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11/10/2019 Boiler (Chemical Formula) - English

Advice, sale and rental of chemical

I am a professional in chemical industry with 20 years of industry experience
developing complex chemical processes of organic chemistry.
I have designed a formula with which to develop products for the treatment of boiler
::: English ::: water vapor; descaling, inhibitors corrrocion and treatments for cooling towers.

::: Español ::: My formula have been duly verified and have a high efficiency, which will give an
excellent performance, with better compared with the competition thus obtaining a
100% biodegradable.

Chemical offer advice, specialized formulations, my services as a chemist, training

both workers, investor or profesional, in the form of rent or sale.

The object of this biodegradable Formula is to prepare multicomponent liquid.

Anticrustante, avoiding corrotion and prevents life of pipes. This way we avoid the
accumulation of sludge and sediments achieving a perfect purge. An appropriate and
well alkalinity. This also acts as a slow descaling.

Boiler Water Treatment

The importance of water treatment has on the life, efficiency and safety in the
operation of industrial boilers; They will also deliver recommendations for the
definition of water treatment programs and explains how to detect the most common

Contact 1. Introduction Water treatment of a steam boiler or hot water is essential to ensure a long life free of
operational problems, major repairs and accidents.
(Sr. Pedro) +34 603 30 64 22
The main objective of water treatment is to prevent corrosion and fouling problems,
(Sra. Rosario Montoto) +34 627 24 04
ensuring quality water supply and the water in the boiler.
The quality assurance feedwater and boiler water is achieved by fulfilling the
requirements of the rules, which define the recommended parameters involved in
water treatment limits.

2. Water sources
Water sources correspond to all that water, which has not received any treatment and
therefore contain impurities, acquired during the cycle which have been subjected,
preventing their direct use in a boiler.

As the water flows over the surface of the land or percolates through the layers
thereof, or dissolving impurities continuous trapping soil or minerals being
experienced. This is how seemingly clear water.

Water, can have a high content of dissolved solids.

Impurities found most frequently in water sources include the following suspended
solids, immiscible liquids with water (eg. Oil), colorants, bacteria and other
microorganisms, semi-colloidal substances, dissolved gases, dissolved mineral salts (
cations, anions and silica). 1/5
11/10/2019 Boiler (Chemical Formula) - English

Frequently problems
Then the problems associated with water treatment, most frequently found in the
boilers are described.

The main sources of corrosion in boilers are oxygen corrosion or "Pitting" Corrosion
and Caustic.

Then described in consisting each of these types of corrosion, the factors that favor is
that looks and how can be prevented

Corrosion Oxygen or "Pitting".

Oxygen corrosion is the reaction of oxygen dissolved in the water with the metallic
components of the boiler (in contact with water), causing their dissolution or
conversion into insoluble oxides.

The results of this type of corrosion are tubers black color, which are formed on the
area of corrosion.

Since oxygen corrosion is caused by the action of oxygen dissolved in the water, this
can also occur when the boiler is out of service and enter air (oxygen). Preventing
oxygen corrosion is achieved by adequate feedwater degassing and maintaining an
excess of oxygen scavengers in boiler water.

Caustic corrosion.
Caustic corrosion occurs by a local overconcentration in areas of high thermal loads
(hearth, rear camera, etc.) alkaline salts such as caustic soda.

This type of corrosion is manifested in the form of deep cavities, similar to "pitting" of
oxygen, oxide filled black color, present only in areas of high heat release (fire,
backplate and rear camera) of a boiler.

Caustic corrosion can be prevented by maintaining alkalinity, and pH of free OH

boiler water within the recommended limits in paragraph 4.

Condensate Return Lines corrosion

The condensate return lines, logically not part of a boiler, however, has corrosion
effects on boilers and can be prevented by treating water.

Corrosion lines condensate return has effects on boiler as oxides (hematite) produced
are entrained into the boiler with the feedwater. Every boiler water whose side has a
reddish color presents problems of corrosion in the condensate return lines.

Corrosion in the condensate return lines occurs by the action of carbonic acid in these

Preventing corrosion in the condensate return lines, it can be achieved by neutralizing

amines which neutralize the action of carbonic acid and amine protecting filmic lines.

These amines are volatile so to be dosed to the water supply lines, they are entrained
by the steam produced in the boiler. 2/5
11/10/2019 Boiler (Chemical Formula) - English

Fouling deposits correspond to carbonates and silicates of calcium and magnesium,
formed due to excessive concentration of these components in the feedwater and / or
blowdown of insufficient regimes.

In the figure it is possible to observe the upper run of the smoke tubes of a boiler
inlaid with over 8 mm thickness.

The action of dispersants, chemical washes or expansion and contraction of a boiler

can drop the scale, so must be eliminated in a very encrusted boiler to prevent its
accumulation in the bottom of the pressure, as shown in the figure.

