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Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.

Dodgy Prop ……………… 5 Civilian ………………………… 13

Rubber Suit ……………… 5 Scientist ………………………… 13

Quarry …………………… 5 Security Guard ………………… 13
Obvious Victim …………… 5 Warrior ………………………… 13
Behind the Sofa …………… 5 Alien Lackey …………………… 13
Cliff Hanger! ……………… 5 Ambassador of Death ………… 13
Blank Event Cards ………… 5 Nestene Intelligence …………… 13
Event Card Backs ………… 6 Auton …………………………… 14
Auton Copy …………………… 14
Stat Cards Animated Plastic ……………… 14
The Doctor (1st) ……………… 7 Axon (humanoid) ……………… 14
The Doctor (2nd) ……………… 7 Axon (tentacled) ……………… 14
The Doctor (3rd) ……………… 7 Axon Copy …………………… 14

Secondary The Doctor (4th) ……………… 7

The Doctor (5th) ……………… 7
The Doctor (6th) ……………… 7
The Doctor (7th) ……………… 7
The Celestial Toymaker ………… 14
Toy ……………………………… 14
Cyberman (CyberMondasian) … 15
Cyberman (Early Cyberfaction) . . 15

Control Room The Doctor (8th) ……………… 7

Susan …………………………… 8
Barbera ………………………… 8
Cyberman (CyberNeomorph) . . . 15
Cyber Leader (CyberNeomorph) . 15
Cyber Lieutenant
2nd edition supplement Ian ……………………………… 8 (Cyber Neomorph) ……… 15
Vicki ……………………………… 8 Cyber Controller
by Graeme Dawson Steven …………………………… 8 (CyberNeomorph) ……… 15
Dodo …………………………… 8 Cyber Slave (human) …………… 15
CONTENTS Polly ……………………………… 8 Cybermat ……………………… 15
Ben ……………………………… 8 Tobias Vaughn …………………… 16
Jamie …………………………… 9 Packer ………………………… 16
Contents……………………………… 1 Victoria ………………………… 9 Dalek …………………………… 16
Event Cards ………………………… 2 Zoe ……………………………… 9 Dalek Engineer ………………… 16
Assembling the Cards …………… 2 Liz ……………………………… 9 Dalek Emperor ………………… 16
Dealing the Cards ……………… 2 Jo ………………………………… 9 Emperor’s Guard ……………… 16
Playing Event Cards ……………… 2 Sarah Jane ……………………… 9 Dalek Supreme ………………… 16
Dice Rerolls ……………………… 2 Harry …………………………… 9 Davros ………………………… 16
The Seal of Rassilon …………… 2 Leela ……………………………… 9 Special Weapon Dalek ………… 17
Thanks …………………………… 2 K9 ……………………………… 10 Dalek Trooper ………………… 17
Wildly Inaccurate ………… 3 Romana (1st) …………………… 10 Draconian ……………………… 17
Run! ……………………… 3 Romand (2nd) ………………… 10 Gel Guard ……………………… 17
Premature Gloating ……… 3 Adric …………………………… 10 Ice Warrior …………………… 17
Help or Hinderance? ……… 3 Tegan …………………………… 10 Ice Warrior Squad Leader ……… 17
Sustained Attack ………… 3 Nyssa …………………………… 10 Ice Lord ………………………… 17
Guesswork ………………… 3 Turlough ………………………… 10 K1 Robot ……………………… 17
Retreat …………………… 3 Peri ……………………………… 10 Morbius ………………………… 18
Summon Courage ………… 3 Mel ……………………………… 11 Kettewell ……………………… 18
Invulnerable ……………… 3 Ace ……………………………… 11 Solon …………………………… 18
Dazed & Confused ……… 3 Grace …………………………… 11 Movellan ………………………… 18
Enough Games! …………… 3 Time Lord President …………… 11 Ogron ………………………… 18
First Principle …………… 3 Time Lord ……………………… 11 Robot of Death (Dum) ………… 18
Killing Spree ……………… 4 Chancellery Guard …………… 11 Robot of Death (Voc) ………… 18
Knocked Senseless ……… 4 Outsider ……………………… 11 Robot of Death (Super Voc) …… 18
Lateral Thinking …………… 4 The Master …………………… 11 Robot, Servitor ………………… 19
Hard To Kill ……………… 4 Omega ………………………… 12 Sea Devil ……………………… 19
Terribly Bad Luck ………… 4 The Brigadier ………………… 12 Sea Devil (armoured) ………… 19
Terribly Good Luck ……… 4 Captain Yates …………………… 12 Silurian ………………………… 19
Seize the Moment ………… 4 Sergeant Benton ……………… 12 The Myrka ……………………… 19
Regenerate ………………… 4 UNIT Sergeant ………………… 12 Sontaran ………………………… 19
Impressive Feat …………… 4 UNIT Soldier ………………… 12 Sontaran Commander ………… 19
Booby Trap ………………… 4 UNIT Heavy Weapon Team …… 12 Sontaran Field Agent …………… 19
Reinforcements …………… 4 UNIT Sniper …………………… 12 Thal …………………………… 20
Wicked Put Down ………… 4 Administrator ………………… 13 Varga Plant ……………………… 20
Yeti ……………………………… 20
Zygon …………………………… 20
The Secondary Control Room This version release date: 18.11.08 Zygon Body Print (human) …… 20
Katarina ………………………… 20
This release, unlike most DWMG releases, is intended to have most of its
pages cut up into cards (pages 22–24 are numbered for inclusion after the Blank Stat Cards …………………… 20
last page of the 2nd Edition rules). Player Reference …………………… 21
2nd Edition Index ……………… 22–24

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.

Event Cards
Event Cards

Doctor Who is full of unusual and random twists of fate –

the Master is saved by his trickery, or a companion
stumbles and trips or falls into a giant clam.These optional
rules put a bit of the unexpected into the DWMG.

