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bILG_ PRovneaL CFR Camarines Sun Repubscafthe Phityrines | T ME: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL’ DILG NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, CUABSE CIS wer dian. MENORANDUM To ALL DILG REGIONAL DIRECTO2S AND BAF MM MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBJECT ACTIVATION OF DILG DISASTER MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM FOR THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-18), AND PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM CRITICAL PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ACTIONS DATE : February 26, 2020 ‘The growing concem over the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2018 COVID-19), the ‘confrmed human-to-human transmissions, the declaratior of the Worid Health Orgarrzation (WHOs of COLID-19 as @ Public Healt Emergenc, of Intemational Concern, and the Fhiippines being regarded now as one of several countries with confirmed COVID-1S case, are clea indications fat the DILG and al local goverment units should act together to properly address this growing endemic. Morecver. the lack of information, misinformation or the -Tal-informatien being spread ‘about this coronavirus engenders paranoia "where a persen under investigation for coronavirus, their next of kin, neighborhood or community may be ostrecized by the pubic at large. In extreme situetions it may even lead to social unrest in communities, In the Phiippines, as ct February 23, 2020, 10.02AM, the Department of Hsaith (DOH) has reported a total 1 608 PUls, with 3 contrmed COVIO-18 cases, 131 stil admiged in, and 474 discharged from, hospital. Of she three confirmed COVID-19 cases, ane died whie the other wo recovered Based or the DOH Dapartment Ciscular No. 2020-0071 dated February “7. 2020. or the Revsed Decision Tool as of February 17, 2020 for the Assessment and Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the matrix of the Decision Too! for Coronavrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Assessment as of Febriary 17, 2020), there ar2 two (2) case categories, namely: (1) Patients under Investigation PUI) and (2) Patients under Monitoring (Pum). A Patient under Investigation (PUI) is snyone who came from China, Hong Kong and Macau, with fevar 238,0°C end/or cough and other raspiratory symptoms. and has history of expesure, Histon, of exposure include 8. Close contact whe took care, handied specimens and/or tved with a confirmed case of 2019-nCoV infection 'b._Visiting/working in a live animal market in Crina: or © Direct contact with animals in China with erculating 2019-nCoV in hurran and animals. Close contact is defined as: 2. Heath care-associated exposure, including providing drect care for nCoV patie ws. working with healn care workers infected with novel coronavirus, viiting Patientt or staying in the same close environment as a nCoV patient b. Working together n close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment with @ COV patient c. Traveling together with a nCoV patient in an kind of conveyance; and Living in the same household as a nCoV patent. Th intervention for @ PU! is HOSP TAL ADMISSION A Patient under Moritoring (PUN) is anyone who came fom counties with confirred local transmission of COVID-19 except Crina (inciudirg Hong Kon3 and Maca. only, exciuding Talvan), has no history of e»posure, and with fever 266.0°C and/o cough and ather respiracory symptoms. ‘The intervention for 2 PUM is MONITORED SELF-QUARANTINE for 14 cays. To quarantine is to seaarate and restrict the movement of wet persons who may have been exposed to the COVID-19 dsease to see if they become il. For this purpose. monitored sel {quarantine refere to voluntary or Nome quarantine, whicn is closely monitored by the BHERT. The Barangay Isolation Unit (BIL) is designated as the Garangay Special Care Faciity. The self ‘quarantine may te done at home or in the Earangay Special Care Factity (BSCF), a3 appropriate Aso, pursuant to DOF Department Memorandurt No. 2020-0059 or the Interim Guidelines for 2019-nCoV ARD Response in Residential Communities’ 4. any indviduat who exhibits symptoms consistent with he 2019-nCoV ARD and has a history of travel to affected areas or close contact wih a caregive” of patient urder investigation ‘or or with @ confirmed case of 2019-1CoV ARD, ust immediately notify he Barangay Health Zmergency Response Team (BHERT). 2. the individual resides in < subdivision or condominium, he/she mest likewise in‘orm ‘he Homeowners Association or Administration Office, which in tun must notfy the BHERT. 