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Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects.

people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are
more important than History.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is commonly believed that History is no longer as important as it was in these days and it
should be taken place by more practical subject such as Technology, Science. While this is
relatively true to some extent, i argue that it is more plausible to remain History as an
compulsary subjects.

For a variety of reasons, people are inclined to study more practical subjects in preference
to History. The first argument is that History is considered to include merely a heap of
events and characters that belong to the past. Thus, people hold the belief that there is no
use in memorising these meaningless knowledge. On the contrary, learning Science or
Technology is likely to offer students a host of job opportunities in prestigious firms as these
above-mentioned subjects are prerequisite for a basic CVs.

On the other hand, History provides many advantages for students which may be hard to
recognise. Initially, that this subject contains a significant amount of experience in disparate
fields, namely, Phillosophy, Literature, Politics, Rhetoric or even Science and Technology
provides access for students to better in perceiving knowledge. Another benefit is that
having a clear insight into History of our own nations develops our gratitute towards
ancestors who sacrificed themselves for the independance. Furthermore, we learn to
respect and cherish cultural values, heritages and the landscapes.

In conclusion, despite of the potential benefits that practical subjects may bring, I assert that
History also has an underlying impact on different aspects of studying. From my perspective,
i assume that the pressure of History can be diminished whereas the availability of this
subject should not be taken for granted.

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