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bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0
3000-1148 96 tests
3000-1149 480 tests
Third generation ELISA test for detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum in human
serum or plasma.

Syphilis is a disease caused by infection with the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum, ordinarily transmitted
by sexual contact. However, it can also be transmitted congenitally by transplacental passage of T. pallidum to the
foetus and by blood transfusion. The serological diagnosis of syphilis is performed demonstrating the presence of
significant levels of specific T. pallidum antibodies in the patient serum sample. The reference method used is the
FTA-ABS technique that allows the detection of both IgG and IgM. However, its execution is laborious and the
interpretation of results not simple. Alternative methods have therefore been introduced to simplify the procedure:
reaction with lipoidal antigens (the reagin test) or agglutination of erythrocytes coated with specific T. pallidum
antigens (hemmagglutination test or TPHA). The TPHA is the preferred technique for screening purposes, since
that it detects specific IgG and IgM. Unfortunately, the result of the test is determined by subjective interpretation
and cannot be completely automated. bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 allows screening of specific IgG and IgM antibodies
with the ELISA technique. It is a low-cost method perfectly correlated with the TPHA test, and can be completely
automated. Besides immunodominant recombinant antigens p15, p17 and p47, this assay incorporates an
additional recombinant protein (patent pending) that enhances sensitivity.

bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 is third generation immunoenzimatic assay for determination of IgG and IgM antibodies to
T. pallidum in serum or plasma. The test is performed by incubating test specimens in microplate wells coated with
p15, p17 and p47 T. pallidum recombinant antigens. The specific antibodies IgG and IgM present in the sample will
bind to the solid-phase antigens. Subsequently, the wells are washed to remove residual test sample and p15, p17
and p47 T. pallidum recombinant antigens conjugated with the enzyme peroxidase are added. The conjugate will
bind to the captured specific antibodies. After another washing to eliminate unbound material, a solution of enzyme
substrate and chromogen is added. This solution will develop a blue colour if the sample contains anti-T. pallidum
antibodies. The blue colour changes to yellow after blocking the reaction with sulphuric acid. The intensity of colour
is proportional to the anti-T. pallidum antibodies concentration in the sample.

12 x 8 well strips coated with p15, p17 and p47 T. pallidum recombinant antigens. Individually separable wells.


p15, p17 and p47 T. pallidum recombinant antigens conjugated with peroxidase. Contains red dye, stabilisers
protein, 0.02% thimerosal and 0.001% gentamicin sulphate. To be diluted 1/51 with the conjugate diluent
before use.


Tris buffer containing yellow dye, additives, 0.02% thimerosal and 0.001% gentamicin sulphate.


Tris buffer containing additives, 0.01% thimerosal and purple dye. Ready to use.


Concentrate phosphate buffer (10x) containing 1% Tween 20 and 0.01% thimerosal. To be diluted 1/10 in
distilled or deionised water before use.


Citrate-acetate buffer containing hydrogen peroxide and 0.002% gentamicin sulphate.


3,3', 5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). Contains red dye.


Diluted human serum containing antibodies to T. pallidum. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide ,  1.0% Triton
X-100 and green dye. Ready to use.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc


Diluted human serum containing a low concentration of antibodies to T. pallidum. Contains < 0.1% sodium
azide,  1.0% Triton X-100 and green dye. Ready to use.


Diluted human serum negative for antibodies to T. pallidum. Contains < 0.1% sodium azide,  1.0% Triton
X-100 and blue dye. Ready to use.

11. H2SO4 1N STOPPING SOLUTION (only in 1 plate kit):

1N sulphuric acid. Ready to use.


To cover the microplate during incubations.


For storage of unused strips.

bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 is intended for IN VITRO diagnostic use.
For professional use only.

The High Positive Control, Low Positive Control and Negative Control contain < 0.1% Sodium azide and
< 1.0% Triton X-100. The following are the appropriate risk (R) and safety (S) phrases:

R22 Harmful if swallowed.

S46 If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.


