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Power and Water Utility Co.

for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022

Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 1 of 16
Revision 1


This specification has been revised as indicated below and described in the revision record on the following
page. Please destroy all previous revisions.

Revision Date Originator's Reviewed/Checked By Pages

No. Name & Initials Name & Initials
A 9/22/2010 P. D. Quinn 4
0 11/22/2010 P. D. Quinn R. C. Merrick 16
1 3/31/2011 R. C. Merrick C. Dwyer 16


Lead Engineer:

Engineering Manager:

Client Approval:

ISSUED FOR : Construction X Other APPROVED

Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 2 of 16
Revision 1


Record of Revisions

Revision Date Description





Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 3 of 16
Revision 1


Table of Contents

1.0 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................................5
A. Scope of Specification...................................................................................................................5
B. Work Not Included ........................................................................................................................5
C. Related Specifications ...................................................................................................................5
D. Terminology ..................................................................................................................................5
1.2 References ...........................................................................................................................................6
A. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ...................................................................6
B. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Annual Book of Standards .......................6
C. Government Requirements ............................................................................................................6
1.3 Submittals............................................................................................................................................7
A. Manufacturer's and Shop Fabricator’s Existing Certification Procedures .....................................7
B. Manufacturer’s Test Reports (MTR) .............................................................................................7
C. Certificate of Material Compliance (CMC)...................................................................................7
D. Records to Owner..........................................................................................................................7
1.4 Quality Assurance...............................................................................................................................7
A. Seller/Subseller Procurement Procedures......................................................................................7
B. Audits ............................................................................................................................................7
C. Certification Documents Minimum Requirements........................................................................8
D. Review Control Log (Pipe Shop Fabricator and Field Subseller Requirement)............................9
E. Record File ....................................................................................................................................9
F. Receiving Control Log ..................................................................................................................9

2.0 PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................................................................10

2.1 Materials............................................................................................................................................10
A. Purchase Orders...........................................................................................................................10
B. Positive Material Identification ...................................................................................................10
Materials identified as PMI require either certification or traceability...............................................10
C. Certification Review and Acceptability.......................................................................................11
D. Shop Fabricator Requirements ....................................................................................................12

3.0 EXECUTION ..................................................................................................................................................13

3.1 Seller Shop Traceability Procedure ................................................................................................13
A. Manufacturer's Requirements ......................................................................................................13
3.2 Field Traceability Procedure ...........................................................................................................14
A. Field Requirements......................................................................................................................14
B. Field Continuity of Traceability ..................................................................................................15
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 4 of 16
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4.0 ATTACHMENTS...........................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Attachment 01: Piping Material Certificate Of Compliance ......................................................16
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 5 of 16
Revision 1



1.1 Summary

A. Scope of Specification

1. This specification prescribes the positive material identification procedure that

establishes traceability, certification documentation, and procurement control of certain
critical piping components to ensure that material composition and mechanical properties
meet the required specifications.

2. No deviation shall be made from this specification without written authorization from
Marafiq Piping Engineering.

B. Work Not Included

1. Certification and traceability for consumable welding materials shall be in accordance

with Specification MQ-SP-P-5029: Welding - Piping Shop/Field Fabrication.

2. The requirements of this specification are not intended to replace the ASME material
certification requirements of ASME Code Compliance.

C. Related Specifications

Work in this specification shall be coordinated with Marafiq Engineering Specifications:

 MQ-SP-P-5002: Piping - Material Specification Line Class - Process and Utility

 MQ-SP-P-5003: Shop Fabrication and Handling - Process and Utility Piping
 MQ-SP-P-5004: Field Fabrication and Installation - Process and Utility Piping
 MQ-SP-P-5011: Purchase Specification for Gate, Globe, and Check Valves
 MQ-SP-P-5012: Purchase Specification for Ball, Butterfly, and Plug Valves
 MQ-SP-P-5013: Purchase Specification for Diaphragm Valves
 MQ-SP-P-5014: Purchase Specification for Knife Gate Valves
 MQ-SP-P-5015: Purchase Specification for Pipe, Fittings, and Flanges
 MQ-SP-P-5016: Purchase Specification for Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets
 MQ-SP-P-5029: Welding – Piping, Shop/Field Fabrication

D. Terminology

1. Certification (or Certify): Submittal of a written statement that a particular document is

accurate, complete and in compliance with all contractual requirements. The certification
statement must be signed and dated by the submitting company’s authorized and
qualified representative.
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 6 of 16
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2. CMC (Certificate of Material Compliance): This document shall certify that the material
meets the requirements of the material specifications required by the purchase order.
Equivalent to EN 10204 2.1 or 2.2 certification.