3. “he BHERT cfficer shall report the event of a possible case of 2019-nCoV ARO te the \Wunicipal Health Officer (HO) or the City Health OFicer (CHO) for verification end ‘ital investigaton. The M4O/CHO shall then report to the Regicnal Epicemiclogy ‘Surveilance Unit (RESU) using the Event-Based Survellance Syctom (ESR) o the Zpidemiology Bureau (EB) >f DOH 4. All members of BHERT shall perferm their functions based on the OG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-018, as amended ty DILG Merrorandum Circular Yo, 2020-023 or the Amerded Guide te Action Agairst the 2019 tlovel Coronavirus Acute Respiretory Disease and other suasequent, related issuances of the DILG. Based on these recert developmerts, you are heraby directed to 1. Actiwate your respective Disasser Monitoring and Reporting Systems @ fective 06:00 PM, 24 Febniary 2020; 2. Racaive and seg'egate (by Province and UC) the list tom the Bureau of Immigration (Bi), of persons PUMS) who arrived in the Phiippines from countries with COVID-19 ‘case, and provide copies thereof to the concerned DILG ProvincialMML.C Offices, The BI will be providing tre DILG with sodated lists, if any; 2. The lists of PUM are not for public dissersination in order to protec: the privacy cf the persons on thelist, and should therefore, be treated as a Highly Confidential Documant, 4. Direct the concerred DILG Previncial Office to segregate the lists by cry and municipality ‘and provide copies to the respactive C/MLGOOs. The DILG Provincial Drector shall also [provide a copy of the province-level list to tre Provincial Governor (in hisMher capacty as. LCE and Chair, FORRMC), 5. Direct the concamed DILG City Director an C/MLGOOs to further segregate the list by barangay and provide copies b the City/Municipal Mayor (in hishher capacity as LCE and Chir, LORRMC) the LORRMO, Local Heath Officer end the Chief of Police; 6 Enjoin all LCEs to observe the DILG Memorandum Crcular No, 2320-023 dated 08 February 2020, end all existing relevant guidelines from the DOH on tie COVID-19 and parficulary the folowing ‘2. Interim Guidatinas on tre Preparedress and Response to 2016-nCoV, bb. Strengthening of Hospital IPC to Prevent Spread 2f 2019-nCo Providing the Reporting and informetion Dissemir ation Protocc| for 2018-nC>V: 4 e Price Freeze of Essen.ial Emergency Medicines cue to 2018:n20V Interim Guidelines for 2019-nCoV A320 Response in Schools aid HEIs; Page 2 of 4 Interim Guidelines for £019-nCoV ARD Response in Worklaces; 3. Interim Guidelines for £019-nCoV ARD Response in Hotels: 1 Interim Guidelines for £019-nCoV ABD Response in Resicentiae Communities ‘Guidelines at al! Seapcrts for Prevertion and Spread of 2018-nCOV Inventory of Ambulances to be Desicnsted as 2019-nCoV Transport: and ‘Other succeeding issuances from DOH in relation to the 2019-rCoV ARD. 7. Reitzrate to all LCEs that all irformation to 2¢ relayed st ould be based on, ang coring from. the DOH arc other competent government agencies to ensure its accuracy, ad in ‘order fo avoid undue public anxiety and pani> (DILG Memorandum Cireslar No. 202C-023 ‘dated 06 February 2020, tem «.2); 8. Reitarate to all LOEs the requrements of item 5.1.14 of DILG MC No, 2020-023 vhen holding focal press conference and media brefings, % Coo'sinate closely wih your respective Regional Disaster Rist Reduction and Maragement Council and the DOH-Center for Health Devalopment; anc 10. Obs2rve existing arotocols, including Proof of Service. In relaticn to the above, you are hereby directed to recommend the following actions te the Local Chet Executives: For City and Municipal Mayors: ‘© Creztefconvene their respective local COVIC-19 Task Forse; + Direst the Punone Barangays identify anc recommend an enclosed structure, such as fan empty house 2 building which can be cesignated as a BSCF. It 3 upon the sound Giscistion of the Mayors to decice on the nurnber and location of the ESCFs, as advised by te LHO, and 11 close coordnation with the DOH, * Organize the required number of BHERTs trat wil condact visits, intewiews and caring for end managing of the PUM at the BSCF: * Provide the BHEFT members, ambulance crew. other local health workers, the Philigpine ‘National Police (FNP) and Bureau of Fire Protection (BFF) personnel who will potentially be exposed to, er get in direct contact wth, 2 PUM, with the aprroprate Personal Protective Equiprrent (PPE), ard ensure adequate supply thereot, + Direct the Local ~ealth Officer to ensure tat al SHERT members, ambulance crew, ‘othe local health workers, PNF and BFP pe sonnel wo will potentially be exposed to, or get i7 direct contact