All human source material used in the preparation of this product was found to be negative for the presence of
HIV-1/HIV-2 and HCV antibodies, as well as for the hepatitis B surface antigen, using a commercial licensed
method. Nevertheless, because no test method can offer complete assurance of the absence of infectious agents,
this product should be handled with caution:

- Avoid contact of reagents with the eyes and skin. If that occurs, wash thoroughly with water.
- Wear gloves.
- Do not pipette by mouth.
- Do not smoke.
- Dispose all used materials in a suitable biohazardous waste container. Remains of samples, controls,
aspirated reagents and pipette tips should be collected in a container for this purpose and autoclaved 1 hour
at 121°C or treated with 10% sodium hypochlorite (final concentration) for 30 min before disposal. (Remains
containing acid must be neutralised prior addition of sodium hypochlorite).
- Certain reagents in this kit contain sodium azide as preservative. Sodium azide may react with lead or copper
pipes and plumbing creating highly explosive metal azides. Flush drains with water thoroughly after disposing
of the remains of reagents.

Handling instructions:

- Adjust washer to the plate used (flat bottom) in order to wash properly.
- Do not mix reagents from different lots.
- Do not use reagents after expiration date.
- Do not use the reagent if you observed any change in appearance of components included in the kit.
- Extreme care should be taken to avoid microbial contamination and cross contamination of reagents.
- Use a new pipette tip for each specimen and each reagent.
- It is very important to prepare the substrate-TMB solution just 5-10 minutes before use. Keep it in a
well-sealed container and avoid light exposure.
- Soaps and/or oxidising agents remaining in containers used for preparation of substrate-TMB solution can
interfere with the reaction. If glass containers are used to prepare the solution, they should be washed with 1N
sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, rinsed well with distilled water and dried before use. We recommend using
disposable plastic containers.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

Storage and stability

The components will remain stable through the expiration date shown on the label if stored at 2-8°C. The bag
containing the microplate should be brought to room temperature before opening to avoid condensation in the
wells. Once opened the bag, microplate wells are stable for 3 months at 2-8°C in the plastic bag tightly sealed, with
the silicagel. Once diluted, the washing solution is stable for two weeks if stored at 2-8°C. The diluted conjugate is
stable for 15 days at 2-8°C. Store the chromogen in the dark. As the substrate-TMB solution is not stable once
prepared, instructions for its use should be closely followed.

Available packaging
- 1 plate kit (96 tests), REF 3000-1148.
Contains: 1 plate, 1 x 0.4 ml concentrate conjugate, 1 x 15 ml conjugate diluent, 1 x 30 ml sample diluent,
2 x 50 ml concentrate washing solution, 1 x 14 ml substrate buffer, 1 x 1.5 ml chromogen, 1 x 2 ml high
positive control, 1 x 2 ml low positive control, 1 x 2 ml negative control, 1 x 12 ml stopping solution,
1 resealable bag and adhesive seals.

- 5 plates kit (5 x 96 tests), REF 3000-1149.

Contains: 5 plates, 1 x 1.5 ml concentrate conjugate, 1 x 70 ml conjugate diluent, 1 x 120 ml sample diluent,
3 x 100 ml concentrate washing solution, 5 x 14 ml substrate buffer, 1 x 1.5 ml chromogen, 1 x 4 ml high
positive control, 1 x 4 ml low positive control, 1 x 4 ml negative control, 1 resealable bag and adhesive seals.

Material required not provided

- Distilled or deionised water.
- Multichannel pipettes and micropipettes (50 µl, 100 µl, 1000 µl) and disposable tips.
- Incubator at 37°C  1°C.
- Timer.
- Microplate reader with a 450 nm filter. Reference filter of 620 or 630 nm is advisable.
- Manual or automated wash system.
- Stopping solution (5-plates kit): 1N sulphuric acid. 2N or 4N sulphuric acid could also be used.

