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a) Education, Culture & Recreation A. PRESERVATION & ENRICHMENT OF CULTURE
1.Public library/museum & archives well maintained
2.Historical/heritage sites preserved
3.Local language & literature promoted
4.Local festivals observed
1. Churches & others religious organizations actively involved in community affairs
2.Properly located & regulated gaming & amusement activities
3.Public awareness of safe sex at a high level
1.Access to education
2.Zero drop-out rate
3.100% literacy rate
4. Increased academic performance in National Achievement Test
5.Increased elementary & secondary completion rate
6.Technical/vocational schools established
7.Sports promotion & development consistently pursued
8. Community reading centers well equipped & widely used
9. Municipal Physical Fitness & Sports Development Council organized & functional
10. LSB is organized & functional
11. LSB Plan is aligned with School Improvement Plan
1.Access to health services
2.Health Center in every barangay
3.RHU/Puericulture Center/General Hospital in the municipality
4. Drugstores/pharmacies in the municipality
5. A drug-free municipality -No users/pushers of dangerous drugs
6. Widest possible coverage of Level III water supply
7.PHILHEALTH coverage for all
8. Low incidence of mental illness
9. Physical fitness are conducted & participated
10. 0% malnourished children
11. Reduced maternal & child mortality rate
12. New born screening conducted to babies
13. RHU is PHILHEALTH accredited on MCP, PCB & TB-DOTS
c) Housing 1. Affordable decent housing available to underprivileged & homeless citizens
2. 100% HHs with sanitary toilet facilities
1.Accessibility of Counselling Services
2.Clean functional public comfort rooms
3. One-stop shops provided
4. Modern telecommunication systems available & accessible
5.Improved delivery of social services
6.Decrease in the incidence of poverty
e) Protective Services A. MAINTENANCE OF PEACE & ORDER
1.Adequate facilities for police services (PNP Headquarters, PNP Outposts)
2.Well-maintaines jails & detention cells
3.Rehabilitation Centers for vagrants, beggars, street children & juvenile delinquents
4. Legal assistance to paupers offered
5.Adequacy of Lighting of Streets & Public Places to Deter Crime
6. Fire Station & fire fighting equipment in the municipality
7. National & local laws enforced
8.Low apprehended violators
9.Low filed cases/imposed penalties
10. Crime free municipality
11. Zero rate on violence against women & children
12. Dedicated PNP & BFP personnel
13. MPOC/MADAC/MASA MASID/KATAID organized & functional
14. POPS Plan & IA/CPSP formulated & implemented
f) Gender Equity Concerns 1.Working women are well protected
2. GAD Focal Point organized & functional
3. GAD Data base established
4. GAD Plan & Budget formulated & implemented
5. Annual GAD Accomplishment prepared & posted/uploaded in portal
6. LCPC organized & functional
7. LCAT-VAWC organized & functional
8. Living in a peaceful, progressive, gender-fair & child-friendly society
9. Reaching his/her full potential with the right opportunities and accessible resources
10. National Women’s Month observed & celebrated
11. Access to family planning services
12. Local Council of Women organized & functional
13. Accessibility of PAP Smear Services
14. Accessibility of Breast Cancer Examination Services
15. Accessibility of Disease Control Programs for STD/HIV AIDS
16. Accessibility of Maternal Care Services
17. Accessibility of Functional Literacy Training for Women
18. Presence of Women’s Desk at Police Stations
19. Availability of Separate Room for Interrogation of Women Victims at Police Stations
20. Presence of Services Related to the Prevention of Domestic Violence
21. Presence of Credit Program Accessible to Women
22. Gender Sensitivity Trainings & Gender Responsive Planning conducted to LGU personnel &
23. Orientation Program on Domestic Violence & Sexual Harassment Law conducted to LGU
24. Women involved & participated in local development programs
25. Use of Sex Disaggregated Data in Planning



