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Ma. Elaine S.

Visco October 23, 2019

E1 Ma’am Liwliwa Malabed


‘Bright After Night’, is a painting that was canvassed by Binong Javier recently

this year. It was canvassed with acrylic that is why the artwork looked very shiny and

rough. About the painting, we can see the roughness of the painting by just looking at it.

The acrylic paint was dabbed in a form of droplets, making it buldgy. And the droplets

only had one direction, and it was downwards. Another thing that I noticed about the

painting was the change of colors from top to bottom, as if making the painting a

monochromatic effect.

I chose this painting because the colors really caught my attention. At first, I was

a bit confused about the orientation of the colors and what it wanted to portray. As I got

closer and read the title of the artwork, ‘Bright After Night’, that is when I understood

the representations of the colors. The darker part might represent the night itself, and

the colorful and brighter part, represents the brightness after the night. This is when I

realized how each color can represent a certain object. That each shade, brightness or

dullness of a color can change the mood, theme, or representation of objects. This is

how powerful colors could be, that by just a drop of paint, the colors of the paint will give

the artwork life, and can give it a story.

Another element that I noticed in the painting was its texture. But we were not

allowed to touch the painting, I observed the texture through visual representation. And
by the looks of the droplet-like dabs of paint, it created a buldgy effect that looked like it

had a rough texture on it.

Last thing I noticed about the painting, was the orientation of the colors and its

meaning. ‘Bright After Night’ was the perfect title for this painting, since after the night

comes the brightness of the Sun, which symbolizes a new beginning, that a new day will

start and another day to live your life to the fullest. I noticed that there were two artworks

like this and with the same author and title of the painting. I believe that the author

wanted to show the monochromatic effect of the colors and at the same time, portray

the bright after night. It is very peaceful looking because of the balance of colors, and

the direction of the droplets. The droplets are moving to the brighter spectrum

symbolizing that no matter how dark it could be at night, there will always be a tomorrow

when the Sun will shine bright and a new day will start.

With this artwork, I would like to relate it with some certain aspects- as a student

and a worker. As a student, this could be related to the hardships a student has or have

been experiencing because of the continuous requirements that needs to be done.

Through the years, I have experienced and learned a lot from school and that it helped

me grow a lot as a person. But of course, I had my ups and downs, and this is how I can

represent my student life to this painting. As if during at night, it represents my

hardships and the temptations I have when studying or doing something productive

especially for school and the several sleepless nights I have experienced. But come

think of it, the brighter spectrum shows that there is a brighter future ahead of me. There

will always be a rainbow after the storm, the bright after night. and that every hardship

comes with a good price as long as you believe it would.

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