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Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .

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Generator Relay Protection

Setting List
Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo

Digsi Version 4.9

Parameter set version V04.61.01

Rev B Updated the generated output ratings & reactance values, Relay Settings

SIEMENS Prepared Approved Order No.

INDUSTRIAL TURBOMACHINERY AB Rajinish Krishnappa Hakkan Frid BD000551

Project Doc. No. Rev. Ind. Date
Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo E1B100091276 B 2018-04-15
Project: Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls Page 2 of 10
Order No.: BD000551


Generator system data1 and transformer system data1

ALF = Accuracy limiting factor, current transformer protection core
Ipct = Rated primary current, current transformer protection core
Isct = Rated secondary current, current transformer protection core
Snct= Rated burden, current transformer protection core
Snvt= Rated burden, voltage transformer star – star and star-delta windings
S1= side 1 - Line side
S2= side 2 - Generator neutral side
STRPNT OBJ= Star point of the object (generator or transformer)
Upvt= Rated primary line voltage, voltage transformer star–star winding
Usvt = Rated secondary line voltage, voltage transformer star–star winding
Udelta= Rated secondary voltage, voltage transformer star – open delta winding

Protection functions
I2 = Negative sequence current in primary value
I2perm= Permissible negative sequence current in primary value
Ibn= Nominal boundary current, thermal overload, primary value
IN= Rated generator current in primary value
IN_MACH = Generator nominal current in primary value
INprim = Primary nominal current, current transformer
Irg = Rated primary generator current
K= Asymmetrical factor (generator constant) at I2/IN = 1
Kprim= Asymmetrical factor (generator constant) at I2/IN = 1in primary value
Ksec= Asymmetrical factor (generator constant) at I2/IN = 1in secondary value
Pbn= Nominal boundary power, thermal overload, primary value
PMach= Generator reverse power corresponding to setting value
Preverse= Generator reverse power, primary value
Psec= Generator secondary power corresponding to setting value
SN= Generator Nominal apparent power , primary value
SNsec= Generator secondary nominal power
SN_tr= Step-up transformer nominal power
Srg= Generator rated power
Tcool-down= Time required by the generator to cool down under admissible unbalanced load I2>
to the initial value.
Ue= Generator neutral point displacement voltage in Siprotec relay
Uk= Step-up transformer short circuit impedance
UN_MACH = Generator nominal line voltage in primary value
UNprim= Primary Nominal Voltage, voltage transformer
UN_tr= Primary or secondary Nominal Voltage, step-up transformer
Urg= Rated primary generator line voltage
Xdsec= Generator synchronous direct reactance in secondary value

Digsi is the software in which parameter values for relay protection are programmed.
The digsi file is loaded to relay protection, Siprotec 7UM6211 (sub 1 &2).
With the help of the digsi no., it is easier to enter the parameter values in digsi software.

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
Project: Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls Page 3 of 10
Order No.: BD000551

Relay Protection Settings

N/A=Not Applicable

Digsi No. Manufacturer: Siemens
Rated Voltage, U rg 0251 11,5 kV ± 5 % GeneratorType 1DS2093-7AF02-Z B
Rated apparent power, S rg 0252 65,7 MVA Digsi No.
Rated current, I rg N/A 3298 A Exciter Type 1JG3804-7HU06-Z
Rated Frequency, f rg 0270 50 Hz ± 2 % Exciter Output (Main exciter) N/A 160 kVA
Power Factor (PF) over excited N/A 0,85 Excitation Voltage (Aux AC exciter) N/A 67,2 VDC
Power Factor (PF) under excited N/A 0,95 Excitation Current (Aux AC exciter) N/A 14,3 ADC
Rated Speed, n N/A 1500 rpm

Reactance Xd direct axis reactance N/A 195 % (unsat) B 174,3 % (sat) Time constants
Reactance X 'd direct axis transient reactance N/A 39,3 % (unsat) B 25,4 % (sat) Td' - direct axis SC transient N/A 0,637 s B
Reactance X '' d direct axis subtransient reactance N/A 22,0 % (unsat) B 15,2 % (sat) Td'' - direct axis SC subtransient N/A 0,015 s B
Reactance X0 zero sequence reactance N/A 7,3 % (sat) Td' 0 - direct axis OC transient N/A 4,29 s B
Reactance X2 negative sequence reactance N/A 15,1 % (sat) Ta - armature short-circuit N/A 0,311 s B