with, @ PUM, are provided with adequate training ir coordination with the DOH, on the aroper donning and doffing of PPES, including its praper disposal and the disposal of associated infestious wastes. the DOs ard CONTs when conducting an ‘interview with, ard the proper and safe management of, a PUM, Before enterinc the SCF, during ther stay and after completing the 14-day quarantine; ‘+ Direct the Punong Barangays tb mobilize the BHERTS to locate and vist the persors on the BI fst_and, ty all means recessary, emcourage every single person on that list to ‘consider their personal health, and tne heah and safety of their amity and loved cnes, bby going through a voluntary 12-day quarantine at home 0” at the BSCF ‘© Direct the Punong Barangay to conduct interview (observing proper irterview etiquette) land provide counseling to the PUM and their family members. i the PUM reports that hhe/ste has experianced sign or symptoms but later improved or recovered, he/she MUST stil be encouraged to proceed to the ESCF fer further observation and monitoring; ‘+ Provide for the basic needs of t1e PUM, as drected in DIL 3 MC No, 2020-023; + Immadiately effec the proper and safe transfer of the PUM to 2 DOH referral faci-y or hosfital, upon shcwing any sign or symptom: ‘Direct the Punonc Barangay to require the EHERT to sukmit @ daily recort on the status and 2ondiion of tre PUM to the Local COVIC~19 Task Forze + Direct the Local COVID-19 Task Force tc submit a daily report 0% the status and cconcition of the PJM to the DILG, thru the Cty Director or CIMLGOO, copy furnished the Locel Health Officar, LDRRMO and the Chiet of Police; ‘© Direct the Local Healtn Office: to issue a Certificate of Sompletion ct Quarantine and discharge @ PUN from the BSCF, after helshe has completed the “4-day quarantine erica without ma westing any sign or sympter, and + Enjon all concemad to abways refer to the guidelines of the DOH. For the Frovincial Governors: + Creaceiconvene their respective Provincial COVID-19 Task Force: ‘+ Montor the status and progress of the acticns taken by concemed LGUs, and assess their capability anc capacity fo Froperly manage the situation: + Extend assistance to LGUs in reed of suppcrt in the estanlishment and operation of the Barangay Isolatior Units under heir jurisdiction; + Provde augmentation support such as, but not limitec to, medical and emergency ‘response teams, supplies and ralief goods to the LGUs upen request ‘+ Prepare their rescective provincial Nealth facilities, in coordination with the OOH-Center for health Development, to provide surge capacity in cese of a high number of PUIS. ‘coming out of the 3SCFs; and + Provde other fons of support, as necessary ‘The proper disposal end shipment of the remairs of confirmed cases of COVID-19 shal be guided by DOH Department Memorandum No, 2020-0867 or the Guidelines on the Disposal and Shioment of the Remains of Confirmed Cases of 20°¢-nCoV Acite Respiratory Disease dated Fetruary 3, 2020 ‘The Dedaration of a Stale of Calamity must be in accordanoa with NORRUC Memorandum Crcer No. 60, s. 2019 “Revised Guidelines on the Decla’ation of a State of Calamity dated June 17, 20°9. The utilization of the Local ORRM Fund must be i accordance with the NORRMC-DBM-CILG. ‘Joint Memorandum Circular Mo, 2013-1 dated 25 March 2013 and otrer relevant issuances, subject to he usual acccunting and ausiting rules and regulations, Further, you are nerety directed to accompish yeur Regional 2reperedness Monitonng Sneet whien can be accessed the Google Drive ink. hitosJ?bitly DORMS anc submit Regonal Situation Reports starting tomorrow. 12:00 N, 25 February 2020 and updates every twenty-four (24) hours, to the urdersigned cc slacacen@anailcom and to your ressectve Regicnal Disaster Risk Reducton and Management Councis in the frescibed fcrmat (reper. template tink ‘ipuBitiysifRe> Regional Template), For stric: compliance, BERNARVO C. FLORECE, JR. Undersecretary for Peace and Order References: Executive Order No. 168 “Creating the Inter-cgency Task Force for the Managemert of Emerging infectious Ciseases in ths Philippines" ‘+ DILG Memorandum Ciroular No. 2¢20-023 “Ameded Guide te Action Against the 2019 Novel Corona itus Acute Respiratory Disease” + DOH Department Me norandum No. 2020-0067 “Guidelines on the Dispose! and Shipment of the Remains of Confirmed Cases cf 2019-nCoV cute Respiratory Disease ‘+ DOH Department Circular No. 2029-0071 "Revised Decision “ool as of Fetruary 17, 2020 for the Assessment and Uanagement 3f Coronavirus Disease 20° 9 (COVID-1¢)" Page 40f 4

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