Ept Reviewer 2019 - Written Expression

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EPT REVIEWER 2019-2020


DIRECTIONS: in items 16 – 40, each sentence xis divided into four parts mark A, B, C, and D. identify the one
part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then shade the letter corresponding to your answer
in the Answer Sheet.

A. Marc Chaggall, a painter,
B. was considered a forefather of the art of surrealism
C. an art on how can be characterized by incongruous imagery
D. produced by unnatural juxtapositions and combinations

Correct answer (CA): an art characterized by incongruous imagery

A. Since the time the World Wide Fund for nature reported
B. that more than 22 species of wild felines have declining
C. different non-government agencies have given their support
D. to the program that would protect the species

CA: that more than 22 species of wild felines have BEEN declining

A. The threat of deculturation
B. now hangs over many small ethnic minority
C. that are scattered
D. in the depths of many forests.

CA: now hangs over many small ethnic MINORITIES

A. Unclean water and improper disposal of waste
B. can be carried highly communicable diseases
C. because of their injurious effects
D. to human life

CA: can CARRY highly communicable diseases

A. Language was brought into the spotlight
B. as a crucial factor
C. for Nigeria’s social, economic and the political future
D. because multilingualism inevitably results in communication problems

CA: because multilingualism inevitably results TO communication problems

A. The failure of tree-planting project was due to the inconsistent reforestation program
B. haphazard community tree-planting schemes, and meddling practices of indifference individuals
C. who reduced the anti-erosion fences
D. just to benefit their pasture land businesses

CA: haphazard community tree-planting schemes, and meddling practices of INDIFFERENT individuals
Indifferent is an adjective

A. Because of new coffee growers
B. flooding the global market,
C. the official price of a pound of coffee in the United States
D. crashed into $6 in 1977 to 42 cents in 2001.
CA: crashed FROM $6 in 1977 to 42 cents in 2001

A. The navy contributes
B. to the protection of the environment and preservation of natural resources
C. by scuttle out cylindrical blocks
D. to serve as artificial reefs.

CA: by SCUTTLING out cylindrical blocks

A. Trinh Xuan Thuan, an astrophysicist from Vietnam
B. wrote The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and After, in 1993,
C. a book on how it elucidates
D. the information and evolution of galaxies

CA: a book THAT it elucidates

A. Susana earned money for her vacation
B. by working in an antique store all summer
C. but the amount was inefficient
D. for all that she needed.

CA: but the amount was INSUFFICIENT

A. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991
B. was one of the many misfortunes
C. to wreak havoc
D. in Central Luzon

CA: IS one of the many misfortunes

A. After participating the fertility rites,
B. the childless woman,
C. who was blessed with a healthy baby
D. experienced a blissful and contented life.

CA: A childless woman

A. Media produce
B. a sociology phenomenon
C. such as psychological, moral, and academic confusion
D. about the present culture.


A. Concentrating on the physical intricacies
B. of different pose of the body
C. forced one to filter out
D. physiological anxieties

CA: of different POSES of the body

A. Any nation
B. that aspires to elevate morality
C. will have difficulty
D. stamp out prostitution

CA: STAMPING out prostitution

A. He is living in this country
B. ever since he came
C. but he makes no
D. attempt to speak our language

CA: he makes no (DELETE BUT)

A. Some doubt about the state of truth of those who do not share their faith,
B. but they leniently tolerate the situation
C. even if they are hinder
D. the motives of others.

CA: even if they hinder (DELETE ARE)

A. Human beings
B. have this natural inclination
C. for fending off lonely, exile, and death
D. by dressing up the passing moment as a miracle

CA: for fending off LONILINESS, exile, and death

A. Costing more than $40 million and grossing $20 million in the first two weeks,
B. Pinocchio is one of the most expensive film
C. Made in Italy
D. To help put Rome back to the filmmakers’ maps

CA: B. Pinocchio is one of the most expensive FILMS

A. Oil prices have shaping the world economy for many years
B. but the emergence of the New Economy and the rise of service industries
C. have supposedly made oil
D. increasingly less vital to economic growth.