crops, Livestock, Fishery & 1.Food security for all households
Forestry 2.Well distributed farm lands
3. Cooperativism widely accepted
4. Application of modern technologies for good quality production (adequate cold
storage & processing facilities & application of modern breeding process)
1.Optimally utilized farm lands
2. Availability of non-farm jobs
3. Support facilities for informal businesses & small enterprises provided
4. Opportunities for self-employment assured
5. Investment information & job placement services available
6.Full participation of the poor, the underprivileged, homeless & landless citizens in
opportunities to better their lives & livelihood
7.Fisherfolk given territorial use rights in municipal waters
8.Established an active & participative collaboration between the LGU & the fisherfolk
organizations (System of database established, Monitoring & enforcement of regulation
9.Enhanced sustainable organic farming
10. Increased income of households
11. Improved market development services
B. SECONDARY SECTOR (Mining & 1.Complete coverage/adequate supply of electric power
Quarrying, Manufacturing, 2. Increased labor & employment opportunities
Construction, Electricity, Water,
Gas & Utilities)
C. TERTIARY SECTOR(Wholesale & 1.Increased number of small entrepreneurs & investors
Retail Trade, Transportation & 2. Modern communications in place.
Communication, Finance, 3.Banks & other financial/lending institutions available
Insurance & Related Activities, 4.Local & foreign tourism vigorously promoted
Real Estate, Personal & 5.Increased number of tourist arrivals recorded
Community Services & Tourism) 6.Increased number of tourist facilities & services offered
7.Cultural celebrations visited by tourists showcasing heritage & local artists
8. Presence Tourism Master Plan
9. Presence of Business Plan
10. Presence of business establishments like shopping centers, food chains, trading
centers, etc.



power generation, roads, bridges, ports, 1.Adequate infrastructure support for production activities
flood control & drainage & -Irrigation systems
telecommunications) -FMR
-Commercial/Industrial zones
-Agricultural supply stores
2.Adequate infrastructure support for distribution/consumption
-Grain drying
-Agricultural product processing plants
-Public market/s
3.All weather roads & bridges constructed & properly managed
4.Accessibility between & among clustered barangays improved
5.Effective drainage & flood control systems put in place
6.Affordable & good telecommunication & internet service provided by operators
7.Adequate parking facilities & terminals for public utility vehicles provided &
strategically located
8. Pedestrian sidewalks/crossings or traffic signs provided in busy streets
9.Presence of municipal port
2.Social Support (Hospitals, schools, 1.Increased number of educational institutions
Waterworks & sewerage, public 2.Increased number of service establishments
socialized housing, facilities for aged, 3. Facilities to rehabilitate the mentally ill & drug users available
infirm & disadvantaged) 4. Presence of public & private primary, secondary & tertiary schools
5. 100% HHs with access to safe potable water
6. Evacuation centers available
7. Availability of Lying-in Facilities
8. Availability of Separate Toilets for Men & Women in LGU-managed/Owned Facilities
9. Availability of Rehabilitation/Development/Crisis Center for Women
10. Legal representation of indigent women
11. Accredited crisis centers to undertake medico legal examinations of women victims
12. Legal, social & health programs responsive to the needs of victims of VAW
13. Indigenous women’s arts & crafts promoted

3.Public Administrative Support 1.Freedom parks established

(Government buildings, jails, Freedom 2.Presence of breast feeding area & facilities for senior citizens, PWDs & other sectors
Parks, Public Assembly Areas) 3. Presence of PES Office
4. Playgrounds & sports facilities available
5. Well provided access facilities for PWDs & elderly in public places & buildings
6. Availability of Separate Detention Centers for Women at the Police Stations



1. Lands (Lands of the Public A.Enhancement of people’s right to a balanced ecology
Domain, Private & Alienable & 1.Acceptable ratio of built form to open space
Disposable Lands & Ancestral 2.Plenty of greeneries in public & private places
Domain 3.Built up surfaces not completely impervious
4.High density of greens within urban core
5. Built-up area with LGUs open space network
6. Standards on open space requirement complied with
7.Urban expansion area adequate to accommodate future growth
8. Urban development dispersed in self-contained nodes or communities
9. Urban expansion areas directed towards areas with least environmental constraints
10. Aquifer & aquifer recharge areas protected from built-up expansion
11. Urban landscape enhanced
12. Growing safe in health environment & ecology
2. Forest Lands (Protection Forests, 1.Absence of informal settlements along Environmentally Critical Areas
Production Forests) 2. Rich nature reserves
3.Productive agricultural lands delineated & protected as per RA 8435
4.Increased various agro-forestry models
3. Mineral Lands (Metallic Minerals 1.Adopt adequate measures to safeguard conserve land, mineral, marine, forest &
Lands, Non-Metallic Mineral other resources of the municipality
4. Parks, Wildlife & Other 1.Wildlife preservation areas well protected
Reservations 2.Tree parks & green belts in abundance
3.Expansion of mangrove & nipa growth areas
5. Water Resources (Freshwater, 1.Water quality (surface waters) levels above EMB
Marine Waters) 2. Quality of ground waters meet potable water standards set by DOH
3. Fish sanctuary well-preserved
4. Compliance to Fishery Laws
5. Organized Bantay Dagat
6. Air Quality 1.Clean air monitoring & enforcement effective
2.Air quality levels above EMB standards
3. Minimize/reduce air pollution
7. Waste Management 1.Acceptable waste management systems in place
-Biodegradable & non-biodegradable waste segregated & recycled
2.Technology research & advocacy program for the use of indigenous resources & the
reuse of recovered waste materials consistently pursued
3. Linkages between academe & industry established
4. Surroundings cleared of garbage by adopting ecologically-sound disposal practices
5. Disposal area properly situated
6. Non-disposal of untreated liquid waste in rivers
7.Prevention/minimization of water pollution
8.Rivers transformed into tourist attractions
9.Coastal & aqua-culture areas development for recreation & eco-tourism
10. Compliance to RA 9003
11. Municipal Solid Waste Management Board organized & functional
12. 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan formulated & approved
13. Material Recovery Facility is constructed & operational