On the following pages you will find 24 cards (and 6 not

so serious ones!) to cut out.These can be played to alter
the game as it unfolds. A UNIT soldier might inexplicably
miss (hardly unusual surely), or unexpected reinforcements
might turn up to turn the tide of battle.The Doctor might
have a brainwave, or may suddenly forget what he was
going to do.The possibilities in these cards are not 5 The Sensorites always knew what cards you held
exhaustive, but they’re
a start.There are
several blank cards Dealing the Cards
included so you can Anatomy of a Card Shuffle all the cards and
make your own if you deal 3 out to both
like. players. If there is more
Invulnerable Card Title than one player on a
Assembling the Cards Monster player only side they will share the
Print out the fronts Restrictions cards dealt.
and backs of the cards
One model on your side
(you will need to print Game Text
cannot be harmed by ranged
Playing Event Cards
out more than one Explains the cards Cards can be played at
copy of the backs). weapons this turn . game effects any appropriate time –
this is usually obvious
“You know, just once I'd like to
Cut out all the fronts Quote as determined by the
meet an alien menace that Something from
and backs seperately. card’s effects, although
wasn't immune to bullets.” some TV show…
Glue fronts to backs once a new model is
The Brigadier, Robot
(the right way up!), moved, or the game
save or destroy the Seal of Rassilon moves on past the
universe at your point when the card
whim.Try and print could be reasonably
them out onto reasonably thick card for future sturdiness, played, it is too late. Only one card can be played by each
or alternately sandwich a layer of card between your two side during each turn, so think carefully.
printed sheets of paper.
Dice Rerolls
Certain cards allow dice to be rerolled. Dice cannot be
rerolled if they have already been rerolled in this turn –
players must accept the result of any rerolled dice.

The Seal of Rassilon

Some cards have a small blue Seal of Rassilon in the
bottom left hand corner of the card.These cards can be
played as a point of Luck instead of their card text. Playing
a card in this way means the affected model (who benefits
from this rerolled dice) cannot use any of their own Luck
in the same turn.

Thanks and the
rest of the internet for lots of the quotes.
5 The fat man only had his jumper left after a bad run

Wildly Inaccurate Run! Premature Gloating
Monster player only
Play when one of your One of your models may
models is about to be fired make an immediate Move A heroic model within 12” of
upon.The shot automatically action. Play in your own turn. one of your models must
misses – do not roll to hit. make an immediate Morale
“When I say run, run!” check.
“You mean you missed him.” The Doctor,Tomb of the Cybermen
Jamie,Tomb of the Cybermen “Your struggle is futile.”
The Cybercontroller,
Tomb of the Cybermen

Help or Hinderance? Sustained Attack Guesswork

Heroic player only
Add or subtract 1D3 from One of your models may
any Invention roll this turn. Shoot with up to all of their Roll a die. On an odd result
actions this turn. your Invention total gets +2,
“I thought you took science at A level.” otherwise it gets -2.
“I didn't say I passed.” “Jenkins! Chap with the wings there --
The Doctor & Jo Grant, five rounds rapid.” “I don’t know, I’m guessing.”
Terror of the Autons The Brigadier,The Daemons The Doctor,The Macra Terror

Retreat Summon Courage Invulnerable

Monster player only
One of your models can take You may immediately reroll a
an immediate Move action if failed Morale check. One model on your side
an enemy model is within 6”. cannot be harmed by ranged
“I had to face my fear, Sarah.” weapons this turn .
“One has no wish to be devoured by The Doctor, Planet of the Spiders
alien monstrosities.” “You know, just once I'd like to
One of the Tribunal, meet an alien menace that
Carnival of Monsters wasn't immune to bullets.”
The Brigadier, Robot

Dazed & Confused Enough Games! First Principle

Play before your opponent Play this card to cancel any You may cancel the action of
activates any models. One other event card just played. any one Mechanoid model
model of your choice may Your opponent may draw which has just been declared.
not activate this turn. another card. “Robots can’t harm humans, it’s the
“I feel disoriented.” first principle.”
“The quotes are over, Doctor.” Toos, Robots of Death
“This is the Disorientation Centre.” Scorby,The Seeds of Doom
The Doctor & Sarah,
The Android Invasion

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.
Killing Spree Knocked Senseless Lateral Thinking
One model who has just Your next melee attack hits You may immediately reroll a
eliminated another may take on 2+ and automatically failed Intelligence test.
an immediate extra action. stuns the target. “Shall we try using our intelligence?”
“Well, if you think that’s a good idea.”
“Enjoy your death as I enjoyed “That’s your answer to everything – The Doctor & Leela,
killing you.” knock it on the head.” The Invisible Enemy
Leela, Horror of Fang Rock The Doctor,The Invisible Enemy

Hard To Kill Terribly Bad Luck Terribly Good Luck

Play on a model who has just Play when your opponent is Play when you are about to
lost their last Hit.That model about to make a Luck roll. make a Luck roll. Roll 3D6
counts as still having 1 Hit. Instead of rolling, the original and choose one die as the
result stands. result.
“By the look of him,
he didn’t die easily.” “Why do you always “I like doing the impossible.”
Colby, Image of the Fendahl assume the worst?” Romana, Nightmare of Eden
The Doctor,The Armageddon Factor

Seize the Moment Regenerate Impressive Feat

Heroic Player Only
Play before you roll for Play when you are about to
Initiative.You automatically Replace your Doctor with a take a Str or Agi test.The
gain the Initiative this turn. model of a different attempt succeeds - there is
incarnation.The new Doctor no need to roll.
“First things first, but not neccessarily has 1 Hit and is Stunned.
in that order.” “...under sevens gymnastics team.
The Doctor, Meglos “It is the end, but the moment I’ve got the bronze.”
has been prepared for.” Rose Tyler, Rose
The Doctor, Logopolis

