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1.What is mathematics?

In my twenty-one years of existence in this world, I keep running to such thing we called as "math". After
warching the video, I what I learned so far was mathematics is the study of numbers, equations, and
computations. I slightly have the knowledge that math involves science, study abstractions and of space
configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, generalizations and even vibration
and many more.

2.Where is mathematics?

For me mathematics is found everything, anything, everywhere, and anywhere around us. Either can be
seen or not, it's still a part of the mathematics nature. According to the video, even the universe is part
of mathematics.

3.Why mathematics is important in someone's life?

It became important because simply knowing the basics of mathematics is a big help to is everyday and
everywhere. I can't imagine someone who don't know how to read a calendar or calculate simple
addition. So, mathematics is the foundation of everyone of us.

4.What is the relevance of the mathematics in industrial technology?

Industrial technology is the use of engineering and manufacturing and inovate technology. Through
mathematics, the production become faster, simpler and more efficient. The advantage of having
fundamental of mathematics in industry is a huge help for having a development.

5.What are the fibonacci numbers?

The Fibonacci Sequence is one of the sequences that has a function whose domain is the finite set
(1,2,3,...n) or the infinite set (1,2,3,...). It contains the series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
The next number is obtained by adding up the two preceeding numbers.

6.What is the value of golden ratio?

The Golden Ratio is often represented by Phi. Its approximate value is 1.61803398875.

7.What is the value of the Golden Angle?

The Golden Angle is the angle subtended by the smaller arc of length b. It measures approximately
137.5077640500378546463487 ...° OEIS: A096627 or in radians 2.39996322972865332 ... OEIS:
8. Draw the gplden rectangle which contains the fibonnaci rectangle?

9.Draw the golden spiral inside the golden rectangle?

10. Give examples that show fibonacci sequence and golden spiral.





*Flower petals

*Seed Head

Golden Spiral





*DNA molecules

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