Ambient Temp
Max. cont. negative sequence current I 2 N/A 8,0% % (°C) Output (kW) Ibn Current (A) Comments (Implemented in GT Control System)
2 B In the technical specification a graph shows output
Fault condition capability (I 2 /I n) xt N/A 20,0 s -10 58500 3455
power at PF 0,85 versus temperature. From this
0 58500 3455 B
graph five values are picked. The current values are
B used for the thermal protection.
Siemens CT data side1 (line side) & Note:
side 2 (neutral side): Type 5P30 10 58500 3455 Thermal Overload protection (ANSI 49) is
implemented in Simatic Control System
Snct 10 VA 30 55250 3263 B
P bn ( MW ) ≥ 1000
40 49500 2924 B I bn <
U ( kV ) ≥ 3 ≥ 0 ,85
Ipct>0,75xIrg= 0,82 Ipct 0202 / 0211 4000 A 45 46500 2746 B

Time Constant
CT Ratio= NCTR 4000 Is ct 0203 / 0212 1 A Cooling 25 min
ALF 30
Angle 0204 0 Degree
CT ratio
prim / sec - Iee1 0205 1
CT ratio
prim / sec - Iee2 0213 1 CH1
CT ratio
prim / sec - Iee2 0213 1 CH2

Siemens VT data line side: Type N/A Cl:0,2/3P

Snvt N/A 30/100 VA
Ue (V)settings= 60,4 UPVT N/A 11,5 / ∏3 kV 0201 STRPNT->OBJ S1= YES HIGS
N VTR = VT ratio = 104,55 USVT N/A 110 / ∏3 V 0210 STRPNT->OBJ S2= YES
UDELTA N/A 110 /3 V
Class N/A 0,2 0242 STRPNT->OBJ S1= ISOLATED
Digsi No. 0244 STRPNT->OBJ S2= ISOLATED High resistance grounding (Resistor)
Rated Primary
line voltage 0221 11,5 kV
Rated Secondary
line voltage 0222 110 V 0271 Phase Sequence= ABC
0224 0,0
0224 60,4 0272 Schema configuration= Unit transformer connected
Connection 0223 Connected 0274A Storage of thermal replica w/o power supply = No
0225A 1,73 0276 Unit of temperature measurement= Celsius

0280 Minimum Trip CMD duration= 0,5sec

0281 Closed GCB minimum threshold current= 0,04A

0295 Transducer 1=10V

0296 Transducer 2=10V
0297 Transducer 3=with filter

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
Project: Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo Page 4 of 10
Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

51V Voltage Restraint Inverse Time O/C I>+U<, t=f(I)

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Rev. Remark
secondary 1402 I p > = 1,52 x I rg 1,24 A Ip Pickup (secondary value)
T Ip >
Overcurrent secondary 1403 0,20 s T Ip Time Dial
I> 1405 IEC CURVE Normal Inv. IEC curve
U< 1407 VOLT. INFLUENCE Volt. Restraint Voltage Influence
N/A 1408 U< = 0,85x Us VT = 93,5 V U< Threshold for Release Ip

46 Unbalanced Load (Negative Sequence) I2>, t=f(I2)

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
2 primary 1702 I 2 > / I rg = 8,0% % Cont.permissible negative current
∑ I rg ⌡
Negative KSec < K prim   < primary 1703 T warn .= 20 s Warning Stage Time Delay
sequence or I  secondary 1704 Factor K sec .= K : Negative sequence factor
 p CT  primary/
13,6 s

Unbalanced load K secondary 1705 T cool-down = 3125 s Time for cooling down
Tcool _ down <
I2>, t=f(I2) ∋I 2 perm I N (2 primary
1706 I 2 >> = 59,4% % I 2>>: Definite time trip level

(46) secondary 1707 T I2 >> = 3,00 s

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
Project: Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo Page 5 of 10
Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