Booby Trap Reinforcements Wicked Put Down

Monster Player Only
Roll 1D3. Return a number of non- Swap the Luck points of 2
Nominate a point on the unique models with total Hits not opposing models within 6” of
table. Models within 2” are exceeding this number to any table
edge.Your opponent gains 1 VP per
each other.
stunned on the 1D6 roll of Hit returned.
4+. Roll for each model. “It’s better to die, than live like
“One must always accept you, a bitchy trampoline.”
“..floor trips, electronic sensors, death Rose,The End of the World
the unexpected.”
rays, jets of nerve gas..”
The Doctor,The Leisure Hive
The Doctor,The Two Doctors

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.
Dodgy Prop Rubber Suit Quarry
Heroic Player Only
Immediately cancel any Replace all items of scenery
action just declared by your One non-unique monster with large boulders and areas
opponent, or move any item model now counts as a of rubble.
of scenery up to 2”. civilian.
“Where are we?”
“Why does he look so... disco?” “You’ve got to come out onto the “We’re in a quarry.”
Rose, School Reunion balcony sometimes Sarah & The Doctor,
and wave a tentacle.” The Hand of Fear
The Doctor,Terror of the Zygons

Obvious Victim Behind the Sofa Cliff Hanger!

Monster Player Only
You may move 1D6 models Take a break from the game
Choose one non-unique up to 1D6” each. Roll for for 2D6 minutes at the end
enemy model.You may reroll each model. of the turn. 1 model on each
any rolls made to hit or side gains 1 point of Luck.
wound this model. “I grew up watching Doctor Who,
hiding behind the sofa “Your certain death is now... certain!”
“You didn’t need to kill him!” like so many others.” The Master, Curse of Fatal Death
Rose, Doomsday Russell T Davies

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.
Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.
The Doctor [1st] The Doctor [2nd]
Renegade Time Lord l
H Renegade Time Lord l
Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair, Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair,

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS, Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS,


Time Lord Time Lord
Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 3 4 10 9 6 4 3 3 4 10 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled / Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled /
Screwdriver Mechanoid models. Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to Models get +1 to
lose status effect. lose status effect.

The Doctor [3rd] The Doctor [4th]

Renegade Time Lord l
H Renegade Time Lord l
Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair, DWMG 2nd Edition Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair,

DWMG 2nd Edition

Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS, Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS,

Time Lord Time Lord
Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 3 4 10 9 6 4 3 3 4 10 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled / Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled /
Screwdriver Mechanoid models. Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to Models get +1 to
lose status effect. lose status effect.

The Doctor [5th] The Doctor [6th]

Renegade Time Lord l
H Renegade Time Lord l
Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair, Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair,
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS, Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS,


Time Lord Time Lord

Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 3 4 10 9 6 4 3 3 4 10 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled / Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled /
Screwdriver Mechanoid models. Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to Models get +1 to
lose status effect. lose status effect.

The Doctor [7th] The Doctor [8th]

Renegade Time Lord l
H Renegade Time Lord l
Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair, Invent, Leader (2), Luck (6), Repair,
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS, Resist Vacuum (3+), Spacer,TARDIS,



Time Lord Time Lord

Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse Sonic Screwdriver, Surprise/Confuse

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 3 4 10 9 6 4 3 3 4 10 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled / Sonic 6” 4+ n/a Stuns Controlled /
Screwdriver Mechanoid models. Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to Models get +1 to
lose status effect. lose status effect.
Susan Barbera
Screamer companion l
H Scientist companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Repair

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Scream,


Time Lord

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 2 3 6 7 6 3 2 3 3 9 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Ian Vicki
Strongarm companion l
H Screamer companion l
Companion, Luck (3) DWMG 2nd Edition Companion, Luck (3),

DWMG 2nd Edition

A Good Offense Monster Magnet, Scream

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 8 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns None

Steven Dodo
Strongarm companion l
H Screamer companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Spacer Companion, Luck (3),
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

A Good Offense Monster Magnet, Scream


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 8 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns None

Polly Ben
Screamer companion l
H Strongarm companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Luck (3)
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Scream A Good Offense



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 2 3 6 7 6 3 2 3 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Jamie Victoria
Strongarm companion l
H Screamer companion l
Companion, Luck (3) Companion, Luck (3),

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

A Good Offense Monster Magnet, Scream


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 8 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns None

Zoe Liz
Scientist companion l
H Scientist companion l
Companion, Invent, Luck (3), DWMG 2nd Edition Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Repair

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Repair, Spacer

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 9 8 6 3 2 3 3 9 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Jo Sarah Jane
Screamer companion l
H Screamer companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Luck (3),
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Scream Monster Magnet, Scream


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 6 7 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Harry Leela
Strongarm companion l
H Strongarm companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Medic Companion, Luck (3)
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

A Good Offense A Good Offense



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 8 6 3 2 3 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Knife melee 4+ 3
Blowpipe 8” 3+ special Janus Thorns
K9 Romana (1st)
Robotic dog companion l
H Scientist companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Invent, Luck (3),

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Mechanoid, Repair Monster Magnet, Repair,Time Lord


Academy Trained

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 1 2 7 8 6 3 2 3 3 10 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Nose Laser 6” 4+ 3 1 Hit or Stuns Sonic 6” 4+ special Stuns Controlled /
Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to
lose status effect.

Romana (2nd) Adric

Scientist companion l
H Scientist companion l
Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Repair, DWMG 2nd Edition Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Repair

DWMG 2nd Edition

Time Lord

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 10 8 6 3 2 3 3 9 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Sonic 6” 4+ special Stuns Controlled / None
Screwdriver Mechanoid models.
Models get +1 to
lose status effect.

