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Planning and Curriculum Goals

Submit 4 learning experience plan summaries, each plan will support a different developmental domain
from WMELS. Include the following information in each learning experience plan summary:

*For the remaining domain you will write and implement one full (long) activity plan.

Observation Domain Social

Name and type of learning experience All about me book

In 3-5 sentences, a description of the teacher’s role during the learning experience and what the
children will be doing.

I will present my book and let the children ask questions and or tell about their families. Once the book
is done, I will ask the children how many siblings do they have? What color is their hair? and what do
you like to do for fun?

In 2-4 sentences, explanation why the learning experience was chosen and how the activity supports
child development specific to the developmental domain.

Because the children have struggled to understand that we are all different, this will help them
understand that we are all different and even the teacher has a home. This also gives them the chance
to learn about the rest of the classroom and be a part of a discussion.

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