1. Organization & Management 1.Presence of organizational, functional & flow charts in local offices
2. Updated Citizens Charter available
3. Competent & professional personnel
4. Responsible, effective & efficient manpower
5. Work beyond office hours without overtime pay
6. Customer-friendly public servants
7. SPMS in place
8. Full implementation of HRD Plan
9. Absence of complaints & grievances from stakeholders
10. Well-informed constituency
11. PPAs fully implemented & sustained
12. Acceptance of new ideas & transforming into actions
13. Conceptualization of customized programs for the constituents
14.Enrich/upgrade level of knowledge of KSA of frontline service providers
15. Participative & consultative leadership
16. Maintained public information & complaint desk
17. Data & tools to be used in planning in place
18. LGU website installed/updated
19. Regular conduct of SOMA
20. LGU designated express lanes/posted priority signages for senior citizens, PWDs &
pregnant women

2. Fiscal Management 1. Local Finance Committee created & functional

2.FDP documents posted & uploaded in FDPP
3. Increased local government revenues & receipts
4. Less dependence on IRA towards a self-reliant LGU
5.Financially stable government
6. LDIP,AIP & Annual Municipal Budget available
7.Implementation of effective revenue collection strategies
8. One-stop-shop operating whole year round
9. Updated tax mapping
10. On-line linkages with all local offices
11. Financial documents accessible
12. COA findings & observations discussed & posted
13. Adherence to RA 6713 & CSC rules & other policies to deter commission of graft &
14. Timely submission of reports, liquidation documents & other accountabilities
15. Internal Audit System in place
16. Municipal economic enterprise established
17. Uploaded Statement of Receipts & Expenditures in e-SRE portal
18. LGU settled its obligations with GSIS for members contributions & loans
19. Designated Officer for investment & Promotion
20.Data from business application forms are tracked & recorded with the aid of
3. Legislative Output 1.Presence of Internal Rules of Procedure
2.Presence of Legislative Agenda
3.Public consultation made as an integral part of the decision-making process
4. Formulated sound legislative measures
5. Established sisterhood with other LGUs
6. Minutes of sessions/legislative measures & other decisions posted in conspicuous
7. Enacted the following codes:
a) Local Revenue Code
b) Local Investment & Incentive Code
c) Local Code for Children
d) GAD Code
e) Environmental Code
8. Enacted ordinance on pre-emptive forced evacuation
9. Adopt health measures for the health & nutrition status of children
10. Presence of Women, Children & Family Committee at the Sangguniang
11. Legislative Tracking System established
4. LGU-NGO-PO Linkages 1.Local Special Bodies & other LGU Councils & Committees organized & functional
2.Venues for airing complaints & grievances available
3.PO/NGO participate in the planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of
government programs & projects
4.Vigorous advocacy for public interest issues (e.g. human rights, social justice,
consumer protection, environmental concerns, gender equality, etc)
5. Established linkages with NGAs/NGOs & financial institutions
6. Actively participating in decision making & governance in harmony & in solidarity with
others in sustaining the Filipino nation


1. DRR 1.MDRRMC organized & functional
2.MDRMM, LCCA & Contingency Plans available
3.SAR equipment available
4. SAR Team & other service units organized & trained
1.Disaster-pepared citizenry
2.Government & private sector resources immediately mobilized in times of
3. Zero casualty during calamities
4. Extensive use of available maps in planning, implementation & M & E
5. Risk & vulnerability assessment conducted & information is linked to plans
6. LDRRMO designated/appointed
7. Early Warning System established
8. System for registration of evacuees & information guide is in place
9. Forged partnerships with CSOs in the provision of disaster relief & response
10. Security Service System established in evacuation centers
11. ICS organized
12. Disaster Operations Center identified & functional
13. Database on human resources, equipment, directories & location of critical
infrastructures & their capacities available
14. Population-at-risk in vulnerable areas & people with special needs identified
15. Evacuation Centers identified & ready for use
2. CCA

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