95 %=P(42< x< 82)

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