Tegan Nyssa
Screamer companion l
H Scientist companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Repair
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Scream


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 2 3 6 7 6 3 2 3 3 9 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Turlough Peri
Strongarm companion l
H Screamer companion l
Companion, Luck (3) Companion, Luck (3),
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

A Good Offense Monster Magnet, Scream



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 6 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns None
Mel Ace
Screamer companion l
H Strongarm companion l
Companion, Luck (3), Companion, Luck (3)

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Monster Magnet, Scream A Good Offense


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 2 3 6 7 6 3 2 3 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Grenade 8” 4+ 4 Blast 2”, Scatter,

Grace Time Lord President

Scientist companion l
H Big time cheese l
Companion, Invent, Luck (3), Medic, DWMG 2nd Edition Invent, Leader (2),Time Lord

DWMG 2nd Edition

Repair Artifacts of Rassilon, President

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 9 8 6 3 2 2 3 10 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Time Lord Chancellery Guard

Master of the universe?
H Capitol fellow
Invent, Repair,Time Lord Body Armour
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition



Guard Commanders gain Leader (2)

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 2 3 9 6 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns,
Staser Pistol 12” 4+ 4 Laser, Pistol

Outsider The Master

Gallifreyan gone native
H Villainous Time Lord l
Hypnotise, Invent, Luck (3), Repair,
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

TARDIS, Time Lord



Outsider Leaders gain +1 Morale and Obey Me!, Safer Behind Bars,
Leader (3) You Have Tricked Us!

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 3 7 7 6 3 3 3 4 10 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns Tissue 6” 3+ 4
Primitive varies 3+ varies See weapon Compression
Weapon Eliminator
Omega The Brigadier
Anti-matter megalomaniac l
M UNIT commander l
Invulnerable (3), Leader (1), Invent, Leader (2), Luck (2)

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Repair Inspirational


Force of Will

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 4 3 10 9 6 3 2 3 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Anti-matter melee 2+ 3 Disruptor Brawl melee 3+ 3 Stuns
Touch Pistol 12” 4+ 3 Pistol
Force of Will 12” 2+ special See rules

Captain Yates Sergeant Benton

UNIT officer l
H UNIT officer l
Leader (2), Luck (1) DWMG 2nd Edition Leader (1), Luck (1)

DWMG 2nd Edition

Easily Convinced

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 8 6 3 2 3 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Pistol 12” 4+ 3 Pistol SMG 16” 4+ 3 Burst, cannot Aim
Grenade 8” 4+ 4 2” Blast, Scatter Grenade 8” 4+ 4 2” Blast, Scatter

UNIT Sergeant UNIT Soldier

UNIT officer
H First line of defence
Leader (1)
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

May carry either Rifle or SMG.


1 in 3 UNIT Soldiers may be armed

with Grenades

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 3 7 8 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
SMG 16” 4+ 3 Burst, cannot Aim Rifle 24” 4+ 3
Grenade 8” 4+ 4 2” Blast, Scatter SMG 16” 4+ 3 Burst, cannot Aim
Grenade 8” 4+ 4 2” Blast, Scatter

UNIT Heavy Weapon Team UNIT Sniper

Hard hitters
H Crack shot
2 Man Team, Restricted Use Restricted Use, Sniper Rifle,
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Well Concealed


The Team is armed with one of the

heavy weapons listed below.

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 7 7 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Bazooka 24” 4+ 6 Damage 1D6 Sniper Rifle 24” 4+ 3
HMG 40” 4+ 4 Burst
Mortar 18-36” 4+ 4 4” Blast, 2D6” Scatter
Administrator Civilian
Bureaucratic leader l
H Helpless monster bait
Leader (2), Fears Aliens Fears Aliens

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 2 3 7 7 6 3 1 2 3 7 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None

Scientist Security Guard

White coated monster food
H Friend or foe?
Invent, Repair, Fears Aliens DWMG 2nd Edition Body Armour1, Fears Aliens2

DWMG 2nd Edition

1 optional

2 until a Fear based Morale check is

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 2 3 8 6 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 3+ 3
Modern / 4+

Warrior Alien Lackey

Historical fighter
? Foolish manipulator
Fears non-native Aliens Infiltrator, Leader (1), Sabotage
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Low-tech Bad Influence, In The Way


Warrior Leaders gain +1 Morale and

Leader (1–3)

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 3 6 7 6 3 1 2 3 7 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 3+ 3 None
Suitable 4+

Ambassador of Death Nestene Intelligence

Radioactive alien
M Tentacled terror l
Alien or Infiltrator, Invulnerable (3) Alien, Leader (3), Resist Vacuum
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Radioactive Controller, Plastic



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
4 3 1 3 3 8 7 0 4 3 4 0 9 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Radioactive melee 3+ 4 Disruptor Tentacle Crush melee 4+ 4 1D6 attacks each
Touch turn
Radioactive Blast 6” 3+ 4 Disruptor
Auton Auton Copy
Living plastic automaton
M Living plastic duplicate
Alien, Controlled, Resist Vacuum Controlled, Infiltrator, Leader (1),

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

It Just Came Off In My Hand, Plastic, Resist Vacuum


Steady It Just Came Off In My Hand, Plastic,
Steady,Wax Copy

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 2 7 8 6 3 1 3 3 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 4+ 4 Crushing Blow melee 4+ 4
Blaster 12” 4+ 4 Blaster 12” 4+ 4

Animated Plastic Axon (humanoid)

Auton consumer object
M Golden benefactor
Controlled, Resist Vacuum DWMG 2nd Edition Alien, Invulnerable (2)1

DWMG 2nd Edition

Plastic,Temporary Control Change Form, Fair Form, Group Mind

1 to primitive and modern weapons

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
2 3 1 3 3 0 0 6 3 1 3 3 9 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Plastic Attack melee 4+ 3 Models in melee None
may not break

Axon (tentacled) Axon Copy

True form of Axos
M Servant of Axos l
Alien, Invulnerable (2)1, Slow Infiltrator, Invulnerable (2)1
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Change Form, Group Mind, Natural Change Form, Group Mind,


Form Replacement
1 to primitive and modern weapons 1 to primitive and modern weapons

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 4 2 9 9 6 3 1 3 3 9 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Explosive 6” 2+ 5 Agi test to avoid. As original
Tentacle Can also be used model
in melee