CA: Oil prices have BEEN shaping the world economy for many years

A. The movie we have seen
B. is a precision-carved jigsaw puzzle
C. that it took us inside the head
D. of a deeply disturbed, isolated schizophrenic man.

CA: that took us inside the head (DELETE IT)

A. The most popular alumnae
B. of a barangay high school
C. is now serving as president
D. of a well-known state university in manila

CA: A. The most popular ALUMNA

A. As of January 2003,
B. Okinawa has the highest proportion of centenarians in the world
C. but its ranking of male life expectancy
D. fell into first rank in 1985 to fourth rank in 1995.

CA: fell FROM first rank in 1985 to fourth rank in 1995.

A. Any government
B. should implement certain policies
C. which would cater to the economic, political, moral,
D. and the social needs of the nation.

CA: THAT would cater to the economic, political, moral,

A. The indication
B. of social distinct
C. or the credibility of a piece of information
D. can lead to interesting state of perplexity.


a. Many medications are safe and effective when taken alone
b. and ineffective or counterproductive
c. when taken in combination
d. with something else

CA: BUT ineffective or counterproductive

a. Outside of written records,
b. evidence of Philistine’s existence
c. have survived
d. in pottery relics

CA: HAS survived

a. The obligations of the accountant to the client
b. related upon the agreed scope
c. of the engagement which
d. in effect represents a contractual agreement

CA: in effect REPRESENT a contractual agreement

a. The man
b. gives an antidote so powerful
c. that any poison was made harmless
d. after taking it


a. I bought some
b. silver charming Victorian
c. ornaments
d. at the flea market


a. The tale that was told
b. in a low and mystery voice
c. kept us on the
d. edge of seats

CA: in a low and MYSTERIOUS voice

a. Researchers are learning to detect changes
b. beyond the huge population
c. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and other microbes
d. that thrive in the mouth

CA: that THRIVES in the mouth

a. Sit cramped
b. for a very long period of time
c. in dry conditions
d. can affect our circulatory system


a. You are not always in control
b. of what goes in your mind
c. because only you can determine
d. what stays there

CA: BUT only you can determine

a. The Philippines
b. has accomodations
c. to suit everyone
d. from live-star hotels to simple hotels


a. As a mode of expository writing
b. the narrated writing offers writers
c. a chance to think and write
d. about themselves

CA: NARRATIVE writing offers writers

a. The novel was so popular
b. among teenagers
c. to a point that a movie was made
d. based from the story

CA: that a movie was made

a. Oncologists are doctors
b. who specialize
c. in treating
d. the cancer

CA: A cancer

a. To skip meal
b. maximizes
c. the caloric effect
d. of the food we eat


a. Wallow in disappointment
b. over something
c. you did
d. is not productive

CA: WALLOWING in disappointment

a. The majority of scientific evidence
b. showed that, for a healthy adult
c. moderate quantities of caffeine
d. pose no significant in health risk

CA: pose no SIGNIFICANCE in health risk

a. In 1964,
b. the African countries of Tanganyaki and Zanziban
c. has united to form
d. a single country, now called Tanzania

CA: HAVE united to form

a. The Gleaning Network,
b. an organizer in the United Kingdom
c. is trying to reduce waste
d. and solve farming problem

CA: and solve farming PROBLEMS

a. In many cities around the world
b. the number of homeless people
c. have become
d. a big problem

CA: HAS become

a. A team led by the government agency concerned
b. say that chemicals from the factory
c. had contaminated sediment in the bay
d. and entered the food chain

CA: SAYS that chemicals from the factory

a. You should make sure
b. your body has get
c. the necessary vitamins and minerals
d. humans need

CA: your body GETS

a. It is often said that
b. lightning never strike twice
c. in the same place
d. but this isn’t true

CA: lightning never STRIKES twice

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