87G Differential Protection Idiff>

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
Idiff secondary I- DIFF >
Differential 2021 0,10 I / Ino B Pickup Value of Differential Curr.
Idiff > secondary 2026A T I- DIFF > 0,00 s
I- DIFF >> = 1,05/X' d =
secondary 2031 4,1 I / Ino B Pickup Value of High Set Trip
T I- DIFF >>
(87G) secondary 2036A 0,00 s
Characteristic secondary 2041A SLOPE 1 0,25 Slope 1 of Tripping Characteristic
secondary 2042A BASE POINT 1 0,00 I / Ino Base Point for Slope 1 of Charac.
secondary 2043A SLOPE 2 0,5 Slope 2 of Tripping Characteristic
secondary 2044A BASE POINT 2 2,50 I / Ino Base Point for Slope 2 of Charac.
secondary 2051A I-REST. STARTUP 0,1 I / Ino I-RESTRAINT for Start Detection
secondary 2052A START-FACTOR 2,0 Factor for Increasing of Ch. at start
secondary 2053 T START MAX 5,0 s Maximum Permiss. Starting Time
secondary 2061A I-ADD ON STAB. 4,00 I / Ino Pickup for Add-on Stabilization
secondary 2062A T ADD ON-STAB. 15 Cycle Duration of Add-on Stabilization
secondary 2063A CROSSB. ADD ON 15 Cycle Time for Cross-block.Add-on Stabiliz.

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
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Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

40 Under Excit. Protection (Loss of Field) Φ<

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
primary 3002 1/X d CHAR.1= 0,55 B
1,05 Irg Upvt primary/
Char1 < x x
Under Xdgen Urg Ipct Char.1 secondary 3003 φ1 = 74 º B
primary/ Characteristic 1 and 2 are forming the limit
excitation secondary 3004 t1= 1,5 s for allowed underexcitation.
Φ< Calculated value : SecondaryPrimary primary 3005 1/X d CHAR.2 = 0,42
primary/ Xd=1,xx is based on manufactures
(40) 1/Xd CHAR.1= 0,45 0,55 Char.2 secondary 3006 φ2 = 90 º machine specification.
1/Xd CHAR.2= 0,35 0,42 secondary 3007 t2= 1,5 s
1/Xd CHAR.3= 0,99 primary 3008 1/X d CHAR.3 ≥ 1 (primary) 0,99 B
Characteristic 3 adapts to the generators
Char.3 secondary 3009 φ3 = < 80º-110º> 90 º
dynamic stability limit
secondary 3010 t3= 0,3 s

State of excitation voltage supervision

3012 Excitation voltage OFF

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
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Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

32R Reverse Power Protection P<

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
N/A P>reverse= -1%xSrg= -657 kW
Reverse P P U rg I rg secondary 3102 P>reverse Pickup = -0,82% %
Setting< s ec < reverse x x primary/
power S N sec S rg U pvt I pct secondary 3103 T-SV-OPEN long= 10,00 s
P< N/A 3104 T-SV-CLOSED Short= 1,00 s
(32R) secondary 3105A T-HOLD= 1 s

27 Undervoltage Protection U<

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
Setting: 84% of the Urg secondary 4002 U ′ pick up= 0,84xU rg 92,4 V Gen. breaker trip value-first stage
secondary N/A U ′ pick up= ph-gn 53,3 V
Undervoltage secondary 4003 T U< = 2,00 s Trips after 2 sec
U< Setting: 65% of the Urg secondary 4004 U<< = 0,65xU rg 71,5 V Gen. breaker trip value-second stage
secondary N/A U<< = ph-gn 41,3 V
secondary 4005 T U<< = 0,5 s Trips after 0,5 sec
(27) secondary 4006A DOUT Ratio = 1,05 U<, U<< drop out ratio

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
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Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

59 Overvoltage Protection U>

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
Setting: 115% of the Urg secondary 4102 U ≥ pick up= 1,15xU rg 126,5 V Gen. breaker trip value-first stage
Overvoltage secondary 4103 T U> = 2,00 s Trips after 2 sec
U> Setting: 130% of the Urg secondary 4104 U >> = 1,30xU rg 143,0 V Gen. breaker trip value-second stage
secondary 4105 T U>> = 0,00 s Trips immediately
(59) secondary 4106A DOUT Ratio = 0,98 U>, U>> drop out ratio
4107A Measurement values U-ph-ph