The Celestial Toymaker Toy

Shall we play a game? l
M Created plaything
Invulnerable (4), Luck (4) Blocker, Controlled, Invulnerable (2)
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Create Toy, Plaything



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 2 3 3 9 9 6 3 1 2 3 7 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None None
Cyberman (CyberMondasian) Cyberman (Early Cyberfaction)
Balaclavas on
M Fans of radio
Alien, Mechanoid Alien, Mechanoid

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Cyber Director, Mind Control Cyber Director, Mind Control


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 1 5 2 8 8 6 5 1 5 3 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 3+ 5 Crushing Blow melee 3+ 5
Heat Lamp 12” 3+ 4 Sonic Blaster 8” 3+ 3 Disruptor
Energy Rifle 12” 3+ 4

Cyberman (CyberNeomorph) Cyber Leader (CyberNeomorph)

Upgraded model
M End of level boss l
Alien, Mechanoid DWMG 2nd Edition Alien, Leader (2), Mechanoid

DWMG 2nd Edition


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 1 5 3 8 8 6 5 2 5 3 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 3+ 5 Crushing Blow melee 3+ 5
Cyber-Gun 16” 3+ 4 Disruptor Cyber-Gun 16” 3+ 4 Disruptor
Cyber Grenade 12” 4+ 4 Blast 2”, Scatter

Cyber Lieutenant (CyberNeomorph) Cyber Controller (CyberNeomorph)

Metallic squad leader
M Big head l
Alien, Leader (1), Mechanoid Alien, Leader (2), Mechanoid
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 1 5 3 8 8 6 5 2 6 3 9 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 3+ 5 Crushing Blow melee 3+ 6
Cyber-Gun 16” 3+ 4 Disruptor Cyber-Gun 16” 3+ 4 Disruptor
Cyber Grenade 12” 4+ 4 Blast 2”, Scatter

Cyber Slave (human) Cybermat

Partially Cybernised unfortunate
M Cybernetic pest
Controlled Alien, Mechanoid, Sabotage, Small
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Unwilling Conscript Hardly Noticed, Surprise



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 1 4 3 7 6 4 2 1 1 3 6 10
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Varies 4+ Poisonous ‘Bite’ melee 4+ 4 Cannot affect
Tobias Vaughn Packer
Electronics genius l
M Head of security l
Hypnotise, Leader (1) Body Armour, Leader (2)

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Commanding Bungling


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 2 4 3 9 6 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 3+ 3 Stuns
Pistol 12” 4+ 3 Pistol

Dalek Dalek Engineer

Mutant xenophobic exterminator
M Wheeled toolbox
Alien, Hover, Mechanoid DWMG 2nd Edition Alien, Hover, Invent, Mechanoid,

DWMG 2nd Edition

Armoured Shell, Dalekinium Armour Repair

Armoured Shell, Dalekinium Armour
Dalek Patrol Leaders gain Leader (1)

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 1 2 2 8 8 6 5 1 2 2 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Dalek Blaster 16” 4+ 4 Cannot Aim, Manipulator Arm melee 4+ 2
Disruptor, Laser, Dalek Blaster 16” 4+ 4 Cannot Aim,
2 shots Disruptor, Laser,
2 shots

Dalek Emperor Emperor’s Guard

Ultimate commander l
M Elite protectors l
Alien, Force Field (4+), Leader (2), Alien, Hover, Mechanoid
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Mechanoid Armoured Shell, Dalekinium Armour


Absolute Command, Communicator,

Dalekinium Armour, Immobile, May reroll one miss each turn
Unstoppable Destiny

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
0 6 3 0 0 9 0 6 3 1 3 3 9 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Cannot attack Disintegrator 12” 4+ 4/5 1D3 Hits, Str 5 vs
Dalek Blaster 16” 4+ 4 Cannot Aim, Laser,
Disruptor, 2 shots

Dalek Supreme Davros

Force commander l
M Kaled scientist l
Alien, Hover, Leader (2), Mechanoid Alien, Hover, Invent, Leader (2),
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Absolute Command, Armoured Shell, Mechanoid



Communicator, Dalekinium Armour Armoured Shell, Crippled,

Fanatic Leadership

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 3 2 2 8 9 6 3 2 1 2 9 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Dalek Blaster 16” 4+ 4 Cannot Aim, Personal Blaster 6” 4+ 3
Disruptor, Laser,
2 shots
Special Weapon Dalek Dalek Trooper
Mobile tank l
M Human collaborator
Alien, Mechanoid Body Armour

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Armoured Shell, Dalekinium Armour,


Targeting Computer
Trooper Commanders gain Leader (1)

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 6 2 2 2 8 8 6 3 1 3 3 7 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
No melee attack Brawl melee 4+ 3 Stuns
Dalek 12” 4+ 6 No hit modifier Dalek Blaster 16” 4+ 4 Disruptor, Laser
Destructor for long range

Draconian Gel Guard

Reptilian conqueror
M Protoplasmic servant
Alien DWMG 2nd Edition Alien, Controlled, Slow

DWMG 2nd Edition

Honour Bound, Rival Empire Anti-matter Creature, Creation of Will

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 3 7 8 4 4 1 4 1 5 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Brawl melee 3+ 3 Stuns Anti-matter Claw melee 3+ 4 Disruptor
Laser Rifle 24” 4+ 4 Laser Anti-matter Blast 12” 3+ 4 Disruptor

Ice Warrior Ice Warrior Squad Leader

Martian conqueror
M Sssibilant sssergeant
Alien, Slow Alien, Leader (1), Slow
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Heat Intolerant Heat Intolerant


1 1 model per 2 Ice Warrior squads

may carry a Sonic Rifle

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
5 5 1 4 2 8 8 5 5 1 4 2 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Martian Claw melee 4+ 4 Martian Claw melee 4+ 4
Sonic Blaster 20” 4+ 4 Compare Str vs Sonic Blaster 20” 4+ 4 Compare Str vs
Sonic Rifle1 24” 4+ 5 target Str or Def target Str or Def

