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Advanced Research Methods Assignment 2

What is Research Onion?

The following diagram above shows the Research Onion, the research onion is basically divided

in to six parts which are as follows




5.Time Horizons

6.Techniques and Procedures


The first layer or the most outer layer comprises of the philosophies stage, which consist of

Positivism ,Interpretive and realism. The Positive philosophy are scientific in nature and the core

objective behind the philosophy is a fact and the cause of behavior .Interpretivsim on the other

hand say that there are multiple realities and hence it may be difficult to distinguish one amongst

the two.


The next layer inside it are called the approaches layer which is again divided in to two parts

mainly the deductive and also the inductive approach, in the deductive approach where you need

to explain the relationship between the variables ,and generally it is more of quantitative data

based on facts and reasoning, inductive approach on the other hand emphasizes on gaining an

understanding first and then acting accordingly ,which is mainly qualitative in nature


Strategies on the other hand act as a tool for the collection of the data and it also ascertain

various ways of carrying out a research which includes the following tools which are
experimentation which is basically experimenting on whether the research conducted is true then

conducting the survey accordingly then case studies can also be used as vital strategy for

exploring and having an insight into various new ideas, action research can be defined as

studying various processes by introducing some new changes into these processes and then

studying the effects of these processes.


Next layer after strategies comes the choices layer in which there are three types of methods

which are the mono methods, mixed methods and the multi methods .In the mono methods the

when you are conducted a research the method of research can only be one either qualitative or

quantitative method, in mixed method both the qualitative as well as quantitative methods can be

used whereas in the multi methods the source of obtaining information can be from more than

one source

Time Horizons

In time Horizons basically there are two ways the longitudinal as well as the cross sectional time

horizons, in cross sectional time horizon the data for the research purpose are collected at one

time to be used for the purpose of research and in longitudinal is the exact opposite of it in which

the data is collected at various time to conduct the research purpose

Techniques and Procedures

The last or the most inner layer in the research onion is the techniques and procedures layer in

which the data collection and data analysis stage .In the data collection and data analysis stage

various forms of techniques can identified and the implemented so that the research can undergo

success such as caring out various interviews,surveys, apart from that the qualitative approach

and quantitative approach are also the techniques

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