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1st grade half-year examinations time:2h

/Read the following paragraph then answer the questions below:[choose 4][8m] Q1
Noor is a student .She is twenty years old .She lives in Hilla .She visits her family every
month .She has got one brother .He is an engineer .She likes collecting postcards and she
. has got a collection from twenty different countries
? What is Noor-1
? How old is she-2
? Where does she live-3
? How many brothers has she got-4
? What does she like to collect-5
Q2/Answer the following from your text book : [choose 4][8m]
? Who is the bird watcher-1
? How many terms in the school year in England -2
? What is London eye-3
? Why did the fox want to find the chickens-4
? Why was Mona frightened-5
? What has Khalid found-6
Q3/Do as required : [choose 8][ 8m ]
1-2nd May ( write the date )
She is thirsty .( use not )-2
She ,go ,party ,to ,cane ,the . ( correct the sentence ) -3
Jassim done his homework . ( present perfect tense ) -4
Khalid was with his mother . ( use who )-5
Amal sang quiet because the baby was sleeping .( make adverb )-6
. I watch TV for an hour-7
Ahmad take a taxi to the hotel yesterday .( past tense )-8
The cheetah is a beautiful animal .it is very fast. ( use and or but )-9
Q4 / (a) Complete the sentences with words from the box:[ choose 4][4m]
] lovely ,delicious ,cold ,politely ,staring [
. The monkey was ------------it wants some food -1
-------- in winter ,it is-2
-------------i always speak to my grandmother-3
--------------- The food was-4
---------My sister is very-5
Q4/(b)Fill in the missing words [
---------, book ,books ; wife-1
-------------, big x small ; old-2
--------, loud ,loudly ; happy-3
----------, isnot ,isn't ; are not-4
---------, open ,opened ; buy-5
Q6/(a) Write a paragraph about yourself by using these information
) name ,job ,country ,age ,family (
Write a paragraph about Eid al fiter [ 8m ] )b(

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