Ice Lord K1 Robot

Noble Martian leader l
M Abused electronic creation l
Alien, Leader (2), Slow Mechanoid
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Heat Intolerant Compassion, Living Metal



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 2 4 3 8 8 6 6 4 6 1 6 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Martian Claw melee 4+ 4 Giant Pincers melee 4+ 6
Sonic Blaster 20” 4+ 4 Compare Str vs
target Str or Def
Morbius Kettlewell
Reanimated Time Lord criminal l
M Misguided scientist l
Alien Infiltrator, Invent, Leader (1)1,

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Rage Repair, Fears Aliens


In The Way
1: restrictions apply – see rules

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 3 4 2 10 0 6 3 1 2 3 8 6
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Massive Pincer melee 4+ 5 None

Solon Movellan
Futuristic Prometheus l
M Disco android
Invent, Leader (1)1, Medic, Repair DWMG 2nd Edition Mechanoid, Repair

DWMG 2nd Edition

In The Way Great Strength, Power Pack

1: restrictions apply – see rules

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 2 3 8 6 6 5 1 4 4 8 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Brawl melee 3+ 4
Movellan Blaster 20” 4+ 4 Disruptor. Can
also Stun

Ogron Robot of Death (Dum)

Brutal hireling
M Perfect crewmember
Alien Mechanoid
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Great Strength First Principle, Not Created Equal


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 2 4 2 5 7 6 4 2 4 3 6 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 4+ 4 Crushing Grip melee 3+ 4
Blaster 16” 4+ 3 Disruptor

Robot of Death (Voc) Robot of Death (Super Voc)

Perfect crewmember
? Perfect crewmember l
Mechanoid Leader (2), Mechanoid
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

First Principle, Not Created Equal First Principle, Not Created Equal


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 2 4 3 7 8 6 4 2 4 3 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Grip melee 3+ 4 Crushing Grip melee 3+ 4
Robot, Servitor Sea Devil
Metal servant
? Amphibian menace
Mechanoid Alien, Aquatic

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Autonomous, Change Program,



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 2 5 1 5 10 6 4 1 4 3 7 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Grapple melee 4+ 5 Slimy Arm melee 4+ 4
Capture Cables 4” 4+ n/a Target captured Sea Devil Ray 16” 4+ 4 Can fire with
Blaster 12” 4+ 3 Disruptor Disc Str 3 and Blast 2”

Sea Devil (armoured) Silurian

Elite warrior
M Ancient reptilian race
Alien, Aquatic, Body Armour DWMG 2nd Edition Alien

DWMG 2nd Edition


May also be given Body Armour

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
5 4 1 4 3 7 8 5 4 1 4 2 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Slimy Arm melee 4+ 4 Reptilian Grip melee 4+ 4
Sea Devil Ray 16” 4+ 4 Can fire with Third Eye 12” 3+ 4 1 Hit or Stuns
Disc Str 3 and Blast 2”

The Myrka Sontaran

Lethal Sea Devil pet l
M Cloned warrior
Aquatic, Alien, Slow Alien, Body Armour
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Deep Ocean Dweller High Gravity Homeworld, Probic Vent


1: 1 in 4 Sontarans only

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 3 4 2 5 8 6 4 1 4 3 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Electrical Charge melee 2+ 6 All models in Grapple melee 4+ 5
base contact Blaster 18” 4+ 4 Disruptor
suffer this attack Battle Rifle1 24” 4+ 5 Disruptor

Sontaran Commander Sontaran Field Agent

Cloned leader
M Cloned scout l
Alien, Body Armour, Leader (1–2) Alien, Body Armour, Invent, Repair
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

High Gravity Homeworld, Probic Vent High Gravity Homeworld, Probic Vent


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 2 4 3 8 8 6 4 2 4 3 8 9
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Grapple melee 4+ 5 Grapple melee 4+ 5
Blaster 18” 4+ 4 Disruptor Blaster 18” 4+ 4 Disruptor
Thal Varga Plant
Blonde survivor
H Unfriendly flora
Pacifist Slow

DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Varga Thorns


Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 3 1 3 3 7 7 2 3 1 0 1 0 0
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
None Poisonous Spine 4” 4+ n/a Affected model
gains status effect
Varga Poison

Yeti Zygon
Shaggy robot
M Aquatic refugee
Alien, Controlled, Mechanoid, Slow DWMG 2nd Edition Alien, Aquatic

DWMG 2nd Edition

Roar,Web Fungus Body Print, Sting

1: optional weapon

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 5 2 5 2 4 8 6 4 1 3 2 8 8
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Yeti Claws melee 4+ 5 Stinging Arms melee 4+ 3 May reroll wound
Web Gun1 6” 4+ 5 Blast 2”, Stays on dice

Zygon Body Print (human) Katarina

Someone fishy
M Screamer companion l
Aquatic, Infiltrator, Leader (1), Companion, Luck (3),
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition

Sabotage Monster Magnet, Scream


Bad Influence, Body Print

Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale
6 4 special 3 2 8 8 6 3 2 2 3 6 7
Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
Crushing Blow melee 4+ 4 None
Blaster 16” 4+ 3 Disruptor
DWMG 2nd Edition

DWMG 2nd Edition



Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale Move Def Hits Str Agi Int Morale

Weapon Range Hit Str Notes Weapon Range Hit Str Notes
The Game Turn Actions
1. Determine Initiative Most models get 2 actions per turn:
Both sides roll 1D6
2. First Player Actions 4Move
3. Second Player Actions 4Shoot – only one shoot action per turn
Activate half total models 4Aim – only one aim action per turn
4. End Phase 4Special Action

