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Province of Camarines Sur Municipality of CARAMOAN -000- Ofccof the Bangguniang Bayan MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE 11™ SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF CARAMOAN, CAMARINES y CAMARINES SUR HELD ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 AT 9:00 AM, SESSION HALL, MUNICIPAL MAIN BUILDING, CARAMOAN, CAMARINES SUR. ous woke ‘Municipal Councilor PRESENT: HON. IRENE R. BREIS + Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer = HON, LYDIA C. OBIAS + Municipal Councilor 5 HON. JUANITA P. BELLEZA + Municipal Councitor 3 HON.CHRISTINE MAYNE C.SAVILLA Municipal Councilor a as HON. JUAN C. CORDIS III = ‘Municipal Councilor e 5 BS HON, ELVIS C. ALARKON + Municipal Councilor a8 é HON. ELVIS C. ALARCON + Municipal Councitor gz AE 9 HON. EDUARDO B. BONITA + Municipal Councilor ves NON. JOSEFA LUZ U. PINEDA - Municipal Councilor zs SS ABSENT: HON. ROWENAC. ALFON + Liga President (Ex-Officio Member) HON, VINA V. CASTOR + SK Fed. President (Ex-Officio Member) ays . = RESOLUTION NO. 52 ei Series of 2019 2 RESOLUTION ENACTING AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING AND PENALIZING ANY PERSON, NATURAL OR\ JURIDICAL FROM CAUSING OBSTRUCTION/S ON STREETS, SIDEWALKS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, PARKS AND SIMILAR PUBLIC PLACES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CARAMOAN. ‘Municipal Councilor ae CHRISTINE! WHEREAS, presented for prompt action and consideration by this august body was the approval of the aforecited ordinance; ss WHEREAS, during the July 22, 2019-4 State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President 2 § Rodrigo Duterte, he directed the public officials to exercise full authority to reclaim public roads sBoc which are mostly used as “extensions” of make-shift sar-sari stores and similar enterprises and to. S& __wgetridof illegal structures and constructions, particulary alang public roads and streets 9 2s WHEREAS, n order to nplenent the sid drecive, Deparment of Inror and Lael 0 2S Government (DILG) Secretary Eduardo M. Afio issued Memorandutn Circular No. 2019-121 on july § 3 28,2019 enjoiningall publicist cearpublicroadsa egal stvcuresandcnstuctons 88 a8 WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, on motion by Hon. Elvis ¢. Alarcon, $S unanimously seconded be it - RESOLVED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Caramoan, Camarines Sur, in ses enact the following Ordinance, to wit: assembled, to ‘MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 05 Series of 2019 replies SECTION 2. SCOPE OF APPLICATION. This Ordinance covers all kinds of obstruction on the streets and other public places in the muni CAMILO) § AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING AND PENALIZING ANY PERSON, NATURAL OR JURIDICAL FROM 5, © CAUSING OBSTRUCTION/S ON STREETS, SIDEWALKS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, PARKS © 3 AND SIMILAR PUBLIC PLACES INTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CARAMOAN 38 § SECTION 1. TITLE. This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the “Anti-Street Obstruction S82 OSA - Ordinance” ofthe Municipality of Caramoan, province of Camarines Sur. 8 3 g ipality of Caramoan committed by individuals, entities and Page ala Secret ene cunistINEMANEC SAVILLA Munpal under 2 8 3 & ‘Municipal Councilor JUANITA Pi ‘Municipal Counolor Ieois w ‘Municipal Councilor Ey C.ALARKON fricipal Councilor miang Bayan Secretary to the San Continuation of Resolution No. 52, Series of 2019 embodying Municipal Ordinance ‘No. 5, Series of 2019. Page 2 i (29 Marsepe Companies other than those obstructions committed by persons while driving or operating motor vehicles and all other forms of conveyances. SECTION 3, PROHIBITION. Its prohibited and considered unlawful for any person or group of persons entity or company to obstruct the free low of people, goods and vehicles through the Tnunicipality's road network by using, utilizing or otherwise appropriating any street sidewalk or Padesian walkway, avenue, alley, bridge, park and other public place or portion thereof ‘or aaeesereial or persanal purposes: The prohibition includes all kinds of obstructions and Is not limited to the following: a. Toutilize as shop, working area, warehouse, office or for any other Purpose related to the conduct of his/its business: b. Toutilizeas extension in the conduct of any business undertaking: e Vending or selling of foods (Kakantn, taho, junk foods, mineral wate peanuts, renee ea bolled eggs ruts), magazines, newspapers, igarettes, TOW0 Canes ee paso jereries, shoes and other footwear, and/or any other d. Conduct of shoe-shine occupation; fe. Seeking of alms or solicitation of funds for whatever activitys .