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geneto geneto urinary

hepatic veins and the IVC

adrenal gland and renal artery
renal hilum renal vein

aorta kidney ureter

iliac crest urinary bladder
rectum urethra are (some) of the parts
of GUTs Anatomy

prostate glands testicles

and epidydimis
fallopian tubes uterus
the ovaries and vagina too

filters blood and removes unwanted junk

for excretion of cellular wastes
for regulation of our blood volume
these are the functions

geneto geneto urinary

if you neglect your body
UTI kidney stones and renal failure
Prostatitis too

Geneto geneto urinary

Here are some tips to stay healthy
Avoid drinking alcohol and citrus juice
Avoid smoking too

drink your water, avoid junk foods

to prevent diseases (prevent diseases)
wipe from front to back
skip the douche
always wear the right underwear

now you are, are aware of the diseases

and how to avoid them all

always remember these to stay healthy

that’s the geneto
that’s the geneto
that’s the GU tract

geneto geneto urinary

geneto geneto urinary
geneto geneto urinary


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