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1. What is full form of BMP ?

Byte map
Bit map
Byte map process
Bit map process

2. What is meaning of FORTRAN ?

Formula train
Formula translation
Formula train network
Formula translation network

3. What is full form of ISDN ?

Integrated Services Digital Network
Integrated Services Double Network
Inter Services Digital Network
Integrated Server Digital Network

4. What is full form of PNG ?

Portable Natural Graphics
Portable Network Graph
Pretty Network Graphics
Portable Network Graphics

5. What is full form of ROM ?

Read other memcache
Read only memory
Read other memory
Read only memcache

6. What is full form of USB ?

Unicoded Smart Bus
Universal Smart Bus
Unicoded Serial Bus
Universal Serial Bus

7. In terms of network what is meaning of SAP ?

Smart Access Point
Service Access Point
Service At Point
Service Access Permission
8. What is full form of CSS ?
Creative Style Shots
Creative Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Shots

9.What is the full form of IC ?

Interrelated Circuit
Integrated Conductor
Integrated Conductor
Integrated Circuit

 10.What is full form of PDF ?

Printed Document Format
Public Document Format
Portable Document Format
Published Document Format

11.What is full form of CRT ?

Crystal Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Tube
Cabin Ray Tube
Carbon Ray Tube

12.What is full form of SOAP ?

Small Object Access Procedure
Simple Object Access Protocol
Simple Object Access Procedure
Small Object Access Protocol

13.What is full form of HTTP ?

High Text Transfer Protocol
Hyper Text Transfer Procedure
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Hyper Typo Transfer Protocol

 14.What is full form of ISP ?

Internet Service Provider
Internet Speed Provider
Intranet Service Provider
Internet Service Proceeder
15.What is full form of HTML ?
Hyper Text Magic Line
Hyper Text Markup Line
Hyper Text Markup Language
High Text Markup Language

16.What is full form of ISO ?

International Systems Organization
International Standard Ora
Indian Standard Organization
International Standard Organization

17.What is full form of CD ?

Carried Disk
Compact Disk
Carried Data
Compact Data

18.What is full form of VLSI ?

Very Low Scale Immunity
Very Low Scale Integrated
Very Large Scale Integrated
Very Large Scale Immunity

19.What is full form of MAC ?

Mass Access Control
Media Access Control
Mass Access Carraige
Media Access Carraige

20.What is full form of WWW ?

World Wide Web
World Whole Web
Web World Wide
Web World Whole

21.What is full form of FTP ?

Free Transfer Process
File Training Protocol
File Transfer Protocol
Free Transport Protocol
22.What is full form of Wi-Fi ?
Wireless Fidelity
Wired Fidelity
Wireless Focus
Wired Focus

 23.What is full form of IP ?

Intranet Process
Internet Process
Intranet Protocol
Internet Protocol

24.What is meaning of docx

Document copied and xeroxed
Document extended
Draft extended
Draft copied and xeroxed

25.What is full form of ASP ?

Active Service Process
Active Service Pages
Active Server Pages
None of above

26.What is full form of RTC ?

Real time clock
Real time check
Related to check
Related to clock

 27.What is full form of UDP ?

User Data Process
User Data Protocol
User Datagram Process
User Datagram Protocol

 28.What is full form of TCP ?

Transmission Centric Protocol
Transfer Control Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol
Transmission Control Process
29.What is full form of SQL ?
Straight Query Langauge
Structured Query Langauge
Structured Query Laison
Structured Query Linear

30. What is full form of WMV ?

Window Media Video
Write Media Video
Write Many Video
Write Media Visual

31.What is full form of XML ?

Extensible Meria Letters
Extensible Media Language
Xtensible Markup Language
Extensible Markup Language

32.What is full form ANSI ?

American Nation Standard Instruction Codes
American National Standards Institute
Asian National Standard Instruction Codes
Asian Nations Standard Instruction Codes

33.What is full form of ARP ?

Address resolution protocol
Allied resolution protocol
Address resolution process
Address rectification protocol

34.What is full form of ASCII ?

American Standard Code for Inked Information
American Standard Code for Information Inked
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Asian Standard Code for Information Interchange

35.What is full form of BASIC ?

Basic All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Intelligent Codes
Beginners Anti Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
36.What is full form of bps ?
Bytes Per Second
Bits Per Second
Bytes Pro Second
Bits Per Secure

37.What is full form of COMPUTER ?

Competent Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research
Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Electron and Research

 38.What is full form of DARPA ?

Digital Advance Research Project Agency
Digital Arithmetic Research Project Agency
Defense Advance Research Project Agent
Defense Advance Research Project Agency

39.What is full form of DRAM ?

Duo Random Access Memory
Dynamic Random Access Memory
Different Random Access Memory
Defacto Random Access Memory

40.What is full form of DSU ?

Digital Service Unit
Digital Security Unit
Digital Service Union
Digital Service Uno

41.What is full form of FM ?

Frequent Modulation
Frequency Modulation
Frequency Method
Frequency Molecules

42.What is full form of FAT ?

Frequent Allocation Table
File Allocated Table
File Allocation Table
File Allocation Theory
43.What is full form of ISDN ?
Integrated Service Digital Network
Intelligent Service Digital Network
Integrated Service Double Network
Integrated Secure Digital Network

44.What is full form of JPEG ?

Joint Photo Electronic Group
Joint Picture Electronic Group
Joint Photo Expert Group
Joint Picture Expert Group

45.What is full form of MODEM ?

Modulation And Demodulation
Modulator And Demodulator
Modulator And Electronic Demodulator
Modulator Or Digital Electronic Demodulator

46.What is full form NOS ?

New Operating System
Network Operating Source
Network Operating System
Network Original System

47.What is full form of OMR ?

Optical Mark Registers
Optical Mark Recognition
Optical Meter Recognition
Oral Mark Recognition

48.What is full form of PSTN ?

Process Switched Telephone Network
Public Switched True Network
Public Serial Telephone Network
Public Switched Telephone Network

49.What is full form of SMTP ?

Simple Mail Transmit Protocol
Smart Mail Transfer Protocol
Smart Mailbox Transfer Protocol
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 50.What is full form of STP ?
Serial Twisted Pair
Shielded Twisted Pair
Shielded Three Pair
Serail Three Pair

51.What is full form of URL ?

Uniform Resource Location
Uniform Resource Locator
Universal Resource Locator
Uniform Retention Locator

52.What us full form of GOOGLE ?

Global Orient Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
Global Orient Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
Global Oriented Of Organization Group Language Of Earth

53.What is full form of VIRUS ?

Vitalise Information Resources Under Siege
Vital Informational Resources Under Siege
Vital Information Resources Under Siege
Vital Information Resources Undead Siege

 54.What is full form of IMEI ?

International Mobile Equipment Information
International Mobile Equipment Identity
International Mobile Educational Identity
International Machine Equipment Identity

55.What is full form of ESN ?

Electronic System Number
Electronic Serial Number
Electronic Serial Network
Equipment Serial Number

56.What is full form of WINDOW ?

Wide interactive Network Development for Office work solution
World interactive Network Development for Office work solution
Wide internet Network Development for Office work solution
Wide interact Network Development for Office work solution

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