24 Overexcitation Protection U/f>

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
V/f overexcit. secondary 4302 U/f > 1,08 B U/f > Pickup
Overexcitation secondary 4303 T U/f > 10,00 s B T U/f > Time Delay
U/f> secondary 4304 U/f >> 1,40 B U/f >> Pickup
V/Hz> secondary
primary/ 4305 T U/f >> 0,01 s B T U/f >> Time Delay
(24) Characteristic secondary 4306 t(U/f=1.05) 20000,00 s B U/f = 1.05 Time Delay
secondary 4307 t(U/f=1.10) 350,00 s B U/f = 1.10 Time Delay
secondary 4308 t(U/f=1.15) 200,00 s B U/f = 1.15 Time Delay
secondary 4309 t(U/f=1.20) 50,00 s B U/f = 1.20 Time Delay
secondary 4310 t(U/f=1.25) 30,00 s B U/f = 1.25 Time Delay
secondary 4311 t(U/f=1.30) 10,00 s B U/f = 1.30 Time Delay
secondary 4312 t(U/f=1.35) 5,00 s B U/f = 1.35 Time Delay
secondary 4313 t(U/f=1.40) 1,00 s B U/f = 1.40 Time Delay
secondary 4314 T COOL DOWN 3600,00 s B Time for Cooling Down

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
Project: Cogeneración CPSA Lujan de Cuyo Page 9 of 10
Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

59N Neutral Voltage (95% Stator Earth Fault) UN>

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark

95% Stator earth Setting: 5% of the full displacement voltage. secondary 5002 U o ≥ 0,05xU delta = 5,50 V B
primary/ Setting value given in secondary
fault or secondary 5005 T S/E/F time delay = 0,5 s value. Connected to the broken delta
Neutral Voltage winding of the voltage transformers on
UN> the stator terminal side of the
(59N) generator.

27/59TN Neutral Voltage (100% Stator Earth Fault) UN>

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark
100% Stator earth Voltage level of 3rd harmonic to be measured during 5201 SEF 3rd Harm. ON Stator earth fault protection 3rd harm.
fault 3rd harmonic or commissioning secondary N/A U0 3.Harm< Pickup= V U0 3rd Harmonic < Pickup
Neutral Voltage 1 pu active power primary test secondary 5203 U0 3.Harm> Pickup= 1,2 V U0 3rd Harmonic > Pickup at full load
UN> Open delta measurement secondary 5204 T SEF 3.Harm= 5 s B T SEF 3rd Harmonic Time Delay
(27TN) primary 5205 P min> 40 % Release Thershold Pmin>
primary 5206 U1 min> 80 % Release Thershold U1min>
2(U 3H 1 , U 3H 2) primary/
U 03 rd _ corr < , address5207
100% secondary 5207 U0.3.H(V/100%) 0,0 Correction factor for Pickup calculated
from primary test measured values

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid
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Order No.: BD000551 Generator Protection Settings _E1B100091276_B .xls

Generator relay protection 7UM621-CH1&2

ANSI Relay Protection Type IEC

49 Thermal overload Ith> Implemented in GT control System

Relay function Setting formula Step,type Settings Remark
Factor 1,05 - Addition for 5% voltage swing
Rev Temperature
Gen Cool Air The generator is designed to manage an
The current limit at different temperatures is put into a Temperature Output Ibn voltage change +/- 5% with unchanged
graph in the control system. Five points, current limit,
Thermal Overload ºC ºC kW A load. So the current limit is allowed to
cooling temperature, is sufficient to create a graph
Ith> B -10 5 58500 3455 increase 5% and Ibn is multiplied with 1.05.
detailed enough for all different generators. The nominal
(49) B 0 15 58500 3455 This current limit is supervised in the
current limit Ibn is calculated from the manufacturer,
Automatic Voltage Regulator controller,
power limit, cooling temperature, graph with the following B 10 25 58500 3455
formula. B 30 45 55250 3263
B 45 60 46500 2746 Rev B : Added Gen Coole Air temp Data

P bn ( MW ) ≥ 1000

Time Constant
I bn Heating/
U ( kV ) ≥ 3 ≥ 0 ,85 Cooling 25 min

The control system graph gives the nominal current limit

Ibn at the actual generator cooling temperature. The Factor 1,02 - Addition for selectivity with
actual cooling temperature is meassured in the cooling the AVR
air outlet in the generator. This nominal current limit Ibn The thermal protection must be selective
is multiplied in the control system with two correction to the AVR limit function and not cause
factors. false alarms.
Ib = 1,05 x 1,02 x Ibn = 1.07 x Ibn. So the limit current is multiplied with a
selectivity factor of 1.02.

External Trips
Relay function Setting formula Step,type Values Digsi No Settings Remark

50ARC Arc Protection HIGS External trip 1 BI3 Trip GCB.FCB & GT
secondary 8602 Ext. Trip1 Time delay 0,00 s

Prepared: Rajnish Krishnappa

Checked: Annalingam P
Approved: Håkan Frid

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