Player Reference Situation

Ranged Weapon Modifiers
Weapon is fired at more than half range –1
Levels Fallen Hits Taken Strength Target is airborne –1
1 1 3 Target is partially hidden –1
2 2 4 Target is prone –1
3 3 5 Target is small –1
per +1 +1 +1 Target is immobile +1
Target is large +1
Melee Attack Modifiers
Firer has Aimed this turn +1
Situation Modifier Damage Table
All or Nothing attack extra D6 Strength Higher Defence Higher
Attacked from rear –1 Def
2 or more 1
Equal 1 2 3 or more
Defending obstacle +1 Def
Attacking over obstacle
Attacking model in rear
+1 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 X
Inventions Invention Result Table
1. Invention Breakthrough Roll 3D6 vs target Int. +2 per additional model with 1D6 Invention Result
Invent ability to a maximum add of +6
2. Invention Progress Roll 1D6, add either +1D6 or +1 bonus per additional
1 Achilles’ Heel
model (max 3).Total is best D6 + bonus. Invention 2 Weakness (Shooting)
complete on the turn after this cumulative score 15+ 3 Weakness (Melee)
3. Invention Result Roll on table, right
4 Jammer (2+ effect)
5 Jammer (variable effect)
Vehicle Out of Control Table Vehicle Hit Table
6 Weapon
1D6 Steering Speed 1D6 Hit against
1–2 Veer 45º left Stops 1–2 Random occupant Fire Table
3–4 Straight ahead Half 3–6 Vehicle Markers Hits Strength
5–6 Veer 45º right Full 1 1 3
Vehicle & Terrain Table 2 2 4
Move Type Road Bonus Open Rough Woods Water 3 3 5
Wheeled +4” Yes x 1/2 No No 4 4 / 1* 6
Tracked +2” Yes x 3/4 x 1/4 No per +1 +1 /+1* +1
Hover None Yes Yes No Yes Doctor Who Miniatures Game
© 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.
Water n/a No No No Yes This product is free and not for sale.
Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.

Index D I (continued)

Damage, 10 artifacts, 16
Main rules entry page number bold explanation of, 10 breakthrough, 15
Examples in blue italic models and Hits, 10 example of, 15
multiple damage, 10 counters, 16
0–9 example of, 10 jammer (2+), 16
2nd Edition to vehicles, 20 jammer (variable effect), 16
credits, 64 Defence (Def) example of, 16
dedication, 64 stat, 5 progress, 15
designers notes, 64 Dice, 4 example of, 15
image credits, 64 Distance, 4 result, 15
new in the, 3 weakness, 16
not in the, 3 E weapon, 16
what’s needed to play, 4 Examples Invulnerable
activations, 6 and morale, 12
A All or Nothing attack, 9
Actions, 6 blocking zone, 22 K
example of, 6 example of, 3 Killing Blow, 9
multiple actions, 6 invention breakthrough, 15
Activations, 6 invention progress, 15 L
example of, 6 Leader ability, 6 Leader
Agility (Agi) multiple damage, 10 ability, 6, 17
stat, 5 not resisting, 23 example of, 6
test, 11 obstacles, 7 Leadership. See Leader
test to avoid falls, 7 opposed tests, 12
Aiming, 8 retreat move, 13 M
All or Nothing attack, 9 shooting, 8 Melee
Artifacts, 16 targeting, 8 All or Nothing attack, 9
variable effect jammer, 16 example of, 9
B vehicles and terrain, 19 breaking from, 10
Blast templates, 13 vehicle movement, 19 defending, 10
Blocking, 22 weapon technology, 13 explanation of, 9
zone, 22 Killing Blow, 9
example of, 22 F multiple attackers, 9
losing, 22 Falls, 7 multiple attacks, 9
Buildings, 22 Fear, 12 no weapons, 9
attacking, 22 Fire, 23 number of attacks, 9
damaging, 22 damage, 23 order of combat, 9
doors and windows, 22 spreading, 23 rear attack, 10
running in, 22 movement while on, 23 roll to hit, 9
sizes and sections, 22 who can fight in, 9
Burst fire, 8 G Miniatures
Game turn, the, 6 needed to play, 4
C manfucturers websites, 63
Capturing models, 23 H Models. See Miniatures
breaking free, 23 Heroes & Monsters, 24 Morale, 12
not resisting, 23 Hits alone, 12
example of, 23 models and, 10 decimated, 13
by Strength, 23 stat, 5 failure, 13
by weapon, 23 taking a hit. See Damage fear, 12
Companions, 26 invulnerable, 12
Confused, 25 I leaving the battlefield,13
Contents, 1–2 Information (profile), 5 making a test, 12
Copyright notice, 1 Initiative, 6 in melee, 13
Intelligence (Int) retreat move, 13
stat, 5 example of, 13
test, 12 stat, 5
Inventing / Inventions, 15 successful test, 13
Achilles’ heel, 16 wiped out, 12
and special actions, 11

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.

