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The Book of Stones –

A Book for Prospective Grandmasters

Along the Path of the Septomadry of the Dark Temples of
the Ordo Deorc Eorthe (Order of Dark Earth)

©2008 a.h. (anno horrificus yf) - Shablor

& the Temples of Earth, Anvelin, & Azogth

Book I:
The Stones Are Gathered!
Scene 1 –

“Come on, gather them together, lest we’ll be late!!! Come on!” We were standing on
the large hill mound…within a clearing, with a small lake nearby, within a Circle of Seven
stones…We were gathering and we were visited. “What are you doing here?!?” the Farmer
was saying. We were not saying anything…something awkward happened…Regor grabbed
his dagger and stabbed the farmer in the kidney. He screamed and we went on to muffle his
screams. He was screaming wildly, and Orcara hit him in the head with a stone. “Was that the
Sacred Stone?” Damselin said, and we all laughed wildly…

Scene 2 –

We were driving for an hour, and we came into those mountainous, hilly regions, just
up North. There were several deer grazing on a plain on our left side, and we stopped shortly
to watch them and to discuss them with some members who knew less of the wilds. Then we
got across a broken horse and carriage…Regor stopped over and he asked whether he could
help or not…He was always such a kind, helpful person.

So, there we were…at the road leading somewhere off into the wilds, and we
witnessed several hills unwinding before us, before the low and steep mountains that we had
chosen for our Sacred site. Today we wanted a hilltop that hadn’t been Sanctioned before as
we wanted to create a New Nexion, and we wanted it bare for most rituals, but we had never
conducted a Wedlock or a birthing as there weren’t really any good forested regions in this
area, and to these Rites we would need a clearing with a lake or pond right by. Most of the
crew were External Adepts, but we had one genuine Master, and he was awaiting an Heir with
an Initiate that would probably become a Nexion, although to predictions by this Dark
Mother, which the Master confirmed she would have to be Born in the Devil’s Sign…that is,
September, but we all agreed on that she would possibly have to be a Solaris Gate in the Earth
Gate, which would make her upon this Earth an Heiress, because we had had so much trouble
raising a Nexion in these parts. We had raised a Nexion before, but it was only a Lesser
Nexion, without any Sacrifices. But, one of us were willing to become a Sacrifice to the
greater benefit of the Heiress, which was due in 2,3 months.

Scene 3 –

We tried several locations for the Rituals, but all seemed devoid of Nexial Energy, let
alone devoid of any Ley-Lines or Earth-Gates. But, we kept on looking, and we came across
this scraggly hill, where our Prophetess sensed a certain energy. Regor was the first to yell
out…”Yahoo!!!” so we all started singing and chanting some silly, old, childish, nursery

Regor took out the Temple Implements from two large backpacks, and withdrew the
Sacred Stones from a smaller backpack. We were all set to conduct the necessary Rites in an
hour, but the Sun wouldn’t settle for another 23 minutes, so we sat down and waited…eating
consecrated cakes and tasting the spring water. We laughed and told some silly jokes when
the Mistress clapped her hands and signaled to us to get prepared…

Scene 4 –

“Why don’t any of you say anything???” Regor cried out. “Shh!” the Mistress
alarmed, and the Master pointed towards the direction the Farmer had come…as to signal, the
both of them: “Shh…there might be more!” Then Regor had an idea he told us about
later…”Why don’t we use the Farmer as a Sacrifice for the Greater Nexion?” I checked his
pulse. It was faint but it was alive and kicking! So we took a Sacrifice, and that Greater
Nexion worked well…so well that several of the other hills have seemed to begin to radiate
very favorable Energy…usable for various Rites…the lot of Them!!!

Book II –
Ad Sathanas venio in Inferno!
Scene 1:
We took the Rituals Implements and the Farmer and we went over to another hilltop,
where the Master sensed there would be greater Energies. We sat up the Temple and we
started to conduct the Rite of Earth. About a quarter of an hour the Farmer woke up and the
Master hit him unconscious again. The hilltop brimmed with Energy following the Rite of
Earth and I shouted: “Yeah!” We sat up the Ritual Implements according to the Nexion Rite
and we donned our robes, and were ready to Sacrifice to the Greater Nexion. All went
according to plan and Regor got his kill.

Driving home that day all were very silent until we got to the Master and the Priestess’
adobe. Then we all started to talk wildly. The Mistress ushered us all in. The Master put on a
music cassette with some music made by himself, with some Sinister Chants belonging to the
Order, and we all merrily started to chant. After the music stopped and we had eaten and
drunk Damselin laughed heartily and said…”Yeah, that was good!” Then we all left off…the
corpse being carefully hidden and buried in a crevasse near the mound.

Scene 2 –

I had been Travelling Astrally before the conducting of the Next Rite…a Rite which
was to take the Energy of the Sacrifice into the Astral and disperse it amongst the local
populace. The Rite was the Great Rite of the Stellarium…a Rite intent on invicting Cosmic
War. This time we used a mountain top which was certainly brimming with Energy…
certainly the result of the Sanction of the Rite of the Earth, the Greater Nexion and the
Sacrifice. It had been three months since that last Rite, and the Sky, the hills and the
woodland were somehow more alive. I was glad to be alive in that little town community in
those days, when Regor had his first Sacrifice. Now we knew that our Magic had effect…
Violence increased, more murders happened, and within the next year the System was
overthrown…Things were really going our way, and we regularly performed the Rite of the
Folk and Black Magic to raise the numbers of Masters…the Heir was born and she bloomed
with furious anger. She was becoming a crafty Warrior who was indeed a Nexion, with an
Earth Gate within her own Man’s Gate. Black Masses were performed evenly every year,
with wild, Chaotic and Changing frenzies, and we did more Stellarium Rites than most of us
do even want to remember, even performing an Annual Ceremony of Ostara at Easter, usually
precluded by either a Rite to the Folk, or a Ceremony of Earth…Those were the Happy,
Solemn days…

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