Sample collection
Use fresh serum or plasma (EDTA). Other anticoagulants should be evaluated before use. Samples can be stored
at 2-8°C for 3 days. For longer periods, samples should be frozen (-20°C). Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
Samples showing visible particulate matter should be clarified by centrifugation. Serum or plasma samples should
not be heat inactivated, since that may cause incorrect results.

Automatic processing
Automated or semi-automated assay may be used with different instruments. It is very important to validate any
automated system to demonstrate that results obtained for samples are equivalent to the ones obtained using
manual assay. It is recommended that the user validate periodically the instrument. If there is any difficulty in the
programming and setting of Biokit automatic processors, please contact your distributor.

PROCEDURE (See procedural flow chart)

Previous operations
Allow all the reagents to reach room temperature (20-25°C) before running the assay.
Gently mix all liquid reagents before use.
Dilute the concentrate washing solution 1/10 with distilled or deionised water. For one plate, mix 50 ml of the
concentrate solution with 450 ml of water. If less than a whole plate is used, prepare the proportional volume of
Dilute the concentrate conjugate 1/51 with the conjugate diluent according to table 1. For the 1 plate packaging, if
the entire plate is to be used, add 300 µl of concentrate conjugate to the bottle containing 15 ml of conjugate
diluent. Mix gently.


Strips required 1 2 4 6 8 10 12
Conjugate diluent ml 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
Concentrate conjugate µl 20 40 80 120 160 200 240

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

Sample and reagent addition monitoring

The sample dilution buffer contains a colour indicator and all the reagents and controls are coloured. This allows
monitoring of sample and reagent addition to the microplate either visually or spectrophotometrically.
The sample diluent is violet colour. After the addition of serum or plasma it will change to blue. The colour change
appears after a few seconds. The intensity will vary from sample to sample, but some change should always be
visible. Diluted samples or other laboratory preparations may not induce a colour change.
To check the addition of sample, the wells may be read with a filter of 620 nm without reference filter.
The working conjugate is orange. To check its addition the wells may be read at 450 nm without reference filter.
The working substrate is pink. To check its addition the wells may be read at 450 nm without reference filter.
Monitoring at other wavelengths is not validated.

NOTE: Each laboratory should establish its own reference ranges.

If a well doesn't meet the established specifications, it indicates that some problem in the pipetting may have
occurred and should be investigated.

Assay procedure
1. Use only the number of strips required for the test. Reserve 8 wells for blank and controls. Pipette to the rest of
the wells 50 µl of sample diluent and add 50 µl of each sample to the designated wells. Transfer 100 µl of
negative control to 2 wells, 100 µl of low positive control to 3 wells and 100 µl of high positive control to 2 wells.
DO NOT DILUTE CONTROLS. THEY ARE READY TO USE. Leave a well empty for the substrate blank.

2. Cover the microplate with an adhesive seal, mix gently, and incubate for 1 hour at 37°C.

3. Remove and discard the adhesive seal. Aspirate the contents of the wells and fill them completely
(approximately 350 µl) with the diluted washing solution. Repeat the process of aspiration and washing 3 more
times. Ensure that each column of wells soak for at least 15 seconds before the next aspiration cycle. After the
last washing blot the microplate on absorbent tissue to remove any excess liquid from the wells.

4. Transfer 100 µl of diluted conjugate to each well of the microplate, except the blank. Avoid bubbles upon addition.

5. Cover the plate with an adhesive seal and incubate for 30 minutes at 37°C.

6. During the last 5-10 minutes of this incubation prepare the substrate-chromogen solution. If one entire plate is
used add 280 µl of chromogen (TMB) to the bottle containing the substrate buffer (14 ml) and mix well. If the
entire plate is not used, follow table 2. The final solution should be pink; discard if it becomes blue.


Strips required 1 2 4 6 8 10 12
Substrate buffer ml 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
Chromogen (TMB) µl 20 40 80 120 160 200 240

NOTE: The TMB is dissolved in DMSO. As the melting point of the DMSO is 18°C, the chromogen solution should
be allowed to reach a temperature of 20-25°C, and be well mixed before use

7. Remove and discard the adhesive seal. Aspirate and wash the wells as in step 3.

8. Add 100 µl of substrate-TMB solution to each well, including the blank.

9. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature (20-25°C).

