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Teacher’s name: Daniela Herrera Rubiano. Date: Agosto 20 – 27/ 2019.

Grade: Third Grade. Lesson Length: 1 hour/8:15 – 9:15
Topic:  Animals, Adjectives – Verbs. Constructions: I can…
Helping, offering to, Giving, respecting...
Materials needed: Video, flashcards, Dictionary,
notebooks, cellphone camera.
Keys:  SW: Students will     SWBAT: Students will be able to     
T: Teacher 
S: Student
Ss: Students
Prescribed SW name and describe different ways to help.
SW learn the correct pronunciation of the new vocabulary.
SW get familiar with helping vocabulary and with speaking skills.
SWBAT recognize some specific ways to help in a community.
SWBAT reflect on the moral of the fable creating short sentences.
SWBAT Reflect and transfer the moral into the real world
SWBAT represent the whole idea of the fable in a phrase
Key linguistic I can help… Being a kind/good….
Offering to… Respecting differences…
Helping… Taking care of…


Stages and Specific objectives Description/Procedures. Resources/Materials

Estimated time

Presentation ● SWBA to use the courtesy rule as hello, ● Ss sing the song ● Song.
how are you? Hello, Hello, how
3 min
are you? Repeating
● Ss practice a short answer (I am fine) and
the song and
question (How are you?).
expressing how are
Warm up ● SW follow commands T paste some animals tracks ● Animals tracks
that has specific colors and
10 min ● SWBA to Identify colors ● Tape
Ss have to follow some
commands to arrive to the
animal track.
● Ss have to listen to
the command and
follow it to arrive to
the specific color
(animal track).
● SW has a new role related to be a lion or a Delivery of the masks. ● Masks.
● Ss receive a mask
related to a lion and  
a mouse. Half of the
course is going to
Development receive a lion mask
of the class and the other one a
mouse mask. Then
45 min all together are going  
● SW describe the physical characteristics to Identify the main ● Groups.
and behavior of the lion and the mouse. characters of the
fable.  ● Language to communicate.
It is… 
The lion is/The mouse is…
Ss are going to be divided
into two groups: the lion's
group and the mouse's
group. Those who are in the
lion's group are going to
describe the lion and those
who are in the mouse's
group are going to describe
● SW listen to the fable and identify animals
the mouse.
and the principal idea of the fable “The
lion and the mouse". 
● Video – TV, projector 
The practitioner is going to
read the fable, showing to ● Images of new vocabulary. 
the Ss the storybook and ● Box of Adjectives 
telling them the story taking
● Sentences
advantage of the intonation
and sounds to highlight the ● Written words.
● SW recognize, understand and new vocabulary.
comprehend the main idea of the fable.
● SW learn and clarify new vocabulary
through the fable.
● Handout 
Let’s play the fable! 
Ss listen and watch the fable
because each one has their
own copy of it. Ss are going
to discover and practice new
● Copies of the fable.
vocabulary that was inside
the fable using flashcards ● Posters with the questions.
with images and sentences
● SW complete the handout about the short with that vocabulary. 
story  Ss practice pronunciation
through the new vocabulary
They are going to have a
magic box with some ● Storybook
adjectives and images. Ss
will decide which ones are
according to their animal.

● Sheets of paper.
Listening comprehension -
● SW listen and read again the fable.  Let's do the handout  ● Pencils.
Ss will develop the handout ● Markers.
considering the previous
● SW answer questions about elements that ● Colors.
reading and vocabulary
were in the fable.
Ss will answer some
questions about the fable.

What did the lion/mouse do?

Was the lion in a hurry?
 What do you see?...

● SW read the fable What is the lion/mouse's

color?        I can see a… 
How is the lion/mouse
big/small (adjective)? 

Storytelling the fable

● SW reflects about the fable. together.
Ss read and listen to other
students - teacher reading
the fable. 

● SW answer questions about the main

idea of the fable. Ss answer questions related
to the fable.
Do you like it? Why?
What is your opinion?
Was the lion kind or rude to
● SW reflect on the moral of the fable. SW
the mouse?
makes a draw showing their reflection.
Was the mouse kind with
the lion?
How was the mouse?
Are we all important?
Should we respect others?

Each S is going to draw

what they think is the most
important message they
could learn through the fable
(How can I help others at
Wrap- up ● SWA to sing and make the mimic of a ● Ss sing the song ● Song.
song related to animals.  What do you see?
5 min ● Body.
(12 different
animals). They sing
and copy somebody
movements or
mimics that are
according to the
lyrics and the
animals that appear
through the song.
Key Animals: Lion, crocodile, snake, mouse, cow, duck, dog, giraffe, tiger, elephant, monkey, zebra, horse, fish, chicken,
vocabulary  goat, sheep, frog, fish, cat, bird, hippo, lizard, kangaroo.

Adjectives: furry ferocious dangerous poisonous tame

agile clever aggressive tiny domestic wild herbivorous kind rude

difficulties Colors: red, blue, yellow, pink, orange, green.

● Students can be defiant, rowdy, or distracting of others.

Solution: Use different strategies to get the whole group involved in the activities.
Change their places next to the teacher and push them to help the teacher, for example being a monitor.

● The lesson doesn't go where you want it to.

Solution: You will have a plan B in order to develop the class.

● Students unclear what to do or do the wrong thing.