__Stationing of persons with Disabilities of PDWs eg, blind with Bult, cripple aan orurateh, mother with a baby and the like to beg/ask for charity; Conduct of family gatherings/celebration, plenics or parties and merry-making activities, and drinking alcoholic or intoxicating beverages: h. Doing household chores such as washing clothes. Hanging clothes iL Toutilize for the conduct of other activities related to transport. barkers/call boys inviting passengers to board for-hire vehicles; queue of passengers waiting to board for-hire vehicles and as terminal of for-hire vehicles; k. Garbage dumping site; 1. setting up of basketball court/goal: playing basketball or scheduling a seasonal competition; im. Use of sidewalk to strap/hitch animals, fowls and the like, with or without ccage/peni 1. Storing soft drinks or wine/liquor bottles and cases (empty or not): 6. _ Storing of junks, motor vehicles and/or parts and other recyclable materials pp. Use of sidewalks for storage of construction materials for sale (pipes. tubings, lumber, cement and the like); gq. House extension or stall/store extension, including installation of roofs or awnings Page 214 any ssasol soyounog rede! vaanya" sofepary tedium sia wn LYDIA C.OBIAS JUANITA CHRISTINE MAYNE C. SAVILLA I § 5 ‘Municipal Councilor ‘Municipal Councilor ‘Municipal Councilor Mpbicipal Councilor Installation of permanent or picket fence; * Continuation of Resolution No. 52, Series of 2019 embodying Municipal Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2019. Pages s. Use of sidewalk for plants, trees and plant box: t. Toplace stones /rocks/cement slabs/hollow blocks and/or car tires; 1u Toplace wood or iron structure, especially those mark with: No parking” sign and ¥. Signs or signboards ofa business placed on or above sidewalks and detached from igious activities, such as preaching, processions or holding of a wake orother community affairs like fiestas, games/amusement activities should be coordinated sith the barangay council encerned and the Police Officer deputized as Traffic Oficer by the Land Transportation Office (LTO). Al items, goods and structures found on or along roads, streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, parks and other public places shall be confiscated by the Municipal ‘Government without prior notice. The same shall be treated as common or ordinary garbage and shall be disposed of as such. Provided, that food commodities may be given to the Bureau of Jail Manag: Penology as food of prisoners or street children, The Municipal Government shall no Tiable for any damage arising from the removal, confiscation or disposal ofthe sald items. eld SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for owners of residential and commercial establishment Stich are located along National Municipal roads and barangay roads to allow sidewalk. MUndors to use the street frontage of their establishments to sell goods and other Waerchandise orto give consent to the use of an area inside their establishments in order to void being apprehended by enforcers on sidewalk vendors. SECTION 5. PENALTIES, Violators of this ordinance shall upon conviction be penalized as follows: FIRST OFFENSE Fine of Five hundred Pesos (P500.00) ‘SECOND OFFENSE Fine of One Thousand Pesos (1,000.00) _| THIRD AND SUCCEEDING OFFENSE — | Fine of Two Thousand Pesos (2,000.00) or imprisonment of one (1) month or both at the discretion of the Court. SECTION 6. Ifthe offender is an organization, partnership oF corporation, the penalty provided deers rdinance shall be imposed upon the President oF General Manager or Managing Partner tr the person-in-charge ofthe organization, partnership ot Corporation. SECTION 7, REPEALING CLAUSE. Any provision of existing Ordinances and rules and Efalations, oF parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions ofthis Ordinance are hereby repealed ‘or modified accordingly. SECTIONS. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If any provision of these Rules is declared invalid or Snconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting, SECTION 9, _ EFFECTIVITY. This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval. T HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing resolutio smbodying Municipal Ordinance No. 05, Series of 2019. / Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan Page 3l4 soyounog reyorunpy soyoukog wediorunyy ‘VuINoW’s oqavnaa : sofept 234 su Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan Continuation of Resolittion No, 52, Series of 2019 embodying Municipal Ordinance No. 5 Series of 2019.. Page 4 ATTESTED: Municipal Vice-Mayet/Presiding Officer _ ag JUANITA P. BELLEZA. ‘Municipal Councilor emai pe fnicipal Councilor Municipal Councilor semovn MARILYN SOCORRO H. CO ‘Municipal Mayor Page ald

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