In the event that these inlays are not removed, you run the risk of embancar the boiler
and obstruct the blowdown line, so that the problem may become even more serious.

The presence of scale in a boiler is particularly serious because of its low thermal
conductivity acts as a thermal insulator, causing problems cooling of metal surfaces
and can eventually cause damage sobecalentamiento.

In the figure the effect of the thickness of the layer of scale of a boiler shown in metal
temperature. With increasing the thickness of the layer of scale, for the same heat flux,
the metal temperature increases.

Accumulation background body boiler fouling

Scale formation in a boiler can be prevented, satisfy the requirements of feed water
and boiler water included in point 4, treating the feedwater and maintaining adequate
purge regimes.

Composition for boiler water.

The object of the present invention is the preparation of a liquid policomponente
antifouling which eliminates corrosion and prevents wear of the pipes, avoiding the
accumulation of sludge and sediment achieving a perfect purge, providing an
appropriate alkalinity, and acts as a slow descaling.

Composition for boiler water

The present invention is a product that is added to the boiler water and comprises UN5
antifouling policomponente containing sequestering calcium and magnesium, and it is
corrosive, have products that increase the pH, and contains oxygen scavengers
eliminating corrosion piting (corrosion process). Prevents wear and corrosion of pipes
caused by the presence of oxygen dissolved in water, prevents the accumulation of
sediments and sludge, achieving an effective purge and provides an appropriate
alkalinity controlling corrosion caused by acids. The product has been formulated to
also act as slow descaling.

Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a product intended as possible slow corrosion piting, which is
localized and accelerated from a metal as a result of film rupture oxygen dissolution in
boilers. The piting is considered as a process of autocatalytic nature, so that once
drilling begins to grow a number of conditions that promote growth of said
perforations are developed. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION
Assuming that the current problem existing in the treatment of boiler water, we can
say that water in its purest form, is a tasteless, colorless and odorless liquid, and 3/5
11/10/2019 Boiler (Chemical Formula) - English

because of its abundance as a convenient temperatures , can be converted into steam, it

is an ideal place for force generation means and for
heat conduction.
also because water is the universal solvent, it dissolves many substances, so the water
there is rarely pure as they always contain gases and solids in suspension.
The main gaseous impurities are carbon dioxide and oxygen found in large quantities
in the air.
The main impurity solid: calcium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium sulfate,
magnesium sulfate, silica, sodium chloride, iron, aluminum etc. All these impurities
are produced in the boiler producing scaling, corrosion, clogging, foams, heat losses,
etc. tube breaks
The inlays are hard crusts which adhere to the walls and boiler tubes. These inlays are
produced by the presence of solids are dissolved in water, that with increasing
temperature, the 30 solids, lose solubility precipitating on the walls and tubes of the
Corrosion is the process of wear material which teams are built. This phenomenon
occurs especially by the process of galvanic cell, that is, by the formation of acid
(dioxides carbon dissolved in the water to temperature change carbonic acid is
formed) or by pitting the latter by the presence of oxygen, with the most common.
As for sludge, all the impurities that water has to go evaporating becomes more
concentrated inside the boiler reaching precipitate, forming a hard mud, which
together with inlays, manage to avoid a transfer of ideal heat and over time, rendering
inoperative or dangerous boilers.
In short the current problems in such treatment is a treatment polyfunctional attack
together all these problems effectively is not achieved.
Summary of the Invention
The formula proposed is an ideal combination that fulfills the mission of attacking all
these problems
Because the water in the boilers.
Trisodium phosphate, has the function of all molecules react with calcium and
magnesium to form a slurry
soft and easy to remove purges also raises the pH of the water to prevent corrosion and
acid precipitation silica containing the majority of the water in Spain.
tetrasodium salt is chemically called Chemical Formula
Its function is to kidnap, forming calcium and magnesium a complex molecule called
chelation, keeping this solution, to easily removed by the purges.
The formula, has the function of maintaining the concentrated solids suspension
boiler, in other words is a sludge conditioner.
The formula, whose mission is to eliminate the oxygen present in the water, thus
preventing corrosion pitting. The percentage combination, is the result of a detailed
study that has yielded excellent results.

Detailed Description of the Invention

The production process is a simple mixture of the components to yield a liquid
product, a twentieth color. Initially the water is mixed with the component, after this
well dissolved, the other components are added in the proportions.

The majority of traditional treatments do not comply effectively eliminating all these
In some formulations manage to solve some problems but fail as a whole.
The intent of this new product is to effectively, control all these problems getting a
optimal boiler performance, and avoid stops that produce substantial economic

This is what we offer: 4/5
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Make and prepare this product (a liquid policomponent), with very little investment
and market for the area with professional agreement (any country) our sales and
tecnical support,with an international contract to make this business profitable for


(Mr. Pedro) +34 603 30 64 22

(Sra. Rosario Montoto) +34 627 24 04 33

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