3. MTR (Manufacturer's Test Report): This document shall certify the chemical analysis
and mechanical properties of materials. Equivalent to EN 10204 3.1 B certification.

4. Nonconformances: Certifications that are unacceptable due to missing or incorrect data

on the certified document.

5. PMI (Positive Material Identification): The process in which materials that require
traceability and certification shall be identified, controlled, and documented.

6. Total Traceability: The use of unique, permanent identification marking of material such
as heat number, code number, or equivalent to trace a component back to original MTR
throughout manufacturing, fabrication, construction, and plant operation.

1.2 References

The publications listed below form part of this specification. Each publication forming part of this
specification shall be the latest revision and addendum in effect on the date this specification is issued
for construction unless noted otherwise. Except as modified by the requirements specified herein or the
details of the drawings, Work included in this specification shall conform to the applicable provisions
of these publications.

A. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

 B31.1, Power Piping

 B31.3, Process Piping
 B31.4, Liquid Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and other Liquids
 B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
 ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels latest edition

B. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Annual Book of Standards

 ASTM A530, General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe
 ASTM A960, General Requirements for Wrought Steel Piping Fittings
 ASTM A999, General Requirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe

C. CEN (European Committee for Standardisation)

 EN 10204, Metallic Materials: Types of Inspection Documents

D. Government Requirements

Where fabrication and design criteria in this specification are affected by Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia legislation, regulation, standard and codes, this specification shall be modified as
necessary to ensure compliance.
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 7 of 16
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1.3 Submittals

A. Manufacturer's and Shop Fabricator’s Existing Certification Procedures

Alternate procedures, practices, and forms may be submitted for Marafiq Piping Engineering
review, provided they meet the basic requirements of this specification. The seller shall obtain
authorization before implementation.

B. Manufacturer’s Test Reports (MTR)

The seller or manufacturer shall submit to Marafiq Piping Engineering or Shop Fabricator
(dependent upon purchaser) required MTR’s before time of shipment.

C. Certificate of Material Compliance (CMC)

The seller or manufacturer shall submit to Marafiq Piping Engineering or Shop Fabricator
(dependent upon purchaser) required CMC’s before time of shipment.

D. Records to Owner

Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering will consolidate and submit all records concerning
certification and traceability to Marafiq at the conclusion of the project, for permanent

1.4 Quality Assurance

A. Seller/Subseller Procurement Procedures

PMI certified piping components shall be furnished in accordance with this specification in
addition to Specifications MQ-SP-P-5011, MQ-SP-P-5012, MQ-SP-P-5013, MQ-SP-P-5014,
MQ-SP-P-5015, and MQ-SP-P-5016 (as applicable by type of component).

1. This specification shall be referenced in and attached to all RFQ’s (requests for
quotation) and PO’s (purchase orders) for Seller/Subseller supplied parts for materials
that require certification.

2. Materials requiring certification shall not be combined in the same purchase order with
materials not requiring certification.

3. Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering shall review all Contractor’s home office
originated RFQ and PO packages before issue, and shall be present at all bid qualification
meetings concerning materials requiring certification to this specification.

B. Audits

1. Engineering Contractor will conduct audits on a regular frequency at selected locations

where responsible certification review, documentation, and traceability functions are
being performed.
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 8 of 16
Revision 1


2. The audits are intended to determine quality, accuracy, effectiveness, continuity, need for
improvement, need for corrective action, and undesirable trends.

3. Results of the periodic audits and actions implemented will be documented and filed by
Engineering Contractor as necessary to monitor and maintain overall certification and
traceability requirements of this specification.

4. Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering will conduct a final audit (refer to Section
2.2B.4.) to ensure that certification and traceability documentation meets the
requirements of this specification. The final audit will also provide for determining the
necessary condition of the documentation and logistics for turning the entire records over
to the owner (refer to Section 1.3E.)

C. Certification Documents Minimum Requirements

1. MTR

Data on manufacturer's test reports shall include the following requirements:

● Name of Supplier.
● Name of prime material manufacturer and plant location.
● Engineering Contractor’s PO number (or shop fabricator's PO number when
purchased by shop fabricator). Fabricator shall include Engineering Contractor’s
fabrication PO number for reference.
● PO item number and item code number.
● Quantity, size, heat number (or equivalent), and brief description of item(s).
Note: Quantity shall relate to all or a portion of purchased quantity, as applicable. Mill
run quantity is not acceptable.
● Material specification and grade, class, or type designation.
● Actual test results of chemical analysis and mechanical properties in accordance
with the material specifications.
● Shall be dated and clearly state the name of the organization submitting the

2. CMC

Data on certificates of material compliance shall include the following requirements:

● Name and address of supplier.

