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Introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy:

Bloom's Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom during the 1950s

and is a way to categorize the levels of reasoning skills required in
classroom situations. There are six levels in the taxonomy, each
requiring a higher level of abstraction from the students. As a teacher,
you should attempt to move students up the taxonomy as they
progress in their knowledge. Tests that are written solely to assess
knowledge are unfortunately very common. However, to create
thinkers as opposed to students who simply recall information, we
must incorporate the higher levels into lesson plans and tests.

In the knowledge level of Bloom's Taxonomy, questions are asked

solely to test whether a student has gained specific information from
the lesson. For example, have they memorized the dates for a
particular war or do they know the presidents that served during
specific eras in American History. It also includes knowledge of the
main ideas that are being taught. You are probably writing knowledge
questions when you use words like tell, list, label, name, etc.

The comprehension level of Bloom's Taxonomy has students go past

simply recalling facts and instead has them understanding the
information. With this level, they will be able to interpret the facts.
Instead of simply being able to name the various types of clouds, for
example, the students would be able to understand why each cloud
has formed in that manner. You are probably writing comprehension
questions when you use words like describe, contrast, discuss, predict,

Application questions are those where students have to actually apply,

or use, the knowledge they have learned. They might be asked to
solve a problem with the information they have gained in class being
necessary to create a viable solution. For example, a student might be
asked to solve a legal question in an American Government class using
the Constitution and its amendments. You are probably writing
application questions when you use words like complete, solve,
examine, illustrate, show, etc.

In the analysis level, students will be required to go beyond knowledge

and application and actually see patterns that they can use to analyze
a problem. For example, an English teacher might ask what the
motives were behind the protagonist's actions during a novel. This
requires students to analyze the character and come to a conclusion
based on this analysis. You are probably writing analysis questions
when you use words like analyze, explain, investigate, infer, etc.

With synthesis, students are required to use the given facts to create
new theories or make predictions. They might have to pull in
knowledge from multiple subjects and synthesize this information
before coming to a conclusion. For example, if a student is asked to
invent a new product or game they are being asked to synthesize. You
are probably writing synthesis questions when you use words like
invent, imagine, create, compose, etc.

The top level of Bloom's Taxonomy is evaluation. Here students are

expected to assess information and come to a conclusion such as its
value or the bias behind it. For example, if a student is completing a
DBQ (Document Based Question) for an AP US History course, they
are expected to evaluate the bias behind any primary or secondary
sources in order to see how that effects the points that the speaker is
making. You are probably writing evaluation questions when you use
words like select, judge, debate, recommend, etc.
Things to Consider While Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy:

The reason that some teachers fail to move students up the levels of
Bloom's Taxonomy are many. For example, a teacher might have low
expectations concerning the students' abilities. This is just sad and
becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Another reason might be that it can
become difficult and time consuming for the teacher. It is a complete
truth that it is much easier to grade assignments based on the lower
levels than on the higher levels. In fact, as you move up Bloom's
Taxonomy, you will find that rubrics become more important to ensure
fair, accurate, and quick grading.
In the end, it is supremely important that we as educators help our
students become critical thinkers. Building on knowledge and helping
kids begin to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate is the key to
helping them grow and prosper in school and beyond.
Citation: Bloom, B. S. (ed.). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol.
1: Cognitive Domain. New York: McKay, 1956.

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