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The Best Healthy Living Blogs of 2019

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Living a healthier life might seem like a tall order — the nutrition, the exercise,
the inner happiness! But having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and
wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, these
awesome blogs filled with tips, tricks, and personal stories will inspire you on
your journey to wellness.

Delish Knowledge
Think of this as healthy vegetarian cooking, made simple. Writer Alex is a
registered dietitian, and her ingredient shopping tips and cooking videos — check
out the one for vegan paella! — is the next best thing to an office visit.
Vegetarians or anybody curious about the lifestyle can consider this blog your
starter kit for plant-based recipes that range in ingredients and complexity.

The Real Food Dietitians

Who it’s for: Diet adventurers who love their Instant Pot, slow cooker, and Whole30
plan. This blog has recipes for each of these phenomena, plus tips for doing meal
prep efficiently.

What it’s all about: Eating well, living well, and being well. Not only are there
tons of dietitian-authored recipes, but you can also opt in for customized meal

My Fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal provides inspiration through real-life “victory stories” (aka
before-and-after stories featuring relatable people). There are also trainer tips
and essential guides to big topics like hydration, low-cal meal options, and fat-
burning workouts, as well as niche subjects like micronutrients.

Fit Bottomed Girls

For those who get frustrated with the status quo and ideals of what we “should” be,
Fit Bottomed Girls offers a refreshing change of pace. The founders, both certified
fitness pros, preach confidence and body positivity. They take a thoughtful
approach to fitness, instead of quick, lose-fat-in-10-days results. Their roadmap
to a healthier life is a combo of nutrition-packed recipes, doable daily workouts,
and a good dose of meditation.

Fit Foodie Finds

Fit Foodie Finds is a wellness blog tailor-made for serial Instagram scrollers. The
gorgeous photos of healthy meals are just as exciting as making them. Who knew oats
could look so pretty? Healthy living posts primarily focus on recipes, but they
also include workouts (booty, legs, you name it), DIY beauty, mental health, and
relationships. Style-conscious readers will love it, too, with its gallery after
gallery of fashion articles.

Moms looking for that trust-me-I’ve-been-there perspective and healthy ways to take
care of their families and themselves will find it on Mommypotamus. This blog is
especially full of information for pregnant women and first-time moms, touching on
everything from ultrasound safety to birth plans. You’ll also find a wealth of
content on motherhood, natural health, clean beauty, and more.

Toby Amidor Nutrition

Blogger Toby is a registered dietitian and multiple-time author who creates content
for home cooks looking to up their game with the latest in nutrition and food news
— including ingredient recalls and safety tips. Toby helps you see your kitchen in
an exciting new way and reignite your love of cuisine and cooking. There’s a heavy
focus on creative meal prep, along with more serious articles on things like foods
to fight depression.

Peanut Butter Fingers

This blog will resonate with anyone looking for friend-to-friend advice from
someone who’s built a career around motivating people — blogger Julie is a personal
trainer. She puts on her motivational hat to pen posts ranging in topic from beauty
routines she swears by to floor exercises that make you feel the burn. Be sure to
check out the recipe index and workout feeds.

Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy is about seizing the life less toxic, appealing to fans of organic
living and alternative medicine. The blog shows you exactly which herbs to devour —
like ginger for good digestion — and products to stay away from — like dryer sheets
because they can contain carcinogens. Fair warning: Clicking around the site may
result in some uh-oh moments for those unfamiliar with the effects of certain foods
and materials (you may want to rethink those rayon tampons).

The Healthy Maven

For those who want a 360-degree approach to self-care, with advice for betterment
in the workplace, home, gym, and on the go, look no further. The Healthy Maven
offers recipes for every type of meal under the sun (salads, sides, soups, and
more), DIY tips (you’ll learn how to make your own yoga mat spray), and quick
workouts. If you like where all this is going, there’s a supplementary podcast run
by blogger Davida with guest wellness experts.

Fitful Focus
Fitful Focus is ideal for skeptics who need a confidence boost. Blogger Nicole made
a life change in 2012, losing 10 pounds and finishing her first marathon, and she
could be just the cheerleader you need. The name says it all: Get fit, be full,
stay focused. If that sounds up your alley, you’ll enjoy the host of vegan and
gluten-free recipes, ab workouts, and discount codes to conquer that online
shopping list.

Bites of Wellness
Diet-conscious individuals who love a good cheat day will enjoy this blog that
shows you how it’s done, with easy 10-minute healthy recipes and some indulgences,
like sweet potato donuts. The content is geared toward carb- and fat-burning food
choices, along with life tips to keep the metabolism going, like “you need sleep to
lose weight.” Many recipes are available in e-book format.

Nutrition Twins
Busy bees that don’t have a lot of spare time but still want to stay on top of
fitness and wellness trends will love Nutrition Twins’ approach to info — quick and
digestible while hitting on all the buzzy topics. Find exercises you can do while
sitting in your office chair, quick detoxes to do at home, and more. There are also
articles more targeted at the long game, like how to train your taste buds to enjoy
healthy foods.

Happy Fit Mama

This one’s for the exercise-minded — especially runners, as blogger Angela is an
ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and RRCA Running Coach. You’ll find a
whole slew of running workouts, both for the treadmill and outdoors. Angela shows
through firsthand accounts that it’s great to have a major passion (for her,
running) and then supplement it with other ripples of positivity, like yoga,
healthy baking, and family time.
Eating Bird Food
If you dream about having a holistic nutritionist on speed dial, meet blogger
Brittany. She has tons of tips for living a balanced life using alternative
medicines and vegan ingredients. Brittany shares recipes you won’t find just
anywhere (hello, chocolate chia pudding), along with travel stories on exploring
wholesome goodness in hidden-gem cities, like Grand Rapids, Michigan, and
Charleston, South Carolina.

The FitNest
This blog aims to connect with wellness aficionados who want a community of
support, not just words on a screen. Comments and shares abound, and blogger Zehra
puts her heart out there to give you a view into her fitness journey and family
life. Look for indoor and outdoor exercises, told from a beginner-friendly
perspective. There’s equal attention given to stretches as to the workout itself.
There are also lots of healthy recipes — all tested in Zehra’s home kitchen.

The Fitnessista
It seems we’re all too busy these days. For anyone without a ton of time on their
hands but the desire to squeeze a bit more wellness in whenever and however
possible, The Fitnessista delivers. Enjoy a range of quick workouts, quick recipes,
and quick stories about life as a mom. If you need a two-minute read every day,
this is it.

Love Sweat Fitness

People looking to sweat off a few pounds may want to start here. Blogger Katie lost
45 pounds herself, and it led to her creating a “hot body” series of workouts and a
huge YouTube following.

The focus is on weight-loss workouts and recipes, for starters. In addition, you’ll
find everything from seasonal music playlists to travel tips to beauty hacks.

Pumps and Iron

Go-getters who want to master their workout game can browse through posts authored
by a personal trainer. Get step-by-step (and sometimes second-by-second)
instructions for how to flex, pump, and tone. The blog provides an array of
exercise ideas, broken down into helpful categories like studio equipment, target
area, and structure. You’ll also find the occasional lifestyle topic, like book
club advice and DIY gardening tips.

Have a favorite blog you’d like to nominate? Email us at

Kelly Aiglon is a lifestyle journalist and brand strategist with a special focus on
health, beauty, and wellness. When she’s not crafting a story, she can usually be
found at the dance studio teaching Les Mills BODYJAM or SH’BAM. She and her family
live outside of Chicago, and you can find her on Instagram.

Written by Kelly Aiglon on April 8, 2019

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