● Name and address of prime material manufacturer.
● Engineering Contractor’s PO number or shop fabricator's PO number (when
purchased by shop fabricator). Fabricator shall include Engineering Contractor’s
fabrication PO number for reference.
● PO item number and item code number.
● Quantity, size, and brief description of item(s).
Note: Quantity shall relate to all or a portion of purchased quantity, as applicable. Mill
run quantity is not acceptable.
ok● Material specification and grade, class, or type designation.
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 9 of 16
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● A statement certifying compliance with material specifications (and compliance

with impact test requirements where applicable).
● Shall be dated and clearly state the name of the organization submitting the

3. Nonconformances

Certifications are nonconforming and unacceptable when any of the following conditions

● Missing data.
● Incorrect data.
● Incomplete data.
● Illegible documents.
● Documents with pertinent data cut off in the course of copying.

D. Review Control Log (Pipe Shop Fabricator and Field Subseller Requirement)

A review control log shall be created, maintained, and indexed by PO number and PO item
number showing (by PO quantity units) the perpetual status of the following:

 Certification required
 Certification received
 Certification in review
 Certification accepted
 Certification rejected
 Certification not received
 Pending Nonconformances

E. Record File

A file of certification documents together with copies of POs. The file shall be indexed in
sequence of the PO numbers. Copies of all correspondence and related documents pertinent to
any nonconformances shall be stamped and attached to the certifications and included in this

F. Receiving Control Log

1. Piping shop fabricators and jobsite Contractors or subcontractors responsible for

receiving, handling, and controlling materials shall keep a log of all materials and
documents received

2. The Receiving Control Log shall be indexed by purchase order number, and purchase
order item number showing (by purchase order quantity units) the status of the following:

● Certified materials required (purchase order item numbers and quantities will
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 10 of 16
Revision 1


● If required to have certification with total traceability or record of certificate of

compliance only.
● Accepted certifications received.
● Materials received.
● Materials accepted.
● Materials held due to pending nonconformance.
● Materials rejected.


2.1 Materials

Piping material components requiring PMI (positive material identification) in accordance with this
specification will be listed as follows:

A. Purchase Orders

1. The purchase order shall include type of certification and traceability of piping
components listed in the purchase order.

B. Positive Material Identification

Materials identified as PMI require either certification or traceability.

1. For total traceability, unique permanent identification marking of material such as heat
number, code number, or equivalent is required.

a. Marking requirements

Marking shall be accomplished by the use of low stress steel die stamps or electro-
etching. Electro-etching may be either the stylus or chemical method (chemicals
shall not contain chlorides, sulfur or halogen compounds). In any case,
identification shall be applied such that abrasions and oxidation encountered
during shipping, storing, handling, fabrication and installation will not obliterate
the identifying marks.

b. Cutting of Marked Material

Identification marks on material such as pipe shall be continuous, so that any

subsequently cut smaller pieces shall maintain traceable continuity to each cut
piece. Example: short pipe pieces.

c. Manufacturer's Equivalent

Manufacturer's equivalent clearly legible permanent identification normally

marked on material may be considered as complying with this specification
provided traceability to manufacturer's test reports is verified by supplier, before
shipment, for each piece of material.
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
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C. Certification Review and Acceptability

1. Certification review shall be the responsibility of the purchasing company. Review

activities shall be performed by technically qualified personnel.

a. Certifications shall be reviewed for compliance. Test reports indicating chemical

analysis and mechanical properties shall be verified as complying with the
required specifications.

b. Certifications that have been verified as complete and correct shall be stamped
"Accepted." The stamp shall also include the responsible company's name,
discipline, and date and shall be signed with reviewer's name.

c. The following review records shall be implemented and maintained by

Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering throughout the performance of this

(1) Review Control Log - Minimum requirements Section 1.4D.

(2) Record File - Minimum requirements Section 1.4E.

