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CUSTOMER : Bright Eternity Tranding Co., Ltd

Trang 1


I.NOTE: .................................................................................................................................... 3 
II. OPERATION GIUDE ........................................................................................................ 4 
1.  MSB CABINET: ........................................................................................................... 4 
III. MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................. 8 

Trang 2

The operator must be trained electrical panel and master the equipment
operation, understand the principle of operation of the pump and electrical
cabinets, handling these common problems. Know the safety operations when
operating to avoid danger to people and equipment.
When opening and closing the switch (ACB, MCCB, MCB ..), the
operator should pay attention to the right hand dry, not wet or greasy to avoid
hand slipping, electrical discharge when switching on, causing serious accidents
unfortunately happen.
Before operating, it is necessary to check that the entire electrical cabinet
system is operational.
Check the insulation of the cabinet by meter before going into operation.

Trang 3


Step 1:
Check cooled cabinets: check circuit measurement, insulation of the cabinet,
check the operation of the ATS cold. All ACB and MCCB are in Off mode.
Make sure everything works well.
Next, power the switchboard, by connecting the power grid to ACB1 and the
power cable from Generator to the terminal of ACB2. In the automatic
operating state, the cabinet prioritizes using the grid source, so after turning on
the power, the operator observes the status lights of phase R, S, T on the outside
of the electrical panel on the side of the grid. No, if the indicator light is on, the
refrigerator is powered. If not lit check the fuse or power supply cabinets.
Step 2:
After powering the cabinet, check the overall.
Step 3. Operation ATS (automatic transfer switch):

- Charge button: Charging button for ACB.

- Close button: Close button ACB.
- Shunt trip button: ACB stop button.
-Auto- Off-Man: switch 3 positions.
- Mains- Gen: Switching 2 positions.

Trang 4

Automatic operation (AUTO): in automatic operation mode (Auto)

switches the switch 3 positions in front of the cabinet to the Auto position.
+ In normal state, with power supply from grid, phase indicator light
Grid, the ATS will automatically switch to use the grid source and energize at
the grid side ATS to supply power to the output load branch.
+ When there is a loss of power supply from the grid or there is a
problem, the generator automatically explodes to supply power to ATS, the
indicator light on the generator side lights up. The ATS then automatically
switches to the Generator source and energizes the ATS on the generator side to
power the output load arm.
+ When power grid back or the problem is overcome, whereas light
phase RST the Nets morning, ATS automatically disconnect the
transmitter and move to close the grid, using power grid back to power
output load .
+ When there is a fire, the ATS still works normally. However, MCCB
(630A, Q4) of the non-priority load branches is brought to OFF, then ATS only
supplies priority loads. When the fire alarm signal is lost, MCCB is
automatically ON again to provide power for the loads..

+ In the event of a malfunction, the operator should carefully examine the

cause of the problem and troubleshoot and handle it before re-energizing it
Manual operation mode (Manual) : in manual operation mode
(Manual) switches the switch 3 positions at the front of the cabinet to the Man
+ Use the source grid: when grid light phase the grid bright, brushed
switch 2 positions "Mains-Gen" to position Mains while load is powered from
the grid, when the load is powered, the light phase side light load.
Trang 5

+ Use source generators: Recommended generator by hand, when

the generator started up, the light phase side glow, then brushed switch 2
positions "Mains-Gen" to position Gen then load powered from the
transmitter, when the load is powered, the RST phase indicator light on
the load side.
Daily staff should regularly check with the regime 1 time / day to
consider the following status:
+ Phase headlights do not light up evenly
+ In case of ACB's total cut due to incidents, it is necessary to check the
cause before re-establishing, or contact the manufacturer in time for timely

Step 4 :. Operation capacitor bank :

Every day, duty staff should regularly check with the regime 1 time
/ day, considering the following status:
+ The MCCB is in a closed state.
+ The signal light on the capacitor bank controller must be coupled
with the closing status on the contactor.
+ If the switch is in the fault state, it is necessary to check the cause
before re-operating.
+ Coefficient ø, shown on the controller must be regularly greater than
+ Note the abnormal signals shown on the controller:
. Activities at all levels, bright lights indicate that all levels are in
. U.C: load falls below operational threshold
. Input: signal of automatic closing level
. O.V: voltage exceeds 440V
Trang 6

. Cut: automatic level cut signal.

Step 5:
If you want to interrupt the cabinet then turn off the load to Aptomat
Aptomat from total.
Step 6:
End of operation process. Clean, clean cabinet dust.

Trang 7


Kiểm tra và bảo dưỡng tủ điện:
- Kiểm tra hàng ngày.
Trước khi vận hành cần kiểm tra lại tủ điện có bất kỳ hiện tượng bất thường
nào hay không, kiểm tra lại hệ thống đèn tín hiệu phải hoạt động bình thường.
- Kiểm tra hàng tháng.
Kiểm tra lại toàn bộ thiết bị điện xem có hiện tượng bất thường, đèn tín hiệu,
chức năng tủ điện. Phải đảm bảo các thiết bị hoạt động bình thường không gây
mất an toàn cho hệ thống khi vận hành.
- Lập sổ theo dõi vận hành tủ điện.
Khi vận hành phải lập sổ theo dõi thường xuyên, ghi đầy đủ các thông số vận
hành, các lần bảo dưỡng định kỳ, các sự cố xảy ra, nguyên nhân và cách khắc
-Lưu ý khi vận hành và bảo quản.
Kiểm tra thường xuyên hàng tuần, hàng tháng, hàng năm tránh các sự cố về
điện xảy ra trong quá trình vận hành do để lâu không vận hành hoặc do điều
kiện ẩm ướt gây ra.

Trang 8

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