10. Stop the reaction by adding 100 µl of stopping solution in the same sequence and time intervals as for the

11. Blank the reader at 450 nm with the blank well and read the absorbance of each well, within 30 minutes. It is
recommended to read in bichromatic mode using a 620 - 630 nm reference filter.

Quality control
Results of an assay are valid if the following criteria are accomplished:

1. Substrate blank: absorbance value must be less than or equal to 0.100.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

2. Negative control: absorbance less than 0.100 after subtracting the blank.

3. Low positive control: each of the individual absorbance values must not differ more than 30% of the mean of
the three values. The mean must be equal to or higher than 0.120 after subtracting the blank.

4. High positive control: absorbance equal to or greater than 0.600 after subtracting the blank.

5. Ratio high positive control/low positive control > 2.5.

6. Ratio negative control/low positive control < 0.5.

1. Calculate the mean absorbance value of the low positive control. This is the cut-off value.

Cut-off = LPCx

2. Divide the sample absorbance by the cut-off value.

Positive: ratio absorbance/cut-off  1.0

Negative: ratio absorbance/cut-off  0.9
Equivocal: ratio absorbance/cut-off  0.9  1.0

Interpretation of results
A positive result indicates a current or past infection with T. pallidum. The clinical history of the patient must be
taken in consideration.

Limitations of the procedure

As with other serological tests, the results obtained with bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 serve only as an aid to
diagnosis and should be interpreted taking into consideration the clinical history of the patient.
In case of equivocal results it is recommended to repeat the test with a new sample of the patient and to test
with another method.
Optimal assay performance requires strict adherence to the assay procedure described. Deviation from the
procedure may lead to aberrant results.
As in all sensitive immunoassays, there is the possibility that non-repeatable positive results occur.
A negative result does not exclude the possibility of exposure or infection with T. pallidum.

Expected results
Incidence of positive results depends on the tested population. Volunteers and altruists blood donor population
trends to provide very low rate of positives. High-risk population like drug abusers, prostitutes or prisoners produce
higher rates of positives, as this assay is able to detect both early and past infection. Compared to RPR
bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 may produce unexpected positive results in RPR negative samples. This is because the
bioelisa assay detects anti-treponema antibodies that persist during the whole life of the patient. RPR normally
produces negative results in past infection as it detects heterophile antibodies that appear only in the early phase
of the syphilis infection.

Performance characteristics
Analytical sensitivity
The kit was able to detect concentrations lower than 0.030 IU/ml of the WHO 1 international standard for syphilitic
serum (HS, 1958, NIBSC, UK) in two lots studied.

The performance of bioelisa SYPHILIS 3.0 was evaluated by testing characterised positive samples of internal
and commercial panels and random samples from blood donors and hospitalised patients.

- From 159 characterised positive samples of various sources, including samples of different stages of
syphilis, the kit detected 158 correctly as positive. Therefore, the sensitivity obtained was 99. 4% (158/159).

- A commercial panel supplied by BBI “Syphilis Mixed Titer Performance Panel PSS201” composed of
25 characterised samples was tested. The results obtained for the 25 samples were correct.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

- An evaluation of specificity was carried out by testing 2883 blood donors’ samples from Barcelona, Spain.
From these samples, 17 were reactive in the assay. Of the 17 reactive, 10 were confirmed to be true
positives with other methods and 7 were considered as false positive. The specificity obtained was 99. 8%

- From 200 samples from hospitalised patients tested, 7 were reactive with the kit. All 7 were confirmed to be
positive with other methods. In this study the specificity obtained was 100% (193/193).

Intra-assay reproducibility:
The coefficient of variation obtained for the absorbance values of a positive sample assayed in 24 replicates were
4.8%, 4.0% and 6.2% in three lots studied.

Inter-assay reproducibility:
Three positive samples of different levels were tested in 5 different assays. The coefficients of variation obtained
for the ratios absorbance/cut-off of the 3 samples were 5.6%, 5.9% and 5.3%.

