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12/30/2019----Sociology Most Important Questions Part 1 for 2019 Exam- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi,

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Sociology Most Important Questions Part 1 For 2019 Exam

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1. “There has been a substantial decline in labour class and increase in labour force in non-
manual jobs with the advent of new technological revolution.” Critically examine. (300

2. “Protective discrimination not only protects, but also discriminates.” Comment (300

3. ‘Revolutionary changes have some specific characteristics.” Discuss with examples. (200

4. Discuss the metaphysical and ethical basis of Hindu social organization. (300 Words)

5. Briefly discuss the Conflict Perspective on social stratification and examine the view that
social inequality in India is the function of rigid social stratification system. (300 Words)

6. Common sense is centrality to sociological inquiry. Is it possible to fuse common sense

with rationality in sociological research? (300 words)

7. Attempt each question in 150 words each

Sociology and anthropology

8. ”Scientific Research method is not a cooked recipe meant for instant consumption and use
by researcher.” What are scientific methods or steps? Is it possible to follow these steps.
(300 Words)

9. Universalization of scientific method is absolutely an unacceptable proposition. Explain.

(300 Words)

10. Highlight the problem of Value fact and objectivity.(300 Words)

11. Answer in 150 words each

Interactionism as non-positivist methodology

12. ‘When, in such a period of society as that in which we live, we compare our intellectual
acquirements, our opinions, manners and institutions, with those which prevail among
rude tribes, it cannot fail to occur to us as an interesting question, by what gradual steps
the transition has been made from the first simple efforts of uncultivated nature, to a state
of things so wonderfully artificial and complicated.’ In the light of the above statement,
establish the importance of ‘speculations based on known principles of human nature’ in
studying the society.(200 Words)

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12/30/2019----Sociology Most Important Questions Part 1 for 2019 Exam- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,
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13. Sorokin’s theory of change is a limited attempt to study change but a refreshing idea
indeed. Do you agree? (200 Words)

14. What is the importance of sampling in sociological studies? Distinguish between simple
random sampling and stratified random sampling. (300 Words)

15. “Subjective perception of the objective reality prepares the context for the articulation of
class antagonism.” Evaluate this statement with reference of Karl Marx’s contribution.
(300 Words)

16. Write short note: Mode of production. (200 Words)

17. Critically examine the role of formal and informal structures of bureaucracy in economic
and social reconstruction of the developing societies. (300 Words)

18. Write short note: The sacred and the profane.(200 Words)

19. “Not all facts about human behavior are necessarily social facts.” State the meaning. (200

20. Bring out a comparative analysis of Marxian and Parsonian views of social change and
examine the relevance of each view for social development in the contemporary India.
(300 Words)

21. What is the focus of sociological analysis in the contributions of Emile Durkheim? Give
your answer with the help of any one of his contributions. (300 Words)

22. Critically examine Max Weber’s theory of social action and its limitations. (300 Words)

23. “Not all facts about human behavior are necessarily social facts.” State the meaning. (300

24. Elaborate Emile Durkheim’s analysis of the Elementary Forms of Religious Life and role of
religion in society. How does the explain existence of religion in modern industrial
societies ? (300 Words)

25. Write short note: Class-in-itself and class-for-itself (200 Words)

26. Critically analyze the concept of Anomie. Elaborate, with suitable examples, the
theoretical relationship between nature of Anomie and types of Social Deviations as have
been formulated by R.K. Merton. (300 Words)

27. Write a short note on Utility of Reliability and Validity in Social Research (200 Words)

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