Solution: Make instructions clear and easy to be understood, the instructions must be concrete; using visual
help, and body language (gestures, eye contact, facial expressions) can also make easier the instruction. 

● Lack of interest

Assessment ● Participation

● Pronunciation

● Ss answer WH questions in English

● Students use the new vocabulary to express their ideas 

● Ss complete the handout about the short story 



Teacher’s name: Daniela Herrera Rubiano. Date: Agosto 20 – 27/ 2019.

Grade: Third Grade. Lesson Length: 1 hour/8:15 – 9:15
Topic:  Animals, Adjectives – Verbs. Constructions: The lion is…
The mouse is… I understand…
I like… The Lion… The Mouse…
Materials needed: Images, video, fable, and masks.
Keys:  SW: Students will     SWBAT: Students will be able to     
T: Teacher 
S: Student
Ss: Students
Prescribed SW name and describe animals (lion - mouse).
SW learn the correct pronunciation for each animal’s name and new vocabulary.
SW get familiar with animals and adjectives.
SWBAT recognize some animals’ characteristics.
SWBAT reflect on the moral of the fable creating short sentences.
SWBAT answer yes/no questions
SWBAT represent the whole idea of the fable in a drawing
Key linguistic What did the lion/mouse do?   … What do you see?...
What is the lion/mouse's color?        I can see a… 
How is the lion/mouse?                    I understood that…
The lion/mouse is…                         I like… I do not like…

Stages and Specific objectives Description/Procedures Resources/Materials
Estimated time
Presentation ● SWBA to use the ● Ss sing the song ● Song.
courtesy rule as hello, how Hello, Hello, how
3 min
are you? are you? Repeating
the song and
● Ss practice a short answer
expressing how are
(I am fine) and question
(How are you?).

Warm up ● Ss learn 12 wild ● Ss sing the song ● Song

animals, recognizing What do you see?
7 min ● Body
their sounds.  watching the video,
moving their
● Ss move their body bodies following
according to the song's choreography and
mimic singing the correct
animal according
to the animal
● SW correct their Correction of the ● Folders
comprehension activities. comprehension activity.
● Copies
● SW recognize their ● Ss receive their
mistakes folders to check T
● SWBA to identify their
Development of the mistakes to choose the ● Ss and T answer all
class correct option. the questions
45 min together giving
them the  
opportunity to
correct their
How can I help other
● SW reflect on their own
people at school?  
draws to write a sentence
Ss will check and reflect
● Flashcards
● SW think about how they on their draws in which
can help others they had to draw a way to ● Draw copies
help at school.
T will give Ss a flash card
in which they have to write
a sentence related with
their own draws 

● SW recognize, understand Let’s write in English

and comprehend how they Ss take their slash cards in
can help other people, which they have their
expressing it in a phrase phrases to rewrite it in
English. ● Flashcards

Ss write the phrases ● Dictionary

● SW learn and clarify new
vocabulary and together, considering the ● Notebooks
expressions through new vocabulary.
rewriting process. Ss practice pronunciation
through the new
vocabulary and they start
to create their own
glossary about new
vocabulary and

● SW practice
pronunciation and the Let's practice our own
● Flashcards
way to say their own phrases.
phrases Ss will practice the correct
pronunciation of their
● SW listen and repeat the
words that are difficult for T will clarify Ss questions
and doubts about a way to
them to pronounce say a word
● SW develop their Ss will have the
confidence speaking in opportunity to practice in
English order to obtain self-
confidence to talk in
● SWBA Express and say
their phrases to be Lights, cameras and
recorded in a video. action…
Ss will say their phrases
per turns and the T is
going to record the video.
Ss will follow behavior
rules: ● Phrases

● Listen to your ● Cellphone to record.

● Respect others
● Clap your hands at
the end of each
phrase recording

Wrap- up ● SWA to say the most ● Ss appear together ● Cellphone camera

memorable phrase of the in the recording
5 min
fable. saying the most
memorable phrase
● SW remember and if the fable: Even a
recognize the moral of the little mouse can
fable help a big lion.
● Ss recognize that
this phrase is the
moral of the fable
and that even they
as little girls can

Key Animals: Lion, crocodile, snake, mouse, cow, duck, dog, giraffe, tiger, elephant, monkey,
vocabulary  zebra, horse, fish, chicken, goat, sheep, frog, fish, cat, bird, hippo, lizard, kangaroo.
Adjectives: furry ferocious dangerous poisonous tame
agile clever aggressive tiny domestic wild herbivorous kind rude
Verbs/expressions: Sunny afternoon, sleep, hurry, talk grass, stumble, woke up, trapped,
under, huge paw, lifted, swung, scary, spare, helping, laughed, let him, dozed off, dashed.
Anticipated ● Students can be defiant, rowdy, or distracting of others.
difficulties Solution: Use different strategies to get the whole group involved in the activities.
Change their places next to the teacher and push them to help the teacher, for example
being a monitor.
● The lesson doesn't go where you want it to.
Solution: You will have a plan B in order to develop the class.
● Students unclear what to do or do the wrong thing.
Solution: Make instructions clear and easy to be understood, the instructions must be
concrete; using visual help, and body language (gestures, eye contact, facial
expressions) can also make easier the instruction. 
● Lack of interest
Assessment ● Participation
● Pronunciation
● Ss answer WH questions in English
● Students use the new vocabulary to express their ideas 
● Ss complete the handout about the short story 

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