2. Nonconforming certifications in accordance with Section 1.4C.3. shall be resolved as


a. Certain nonconformances may be resolved through consultation with Engineering

Contractor’s Piping Engineering, Marafiq, Seller, Manufacturer, or Shop Piping
Fabricator. If such is the case, authoritative confirming documentation shall be
included in the certification file.

b. If written authorization is not available, the certification document shall be briefly

noted in ink with the terms of resolution, the authority, date, and reviewer's

c. For non-technical corrections to the documents concerning the PO number, item,

or quantity, an inked notation (without further documentation) is acceptable,
provided the addition or correction has been verified with the supplier.

d. When a nonconformance has been satisfactorily resolved, the documents,

including certifications, shall be handled the same as accepted certifications.

e. When the nonconformance cannot be resolved, the certification documents shall be

ink marked "nonconforming" and the seller/manufacturer shall be notified of the

3. In order to provide for a central control, Piping Shop Fabricator shall transmit a copy of
accepted and stamped certifications with a copy of fabricator's POs to Engineering
Contractor’s Piping Engineering for inclusion in home office certification file and review
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 12 of 16
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control log. Copies shall be transmitted at the time they are accepted. The fabricator's
review control log shall indicate the transmittals.

4. Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering shall review a portion of Shop Piping

Fabricator's accepted certifications. This review shall serve as an audit of Fabricator's
review performance. Any inaccuracies or undesirable trends that are evident shall be
handled as nonconformances. This activity shall be recorded in Home Office review
control log.

5. Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering shall transmit a copy of accepted

certifications for Engineering Contractor purchased materials to Shop Fabricator. The
certification copies shall be transmitted at the time of acceptance to provide the fabricator
with the necessary documentation to release materials.

6. Engineering Contractor’s Piping Engineering shall transmit a copy of accepted

certifications for Engineering Contractor purchased materials to Construction Manager at
the jobsite. The certification copies shall be transmitted at the time of acceptance to
provide Construction Contractor’s field personnel with the necessary documentation to
release materials.

D. Shop Fabricator Requirements

Fabrication and handling requirements shall be in accordance with Specification MQ-SP-P-


1. Shop Receiving of PMI Certified Materials

Shop Fabricator shall implement and maintain a material receiving control log of certified
materials throughout the performance of the contract. (Minimum content requirements
are listed in Section 1.4F.)

a. Materials Requiring MTRs

(1) Materials requiring MTRs shall be placed in a receiving hold area apart
from other materials in order to proceed with traceable continuity. This
separation shall be maintained throughout all receiving and dispensing

(2) The responsible receiving agent shall check for receipt of accepted
certification corresponding to materials received. Materials without such
certification shall remain in the initial receiving hold areas until the
necessary accepted certification is on hand.

(3) Materials with accepted certification on hand shall be examined, by the

responsible receiving agent, to verify that traceable marking fully meets the
requirements of this specification and matches the accepted certification.
Acceptable materials shall be placed in receiving release areas ready for
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 13 of 16
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b. Materials Requiring CMCs Only

Materials requiring certificates of compliance shall be placed in receiving release

areas ready for fabrication. This category of material shall not be held for
acceptable documentation. Traceable continuity in this instance ends at this

c. Nonconforming Materials

Materials with nonconforming traceability as determined in Section 2.2B. shall be

placed in nonconforming hold areas and subsequently processed similarly to
nonconforming certifications.

2. Shop Continuity of Traceability

This section applies only to materials requiring total traceability throughout fabrication.

a. The necessary traceable identification assignment of materials to production

drawings may occur before or after release of drawings for fabrication. In any
case, identification assignment records shall be implemented and maintained
throughout the performance of this contract.

b. Correct material identification throughout fabrication activities shall be monitored

by the fabricator's quality control (QC) personnel.

c. At the completion of an individual fabrication, the fabricator's QC personnel shall

verify and document that correct material identification was made on the drawings
and that the physical material identification is legible. Any discrepancies
encountered shall be resolved through consultation with the authoritative agent.
Confirming documentation, as necessary, shall be included in the traceability
packet for the drawing involved.

d. Shop Piping Fabricator shall transmit, on the same day of shipment, copies of
certified drawing packets of each shop fabrication. The number of copies and
distribution will be stated in the fabrication PO.


3.1 Seller Shop Traceability Procedure

Perform the following procedures before shipping of the piping components that require PMI (positive
material identification).

A. Manufacturer's Requirements

1. Supplier/Manufacturer shall review certifications for accuracy, legibility, and

completeness of data to avoid any delay in acceptance.
Power and Water Utility Co. for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification MQ-SP-P-5022
Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Page 14 of 16
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a. MTRs shall be originated by the prime materials manufacturer and they shall be
traceable to both the purchase order and the material itself. The documents shall
report the actual results of test in accordance with the material specification
required by the purchase order. Minimum content requirements of documents are
listed in Section 1.4.C.2.

b. CMC shall be originated by the supplier and shall be traceable to the PO.
Minimum content requirements are listed in Section 1.4.C.1 and Attachment 01 of
this specification.

