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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT G3CS Sehame om TTI] {] ] Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2018 Database Management Systems ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question fr ute sdule-t 1a. Discuss the main characteristies oF the database approach and he raditional file systems. (04 storks 'b. Describe the three~ schema architecture. Why do we need map@ines amdiie schema levels? (OU Marks 6. Discuss various components ofa DBMS, with a neat dia (os Marts) or 2a, Define an Entity and Attribute. Explain the different type@gcacPBites that occur in an ER — diagram model, with an example (Go Marks) b. Draw an ER — diagram of an Airline reservation Tag into account at least five ‘entities, Indicate all keys, constraints and ass made. do starksy 3a. Explain the data types available for atributd in SQL. (04 Meares) 'b. Explain briefly violations in ent taint, Key and referential integrity constraints, with example. (0s ntarksy 6. Consider the following RESORT RESORT (resorino, resorinamess in ascending order by firsiname. “6 Marks) oR 4a. Explain pow pecified in SQL during table creation, with suitable example. (04 Meeks) b. Consider sBeatlo lations for a database that Keeps track of student encoliment in ceourses ‘adopted for each course (06 Marks) SSn. Nic, Major, bdate) yarseno, Came. dept) - Courseno, Quarter, grade) YON (Courseno, Quarter, book_isbn) i < title, Publisher, Author, following queries in relational algebra on the database schema ist the number of courses taken by al students named John Smith in winter 2009 (ie. 'Wos). roduc a list of text books (include courseno, book_isbn, book_tile) for courses offered the *CS* department that have used more than two books. hi) List any department that has al its adopted books published by *Peatson* publishing Give an example of mapping of generalization or specialization into relation schemas. (6 Marks Lots BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT isc! 5 a. Discuss how each of the following constructs used in SQL and discuss the varidoption foreach construct “ i) Nested Queries ii) Aggregate functions iii) Triggers iv) Views and th uupdatablity v) Schema change statements vi) Group by and havi 'b. Draw and explain 3 — tier Architecture and technology relevant advantages of 3 ~ ter architecture. What is CGI? Why was CGI introduced? What are the disady using COI (04 Marks) oR 6% What is Dynamic SQL and how is it different from Embegd@ Si (os starts) 'b. What is SQL J and how is it different from JDBC? (ot Maris) €. Consider the following company database = EMP (Name, Ssn , Salary, Superssn, dno) DEPT (dnum, dname, mgrssn) DEPT LOC (dium, dlocation) PROJECT (Pname, Prumber, Plocation, dnuy WORKS ON (Essn, Pno, Hours) DEPENDENT (Essn, dept_name, sex) Write SQL queries for the following 1) Retrieve the names of all emplo, the department that has the employee ‘with the highest salary among all eyfploves fi) Retrieve the namies of employ ae atleast 10,000 more than the employee whe is paid the least in the compan fii) A view that has the e aOR pervisor name and employee salary for each ‘employee who works in the lepartment. iv) A view that has thegprdjegdiamdy controlling department name, number of employees and total hours worked) per the project for each project with more than one employee working on’ (08 Marks) Modute-4 iu red bad? es, (04 Mark) b, Jency. Explain fourth normal foem, with an example. (06 Marks) e lation R= {A. B.C, D.B,F.G, H, 1.3} and the set of funetional B) {C}. {A} {DLE}. (BF) AF) 1G. H}. (DIET) Ecompose R into 2NF and then 3NF relations. (06 Marks) oR 8 a.g Define Non ~ additive join property of a decomposition and write an algorithm of testing for 10n = additive join propery. (oe mack) at R(A, C, D. E, H) satisfies the following FDs : AC, AC+D,E— AD. E— Ht ‘the Canonical cover for this set of FD, (06 Maris) \der two set of functional dependencies = {A> C,AC—+D,E— AD, EH} and G= {A+ CDE AH} re they equivalent? 06 Marks) 2o0f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Go green Modute-5 Discuss ACID properties ofa database transaction rks) "Explain transaction support in SQL. « {¢._ Discuss the UNDO and REDO operations and the recovery techniques that use each, oagpores, oR 10 a, What is ovo ~ phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serial (ot Marks) bb. What is Serializability? How can serializability be ensu to restrict ‘concurrent execution of transaction to ensure serializability? JugiTy yourgaswer (6 Marky e. Discuss the time ~ stamp ordering protocol for eoncurrene, (06 Marks) > S @ S +» « 30f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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