M (continued) S (continued) List of Profiles


Movement (Move) stat, 5 Ace, 28

explanation of, 7 test, 11 Administrator, 35
facing, 7 Stunned, 25 Alien Lackey, 37
falls, 7 Ambassador of Death, 37
going up and down, 7 T Animated Plastic, 39
going prone, 7 Taking a hit. See Damage Auton, 38
running, 7 TARDIS, the, 26 Auton Copy, 39
rough ground and obstacles, 7 Timescale, 4 Axon (humanoid), 40
example of, 7 Axon (tentacled), 40
stat, 5 U Axon Copy, 41
Unique models, 24 The Brigadier, 32
N two (or more Doctors), 24 Captain Yates, 32
Notable appearances (profile), 5 The Celestial Toymaker, 41
V Chancellery Guard, 30
P Vehicles, 19 Civilian, 35
Points values, 24 aerial movement, 20 Companion, K9, 28
Profile, the, 5 damage to, 20 Companion, Scientist, 27
altering, 24 entering/exiting, 20 Companion, Screamer, 27
hit and run attacks, 19 Companion, Strongarm, 27
R movement, 19 Cyber Controller
Range example of, 19 (CyberNeomorph), 43
measuring, 4 out of control, 20 Cyber Leader (CyberNeomorph), 43
Roll to hit rams, 20 Cyber Lieutenant
in melee, 9 sample, 21 (CyberNeomorph), 43
shooting, 8 Bessie, 21 Cyberman (CyberMondasian), 42
Helicopter, 21 Cyberman (CyberNeomorph), 43
S Motorcycle, 21 Cyberman (Early Cyberfaction), 42
Scenarios, 24 Tank, 21 Cybermat, 44
A tangled web, 58 UNIT Land Rover, 21 Cyber Slave, 43
Defend Snowcap base, 57 Whomobile, 21 Dalek, 45
For whom the diving bell tolls, 62 shooting from, 20 Dalek Emperor, 46
Locate swarm leader!, 59 statistics, 20 Dalek Engineer, 45
Mission expendable, 61 and terrain table, 19 Dalek Supreme, 46
The Sontaran experiment, 60 example of, 19 Dalek Trooper, 47
Shooting Victory points, 25 Davros, 47
aiming, 8 levels of, 25 The Doctor, 26
conditions of, 8 Draconian, 48
example of, 8 W Gel Guard, 48
from vehicles, 20 Weapons, 5, 13 Grace, 28
multiple shots, 8 blast templates, 13 Harry, 28
roll to hit, 8 technology, 13 Ice Lord, 49
roll to wound, 8 example of, 13 Ice Warrior, 49
targeting models, 8 Websites, 63 Ice Warrior Squad Leader, 49
example of, 8 K1 Robot, 50
Special actions, 11 Leela, 28
and inventing, 11 The Master, 31
free actions, 11 Morbius, 50
standard actions, 11 Movellan, 51
Special rules (profile), 5 The Myrka, 54
Stat tests, 11 Nestene Intelligence, 38
and actions, 11,12 Ogron, 51
Agility and Strength tests, 11 Omega, 31
Intelligence and Morale tests, 12 Outsider, 30
opposed tests, 12 Packer, 44
example of, 12 Robot of Death, 52
Status effects, 25 Robot, Servitor, 52
confused, 25 Romana (both versions), 28
stunned, 25 Scientist, 36
Strength (Str) Sea Devil, 53

Doctor Who Miniatures Game © 2006–8 Graeme Dawson.This product is free and not for sale.

List of Profiles (continued) List of Special Abilities (continued) List of Special Abilities (continued)

Security Guard, 36 Force of Will, 31 Targeting Computer, 47
Sergeant Benton, 33 Great Strength, 51 Temporary Control, 39
Silurian, 53 Group Mind, 40, 41 Time Lord, 18
Sontaran, 54 Hardly Noticed, 44 Unstoppable Destiny, 46
Sontaran Commander, 54 Heat Intolerant, 49 Unwilling Conscript, 43
Sontaran Field Agent, 54 High Gravity Homeworld, 54 Varga Thorns, 55
Special Weapon Dalek, 47 Honour Bound, 48 Wax Copy, 39
Steven, 28 Hover, 17 Web Fungus, 56
Susan, 28 Hypnotise, 17, 31, 44 Well Concealed, 34
Thal, 55 Immobile, 46 You Have Tricked Us!, 31
Time Lord, 30 Infiltrator, 17
Time Lord President, 29 Inspirational, 32 List of Tables
Tobias Vaughn, 44 In The Way, 37 Damage, 10
Turlough, 28 Invent, 17 Falls, 7
UNIT Heavy Weapon Team, 34 Invulnerable (x), 17 Fire, 23
UNIT Sergeant, 32 It Just Came Off In My Hand, 38, 39 Invention result, 15
UNIT Sniper, 34 Janus Thorns, 28 Melee attack modifiers, 10
UNIT Soldier, 32 Large, 17 Out of control, 20
Varga Plant, 55 Leader (x), 17 Ranged weapon modifiers, 8
Yeti, 56 Living Metal, 50 Sample vehicle profiles, 21
Zoe, 28 Low-tech, 36 Tank weaponry, 21
Zygon, 56 Luck (x), 18 Vehicles & terrain, 19
Mechanoid, 18 Victory level, 25
List of Special Abilities Medic, 18 Weakness, 16
2 Man Team, 34 Mind Control, 42 Weapons, 14
Absolute Command, 46 Monster Magnet, 18 Weapon effects, 14
Academy Trained, 28 Natural Form, 40
A Good Offense, 27 Not Created Equal, 52
Alien, 17 Obey Me!, 31
Anti-matter Creature, 48 Pacifist, 55
Aquatic, 17 Plastic, 38, 39
Armoured Shell, 45, 46, 47 Plaything, 41
Artifact of Rassilon, 29 Power Pack, 51
Autonomous, 52 President, 29
Bad Influence, 37 Probic Vent, 54
Body Armour, 17 Programmed, 52
Blocker, 17 Psychic, 18
Body Print, 56 Radioactive, 37
Bungling, 44 Rage, 50
Change Form, 40, 41 Repair, 18
Change Program, 52 Replacement, 41
Commanding, 44 Resist Vacuum, 18
Communicator, 43, 46 Restricted Use, 34
Companion, 17 Rival Empire, 48
Compassion, 50 Roar, 56
Controlled, 17 Sabotage, 18
Controller, 38 Safer Behind Bars, 31
Create Toy, 41 Sceptical, 35
Creation of Will, 48 Screamer, 18
Crippled, 47 Slow, 18
Cyber Director, 42 Small, 18
Dalekinium Armour, 45, 46, 47 Sniper Scope, 34
Deep Ocean Dweller, 54 Sonic Screwdriver, 26
Easily Convinced, 32 Spacer, 18
Fair Form, 40 Steady, 38, 39
Fanatic Leadership, 47 Sting, 56
First Principle, 52 Surprise, 44
Flyer, 17 Surprise/Confuse, 26
Force Field (x+), 17 TARDIS, 18


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