(1) Attachment 01 is the suggested format for submitting a Certificate of

Material Compliance. This form may be reproduced by Supplier and
executed as required, or certification may be submitted on Supplier's similar
form or letter. If other than attached form is submitted, Supplier must be
certain that each requirement of Section 1.4.C.2 is included.

2. Supplier/Manufacturer shall transmit to Engineering Contractor or piping shop fabricator

(as applicable) required material certifications before time of shipment.

3. Supplier/Manufacturer shall not mix piping materials requiring different types of

certifications in one container nor shall a container consist of items for two different
purchase orders even if the same type of certifications are required.

4. Supplier/Manufacturer shall conform to the applicable ASTM for any additional

certifications requirements. See reference ASTMs A530, A960 and A999.

3.2 Field Traceability Procedure

A. Field Requirements

Construction Contractor’s field activities concerning purchasing, receiving, fabrication,

assembly and installation of piping materials shall meet the requirements of this specification
for certification and traceability of PMI certified materials in addition to the requirements of
Specification MQ-SP-P-5004.

1. Field Quality Control

In order to accomplish field continuity, include addenda and supplements as necessary in

the Contractor’s Construction Quality Control Procedures Manual for the contract. The
addenda and supplements shall be developed and issued at the direction of Contractor’s
Project Management.

2. Field Receiving

The responsible receiving agent shall implement and maintain a Material Receiving
Control Log of certified materials throughout the performance of the contract.
(Minimum content requirements are listed in Section 1.4F.)
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a. Materials Requiring MTRs

(1) Place materials requiring manufacturer's test reports in a receiving hold area
apart from all other materials in order to proceed with traceable continuity.
Maintain this separation throughout all receiving and dispensing activities.

(2) The responsible receiving agent shall check for receipt of accepted
certification corresponding to materials received. Materials without such
certification shall remain in the initial receiving hold areas until the
necessary accepted certification is on hand.

(3) The responsible receiving agent shall examine materials with accepted
certification on hand to verify that traceable marking fully meets the
requirements of this specification and matches the accepted certification.
Place acceptable materials in receiving release areas ready for field
fabrication or installation, as the case may be.

b. Materials Requiring CMCs Only

Place materials requiring certificates of compliance in receiving release areas

ready for fabrication or field installation. This category of material shall not be
held for acceptable documentation. Traceable continuity in this instance ends at
this activity.

c. Nonconforming Materials

Place materials with nonconforming traceability (as determined from Section

2.2B.) in nonconforming hold areas, and subsequently process similarly to
nonconforming certifications.

B. Field Continuity of Traceability

This section applies only to materials requiring total traceability throughout field fabrication and

a. The necessary traceable identification assignment of materials to production

drawings may occur before or after release of drawings for field fabrication,
assembly, or installation. In any case, implement and maintain identification
assignment records throughout the performance of this contract.

b. Field QC personnel shall monitor correct material identification throughout field

fabrication, assembly, and installation activities.

c. At the completion of an individual field fabrication, assembly, or installation, the

field QC personnel shall verify and document that correct material identification
was made on the drawings and that the physical material identification is legible.
Any discrepancies encountered shall be resolved through consultation with the
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Contract Number: Page 16 of 16
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authoritative agent. Include confirming documentation, as necessary, in the

traceability packet for the drawing involved.

d. Shop Fabricator shall transmit, on the same day of shipment, copies of certified
drawing packets for each shop fabrication. Subsequent field assembly and
installation activities shall include the implementation of a procedure for recording
and maintaining documented traceable continuity through the completion of final
field installation.


4.1 Attachment 01: Piping Material Certificate Of Compliance

End of Specification
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Project Name: Date: 31 Mar 2011
Contract Number: Attachment 01 - Page 1 of 1
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(1) Supplier's Name and Address (2) Prime Manufacturer's Name

________________________________ _______________________________

________________________________ _______________________________

________________________________ _______________________________

________________________________ _______________________________

________________________________ _______________________________

(3) Construction Management PO No.: (4) PO Item No._________________

______________________________ Item Code No. _______________

Fabricator PO No.:


(5) Quantity Size Description

_______________ _____________ _______________________________

(6) Material Specification Grade Class Type

_________________ _________ _________ ____________________

(7) _______________________________________________________________________________




We certify that the above listed materials meet the requirements of the applicable material specification required by the
referenced purchase order. We further certify that all applicable heat treatment, chemical analysis, and mechanical tests
(including impact tests when applicable) required by the materials specifications were performed, and the test results are true
and correct.

(8) ______________________________ ________________________ _____________________

Signature of Supplier's Authorized Agent Title of Supplier's Date
Authorized Agent

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