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Nurul Atiqah Najmina Binti Zulhijar (1620244 – Section 14) (011-19247062)


Islam and its believers had created a civilization that played very important role in changing
the world for more than a millennium. Civilization is an advanced state of human society in
terms of intellectual, cultural and material development that is marked by the progress in the
arts and sciences, combined with an advanced state of moral conduct and the appearance of
complex political and social institutions. One of the most important specific qualities of
Islamic civilization is that it is a well-balanced civilization that combines together science
and religion and does not separate this world from the Hereafter. This paper discusses one of
the most important and prominent civilization ever exists in the history of Islam which is the
Abbasid Caliphate. The Abbasid Caliphate was the third Islamic caliphate to rule after the fall
of Umayyad. The caliphate was named after Prophet Muhammad's uncle, Abbas ibn Abdul-
Muttalib. It was one of the longest and largest Islamic empires that have ever ruled in history.
The caliphate oversaw the Golden Age of Islam, a period where Islamic civilization was at its
peak and contributed many great achievements in the economic, intellectual, political and
social areas which left lasting impacts that are still felt around the world today. This paper
brought forward some of these impacts that this civilization brought to this world and also
discusses the lessons that Muslims nowadays should learn from the fall of this once great
empire in order to make improvements towards the current condition of Muslims all around
the world.


1. Introduction
2. Abbasid Revolution
3. Abbasid’s Rise to Power
4. The Golden Age of Islam
5. Abbasid Society and Culture
6. Decline and Disintegration
7. Mongol Invasion
8. Causes of Downfall
9. The Aftermath
10. Conclusion

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