To evaluate possible interferences, 60 samples with potential risk of producing false positive results were tested.
Among those samples, 6 were positive for anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), 4 samples were positive for antibodies to
E. coli and 50 were from pregnant women. Results were negative for all samples.
Controlled studies also demonstrated that the assay performance was not affected by the use of anticoagulant

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

bioelisa: Troubleshooting guide

Problem Possible causes Solution

1. Controls out of 1a. Incorrect temperature, Check procedure. Repeat
validation. incubation or pipetting. assay.
1b. Improper preparation of Check procedure. Repeat
reagents, error of dilution, assay.
reagents not well mixed.
1c. Cross-contamination of Pipette carefully. Do not
controls. interchange caps. Repeat
1d. Incorrect reading filter. Check that the wavelength of
the filter used is 450 nm. If no
reference filter of 620-630 nm
is used, absorbance increases
approximately 0.050.
1e. Interference in the optical Check the reader. Clean or
pathway. dry the bottom of wells. Check
for air bubbles. Repeat
1f. Used components from Do not use components from
different lots. different lots as they are
adjusted for each batch
1g. Expired reagents. Check the kit expiration date.
Use a non-expired kit.
2. No colour or only a light 2a. One or more reagents not Check procedure. Repeat
colour developed at the added or added in wrong assay.
end of the assay. sequence.
2b. Too cold reagents. Let reagents reach room
temperature before use.
2c. Inactive conjugate: wrong Check for contamination.
dilution for use, improper Check procedure. Repeat
conservation. assay.
2d. Inactive microplate: Always keep unused strips in
improper conservation. the bag very well closed, with
the desiccant inside. Repeat
2e. Inactive substrate: Always use a freshly prepared
improper conservation or dilution of TMB in substrate
dilution, the container used buffer. Use disposable
affects substrate stability, containers or wash with acid
cross-contamination with or ethanol and rinse with
the stopping solution. deionised water before
re-use. Recheck procedure.
Repeat assay.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

bioelisa: Troubleshooting guide

Problem Possible causes Solution

3. Too much colour in all 3a. Contaminated, oxidised Check that working substrate
microplate wells. or improperly prepared is pink, discard if blue. Make
substrate. sure that TMB is completely
liquid before using. Make sure
that TMB is well mixed in the
substrate buffer. Use acid or
ethanol washed or disposable
containers. Repeat assay.
3b. Contaminated or Check for contamination
improperly prepared (turbid aspect). Check
reagents. dilutions. Repeat assay.
3c. Contaminated washing Check the quality of distilled
solution (1x). or deionised water used for
dilution. Repeat assay.
3d. Insufficient washing or Check the washer. Fill wells
washing not consistent: with washing solution close to
filling volume and/or the top, aspirate completely.
aspiration insufficient or Increase the number of
not uniform. Insufficient wash cycles. After washing,
number of washing blot the inverted microplate on
cycles, contaminated tissue paper. Repeat assay.
3e. Using of a washing Use only biokit washing
solution from other solution.
3f. Improper dilution of Check procedure. Repeat
samples. assay.
4. Poor reproducibility 4a. Washing problems. See 3c, 3d, 3e.
or high number of 4b. Uncalibrated pipettes or Use only calibrated pipettes,
non-repeatable reactive tips not well fitted. with well fitted tips and pipette
samples. Improper pipetting. carefully, without bubbles and
splashing. Repeat assay.
4c. Reagents and sera not at Equilibrate reagents to room
room temperature or not temperature and mix
well mixed before using. thoroughly before using.
4d. Air currents over the Keep the microplate protected
microplate during from air currents.
4e. Too long time for addition Develop consistent and
of samples and/or uniform technique.
reagents. Inconsistency in
time intervals. Air
4f. Interference in the optical See 1e.

BIOKIT, S.A. - Can Malé s/n - 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt - Barcelona - SPAIN 3000-1148 R05 06.2012 eng.doc

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