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Global Technical Specification :

Project : CAE

Date : 10/29/2019

From :CGI

For : CAE DAC Monitoring for both R11 and R12 instances

Reference SF :

Change Request :

Version Creation Modification Date Author

1 Initial Draft 29/10/2019 Chocks B

1 PRE-REQUISITE....................................................................................................................................3

2 CISCO VPN connection.........................................................................................................................3

3 VM connection....................................................................................................................................3
4 DAC connection...................................................................................................................................4
5 Execution plan List...............................................................................................................................5
6 Action on Failed Tasks.........................................................................................................................5

 Ensure you are having CISCO VPN client installed in your laptop.
 Get the RNAS access as per the guidelines to connect to the CAE systems
 Ensure you are holding the CAE.CA account to login to the VM for the OBIEE console,
Informatica console and DAC console
 Ensure your keypass has been updated with OBIEE server credentials.

2 CISCO VPN connection

If you are connecting from home, then you have to connect the ERA’s through pulse secure and then
connect to CISCO VPN.

If you are connecting the CISCO VPN from office network, you can connect the same without ERA’s

The password would be your 2-way factor authentication (your 8-digit code followed by the entrust
token values)

3 VM connection
Connect to the server “CAEBIADM2.CAECORP.CAE.COM” for R12 version and Connect to

Connect the above mentioned VM’s with your CAE account (Sample: CAE.CA\abcdef).

If you do not have access, connect with your lead (Daniel / Chocks) to get the approval which will be
followed by the access request.

If this is the first time you are connecting to those VM’s Request you to copy the Desktop from “gbala”
to your desktop. This user holds all the shortcuts required to connect for our support purpose.

4 DAC connection
Double click the shortcut – “DAC Client” in your desktop and you can find the 3 environment (Dev, SIT &
PRD) that has been already configured with the user id and password which has been in saved mode.

Alert: Do not remove the “Remember password”

After login if you see the right hand side of the DAC is as shown below, means there are some tasks still
running in DAC systems for the execution plan.

5 Execution plan List

For the R12 production, below are the execution plans which will run as daily basis.

Sample is as mentioned above which got completed without any failure. There are 17 execution plan
runs for the day which has been scheduled from 19:00 hours MTL time.

6 Action on Failed Tasks

When there are any failures in either of these execution plans, follow the below action plan

1. If the execution plan is still running apart from failure of one task or couple of tasks, request you
to validate as mentioned below.
a. Select the execution plan which got failed and in the below screen select the tab “Tasks”
and select the Failed in the drop down list as mentioned below.

b. If there are any issues in either in drop index or create index, check the DAC log for the
issue. If the task got failed in Informatica action, just have a re-start of the DAC if the
DAC is not in running status. If the DAC is showing running status, wait for all the action
to get complete for your re-start.

c. If the second run also errored out, then validate the workflow or session log through
workflow monitor.

User name as “admin” and password as “oracle11g”.

Click “Connect”

Sample, I have taken the session log for ProjectRevenueLine_Fact.

Search for Error and then we have to act accordingly.


a. If the error pertains to the Database issue, we need to identify the issue and clear those.
During our regular shift create the RCA and find the permanent solution or a workaround for
the issue.

b. If the issue is timed out or a network issue, test the Informatica connectivity from DAC
console and re-run the execution plan once the Informatica connectivity is success.

c. If the issue is with the duplication of Data or other data related errors, we may need to
connect to OBIEE support team to clear the conflict and then re-run the execution plan or
we may need to mark that particular task alone as complete (this should get approved by
the business since there would be gap in the data if you mark the particular task as

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