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Laudato Si’, a Central Italian for ‘Praise Be to You’, a second encyclical letter of Pope Francis with a

subtitle “On care of our home’. The historic and first encyclical on the environment devoted entirely into
ecological awareness, related social justice issues, and engagement of church’s with such urgent
challenges as climate change, environmental degradation, and the fate of the poor.

It is a worldwide wake up call to help humanity understand the destruction that man is rendering to the
environment and his fellow men. The rise of economy and advancement of technology with a view of
profit; without concern for its potentially negative impact on human beings.

The world or earth itself is a gift from our Creator. A place of paradise could call in, it provides and caters
our humanly needs. Supplies food, shelter, air, water and basically everything that needs to survive. But
still as man are not contented; they seek and discovers the world with all of its benefits and resources.

Man have abused and destroyed everything on earths natural biodiversity and environment in many
crucial ways; agriculture by using pesticides and herbicides, cyanide or dynamic fishing that destroys
coral reefs and marines life, oil and manufacturing industries, mining and transportation. That leads to
climate change and global warming the adverse effects on earth.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, tsunami and other disasters are natural processes. Thus, are natural
influences by somewhat of human activities. Effects areas of vulnerable population in which result into
disasters. Natural Disaster that may causes Loss of Life or damage to property.

In my cautious mind, since we only have one planet to live on, we need to start to invest in the
environment and save it for all of our generations to come. Teaching our young ones the importance of
being alert, protective and responsive into the environments rehabilitation. Saving Mother Earth, we are
indeed making a small contribution; such as plant trees or recycling. Small actions of change by several
people make big changes on a whole. I hope you will be inspired to do your part on helping to save our

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