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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Shipbuilding — Engine-room ventilation in diesel- engined ships — Design requirements and basis of calculations Construction navale — Ventlavion dy compartment machines des nsvires & matsurs diesel — Exigences de concepuon et bases ae calcd Reference meet Bovsssi: 1986 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8861: 1988 () Shipbuilding — Engine-room ventilation in diesel- engined ships — Design requirements and basis of calculations 1 Scope ‘This International Standard specifies design requirements end aultabie exleuiation methods for ire venciaion of the engine: fom in merchant seagcing dieselengined ships. for normal ‘conditions i all waters Annex A gives graohical estimates of total airfow in the engine-com ia ships, divides into = the aitlow for combustion and eweustion of beat emission inthe engine-room, exchxdng the boilers), ised fon the brake cower of the dese! enginels) for progulson: = the airflow for evacuation of heat emission from the betes), based on the calculated steam consuretion st ‘Annes 8 provides guidance and good practice in the design of ‘ventilation systems for ships’ engine rooms. NOTE — Users ofthis Interratonal Standing should note Cat, wile ‘bearvng the reucemente of the raced, they anCue atthe same Time anaure comptsnes with such sausiay reuirerans, nies #6 ‘egulsons aa may be appleable to te cbual ship concernec. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through fence inthis text, constitute provisions of this Internationa Standard, At the ome of publieaton, ve editions indicated ‘were velid, Al standards are subject to revision, ard partes to ‘2greements based on Hisintemationa Standard are encourages 10 investisate the possbilty of applying the most recent cisions of the standards Ested below. Members of iC and iSO maintain registers of currenty vali international Standards 1S0 31-1: 1978, Quantities and unite of space and cine 150 349 : 1978, Guantives and unis of mechanics. 150 31-4 : 1978, Quantities and unite of heat 10.4258: 1976, Air ac Voeabulacy ation and aie etttusion — 3 Definitions For the purposes of this interntionat Standard, the cafilions given below, together with those in ISO 31-4, SO 31-3, 150 31-4 and ISO 3258, apaty. 2.1. engine-toom : Space containing propulsion machinery, Jaitry diesel engines, bolle, generators and major eleet machinery, ete 3.2 ventilation : Provision of air to an enclosed seace 10 bret the neads of the eccupen's and/er the requirements ct the equipment therein, 4 Design conditions “The ou'side ambient air temperature shal be taken as + 35°C. & Airflow calculation 8.1 Total low ‘The total akfiow shall be based on the maziram eperation {e3¢, taking into consideration the sum of the sifiow for com ‘buston air to desdl engines and bolle in accordance with 5.2. ~ tnd the um of the slow necessary. fer evacuation of heat temiacion from the ingtallaions in the engine-room in aceerc ace with 53. For rating purposes, the simultaneous operation of two aux: lary dieeal engines for driving the generators shallbe included, lniess shaftdeven generators er equivalent values from the telectresi load anabyais are ateady ineluded in the tral caleu- laton. Combustion sir for, and heat emission from, ail stans by olan, bolers and other instalations situated within the engine-rocm ‘eating but not included in the’ total operating load shal be Ignored. ‘Spaces teparated from the engireroom, such as incviéual suaiary mactinery.cooms and boller-rooms shall be eateu'sied separately 8.2. Airflow for combustion 52.1 Sum of airflow for combustion ‘the sum ofthe alow for combustion, ge, shall be ealculated, Ineubie metas per second, a5 fellows G2 = dont eq ¥ % were ‘dea, isthe sifiow for propulsion dice engine combustien in tubie metes per second (see 6.2.2) 190 #961 : 1988 (6) eg is the aciont for gunacsioe Ses angineishcombur in cubic meves per second (see 8.231; a. is the aifiow foc bole combustion, cubic memes bet second Isee 524) 6.22. Alrflow fot combustion for diesel enginets) fot propulsion “The aitftow for combustion ef the deca engines! used fer p1o- pulsion, dp, shal be ealeulted, in cube mares per second, 35 follows Pag % Pat e ee where Pag 6 the brake shalt power of the sieset engine's) for propulsion at maximum power ovtput, im Kiowatis; lings, isthe oi recustament for cose engine combuston. i ‘Glograms per Klowatt second. : NOTE — Wer rosette ge fo ys no alae, tw fw tng watues may e wae for eateulseon mag ~ 0,002 § g/Ws! for 2 sie ences. 9.052 0 KGAKWs! for sucks ene, 2 = LAR kg/m fhe, the density of BH and 101.3 kal n+ 35°C, 7% 52.3. Airflow for combustion for diesel engine's) foe generators) “Ths airflow for combustion for cise! engine for generators agrshal be ealeulated, in euble metres per second, a flows: Peg tg ag = where Pag is the beaks shaft power of the generator diesel engines) at maximum power output, in Hlowars (see 5.1 yg. # the aie requirement foc cesel engine combustion, in ‘elograms par kiowast second. NOTE — Were specif cat for mag ae rot nada, We foto ing values mar be vied for ealeuation¢ ag = 0.0825 4g W aI for Patoke engines, 0.062 6 ba 4H for enone ngs 9 = 113 kal? fie, the density of air, at + 25 °C, 70% RH and 1013 kPal 5.24 Airflow for combustion for boilers} ‘The airflow for

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